Killing God Island

Chapter 31: sealed with a kiss

But he didn't take a few steps and stepped on the machine. The surrounding ground collapsed instantly, and the two brothers and sisters fell directly from the top. This distance is very high and the bottom is full of pointed objects. Falling will definitely die.

At this moment, the handsome brother even abandoned the ceramic toilet that had been carried on his shoulders, grabbed the rock wall with his left hand, and grabbed his sister's hand directly with his right hand. The sound of broken ceramic was heard under the brother and sister. The crackling sound.

The younger sister looked at his brother affectionately and asked, "Brother! That's the toilet used by your favorite goddess. I didn't expect you to abandon it to save me!"

"Fool! You are my most important sister. I can give up anything for you. How can a toilet be precious compared to your safety?"


While pulling hard, he stepped on the wall and bounced up a few times. At the same time, his sister's skill was also very good. With the help of his brother, he stepped on the rock wall in the air and recovered his side. At the same time, the two in the air, like a stunt performer, lift each other's body.

Only two or three brothers and sisters easily came up from below, and the younger sister just fell out of safety and threw up: "Brother, you are so good to me, I love you!"

My brother's impatient hands blocked her hug: "Got it! Got it! Don't lean too close, so we are in danger together again!"

Chen Tian opened his eyes and saw the scene for the first time. It turned out to be all naked. She was lying on a huge stone block, and the other women were sitting around in a shaggy dress, wondering what they were talking about.

Chen Tian suddenly sat up and asked, "Hey! What did you do to me when I was in a coma?" Chen Tian covered her chest with exaggerated hands, and then drooled with open mouth and said, "Please Don’t treat me like this when I’m in a coma, please come here when I’m awake!"

Angelina gave Chen Tian a face-off in the past: "The beauty you want! We just dived into the water to take refuge, and our clothes are all dried to make you worse!" After Sveida's translation, Chen Tiancai Know that this is the case.

At this time, Han Li, wearing cute glasses, was helping Chen Tian to bake clothes by the fire. Several other women were busy baking their clothes. The original 8-woman women’s team plus Angelina and Chen Tian together 10 people now only 8 people left.

In addition to Chen Tian and Angelina, there are cute Chinese glasses sister Han Li, blonde and blue-eyed beauty Julia Poki, short-haired beauty Rena, plus Ge Feiya and Xi Wen, as well as Angelina 8 people who translated the language of Svida!

After about ten minutes, Han Li came to Chen Tian holding Chen Tian's clothes: "Your clothes are dry and put on!"

Chen Tian looked at Han Li smiling at him, and even put a styling on both hands, Chen Tian's styling immediately caused all the females to vomit.

Angelina said directly: "Hey! Are you as thin as a monkey and dare to pose?"

Blond-haired and blue-eyed beauties said slightly: "Are all Chinese men as thin as you?"

The short-haired beauty Rena also added on the side: "The whole body has no advantages at all. You are really a failed work. The long and handsome body is not good, and even the advantages of being a man are not outstanding... .. Hey you are too failed!" Rena shook her head again and again

Ge Feiya and Xi Wen also smiled and called Chen Tian the captain of the ribs team. Sweida did not vomit, but she directly made an amazing action, only to see that she took off the sportswear jacket she was wearing. , Actually showing a strong muscle.

Before Sveta entered the island, she was a female fitness instructor. I saw that she also took the same posture as Chen Tian. I saw that the muscles on her back muscles and shoulders were very obvious, and even block muscles could be seen in the abdominal muscles.

Chen Tian's face flushed suddenly, and his figure didn't even have the muscles of a girl. He immediately put on his clothes in embarrassment, and then sighed repeatedly: "I didn't expect this woman to have a muscle, no wonder she has such small fat on the chest. Now!"

Just when Chen Tian was laughing and joking, the ground suddenly shook violently: "Is it an earthquake?" Chen Tian immediately stood up. At the same time, Chen Tian also found that the rock wall above Angelina's head collapsed and a lot of rubble The huge stone wall was smashed towards the top of Angelina's head. Chen Tianer said nothing and threw Angelina aside.

The location of the landslide above is exactly the position of the brother and sister’s landslide. The stones and ceramic toilet fragments that just fell from the landslide directly fell down after smashing the sharp objects. The gravel contains the boulders and sharp steel thorns on the top of the rock wall All hit Angelina.

A huge burst of dust suddenly made the surroundings completely covered with smoke. The surrounding smoke and dust only made some silhouettes visible. At this time, Chen Tian was pressing on Angelina. Chen Tian did not expect Angelina to be a little loli. You can feel the soft elastic texture even if you press it under your body. Chen Tian also threw her down to save her in anxiety. If Angelina had already beaten Chen Tian for a while, but this time she did not do it at all Just staring at Chen Tian all the time, Chen Tian was embarrassed to stare and wanted to get up directly.

