Killing God Island

Chapter 315: Night Warfare

But when she was about to go out, she was punched directly in the abdomen by the big hand suddenly put out. When she took off in the air, she was picked up by Ye Feng in the air.

After landing, Ling Zifeng was really handsome, making Judean full of joy: "He is really handsome and handsome and impeccable."

Ling Zi Feng Feng put down U Dean handsomely and said: "These people are handed over to me."

After he finished speaking, he got up and put on his coat and walked to the front door. Unexpectedly, he walked to the position he had just turned out to be exactly the same trick. It was just because Udian had no defense.

Ling Zifeng suddenly stood on one side, and was still worried that Ling Zifeng would be injured. How could this guy be stronger than me? He could instantly avoid a blow that I didn't avoid just now, he could escape so easily, only Seeing Lingzi turn around quickly, followed Lingzifeng by sweeping the legs, and directly swept down the three people. Before the three people could react, he was caught by Lingzifeng. This speed was so fast that even Yudian could not see it. clear

This time, Yu Di'an really believed that Ling Zifeng said that my strength is stronger than you, but at this time she had another doubt in her heart, what is Ling Zifeng's identity? His strength is not like the ability to exist in this area, and he still comes from the u area and does not know how to go in the advanced area. Presumably he is not a strong man from the special area. So why did he fight me at first At that time, I could use my tricks in the form of sky-tribulation and also make me hallucinate. He can hypnotize me, which means that he is at least twice as strong as me. Normal hypnotism cannot make the gene strengthen more than People who are several times human are easily hypnotized, because all external interference will be resolved by their own superior number of barrels of human genes, but he can easily hypnotize me, and...

And Udian looked at the six people falling around him as if it were as simple as hanging a novice in front of him. Udian did not think that these people were novices, but he almost solved one in front of him. It’s called a spike, so Judean is not only fascinated by his male charm, but is also tempted by his strength, because his strength is really a fan, and at this time Jin Kairui is also fighting against the intruder, the most exaggerated It's just that these people angered Silly Qiang who was sleeping fast.

Silly Qiang's strength is definitely a super-horrible strength at the level of a bull. Once it breaks out, it will be a terrible thing, but Silly Qiang's character has always been good, but he hates others disturbing him while he is sleeping. Because he loves to sleep lazy since he was a child, even though he has grown up but his IQ hasn't grown much, he still likes to sleep very much. This originally sleeping fool is so stupid that he didn’t pay attention to these people sneaking in until three people When he came in, he approached quietly, and stabbed him directly with a dagger. Although Silly Qiang was a fool, he didn’t hurt until the pain. These three knives were stuck on his body. When he hurt, he immediately got up and punched. The fist actually miraculously hit a little handsome guy. He was blown out of the house in an unfortunate moment, and the distance of the fly was super terrible. I am afraid that his name will be lost if he does not want it. Into disability.

If Silly Qiang is not a tall man with a big body and a thick skin, the three important parts pierced by these three people are enough to kill Silly Qiang instantly. One of the knives still pierces his heart. The whole body of the knife was pierced into it, but it is a pity that the body of the knife is still a few millimeters short. In the instant, three people who attacked him directly killed one person, and the remaining two were just scared to retreat. Before they ran, they were stupidly fisted for a round of fists. The crackling sounded like the flies. The two were swept away by a direct punch, and the wall next to him was a force that directly stacked the two against the wall. The outburst and the roar roared and the birds in the forest were scattered.

At the same time, Gu Siniang in the sedan lifted the sedan curtain: "What was the sound just now? Was it from a beast or a person?"

"This kind of powerful roar, I guess right. In the whole t zone, only stupid Qiang alone can make the roar so scary." It was here that suddenly a person flew over the sky, and this person was just punched by Fang Qiang. The man who went out.

Gu Siniang looked at the men flying out and asked: "I'm going! As for such an exaggeration? Give my men flying so far?"

"Sister Gu is stupid, but she is very powerful and very brave. The average person can't beat him, so I don't think we need to compete with a fool, just find some people who run fast and lead him away, as long as The rest of the people who are not stupid here should not be able to pose a threat to us." Gu Siniang originally planned to kill all the people inside, but when she saw the amazing explosive power of stupidity, and flying so many hands to herself, she followed science fiction. In the same situation as the movie, she had to make Gu Siniang reflect on her. At this time, she was comparing herself with this stupid girl. Obviously, she came to the conclusion that she could not beat this stupid girl, so Leng Wuhen's suggestion, Gu Si Niang thought that this method was very good, so she ruled out the few of his men who moved the fastest to carry out the purpose of procrastination.

