Killing God Island

Chapter 301: Don't forget the appointment!

Ling Zifeng finished this sentence, directly turned one foot and one foot across the leg sweep, this time gave U Dean a kind of blackness around him, but U Dean also kicked him with the same trick.

But what she did not expect was that when she clearly kicked the blow she was about to kick, Ling Zifeng disappeared instantly.

And Mrs. Udian’s kick was also directly kicked out. She had just kicked the empty kick, and just before she reacted, Ling Zifeng, who suddenly appeared from behind, immediately got her head off, and she had no head. The body still stood still, but it was awkward to look at her body from this perspective, but Mrs. Udian did not know that her head was already in the hands of Ling Zifeng.

When she realized this, she suddenly shouted: "Am I dead? Did you cut off my head?"

She didn't feel any pain at all, only that her head was buzzing at this time. It wasn't the neck that was cut off, but the head was swollen and painful at the moment, and suddenly there was a piercing sound in her ear. Immediately following the surrounding scenes began to disappear.

When Mrs. Judean opened her eyes again, the scene around herself was still the same place. Angelina and the rest of the people talking next to her, and Ling Zifeng standing in front of him, and she had no head. Seen down, what just happened is like a dream.

"Is that just an illusion?"

"It's not an illusion but hypnosis. You just regained my hypnosis, so you just lost, but I'm afraid you won't accept it. This time we really fight, I don't need hypnosis, you don't need Heavenly Tribulation." Ling Zifeng, In a very low voice, these words were spoken in Mrs. Udian’s ear, and Angelina and Xu Shun also shouted: "When do you want to play Tai Chi, wasting us more than half an hour, then So we can leave, after all, no one wasted time meaninglessly."

"Okay, let's start playing, this time you have to be serious!" Ling Zifeng ran directly to her this time, the sprint did not directly jump, the two were not far away from each other, and they ran two steps about ten meters each. Basically meet each other

The tacit understanding between the two was very high. While Ling Zifeng jumped, U Dean also jumped and the two wanted to go together. They actually jumped and kicked out such a similar movement, but immediately followed the landing. Dean just turned around and kicked, just kicking on Ling Zifeng who landed later. This kick directly kicked Ling Zifeng down.

Ling Zifeng actually made her kick deliberately, and now with so many eyes staring at their battle, he does not pay attention to his strengths and weaknesses' views on the rest of his teammates.

He is not the kind of person who really wants to highlight himself on the team, but he is indeed a person who is good at details and attentive to seeing and watching, and sees the character of others very accurately, for example, he sees that Angelina likes Chen Tian, Yao Jun is jealous and has a good face, Chen Tianhao is so cool and pure, and so on. Ling Zifeng was very open in dealing with people when he was very young, and never put on a shelf. This time he joined Chen Tian's gang, mainly to appreciate Chen Tian's character.

So he can see that Mrs. Youdian is very good-faced, so Ling Zifeng will always be hit by Mrs. Youdian except for some very strong attacks, and she will also pretend Very exaggerated expression, and many steps back deliberately.

This of course also made Mrs. Udian feel it, so she swept her legs three times in a row and kicked each other at close range to have a confidential conversation with Ling Zifeng: "Are you deliberately making me?"

"Intentionally making you an insult to you, but you can't beat me, it's true!" Ling Zifeng said this seriously.

"Why do you think? You think I am the same as you were hypnotized?"

"I have to say that you are really strong, but I will defeat you in three strokes, but you have to remember your agreement."

"What agreement?"

"Isn't it so forgetful?" Ling Zifeng glanced at Mrs. Youdian, of course, she came to understand, and smiled slightly: "If you win me, I will consider it. After all, it is not good to be handsome. I like men who are more capable than me, so that I feel more secure."

After the two men played three strokes, Judean and Ling Zifeng compared their strength with each other, but the main thing was that the two were talking to each other.

"Then your husband didn't give you this sense of security?"

"He once gave it, or I won't be his woman, so if you want to soak me, first let me agree with your strength."

Ling Zifeng put a little force on both hands and directly pushed Madam Udian to a distance of more than one meter, followed him and ran and jumped with a punch. Although this punch is powerful, it is also what Madam Udian can withstand. Within the range, but its effect makes Angelina and others instantly marvel.

Because of the amazing strength of this punch, from the top to the bottom, while Mrs. Udian's hands were blocked upward, the ground collapsed instantaneously, and there was a very serious crack in the surrounding ground. The huge resistance caused a hurricane, which made Anji Lina couldn't open her eyes at all for a while.

