Killing God Island

Chapter 327: Brothers and sisters, Yan Xi's past

Now everyone is very tired and has no time to take care of these bodies, so Kim Carey’s proposal is correct. In fact, even if he asks everyone to help him dispose of these bodies, no one will respond to him.

Just after everyone entered the room, Kim Carey looked at the corpse on the floor and smiled: "These people are so powerful that they can kill more than 500 people in one night, and they are all some skilled people. It seems that this The potential of the team is really not small." He thought of turning around here again.

At this time, Chen Tian has been from the u area to the t area for nearly two weeks, and the Zhuo brothers and sisters in the u area and the three Yan Xi have not left the u area. With the strength of the three people, they are already top-level in the u area. Exists, but in addition to finding a way to go to the T area in the past few days, I actually want to enjoy life with my sister. After all, the U area is still relatively prosperous relative to the rest of the area. Although many people have died after the war, but There are still a lot of things here. Zhuo Yanxuan knew that his sister loved shopping before entering the island, so he spent a few days as a rare tourist to accompany his sister, so Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin plus Yan Xi The three of them played even in this u-zone and figured out a way to go, so it was only delayed for two weeks.

However, Yan Xi hasn’t walked around the area like an individual since she was isolated, because she was very dangerous. At that time, the Queen’s rule and the strength of the four heads could block her, so in order not to cause too much friction. She hasn’t been shopping in such a down-to-earth manner for a long time, especially with such a handsome handsome guy. She is full of joy. If Yan Xi is not interested in Zhuo Yanxuan, it is impossible for him to treat his eyes. It's left and right, because on the left is a cute sister with a fresh and refined body and beauty, and on the right is Yan Xi who doesn't lose her sister's figure and face value. Both of them are carrying his arms on the left and right, although Zhuo Wenxin is jealous. It's great, but Yan Xi is a benefactor of his brother and also gave himself such a useful eye.

So she opened her eyes and closed her eyes. Unless she did something too special to her brother, she silently agreed with the woman’s gesture, and Yan Xi was Zhuo Wenxin. A woman willing to give her brother a little bit of her, the three people can feel each other's mood slightly from the same eye, which may also be the reason for the good relationship between the three people.

Because of the joy of playing that day, at night, my sister Zhuo Wenxin actually slept on the back of her brother. Although she has grown into a big girl now, she still likes to spoil and let Zhuo Yanxuan carry her occasionally. Xuan would not refuse, so she was carrying her on the way back through the moonlight, probably because of the peace of mind on her brother's back, Zhuo Wenxin fell asleep...

At this time, Yan Xi looked at Chen Tian’s happy expression on her sister’s back and said, “Wen Xin has such a good brother for you that really envied me, but unfortunately I was lonely since I was a kid...”

When Zhuo Yanxuan heard this sentence, his heart seemed to feel a moment of sadness flowing into his heart. Because Zhuo Yanxuan’s right eye was transplanted to him by Yan Xi, she could clearly feel her inner heart at this time. A sorrowful sorrow.

So Zhuo Yanxuan suddenly slowed down and stared at her, she said: "Everyone has a past, especially people like us who have been exiled to this island, to be able to meet and become friends, is a kind of Unexpected fate, if you think I can trust, you can tell me about your past, I would like to know more about you." Zhuo Yanxuan's words and the sincerity of his eyes, instantly made Yan Xi There is a warm current in my heart.

"My experience may not be as exciting as your brothers and sisters, but I have been looked down upon by many people since I was a child, and my mother died very early because I was protected, but she told me that my father is a great big man, his name is Brown. Ke, if I could see him one day, I must give him this jade pendant." Yan Xi said here, and took a jade pendant from his neck, and this jade pendant had exactly the same thing on it. Yu Pei is a token of love when they get married. Yu Pei's work style is the same, but the two words on Yu Pei are different, but they are their respective names.

Although the two did not spend much time with each other, they all said the same thing before they died. Yan Xi’s mother gave Yu Pei to her daughter and wanted her to find her father. She took Yu Pei to find his biological daughter and wife.

Ben Xi’s father is the top ten killer in the world’s top 100 killer list for three consecutive years. He was once the first in the world’s top killer list for two consecutive years. Although his strength is too different from the world’s top ten, it is The strength and prestige of the killer world are very high. Almost no one he wants to kill can be spared, so there are so many enemies. In order not to drag down his family, he is separated from his lover and one-year-old Yan Xi. This point is nine At the age of nine, Yan Xi began to be sensible, at that time her mother began to be in poor health. She had been pulling Yan Xi up for so many years. The mother of Yan Xi was Meili Beiyasi, originally It's a big lady of the big family, it is typical because love and family are cut off and Bronke has gone away.

