Killing God Island

Chapter 321: The real master of the three battles at night

But later she was also released by Chen Tian, ​​so Chen Tian was regarded as the indirect initiator of this incident.

So he raised his hand and scratched his hair and asked: "I let you go, it seems to be wrong. Since the matter started from you, Chen Tian finished this sentence and walked towards her with a fist.

At the same time, the entire body is gradually evolving upwards towards the arm by the finger of his fist. Although the speed is not as fast as before, the color of his red child state is more red than before, even red as a real flame, and the body also emits There was steam like steam.

If the hot air enters the body without being excreted in time, it will be absorbed by the body, so that the clothes will be scalded by high temperature. Since Chen Tianyou was unable to control the state of the red child at the beginning, he can now fully control autonomous control. This process He experienced a very long time, but in the process of this transformation, he also found out many of his previous shortcomings. Among them, this conversion airflow was gradually discovered by him. As long as the heat flow is excluded, his clothes will not be affected. In any impact, Chen Tian has changed from the initial violent state, unable to control his own main consciousness, and has become able to use this trick flexibly. Now he can not only use the red child state flexibly, but also use the exclusive blood of the God Eater Constitution The boundary is just that although his blood boundary can control the blood in his body, he cannot attack with blood.

So knowing that the woman is not weak, Chen Tian wanted to fight with her quickly, so Chen Tian directly became a child, and as she walked towards her step by step, she became faster and faster almost In the eyes of others, you can see that he has not taken two steps towards Wuwuhen, and the whole person disappeared instantly. When he appeared, he came to Lengwuhen. Lengwuhen didn't even know that Chen Tian actually had Such a strength, when she discovered Chen Tian’s true strength, she could only cross her hands and fetch Chen Tian’s fist in an instant. Chen Tian’s fist happened to hit the middle of the cold and seamless arms, and the strength will be instantly cold. No trace popped for dozens of meters. The cold no trace in the air only saw a red light flashing in front of my eyes. This red light is a red phantom that Chen Tian ran past.

Leng Wuhen adjusted his body, kicked directly in the air, Chen Tian directly blocked her leg with her left hand, and grasped her ankle tightly with her right hand. Slammed hard against the ground, cold and unseen, directly supporting the ground with a bang, the ground appeared two layers of invisible airflows centered on the two, these airflows are generally caused by the two forces competing with each other to produce the airflow fluctuations, and The other half is that the two of them have the powerful energy of the body. This energy can control some of the weak gas fields around them. However, when the two of them use different frequencies of energy, they will cause suction. This kind of suction does not double the power of the two people, and it will cause one person to be sucked by another person, so this time also depends on who has the greater energy in the body.

Chen Tian is surrounded by a mass of red energy gas, and cold and innocent is surrounded by a layer of faint transparent body. His own independent airflow is generating strong suction through the normal airflow and the other airflow. Both of them are struggling to pose People who want to **** the other party and just want to watch the duel of the two people who are just casual. At this time, the people who are caused by this airflow are tightly attached to each other like a magnet, even squeezed in the middle. The squeezed internal organs and bones were crushed by the people on both sides, and the whole body was squeezed relentlessly. This kind of death method is really very suffocating, but they have no choice because Chen Tian and Leng Wuhen Who is bigger in the aura of the competition?

Soon five minutes passed, and at the beginning, Leng Wuhen could still roar, but it was only only five minutes. Can't hold it, and finally gave up the aura to compete and the whole person was directly sucked by Chen Tian. Chen Tian also saw that she had no mercy after she was sucked in. This punch was not Chen Tianpu's ordinary one. One punch, but a heavy punch attached to Chen Tianchizi's state, Leng Wuhen, who was suddenly sucked in, was punched in the abdomen by Chen Tianying.

Chen Tian punched her in the stomach and gave a decent sound. This movement was simply not normal. Human stomachs are very soft. Most of Chen Tian’s blows will break his intestines and live. Directly penetrated, but Chen Tian’s movement and hardness caused Chen Tian’s expression to sink, because this punch made a muffled noise as if he hit the iron block, followed by Chen Tian unexpectedly. Feeling some pain in his hand, it is important to know that Chen Tianchi's fist is very hard.

Chen Tian’s fists used to be able to penetrate concrete walls and rock walls with bare hands without using the naked child. Its strength was definitely stronger than that of various fighters. Later, after realizing the state of naked child, he punched the steel plate, so big Chen Tian didn't feel the joint pain on his fist, but this time he hit a woman's abdomen and felt the joint pain.

Although Leng Wuhen stepped back with this punch for several consecutive steps backwards, she did not let Leng Wuhen's expression show any painful expression. She even said to Chen Tian with a smile: "I didn't expect you to have Two brushes, the potential is good, but your fist is useless to me!"

Chen Tian was shocked for a moment after listening: "What?" He did feel a little unbelievable in my heart. My full blow didn't work for her? But the last time Kim Carey gave her a punch, she knelt down on the ground for a long time without slowing down. What happened?