When this momentum had passed, I saw that Ling Zifeng had fallen to the ground, and it seemed that he had lost. But what happened was exactly the opposite of what Angelina saw them. After this punch, Ling Zifeng flew up and fell straight with a straight punch. Mrs. Youdian hit her face, but at this time, Mrs. Youdian who was stunned with her arms was just too late to escape, but Ling Zifeng deliberately missed, and the airflow of this fist will blow the rock wall ahead. Hitting boulders slipped

While the airflow filled the smoke, Ling Zifeng suddenly hugged the scared and dumb Mrs. Youdian and whispered into her ear: "If we meet earlier, I will not only give you the security you always wanted The sense will also give you a very fulfilling sense of happiness, because you are a very attractive woman."

After listening to Mrs. Youdian, she suddenly turned red. She shyly bowed her head and was directly kissed by Ling Zifeng, but Mrs. Youdian did not resist at all. Instead, she hugged him and held a long kiss for a full minute. .

When she left her tongue, she succeeded in gaining the heart of Yu Di'an's wife. She stared at Ling Zifeng reluctantly. At this time, she saw Ling Zifeng everywhere, and the smoke and mist gradually subsided. Ling Zifeng also said to him: " There is no need to fight anymore, you won this time, but I want to continue this agreement, is it okay?"

Udian nodded silently: "Well! Of course it can, but it also depends on the situation. You should understand that after all, I have a husband."

"You can rest assured, I am a decent person." After he said this, he fell directly to the ground, pretending to faint.

And the scene that the rest of the people saw later was just this scene. Angelina also said to Ye Minyu and Xu Shun: "I didn't expect that this kid really had two lives. I thought he knew medical skills. Although it is in the hands of this woman, it may be stronger than me."

Xu Shun asked a little unknowingly: "Why are you so blushing?"

Mrs. Udian immediately replied with a slightly angry expression: "Are you tired of playing with others for so long, don't you get tired? Don't ask those boring things, now I'm a little tired, and today I won't teach you personally, you practice first Practice, there are a lot of equipment for you to practice your arm strength and various combat skills. There are shooting targets behind the yard. If you want to practice the marksmanship, you can practice yourself. You don’t have to think about what you want to shoot. You have a lot."

After she said this, she said to Xu Shun and Wu Yifan: "Wake up Yao Jun who was knocked out by me, and let him reflect on exactly what stage his combat power is in, and whether it is worthy of his status as captain, and also"

Mrs. Udian said that this paused and her expression suddenly changed, but no one noticed. In fact, she was very happy at this time. She pointed to Ling Zifeng who was lying on the ground and said: "This person has just been stunned by me. , I may have received a serious injury and carried him into my room. I’m going to heal him. The two of you are guarding within a kilometer outside my room. Do not allow anyone to come in and understand?"

Xu Shun and Wu Yifan nodded and carried Ling Zifeng into Mrs. You Di'an's room. After the two of them went out, Ling Zifeng also stood up: "No one can bother us now."

Judean whispered in a slightly red face: "I hate not to say so directly, there are two people outside, so you should be quieter!"

Silly Qiang, who is thousands of kilometers away from his home, has killed all these people who dared to provoke, without leaving a living mouth.

On the way of Silly Qiang preparing to go home, he suddenly thought of a woman, who was not only very beautiful but also very dressed, she was very bold and she had a crescent moon in her hand. In fact, she was the weapon of the sickle of death. Sending combatants is not just as simple as a full member. It is the upper-level leader of the cadre. One of the eight fighters of the southern school is cold and innocent. It was originally unknown. Because the **** was obviously named by the boss, the character is that. A murderous and merciless female killer.

The woman looked at Silly Qiang directly: "You silly man, is the eldest son of Kim Carrey silly?"

Silly Qiang immediately nodded with a smirk: "Yeah yeah, I didn't expect you to know not only my dad, but also me. You look so pretty, this young lady."

"I was praised by a fool, it seems that I am indeed too beautiful, ha ha ha ha ha" She laughed with her hands on her hips.

Immediately followed by Silly Qiang and asked directly: "Miss, why do you wear so little to walk the night road, the night road wind conference is very cold, and how do you fart. Share. Long. Chest. Up?"

"Idiot that's not fart. Share!" She burst into flames. How could a fool like you appreciate this thing? Today I wanted to visit your father, but I met you halfway, just then you can lead the way It's getting dark all day long. At this time, when I met the beast or caught the trap set by Jim Carrey, I was miserable. I wanted to go back to tomorrow and didn't expect luck to be so good.

Silly Qiang asked, dumbfounded, "Do you want to go to my house?"

"Yes! I'm going to your house and show me the way quickly." Wuhen's temper is very humorous. After all, she is also very capable of fighting. Otherwise, if she doesn't have the guts to go alone, she dares to go alone. There are definitely two brushes.

Silly Qiang looked at Wuhen after hearing it, then pouted and said, "It can be, but you have to promise me one thing."

"what's up?"

"Let me kiss you!"

"I. Hey are you a fool?"

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