But a piece of stone that is not small in size just pressed Chen Tian’s right leg joint, making Chen Tian’s movements of thinking up to half, because his inertial body tilted down again, at this time Angelina Actually made the action that made Chen Tian suddenly ignorant.

This action also made Chen Tian froze instantly, because Angelina took the initiative to support the ground with both hands, let her upper body rise slightly and kissed directly on Chen Tian's lips: "You... "" Chen Tian's eyes widened and looked at Angelina who was face to face at this time.

After Angelina removed her lips, she whispered in the froze Chen Tian's ear: "This is your reward for saving me!" Although Chen Tian could not understand what Angelina was talking about, at this time, his basic brain There was a short circuit because it was his first kiss so big that he hadn’t kissed the girl.

Especially because of the strong kiss by the girl, this made Chen Tian petrified. The whole body was stiff and motionless. Because the dust around was too large, everyone did not see the scene just now. When the smoke dissipated, everyone saw it. Angelina slapped the picture on Chen Tian's face.

"How long are you going to be stunned? Don't hurry up, how long are you going to crush me?" Chen Tian is a little bit circumscribed now, so he heard Angelina saying to let him get up, and he forgot to put his leg on the stone again. .

So he leaned over to Angelina as before, but this time Angelina punched him in the face when he turned upside down: "You idiot! Don't give me a inch!"

After the help of the rest of the people, the stone that pressed Chen Tian’s legs was removed, but Chen Tian’s foot temporarily made him inconvenient to walk. If the average person might propose to rest and recuperate here, but because there is only one male, Chen Tian, ​​here He has no human rights in the team.

Moreover, this place has just collapsed. It is difficult to guarantee that it will not collapse again. It is very dangerous to stay here for an extra minute, so Chen Tian did not object to their proposal and followed the women with injuries.

Angelina walked at the front to lead the team, and Chen Tian and Han Li walked at the end, because Han Li has been supporting Chen Tian. After all, except that both of them are Chinese, Chen Tian always carried Han Li around Running to help her a lot, at this time Han Li naturally automatically made Chen Tian's crutches.

Except for Angelina who felt that the spectacles girl was somewhat mysterious, everyone else felt that the Chinese spectacles girl had no fighting ability at all. Her previous occupation before she entered the island was still a nurse, and the other few women were all prisoners before they entered the island.

In this way, they walked straight along the rock wall channel, and the brothers and sisters on the other side turned from the other end of the rock wall to this side after groping.

At the bifurcated intersection, Chen Tian and others who were turning at the intersection met with the brothers and sisters who turned at the other end. Both sides stopped when they saw each other.

"Oh? Brother, we haven't eaten for a day. I'm hungry. I didn't expect to let us see the prey!" It was the sister of the brother and sister who spoke.

"Actually, I'm hungry too. Although I don't want to eat human flesh, I can only take you as food in order to live." After saying this sentence, this handsome and handsome brother walked directly in the direction of Angelina ahead.

Angelina's expression is also sinking: "Do you mean to kill us as food?"

This handsome and abnormal brother nodded and stood in front of the women, looking at them from the left, right, up and down. "You guys want to fight, do it, what do you want to see?" Anji Lina angered in a fighting pose.

This handsome man shook his finger at Angelina: "It's not you, it's not you! You are too small and there is no meat to save you a life. Our brother and sister are only here to survive and will not kill you all. So give up the resistance."

After he said this, he walked directly in the direction of the blond-eyed and blue-eyed Julia Portage, and while walking around with his arms looking like he was doing a warm-up, what he did not expect was that the woman also had some skills. With both hands to guard against his attack, Julia Poki said with a smile: "Do you mean you want to kill me for dinner?"

The handsome brother with a beautiful face and a smile on the corner of his mouth said: "You are right, you are the most standard figure here, and it should be the most fragrant to eat evenly!"

"Really? If you want to eat me, I think it's more suitable to go to bed. Go to bed. Old. Niang. Also killed a lot of people, but haven't killed such a handsome person like you." Zhu After finishing this sentence, Lia Boqi rushed towards him with two daggers.

Julia Portie's knife may be effective if it kills ordinary people, but it is too pediatric in front of this handsome man. He didn't even avoid it. He just caught his hand and caught Julia Portage's wrist. He took a step forward while breaking Julia Portage's arm with her knife behind her.

"Ah! Sisters, save me!"

While Julia Portage's arm was bent, she pinched her broken hand again behind her, stretched her leg and kneeled her calf directly on the ground.

Angelina and Xiwen just wanted to go forward to rescue Julia Poki, but they were directly blocked by the sister of the brother and sister: "You two are better not to intervene! My brother only kills one, if any of you dare to intervene in me Brother's battle, I let her die in front of me first!"

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