At this time, Chen Tian's mind kept thinking about the scene when she was fighting with Kim Carrie that day, hoping to think of something from it, but why did Kim Carrey lose her fighting power and I couldn't? Is Kim Carrey's boxing power many times stronger than mine?

Chen Tian was making a whisper in his heart at this time, so he stayed, and Leng Wuhen also seized this opportunity, jumped directly to the silver needle in his hand and shot directly at Chen Tian. Chen Tian was waiting for him to look up due to the slippage At that time, the cold and indistinct silver needle was already pierced on Chen Tian’s body. After Chen Tian knew that his body had been pierced into the silver needle, he directly pushed all the silver needles pierced into the body instantly with his whole body. Because Chen Tian can now control his blood initially, as long as the blood is pushed up in the air pierced by the silver needle, the silver needle pierced into the body will be forced out of the body directly, although Chen Tian pushed the silver needle out of the body. , But Leng Wuhen has already appeared behind Chen Tian. Although Chen Tian’s movement is very fast, Leng Wuhen’s speed is not slow. As long as the two have a little mistake, they will fall into the wind instantly. One detail can lose your life. At this time, Leng Wuhen had a cross-locked throat behind Chen Tianshen, and after strangling Chen Tian’s neck, he asked, "Your strength is good, do you want to consider joining our Southern School? You saved my life, I can not kill and let you enjoy a different life in the t zone in the future, this condition is more than a hundred times stronger than you and these people were born and died, so you give me a good consideration! Stupid!" Leng Wuhen said while tightening Chen Tian with his arms. Although Chen Tian is not afraid of the ability to recover with a knife, he is still human and needs to breathe. As long as there is no oxygen, he will suffocate. Chen Tian, ​​strangled by his neck, kept struggling, rolling all over the ground, trying to get rid of this woman, but unfortunately everything seemed pale and weak, Chen Tian’s current metamorphosis. Recovery speed , Ignoring the physical attacks on the left and right, as long as the body is not completely cut, the recovery speed only takes three seconds, so it is almost impossible to basically kill him with a knife.

This seemingly unkillable monster was suffocated by a cold-throated lock throat, and his body was struck back from the red state of the red child. The whole face was also very painful. Although his body was already He feels more and more numb to the pain, but his lungs and blood vessels still retain many of the characteristics of human beings. If Chen Tian had not evolved very well, Leng Wuhen would have strangled him, although Leng Wuhen was very Want to repay her and gather him into the team, but Leng Wuhen is also a first-class combat master. Even Jin Kairui who has entered the a zone can’t easily beat him. There are many unknown stories behind him, because they are all masters. Therefore, it is easy to kill the opponent because of a miss. It is also respectful to the opponent and cannot be waterproof. Waterproofing is not only disrespect to the opponent, but also more likely to be killed by the opponent because of the water.

So Leng Wujian still strangled Chen Tian’s neck before he heard Chen Tian say his wishes. Chen Tian’s neck was broken and he wouldn’t die. He could repair his neck in a few seconds. And restore it to the beginning, so twisting his neck and cutting his neck alive will not let him die, but if Chen Tianxian is suffocated and his internal heart stops beating, he presses the shutdown button with the computer first. It is not from Qi Jian , And the result became a tragedy. Even if Chen Tian possessed the God-eater physique, it would be useless, and he would still die in the hands of the woman Leng Wuhen.

At this moment, Chen Tian was struck out of consciousness. The consciousness was once caught between reality and the beautiful wish that he had hoped for. It seemed that at this moment he always felt that he had something to do, and his heart seemed to appear. Two yourself.

"What do you most look forward to?"

"I... I always wanted to have a happy home, most wanted... most wanted... to see the family live happily together."

The darkness around them slowly emerged. Chen Tian had not yet entered the island's childhood home, where his father was still alive, his mother happily chatted with her sister on the sofa, and Chen Tian stood on the spot, everything around him was so real.

"Is this what you always wanted?"

"Yeah! This is the happiness I always wanted. In fact, my happiness is very simple, that is, to have a happy family, to see the family happy together, this is my happiness."

"But have you forgotten? All this is already an extravagant hope. Your father is dead, your sister should be still in hospital, and your mother's current state is completely unknown, don't you want to come out? Will the island meet them again?"

"Think! I really want to. I just work hard for this!"

"Then don't give up here, your destiny should not end here!"

"The will does not go out, the battle does not go out!" Chen Tian opened his eyes instantly, and the whole body opened the state of the red child again. The difference is that this time it was an instant transformation. A stream of red light around it instantly radiated to all around. The heat flow was as unbearable as flames, and even people with a physique like Leng Wuhen were forced to let go of Chen Tian.

At this time, Chen Tianhong's whole body had melted all his clothes, his hair was scattered covering his blind half eyes, and dozens of red lifelike flames of red tentacles stretched out in his hands and behind his back. The flame-like life is not a flame, but Chen Tian’s blood enchantment. He used high heat to make the blood boil out of his body, and it looks like a red naked body wrapped in a very elegant red robe.

Leng Wuzhen's expression also said slightly seriously: "Your physical evolution is really special enough. It's a shame not to pull you into the company, but I can't count against you for a fight." -rm-->

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