Killing God Island

Chapter 351: Handsome guy with glasses male

After listening, Ling Zifeng nodded slightly and said, "Okay! Then it's so settled!" Ling Zifeng picked up Yao Jun, who had passed out, and suddenly turned back to Du Mingwei when he got up and walked out of the door: "But there is something I still want to say that if I don’t hold back my heart, I might hold back my illness!"

Du Mingwei froze for a moment and said, "What do you want to say? Even though it's fine, wouldn't you want to make me again?"

Ling Zifeng said very sincerely, "I don't bubble you, I really like you when I see you, you are really beautiful, I said it is true, but I know that love is not unilaterally like it, so I I just want to say what is in my heart. As for the result, I respect your choice. If you don’t like me, I won’t force you to like me.”

Du Mingwei suddenly asked with a red face: "Do you really like me? Can you tell me what you like about me?"

Ling Zifeng said straightforwardly: "What I like is not your unilateral point, but all yours, your figure, your looks, your long hair, your curves, and even your unparalleled strength, And your words and deeds, and the gentleness of your strong heart, you see that when I was beaten, I didn’t look down on my strength, but took me here to prepare for my healing, which also fully proves that your heart is absolutely Kind, I don’t care about your past, what happened in your past, and you came to this island because of what happened. In my eyes, I see only a perfect and flawless you, and that’s what I like. You, so..." Ling Zifeng was hugged by Du Mingwei before he had finished speaking the following: "Do you really think so?"

Ling Zifeng put her thin fingers on her chest and said softly: "You can feel my heartbeat. If I say anything with a little lie, I would like to die!" Du Mingwei suddenly covered Ling Zifeng 'S mouth said: "Don't curse yourself at will. In fact, you grow up very well. The most important thing is that your strength is definitely not weak. Although you don't know what identity you came to in the t zone, but The people on this island have their own secrets and why should they delve into it? In fact, every woman’s heart longs for someone to be considerate, but I have never found such a man. I am a selfish woman. If you like me, then you You must not spend your time. If you can put all your love on me wholeheartedly, then I will definitely treat you to all beings!"

Ling Zifeng looked at Du Mingwei's eyes like a girl looking forward to love at this time, knowing that the time has come. Although Yao Jun is still on his back, no matter whether he is fine, he can repair himself anyway. Now he is also fainted. Now, thinking that Ling Zifeng was carrying Yao Jun's hand directly, Yao Jun puffed and fell to the ground, and Ling Zifeng, who freed his hands, directly hugged Du Mingwei's beautiful Du Mingwei, and directly kissed Du Mingwei with a kiss. Her love was disturbed, followed by Ling Zifeng hugged Du Mingwei while he was ironing, and threw her on the bed. Then she took off her shirt and threw it directly... At this time, Xu Shan and Wu Yifan, who are divided into three groups of two teams, obtained the position requested by the two people. It is the Red Heart Cross Society, one of the three largest organizations in the t district. He has very little communication with Wu Yifan, so the two of them did not say a few words. The two of them really don’t seem to be the same. Xu Shun is a typical otaku with poor silk, and he has no hobbies on the island. Before, I was a honest person. My only hobby was writing. I usually work in a small restaurant. It is the kind of working youth who work on the ground at 3:00 on the weekdays. The monthly living expenses are very tight. The place where he works is It belongs to the type of minimum wage in this city. The monthly salary is in addition to the mobile phone fee, electricity fee and water fee, plus the room fee, plus his daily car fee and food fee, and he can save a few months of frugality. Hundreds of dollars, but Xu Shun likes to write and also likes mobile phones very much, so he spent a long time saving money before buying an Apple’s latest mobile phone. As a result, taking pictures on the roadside happened to meet his future girlfriend Ye Xiaotong. When he took a picture, a gust of wind blew Ye Xiaotong's short skirt, and Xu Shan, who was taking pictures at this time, just took the picture.

Unexpectedly, it was mistaken by Ye Xiaotong as a pervert, and was forcibly snatched the phone and fell to the ground. The newly bought mobile phone came out and was tragicly broken before I was warm. This is Xu Xu and his favorite woman Ye Xiaotong in this life. The first meeting, of course, later, for many reasons, the two met many times and in the end, even when the two met again on the island, they eventually became a pair, but unfortunately Ye Xiaotong died in the v zone. Therefore, Xu’s stubborn masculine personality, the first person to change his character is his girlfriend Ye Xiaotong, and the second person to change him is to meet Chen Tianhou, also because Chen Tian’s character is very much like him but more than him With his guts and masculinity, he deeply infected him and changed him more like a man, but courage alone was not enough but also strength. It was only after Ye Xiaotong's death that he inherited his girlfriend's steel bone. Became one of the main fighting forces of Chen Tian’s team. Of course, at the time, he only used the strength of his girlfriend’s steel to come from Baohe’s crazy and arrogant attacks, but now Xu Shun has been guided by Ye Minyu’s combat skills and the cruelty of Udian Within 15 days of the devil-style training, what he built has been able to kill people without opening the toughened war bones. Xu Shun is much stronger than Yao Jun and Wu Yifan in terms of potential and luck.

