Killing God Island

Chapter 2285: Section C 56 bomb flying creatures, let you die before you see them.

A ray of light flashed through Ye Minyu's subconscious avoidance, but his shoulder was stabbed with a knife. At the same time as the blood was flowing out, he also saw the outline of this little bald head through sunshine music, the knife in his body subconsciously, the other hand also He drew out the machete and slashed straight ahead.

There seemed to be nothing in the front, and a knife of red blood spattered directly. Ye Minyu didn't know where it was. In short, the blood sprayed her face, and followed the body of the little bald head and fell to the ground. The place where the blood spurted was his neck. Soon after he fell to the ground, a pool of blood on the ground was also stained red.

Ye Minyu got a stab in the shoulder, but he didn't give the little bald head any chance to fight back. Immediately after he slashed the opponent's head directly with a stab, he began to search for the map metal pieces on his body.

Ye Minyu didn't care about the pain in her shoulder and wanted to find this thing immediately. When she found it, the whole person sat on the ground, covering her wound, and now he can handle the wound with peace of mind.

This little bald head really didn't expect that he would die in Area C. Originally, he thought he could leave the island with his wisdom, but he was not as good as the sky, and his plan did not change fast. He even died ahead of the rest of his team.

Of course, in addition to the little bald head that Ye Minyu solved, the rest of the team was also solved one by one by the rest of Chen Tian. Ye Minyu solved the problem of being a team wise man like him, and the rest rely on their own. Kill whoever is found by your luck.

So they were quickly killed several people. The first person in their team was a cute girl. This girl was the blaster in this team. Normal team members would not exist anymore. It's not very useful, but don't underestimate this kind of blaster, this girl not only designs all kinds of bomb traps, but can also match her own abilities to make these bombs carry life.

To be honest, the girl’s strength is not weak at all, and it can make the surrounding bombs grow into wings and fly in the air, and has her own life form, able to follow his orders to attack and stand by. This ability is quite good, and this girl Being able to live for so long wasn't because others saw her as cute and didn't kill her.

There is no such thing as pity and jade on this island, or to say that you will not kill you if you are cute, or if you are handsome but will not beat you on the head. Here are all criminals from all countries. People who have been genetically strengthened and invested on this island can basically have no conscience and kindness here.

The survival of the fittest here is entirely based on interests. It doesn’t matter whether your appearance is good or not, whether it is useful for you, this girl just happens to be a relatively good long and very powerful one, so She can live to this day and has nothing to do with her appearance.

She herself has a certain strength, but unfortunately, sometimes her strength is on the one hand, and following the team is also on the other. Her luck is also on the one hand, when two of the three aspects are weak. , Even if this person's strength is outstanding, she deserves to die, this is a form of survival on this island.

There are many strong people, but many strong people die before they can go that far. So the people who can come here are not all top-level people, but the point is that those who can live to the present are absolutely All have their own advantages and luck. First of all, the team must be selected.

On the basis of selecting a good team, it also depends on which team to fight with. This is related to luck. Now their team meets Chen Tian and his group. They are enemies with Chen Tian team. Naturally, they can't fight head-on. , Just like Chen Tian and the others, they are so strong now that they will basically not be at a disadvantage if they fight a team battle.

After all, their team is already quite strong now, but if their team meets the group led by Kuang Qi, then Chen Tian and his team's result must be annihilation. There is no doubt about this, which means that a good team is selected. It can make you safer, but the battle between the team and the team depends on what team and level people are fighting.

In this way, the team will not end in the end. When both parties do not know the details of the other team, this is related to their own luck. A team with good luck can naturally destroy a team with poor luck, so I want to be here. There is really a certain pattern to be found for survival on the island.

If people can’t change things, they must adapt to things in order to survive. Otherwise, like extinct creatures eliminated by nature for thousands of years, failure to integrate is doomed to failure, and failure will disappear in this world. The laws of nature are exactly the same as the way of survival on this inhumane Killing God Island.

Those who can adapt live, those who cannot adapt die. People who understand this truth are still working hard to live, and those who don’t understand have their bodies turned into bones. This is the Island of Killing God. Killing is so simple, but survival needs constant change. Strong truth, if you are not strong, it means that the next person to die is you.

Everyone wants to survive and become stronger. If you do not become stronger, the next person to die must be this person. So the team that can be met in Area C, even if they are simple and lovely, they must not be on the surface. It's that simple, so this girl who looks very cute.

He is not as innocent as it seems on the surface. At the same time she feels the enemy approaching at the same time, she first sends these bomb creatures under her control to explore. If traces of the enemy are found, these bombs will follow the person infinitely. , Until it hits this person and detonates.

The tiny bomb creatures can make the attacking opponents nowhere to hide, and they can't even attack them completely. When they hit the enemy, they will explode. The power of this explosion is not small. It can easily take half of a person. The body was blown up, so under her appearance, there was also a murderous personality hidden.

This tiny bomb creature, under the control of her exclusive ability, is swarming in the direction of the enemy she feels ahead. The number is like a mist. The small bombs she makes are very small, which can match her own abilities. The enemy had been killed by her before she saw her position.

These densely packed flying bombs all flew past his perceptual position. Immediately after the sound of an explosion, a thick smoke billowed in front of him, seeming to be successful, and the sudden energy fluctuations of the explosion covered the enemy. The energy fluctuates, but so many bomb creatures attack, if the opponent does not die, these bombs will not all blow up.

So she walked straight forward step by step. She was very courageous. After all, the girl who can live on this island for so long, and the girl who killed so many people, is different from the natural aura of ordinary little girls. Stepping into the explosion range of billowing smoke, the explosion just finished here, and the smoke was everywhere so that she could only use her perception ability to detect a few meters away.


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