She has lived with the wealthy life of Guan Guan for three years. She has never complained that he has yet to give birth to Yan Xi, but she does not know the true identity of Bronke. Until Bronke left, she did not tell her why. In this way, she left silently, and because of her excessive sadness and thoughts, Meili Beiyas had to go to work to make money for the young Yan Xi and to get news from Bronke. She was very persistent. Woman, she firmly believes that she will be able to find Bronke one day. From the beginning, her hopes have slowly become a bit desperate, but she never gave up. Finally, because of her illness, she can not find the whereabouts of Bronke. Ben Xi dragged her seriously ill body back to her family. Although she received the best treatment in the end, it was due to overwork and illness and the condition was too long...

In the end, Yan Xi’s mother left her, and since then she has lived in the grandma’s grandma’s villa, but she was not recognized within the Meili family. Although it is an authentic descendant, it is not authentic, plus When her mother used to run away with a strange man, her parents disagreed at the time, but she didn’t listen to her. She ended up with a thick face and carrying her children back, so her mother was always looked down upon even after she died, even grandpa and Grandma doesn't care much about her. Of course, there are many children of the Meili family. They didn't plan to raise her at all. They just raised her like a idler. Anyway, there is not much money for her, so Yan Xi is in Mei. The Li family has always been looked down upon by people, and even the servants will bully her, but Yan Xi is always silent, and sometimes her nominal brother and sister are kept in the study room as dogs. Eating a meal, which also caused Yan Xi’s young heart to be seriously distorted, and generated strong aspirations in her heart, but she was unable to resist at that time.

When she was bored, she started reading on the bookcase. Not only did she read a lot of medicine, but also read a lot of other knowledge, such as fighting books and various medicinal materials. This also laid the foundation for her assassination of her brothers and sisters in the later period. Basically, because she knows very well what to eat and what will produce highly toxic, so when she killed a person, the dark side of her heart was completely inspired, and later the Mellie family frequently suffered all kinds of inexplicable deaths. The panic police intervened and found no evidence, but it was suspected that the poisoning later Yan Xi became the only survivor of the family. At the age of 16, he inherited all the properties of the Meili family. In fact, the Meili family had a grandson because Having escaped a disaster in the United States, Yan Xi even hired a killer to shovel and eradicate the only relatives in the United States. Later, she sent someone to investigate his father’s affairs, and finally reached the conclusion that the world’s top Killer Bronke, but her twisted heart has been completely occupied by various hatreds, so she thinks that the death of her mother is caused by his negative heart, so that she will be sent to the fence for so many years, let her endure so many painful people It must also pay more pain, originally did not want to send a killer to kill her last loved one in the world.

But when she learned that her father was still followed by a girl about her age, she thought that this designated Bronker’s illegitimate girl abandoned me and my mother and you were so happy, so Yan Xi spent herself. More than half of the assets hired a large number of killers to chase down his father, and finally her father died in the killer hired by Yan Xi because of protection.

Since Yan Xi was very fond of learning since she was a child, her study was very outstanding, and many things were self-taught. She was admitted to the medical university with excellent results, because she likes to study medicine, but her original intention was not to save people. It’s fun to kill. Later, she reported a lot of fighting classes in her spare time. The ordinary female students like to travel on vacation, but her vacation is basically playing sandbags in the fighting hall. Yan Xi is very beautiful, so she doesn’t have to dress up at all, there will be many boys to actively pursue her, and she never refuses the boy’s confession, no matter whether the boy is handsome or ugly, she accepts them all, especially these boys. Will ask her out.

The girls in the same bedroom with her know that she often does not return to the bedroom. Of course, these boys have appointed her to no one else’s place or their own home, and Yan Xi is actually a poisonous female murderer. , Anesthetize the man who illed her with bad intentions, then bind them up and wake them up with cold water, and then conduct a live toxin test on them, and Yan Xi will die after they are poisoned. Surgery on the body, even pulling their skins to make some small parts like handmade wallets, and then gave them to the sisters living in the same bedroom. These sisters touched and happily touched and praised the leather of this leather bag. ? Why is it so soft? It's so beautiful, I like it!

In fact, the leather on these wallets and backpacks is made of human skin, but they don’t know it, and they feel much better than ordinary leather, so Yan Xi’s personality is becoming more and more isolated.

After graduating from Yan Xi University, he went to bleed and did not go to his father’s killer road. Instead, he joined the suicide squad. Finally, he was arrested and imprisoned for an operation. Finally, she modified her genes and sent it to Kill God Island. Her own experience was amazing. She was put into the T zone by a direct plane. Of course, she only said a small part to Zhuo Yanxuan. Zhuo Yanxuan knew that she might have a lot of concealment, but she was sure of all these things. It was her true side. Zhuo Yanxuan said with a slight sigh: "Actually, you are not alone. If you want you to be besides yourself, and my sister and I will be with you, so... ..."

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