Although Wu Yifan has the right arm that crushes such a powerful fighting machine, if he really fights Xu Shun, he is really not an opponent. Although he is also called a very potential person, he is just an ordinary person like Yao Jun. When the potential is great, the strength is very strong, but after strengthening the gene, not only can the gene not compete for public development and evolution, but the strength becomes weaker and weaker with the deepening of the strong area, but he got the crushing machine right by chance. Arm, this is also the only reason why he is stronger than Yao Jun, but he is stronger in luck than strength, Wu Yifan is living on the island more than 1,000 times more than Xu Shunqiang, he is the only rich second in the team of Chen Tian He is the most handsome man recognized by the team of Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tian is the ugliest of the team of Chen Tian. The second handsome should be Ling Zifeng, but Ling Zifeng is not as good as Wu Yifan. Wearing a handsome face, he likes to talk about various women's topics in a hippie smile. Although these two are handsome but they are different styles of people, Xu Shun is not ugly, but compared with these two. Slightly inferior, and he also brought glasses.

Wu Yifan's original superior life was a veritable young master's identity. His dad saved one of my four big families in his early life. The big brother funded him to make a mess in his business. His father was a winner in life, and he was even more refined. From a young age, he showed a different aspect. Whether it was learning or the martial arts that his father made him learn from childhood, he was stronger than the ordinary age. Until he grew up, his strength was to knock down more than ten security guards in a minute. And these security guards are all veterans who can fight well. Once he went to find his wife. Because his dad was dating and playing with the female secretary in the company, he sent more than ten security guards who were not weak. In a minute, Wu Yifan was knocked down to the ground, and then he swaggered into the father's office.

But his two fathers have no secrets. He also knows that his father likes women very much, and he is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He looks handsome and rich, so there are many women in Wu Yifan. It can be said that there is a grass in the middle of the flower bush, swinging left and right No less! But Wu Yifan's life was changed because of a woman. Originally, his background would not enter this island, but it is a pity that he met a woman who changed his life. He was the daughter of the Wilson family. Sen is also a very caring daughter of Jeff Ford’s old woman. Although he has many children in his life, it is not easy to be a daughter in his 60s, so he loves this daughter very much. Now Jie Ford is more than 80 years old, and even Qian Da is 20 years old.

Wu Yifan was purely miserable at first sight. Although he has seen countless beauties and tasted many women, and he has seen beauties of various skin colors in foreign countries of China, the only person he deeply likes is Qianda Miss, but the tragedy is that Qian Da is a woman with a very strong fighting ability. Wu Yifan will be subdued if she can't pass the three strokes in her hand. If she is not saved in the father of Wu Yifan, she may not use the three strokes. He may have the ability to kill him in seconds, and the most important thing is the green plum bamboo horse that has a deep impact on him. It is the strongest one with the top ten combat powers with the sword, known as the sword **** Umari, is a handsome and handsome strength. A very powerful man, also a first love and favorite of Qian Da, but unfortunately left the family very early, so Qian Da finally likes to use a knife to fight, because he never won Umari with a knife, and also Umaru taught her how to use a knife, and many of the moves were taught by Umaru herself. On this issue, she also asked Qian Da, your master is clearly Ms. Zhao, why do you use a knife to do it? What about your main weapon? Since Kuang Qi and Ms. Zhao used to travel in the same period before, and the two were partners for a certain period of time, they are very clear about each other’s fighting power and fighting characteristics. Ms. Zhao is the person with the strongest legs, and her only apprentice is Qian Da uses a knife, so it's madness to question this, but how can a girl's heart easily confide to others? Therefore, Qian Da did not tell Kuang Qi that she really wanted to, but Miss Qian Da was a person who liked the footsteps of the strongest, and she believed that following the strong would also gradually become stronger, thus surpassing his spirit of disobedience and making him I chose to follow Kuiqi, who is called the strongest man in the world, but after a long period of contact with Kuiqi, Kuiqi's handsomeness and super strength made Qian Da slowly fall in love with Kuiqi, and Kuiqi It is the only man besides Umari who can walk into Qianda's heart.

As for Wu Yifan's strength, appearance and temperament, they can't be compared with these two. Although many women may be fascinated by Wu Yifan's handsome appearance, Qian Da he can't be moved at all, mainly because Wu Yifan and other people Compared with ordinary handsome men, they are more handsome and exquisite, but they are much worse than Umalu, and the madness looks sloppy, but the facial features are definitely the perfect men, plus these two are kings. Temperament men can feel the side of their king vaguely beside them, and the strength of the two is absolutely unmatched, so Wu Yifan can match anyone else, they can't compare, only follow two men Compared with him, he can’t even compare it, but Wu Yifan is not convinced. From an early age, he is called a genius, but...

Why did I enter this island? I couldn’t compare to a Chen Tian who even fell to the bottom of the fighting power of the entire team, so Wu Yifan had a lot of inner pressure recently, but he couldn’t leave this team. In such a high-level area, he has only one dead end. But in the team of Chen Tian, ​​he couldn’t do anything better, so if he wanted others to value him, he had to prove his strength, so he slowly became silent when he knew this, and occasionally always He will study his own robotic arm, because he can only rely on this arm to improve his combat power under the premise that he can't find how his body should evolve.

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