Killing God Island

Chapter 330: Wen Xin meets a strong enemy

Returning to the u area of ​​Killing God Island again At this time, Zhuo Yanxuan and his sister and Yan Xi searched and finally found a passage to the t area. Although they were very remote, they were still found by these three people, especially It’s because Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin have very high IQs. In fact, Yan Xi’s IQ is not weak. The three of them are the kind of people who have the courage and certain types. The entrance that I couldn't even find in my whole life, because this entrance is too secretive. After the three people found it, they also went deep into the underground rock layer and entered the area T.

And the road they traversed at this time was traversed by Chen Tian's group. Zhuo Wenxin and Yan Xi also looked at the surrounding big forest in amazement. There was an indescribable sigh, because here you can finally eat game There must be many small animals, birds and snakes and other strange creatures in this forest. For the three hungry people, the food here is absolutely delicious.

Although this kind of game that wanted to eat a big meal was not spoken, everyone at this time lowered their heads and pondered, because they used their watches to detect the surrounding terrain and the number of people since they came in. What made them a little uneasy was this The area is large, and they haven’t walked out of the forest for an hour, and the terrain detected by the detection radar around it has five mountains and a village surrounded by forests. There are five of these five mountains. Organization, of which the highest mountain is occupied by the strongest southern faction in area t.

The second is the four peaks similar to the Nanpai, but it is comparable to the Qipao of the Nanpai. There are two potential organizations. One is the Red Heart Cross, and the other is a strange name. It is actually called Amentang. Two very powerful and independent organizations.

The second is the innermost small place similar to a village. Although the place is small, it divides 13 villages. Each village has different customs and respective powers like a kingdom, although it seems that the 13 villages are a whole. It’s very harmonious. In fact, there are countless disputes every day. There are hundreds of people who don’t die every day. In addition, there are many ordinary people exiled on this island in these 13 villages. These ordinary people are entirely for the four big families. The money circling plan is to be a victim of live death broadcasts. They are people of different professions in various societies in various countries. They are exiled here. More than 90% of them will die in less than a week.

So these people are actually the victims set up to meet the spiritual needs of the rich people of the upper class. Of course, there are also slightly stronger fortifiers who directly leapfrog into this t-zone, but such people are rarely very few, so This t-zone is actually very chaotic. Of course, Zhuo Yanxuan, his sister and Yan Xi do not know how deep the water is here.

This t-zone is simply a place where fish and dragons are mixed. The strongest is strong enough to be invincible in the world. He is mad at this time. She is also in t-zone. The weak teachers and writers who can't be beaten by ordinary people. Therefore, the fun and danger of this t-zone is completely proportional to whoever dies and who lives is basically a matter of personal luck, and Chen Tian and his gang not only have complete strength but also good luck.

Zhuo Yanxuan looked around and said, "We haven't been able to meet anyone for so long. If I guess right, bypassing this forest should gather a lot of unknown enemies. I don't think we need to delay now. Taking a tired and hungry body to take risks, let's find some game and food here to replenish our physical strength before we go."

"Brother said something reasonable, what do you think Yan Xi?" Yan Xi also nodded and said: "I think Brother Xuan is right, then you are waiting for me here, I will find some game for you to come back and eat "Yan Xi was about to get up, and Zhuo Yanxuan pulled his arm: "You and my sister stayed and waited for me. When the man is hunting, you and my sister can find some dry materials. I didn't come back. Don’t leave here easily, although your strength is good, but we just came to this place, don’t emphasize each other’s tricks, and everything around here is a little too weird.”

Yan Xi nodded and said: "You go, we will not go around." Zhuo Yanxuan left her two, Zhuo Wenxin said to Yan Xi immediately after Zhuo Yanxuan left, "With our two Strength, even if there are some people in this area, there will be no problems, my brother is really too careful, let's go play a few rabbits!"

"I think we still have to find some deadwood branches nearby. Don't just walk around for a while and Xuan Brother can't find us when we come back?" "You too underestimate my brother, my brother just told us not to go around, even if we go, he can find it, and there are no people around here, what dangers can be encountered "What Zhuo Wenxin said was not unreasonable, so Yan Xi thought about it and said, "So where do you want to go to play rabbits? Are there rabbits nearby?"

"I said that playing a rabbit is just an analogy. Of course, we are looking for some delicious and delicious animals. If I guess correctly, my brother will definitely play some large animals, such as horses and deer animals, because He is afraid that we will not be able to eat enough, so we will choose some larger animals to start. We are different. We can choose some delicious things to make some seasonings, such as some birds, and frogs."

