Killing God Island

Chapter 36: Digu Maze

The woman deliberately increased the length of the sound of this paragraph. She obviously said this to everyone. The two brothers and sisters and the men in the trench coat also looked at each other and did not mean to fight.

The woman followed and said, "Since everyone wants to join forces next, at least everyone needs to know each other. My name is Ye Minyu." After she said this, she signaled everyone to introduce each other.

Chen Tian has not always been a man of too much care. He sees that the current situation is indeed that the woman is no longer an enemy, and that the woman is also good, so Chen Tian also put down her guard and said: "My name is Chen Tian!"

The girl in glasses standing next to Chen Tian also introduced herself: "My name is Han Li!" The blonde girl with a hand that looks like a little girl also introduced herself: "My name is Angelina!"

The brothers and sisters with very high face values ​​also reported their names to each other: "My name is Zhuo Yanxuan and my sister is Zhuo Wenxin!"

The windbreaker was the last person to say his name: "My name is Xin Watai!"

Although there is no objection to joining together for the time being, everyone has their own abacus. Angelina’s idea now is that the 50 people entering from the z zone should have 7 people left at this time, so Angeli Na also planned to walk directly to the correct intersection in Area S this time.

Of course, in addition to Angelina knowing the correct entrance direction, Han Li is also an insider. Now, in addition to avoiding touching hidden organs, everyone should be able to remove the danger of being attacked by other enemies.

What Chen Tian did not expect was that there was such a luxurious castle building underneath here. Chen Tian looked at the coordinates displayed on his watch. It should be past this castle to reach the entrance to the s area.

But these 7 people clearly knew that they had to enter the gate of the castle first, but these seven people looked at each other and no one meant to advance. Of course, at this time, Chen Tian and Han Li, and Angelina were together. The brothers and sisters are not easy to provoke, the remaining Ye Minyu and Xin Watai are weak.

So the two of them had to walk in to find the way first, followed by Chen Tian and the other three walking in the middle, and the two brothers and sisters were walking at the end. Chen Tian did not expect this underground ancient building. The style, and the rows of cylindrical gold glitter on the wall are all gilded decoration.

At the foot is also composed of thick huge slabs, Xin Watai walked at the forefront: "You follow me, it is best not to touch anything!"

"Got it! Let's go!" Chen Tian responded impatiently. At the same time, these people walked in a row consciously. After all, this kind of slate would be troublesome if it was stepped on in any way.

Xin Watai stopped suddenly after walking for about ten minutes: "What on earth does this mean?"

Everyone stopped talking, all the numbers on the slate in the front were 1369, followed by random numbers such as 2478, and there were a lot of symbols and letters behind them.

Chen Tian's expression exaggeratedly pointed to the front and asked, "What does this mean?"

Xin Watai also shook his head and said, "Who knows this?"

Ye Minyu, who was standing behind Xin Watai, stepped forward and squatted down directly to explain: "This is the scattered arrangement of Rose's code, as long as these things are arranged correctly, it should pass normally."

After she finished speaking, she arranged herself, and Angelina asked with a serious expression: "Hey! Are you going to do it? Just put it on, don't you risk everyone's life!"

"Relax! It's up to me!" She skillfully assembled the Rose code, and the second gate in front of the castle immediately opened automatically.

She opened the second door and made a look at Xin Watai behind her. Xin Watai immediately raised her eyebrows: "Since you have all unlocked, why would you let me take the lead?"

Ye Minyu smiled slightly and replied: "As long as the questions about IQ and knowledge are all covered in my body, in case I have an accident and you encounter a problem, can you turn the danger into one?"

Xin Watai glared at Ye Minyu fiercely and headed in again, but he scared him as soon as he took the first step, because the bottom was very high like a cliff, and the bottom was still long and sharp, the only thing What can pass here is a round stone column every one meter.

The diameter of this round stone pillar is only about half a meter, and the surface feels like a waxy substance. It is not only that difficult, but there are two non-stop crossings between the foot stone pillar and the stone pillar. If you want to make a giant semi-circular blade, you must pass it smoothly.

And there is at least 500 meters from the passage door to the next door. The scene that Xin Watai saw in his eyes after stepping in is an innumerable giant semi-circular giant blade, which crosses in front of his eyes. When he swallowed, he turned back and said to Ye Minyu: "No! Absolutely not! I'm a little dizzy now, but I can't fight this time!"

Chen Tian shoved away Xin Xintai and shouted: "Fear of death flashes away, a big man let a woman take the lead, the man's face makes you lose all!" Chen Tian was ready to be the first challenger after saying this sentence, But when Chen Tian walked over to see him, he also froze.

"This..." Chen Tian also swallowed. It seems that the difficulty is indeed not small. Chen Tian has just said so hard, and now he wants to take it back, so his face is short-sighted, so he had to. Inwardly determined, he had no choice but to fight one. He looked at the two semi-circular giant blades half a meter away from him and crossed back and forth before his eyes.

Chen Tian jumped at the right moment. He clearly felt that after passing the giant blade, the huge resistance would affect his jump interval. Although this time it happened that he was not cut by two giant blades, but the distance jumped this time He almost let him fall, thanks to Chen Tian's dexterity and semi-squat to stabilize his balance.

But the stone pillar underneath is very smooth. If the second jump is due to the smooth surface of the stone pillar, and the wind resistance of the two huge blades may fall directly, Chen Tian thought of looking up here again and looking at the distance. There are at least two hundred jumps to reach.

Chen Tian wiped the sweat on his face, and at the same time fixed his eyes fixed on the left and right crossed blades, his feet once again forced Chen Tian from the first stone pillar, and jumped up. Chen Tian did not calculate the time difference this time, although The body crossed two giant blades, but the back was also scraped off by the giant blade.

But fortunately, it was okay to calculate on the landing point. Chen Tian did not feel the pain in his back for a while. Although Chen Tian’s painful nerves were not keen, his back skin and clothes were cut off at this time. .

At the moment when Chen Tian was almost cut into two by the giant blade, Angelina, who was watching from afar, eagerly shouted Chen Tian’s name: “Chen Tian be careful!”

Han Li, next to Angelina, also asked with a smile: "I didn't expect you to care about him!"

"Don't you care too much about him? If you saved him when he fainted, maybe he was drowned by the water of the **** cross formation now?" Angelina retorted the sentence.

"Hehe! I just think this silly boy is very fun. I only treat him like a pet, but you seem to care too much about him?" Angelina blushed instantly after listening to this sentence. In response to Han Li's words.

Chen Tiangang jumped over the three stone pillars and his head was full of sweat, especially when he saw the giant blades that crossed in front and left, and the steel cones under the stone pillars that were like needlepoints. If it really fell, it would be instantly fatal. Chen Tian also understands that even if he has a great ability to resist hitting, he will hang directly once he falls or is split.

So at this time, Chen Tian was also careful not to dare to carelessly. After taking a rest on the third stone pillar, he slammed again and leaped hard again. Chen Tian in the air only felt that the two giant blades in front of him faced him. Cut it over.

In order not to be split in half, Chen Tian directly avoided sideways, but this method greatly reduced the strength of his jumping forward, causing the landing point to drift and his body fell straight. Chen Tian also realized that he was over.

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