Killing God Island

Chapter 356: The only nemesis

"Sorry! I have already said something urgent, so I just wanted to leave directly, and it seems that you are just busy, so I wanted to let your men sleep first, but I didn't expect your men to suffer badly. I didn't have anything to do with one punch." Wu Yifan said this sentence with a sincere attitude and a slightly relaxed smile, trying to use a smile to prove that he was not malicious!

Although Conson does not have any anger on the surface, he is actually slightly irritated: "It's okay to hit me, don't hit me!" This sentence is actually something, depending on how you listen to it, in fact he Means that if you hit me, you are hitting me!

Of course, Wu Yifan heard what he meant, but just intentionally pretended to be stupid: "That's fine, I knew I was playing a few more times, but thank you Mr. Connison for your understanding. I just did not intend this punch, if there is nothing Then, let's take a step first." Wu Yifan said this and Xu Shun made a look and turned to leave, but before they took the second step, they heard Conson said: "Two Bit! Wait a minute!"

At this time, the atmosphere at the scene seemed to freeze instantly, and Wu Yifan and Xu Shun naturally felt that this matter may not be solved as easily as they thought, so Wu Yifan also stopped directly with the words of Connison, Wu Yifan and Xu Shun The aura looked back very chicly: "Is there anything else to do with Mr. Connison?"

Conson smiled slightly at the two of them and said, "Since it's here, why not try my new product?"

Wu Yifan replied: "I will be free of this, thank you Connie Sen for his kindness." Wu Yifan directly rejected Connie Sen's good intentions, which made him even more unhappy when he just beat Wu Yifan himself. He lowered his head slightly and walked over to the two's defense line: "I actually hate the good intentions of others to refuse me. My original intention is for your good. I think you should have just arrived in the t-zone soon? This t-zone is everywhere. It’s all dangers that you can’t discern. Without a perfect vitality body, you can’t guarantee your own safety.”

After listening to it, Wu Yifan smiled slightly and said, "I know, but IMHO, I am not very interested in your regenerative chip. Human destiny is destined, and death will not be so terrible after life and death are bearish, right? We have already made the necessary consciousness when we come to the T area, so thank Connie Sen for his kind reminder!" Wu Yifan's words at this time are very powerful. He is not provoking Connie Sen but creating momentum for himself. The situation in front of so many people is very weak, and the situation will be even worse, so what is reflected at this time cannot make him feel too pretended or let him be underestimated.

Conson laughed again after hearing: "You two are really confident, I can let you go, but I need a real reason why you don't want to implant my chip, I am a person who understands death, so I have nothing to say. It can be said clearly."

After hearing it, Mr. Wu Yifan collapsed Mr. Connison's ear and whispered: "Because your regenerative chip is not omnipotent, you may not be able to save the person I killed. If you have the confidence to resurrect it, I will transplant your regenerative chip. If you can’t save your life, will you let them leave? But I’m afraid that doing so will ruin your face here, so can we just leave in silence?”

Conson’s expression was stunned for a moment, and then the expression was expressed by the stunned expression of enthusiasm: “Boy, you are quite confident! Do you mean that you can’t revive the person you killed?” Connison deliberately. I said this very loudly. The conversation that could only be heard by two people instantly made everyone around me hear it. This is clearly that Connison wanted to let others hear it, and then to verify this in front of everyone and then save it. He can highlight his ability more, and these people will admire him more and be more loyal to him, so this accident is intended to make everyone hear this sentence, although he does not say this by shouting. Words, but the volume is also enough for those around you to hear. After all, all the people present are strengthening people. The last time to strengthen people’s hearing is more than three times that of ordinary people, so people present at this time don’t know this. of.

Connie Sen looked at the expressions of other people present and knew that these people wanted to see the excitement again, so Connie Sen smiled and said to Wu Yifan: "Okay, fun! Fun! I have never seen anyone I can't resurrect. "Connieson beckoned to a female nurse in white behind him: "Go behind and bring a slave!"

The lady dressed as a white nurse named A Manlin was one of the twelve super-strong female nurses cultivated by Connison. She nodded to Connison and then retreated, and Connison But he gestured to Wu Yifan: "Let me see what you really do, and you can say such big words."

Wu Yifan didn't say a word at this time. Xu Shun beside him whispered in his ear: "Hey, hello! I think it's a little unlikely that we both want to leave here safely this time. If you use it to smash this It is estimated that he is very difficult to save even if he is a fairy. He will not easily let us off when he is angry. At this time, Wu Yifan's inner thoughts are actually similar to Xu Shun's thoughts. Unable to tolerate his failure, he will absolutely not be able to honour his promise. If I release the water, then salvation means that we must apologize to him in public and accept his chip, which does not have any intention. These two risks Both are great, but the risk of the former will be greater. Now the strength of Xu Shu and I should have the hope of escaping with him, but if you add these people around, the chance of escaping is almost zero.