Yan Xi thought Zhuo Wenxin was right, so she nodded and said, "Then we will split up. I'll pick up some dry branches first to make a fire. You go hunting first. I'll do some small work with you after finishing this. Things come back." After Zhuo Wenxin turned around and left, the eyes of the evil emperor transplanted to her by Yan Xi instantly opened more than ten times farther than ordinary eyes, and everything in front was super clear, which also made Zhuo Wenxin excited. In fact, she came out alone and said that she wanted to use her eyes to try something she could not do before. The eyes could see an ant on a tree thousands of meters away.

Zhuo Wenxin took out the dagger in his hand very far away and threw it directly at a branch 100 meters away in front of him. With a click, the knife was directly inserted into the body of a bird without any mistake. Later, Zhuo Wenxin tied a very thin rope. After hitting the target, she only had to pull a bird with a knife from the distance and was pulled back into the hand directly by Zhuo Wenxin.

At this time, Zhuo Wenxin had already hit dozens of birds remotely with this flying knife, and there were basically dozens of bird bodies under her. In fact, Zhuo Wenxin liked to eat bird meat. In the past, she used stones to fight Birds are just a hundred shots, but now they are replaced with knives. In fact, the feeling of throwing out knives is very different from stones, and the accuracy will also drop a lot. He found Zhuo Wenxin's point in an archery match, and not only shot, she was accurate as long as she threw something, but throwing a knife is different from throwing other things, sometimes hitting people The tip of the knife may not be the handle of the knife.

In fact, Zhuo Wenxin’s master is deep in his knowledge, and his strength is also the top ten in the world’s top combat power level. He used to be known as the strongest assassin, and his best is the dagger, so his flying knife technology is absolutely outstanding in the world, but Zhuo Wen Xin’s knife-throwing skills were not personally directed by him. He just verbally taught her how to control the strength of the knife’s flight and the number of knife revolutions when the wind flew out. The tip of the middle knife stuck on the opponent's body without any errors.

Zhuo Wenxin has a high accuracy of throwing things. The only thing missing is a feeling of throwing out. Of course, throwing anything requires a feel, just like throwing a different knife. You are used to throwing a heavy form of dagger. , Replaced with daggers of different weights and shapes, let an expert throw the absolute accuracy for the first time. Many aspects are completely different. His hit effect will also be reduced, so Zhuo Wenxin finally found a very skilled feel after some contact, so she just Throwing this dagger is basically a hundred shots, but she only has two daggers, so when fighting with others, she will not easily use the dagger as a flying knife.

She looked down at the birds that were shot by herself, and felt that more than 20 were enough to eat by herself. It was enough to get 20, because she threw the knife directly into the bird's body and did not emit it. Any movement like the sound of a gun, so it will not frighten all the birds, just at the moment Zhuo Wenxin threw out the flying knife, her eyes seemed to see a figure just standing on the tree, and the bird on the tree directly Frightened by this man, but this flying knife directly pierced towards the person's chest.

The man didn't dodge at all, just grabbed the dagger in his hand, Zhuo Wenxin was shocked and wanted to return the dagger directly, but she realized that she didn't understand, and then she looked down at the watch on her left hand, but It was found that there were no red dots showing people around here, so why would people not show them?

With this question in mind, Zhuo Wenxin directly ran forward at a very fast speed. This speed even allowed the grass around a meter high to fly from a distance. This speed was even faster than the speed of the car running. Because Zhuo Wenxin tried to return the knife and couldn’t move it, this meant that the person was more powerful than her, and she had already used the knife with ease, and she didn’t want to give up the dagger. This side ran over.

And the man jumped directly from the tree with the knife. The man was lazy and sleepy in a suit, his figure was thin and tall, it looked very special, and his appearance was handsome. Yu Zhuowenxin’s brother, at this time, it was not someone else who was one of the seven war frenzies of the Plinters family. His own character is that kind of very lazy character. Because he came to kill God Island differently from these people, He is not part of the enhanced human experiment, and he is not eligible to participate in these people’s battles, and his level does not allow random group involvement in any group battles here, so the watch on his wrist is only used to detect and clean up some families to let him come. The cleaned-up individual cannot detect the rest, and of course no one can detect his existence.

He has been looking for the queen's position after he hit the queen from the u zone to the t zone, but unfortunately she has lost her trail. After he was tired, he went to the tree and wanted to take a nap, but the result was...

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