At this time, it was officially three more days. When the night was bright, Gu Siniang and Leng Wuhen finally decided to go into battle personally, and it seems that the people in the situation did not go well. In order to completely wipe out the Jin Kairui family, Gu Siniang took Another three hundred handsome guys and Leng Wuzhen directly broke into the house.

The mirror inside has been in the eyes of everyone for several years, and I saw that the more than 200 people who have just entered are still alive and there are less than thirty, and many of them have been seriously injured and dying. This scene is really unacceptable to Gu Siniang. Originally, after she let her men touch 200 people to be pioneers, each time she was a push door and the next one was immortal, and the enemies were basically corpses everywhere.

This time Gu Siniang still took off the front door as usual. Although the scene of the eyes was also covered with corpses, these corpses were all under his own hands, and the dead ones were all handsome and handsome. This made Gu Siniang How could she not be furious, she looked up at Kim Carrie: "You are so powerful, you have almost all of my more than 200 people under less than ten minutes by one person. It seems that I really look down upon is you."

Jin Kairui smiled and said, "Who am I? It was Gu Siniang, but you shouldn't be looking for me to chat with you, but your men do have some skills, but it's a pity that this time I occupied There are also many masters here, so I just want to say that your point is too memorable, and it is very likely that you will never see the sun in the daytime tomorrow, so take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the moon!"

But Kim Carey is indeed right. With him alone, it is really impossible to kill so many people in such a short period of time. Even if he can beat these people, it will not take them all in ten minutes. Therefore, in order to thank Chen Tian and his help, he directly said: "It's really hard for everyone today, just because you don't want to improve your combat effectiveness? Don't you think this is a good opportunity?"

At this time, Chen Tianzheng looked at the front with an exaggerated expression. Of course, when Chen Tian was very excited when he wanted to fight, the expression would involuntarily reveal a very exaggerated expression, giving people a very annoying as if provoking each other. It feels like Xu Shun is standing on the left of Chen Tian, ​​Ling Zifeng is on the right, Angelina and Ye Minyu are standing in the middle of Chen Tian’s rear, Mrs. You Di'an is next to Ling Zifeng, and there is Jin Kairui Very advanced Yao Jun and Wu Yifan.

Silly Qiang is not here at this time because he has already been led away. Gu Siniang looked at Jin Kairui and said, "I don’t know where you are looking for these crooked melons and dates. You saw all my people around here. You have two choices, the first is death, the second is death."

"Isn't that a choice?" Jin Kairui said arrogantly, with a slightly yin and yang tone. At the same time, Gu Siniang's eyes were slightly a meter, and his expression was slightly murderous. "Of course there are choices. You can choose to die!" She finished the sentence and waved her hand directly. This is the legendary statement that more people bully you and fewer people.

With this wave of her hand, she saw everyone around her rushing up, followed by Chen Tian's group and Jin Kairui, each posing for a battle, and Chen Tian even pulled out the silver dragon stick and took the lead to rush forward, followed closely The latter is Jin Kairui, Angelina, Xu Shun and others, but Ling Zifeng comes to the one without slowness and he only defends without attacking. There is no intention of highlighting how strong he is, and Youdian also sees him. 'S intention, so Udian didn't rush forward, but back-to-back with Ling Zifeng one after another, which gave a very matching couple picture.

Judging from the appearance, Yu Di'an is definitely a beauty level among the beauties, and although Ling Zifeng's appearance can't be called particularly handsome, at least it's not ugly and his body is also very good with Yu Di'an. The two told the truth back to back. The contrast of her height with her husband makes people look very uncoordinated and has a very awkward feeling, and Jin Kairui is not moist. She wears high heels in front of outsiders. The first is that she wants to Make yourself shorter, and the second reason is that your wife is too beautiful to be stared at by the next king.

But Kim Carey may have never imagined that if the house thief is hard to guard against, the next old Lao Ling (Ling Zifeng) would steal it, but at present his green hat is still invisible, because Kim Carey does not know his two. In fact, the weapon that Kim Carey also used, took out his three-leaf tail blade and the people in front of it in a true sense of the killing ring, because there are more people in front, and there are also weapons in the wound, so Chen Tian and Kim Carey They also took out their weapons very consciously, and did not pretend that they wanted to put all these people down with their fists and feet, but what they are currently trapped in is a state of 502 siege. Although they have just killed more than 100 people, There are more than 200 people, but there are more than 300 people left!

Moreover, the strength of these more than three hundred people is several grades better than those who have just been pioneers, but in the face of the super attack of Chen Tian and Jin Kairui, they are obviously crushed by the two's position and strength instantly. Siniang said directly to Leng Wuzhen beside her: "In addition to the ugly and one-eyed dragon man of Kim Carey, he is also very strong,"

"Sister Gu is right, this man has saved me, so please hand him over to me!"

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