So now Wu Yifan's brain is running fast at this time. He really wants to use the best of both worlds, but no matter how he chooses, at this time, the two are in a difficult position to ride a tiger. Now there are two roads in front of him. Three options are available. The first one is to really use all your strength to make Connison lose face and cause the war to be triggered. The result is to be killed or caught alive by them. Unless these people don’t do it, he is the only one who can do it. You can escape, so what if you choose the second way? He deliberately put water to make him not embarrassed in front of these people, but then apologized to him when it was secondary, mainly to do so, he must transplant the regenerated chip he made, the current function of this chip and many aspects of it It’s all unknown, and rash implantation is certainly not a good thing in his mouth. A murderer who has raised so many slaves without blinking, does not treat them as a kind of concubine and conducts experiments on all kinds of abuse and experiments. Wu Yifan does not think What kind of person would be such an upright good man, and Connison, who is cold inside, can be seen from the appearance that he is a narrow-minded person, and it is precisely because Connison is this kind of person, that leads to Wu Yifan's inner heart now. It's complicated, and the brain is running fast to find a reasonable solution to this situation.

But it is a pity that he does not have Ye Minyu's super high IQ and knowledge. Although Wu Yifan is also smart with you, he can't think of how to deal with it for a while, and can only keep thinking about what should be done in his heart. While he was thinking about these things, A Man Lin, a white nurse, had walked out of the interior with a man chained to a man. The man wearing a pick-and-miss look is the sad character of being abused, and Wu Yifan originally wanted to release water, but when he saw this man, he decided to let him go directly, because this man was taken up next time. Cruelly done countless experiments, all covered with poisonous sores and various kinds of pinholes, and many very disgusting scars of bright red rotten flesh and purulent wounds, if normal people like this might have died long ago, the body exudes bursts Even if it smells bad, it can still be alive. This is like a living corpse with consciousness, because this body is rotting and there are a pile of bones and internal organs, but it is really amazing to see such a person living miraculously. I feel that medicine has a terrifying aspect.

The people present also talked about it. In fact, these people did not know that this person was the earliest person who was implanted with a regeneration chip. This chip can indeed play a large degree of regeneration function, but it has great side effects. Although the body can be regenerated and repaired quickly without being harmed to the maximum extent, its side effects are the production of toxins in the body and the genetic ordering differs at different levels. If Chen Tian and Zhuo Yanxuan are regarded as possessing The upper layer of memory cells is genuine, and the chip made by Connison is the legendary pirated counterfeit. Although it can achieve some functions of the genuine to a certain extent, its built-in and many things are still immature, and it is even impossible to achieve real. In the sense, it constitutes a complete memory cell, so as long as the damage causes the repair of the original cell, it will cause great side effects on itself after repair, and it will become like this over time, and he becomes like this. Overcoming the shortcomings in this area, so I did a lot of experiments to try to solve this problem, but it turned out that this very big fatal point is a major flaw in this technology, it can not be improved at all, so this technology is not perfect The reason why Conson is so anxious to apply it to these people now.

It is because he wants to expand his manpower, because he wants to get more strengthened gene cells, because they are not the same for every strengthened person. These strengthened people have their own cells because of the different technical levels of different countries. In the later period, self-evolution mutation and many other reasons lead to the fact that if you observe the cells of different people on the microscope, you can find that each person's fortified cells are very different, and the weak changes in these cells are the strengths. Strong and weak even pursue a preliminary data of the most perfect gene, so in order to research and develop in higher fields, Connison will choose to obtain more people's genes to study their latest medical theories.

Connison pointed at this man who was already about to die and said, "You can kill him as much as you want, as long as you can kill him, and I can't save him!" Wu Yifan walked over and pointed. The person asked: "Is there any other rules? For example, you can use any tool, or is there a limit to killing a few times?"

Connison thought about it and said: "A person's cell repair is very exhausting even if it is very fast, so I give you three opportunities. You can use various tools as long as you can kill him within three shots. If you lose, you can do it directly according to your request." Wu Yifan nodded and said, "Okay! So can I do it now?"

Connison directly put out a movement and said: "You are free!" Wu Yifan directly took a right fist round after hearing it, and directly broke the person's body into four pieces and shattered it, basically following it like minced meat. The huge power is an example. His body is not broken into a pile, but the direct whole is very indescribable as if it was exploded. I am afraid that the person who has been beaten into this effect may be Chen Tian’s moment. Rebirth, no one can guarantee that the person is still alive.

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