Killing God Island

Chapter 396: Miss Qianda

Qian Da and Han Li, who had been with Kuang Qi, also looked for Kuang Qi along the way. After all, Kuang Qi took that watch and it was completely different from all the ones he entered. Besides, the area of ​​this T area was very large, so these two girls looked for I have been hungry for a long time. Both of them have forgotten to find some fruit before dark to fill up the hunger. I remembered it when it was dark, but it was too late. The second woman was looking for it was already dark, so they were really hungry. Some will not work, so I want to go forward and see if I can meet some people, and then let them give something to add physical strength first.

Qianda and Han Li just walked through the woods in this way. If there were any game rabbits in the woods, they grabbed and ate directly. As a result, they walked out of the woods and still did not see any living creatures: "Ah! Now, it seems that this time we are going to be starved to death here!" Han Li said, sitting on the ground and leaning against the tree for a moment, grunting loudly alone.

Seeing this, Qianda spit Han Li: "Will the fortified person still be starved to death? Ordinary people will not starve for a day or two, and not to mention that the body is fortified? You should have at least five days. Question!" Han Lijian said directly: "I don't believe you are not hungry, but you don't want to express it, how many times stronger people are than ordinary people, all perceptions will be increased by geometric multiples, of course, hunger is also ordinary. Many times, you told me that you are not hungry, do you think I will believe it?"

Qianda is actually very hungry, but she did not express tolerance as Han Li said. After all, Qianda is a descendant of four big families, and the birth of Miss Qianjin, a famous aristocrat, how could she be so perverted because of hunger? But this kind of hunger is really uncomfortable. After all, the two of them have not eaten for two days. The forest is too big to find animals and fruits. When they are too hungry, the two will go to find the whereabouts of madness. When I was hungry, I thought of continuing to find food, and every time I was hungry, I would feel more intense and even the whole stomach would be very painful, so Qian Da and Han Li were already hungry, covering the stomach under the chest, and walking forward, The two of them haven't eaten for two days. If the average person's eyes are hungry and blue already, but some of them are hungry, they are almost out of limits. At this moment, the two of them suddenly saw the hillside walking out of the forest. There is a wooden house.

As if they saw the dawn, the two of them ran directly in the direction of the wooden house, and there was still smoke on the chimney of the wooden house. It can be seen that the people in the house were living and cooking, so the two of them went directly in the direction of the room. Running away, after all, Qian Da was born in a big family, and she paid attention to etiquette. She stopped as soon as she arrived at the door, but Han Li directly entered the room without slowing down, but when Han Li entered, I saw that Five or six men were staring at Han Li with big eyes, and the bursts of fragrance inside the house also made Qianda from the door walk in directly from the outside, and when he came over, he saw a scene in the house. This delicious food is just a sheep. The five big men are roasting the whole sheep, and behind the five men there is a girl tied up. The girl is naked. Her body is full of scars. Several people were tortured, so the two who were also female also instantly disgusted these five people.

But these five people don’t know what to do with their colors. Mi. Mi.’s eyes are looking at Qian Da and Han Li. After all, they are both pretty and beautiful. They are definitely the best among women, and that The bound women really don’t know how many times better, so these five people also stared at Qianda and Han Li with a smirk, and one of them stood up with saliva in place, and the crotch was still very Raised, it looks as if it is in a state: "Yoyo! What are we today? Even such a good product is automatically delivered to the door!" After he said this, he turned back to the other four roasted whole sheep. 'S face laughed.

Qianda and Han Li didn’t even know why these five people kept laughing, and they didn’t understand why they laughed. Qianda just thought these people looked disgusting to her, so she had to draw a knife and try to solve them all. However, Han Li prevented her from making a gesture of waiting. This gesture can only be understood by the talents who have been in the special forces. These five men have never been a stuntman at a glance, so they don’t understand the two of them. Sign language, Han Li don’t look at the secretary of the internal chief of the four major family research institutes, but the members who can enter the four major families will not be ordinary people, even a female referee is definitely highly trained, and although Qian Da It is the son of the Wilson family, one of the four major families, but she has been cultivated in all aspects since she was a child. Especially her strong character of competition from an early age has made her shine in the family. The Wilson family There are 13 males and 6 females in the family, and Miss Qianda's full name is Qianda. Wilson, the third female of the six females of the Wilson family, and the highest potential for combat effectiveness among the six females. Even the 13 males are ashamed of themselves. It is better to join the Wilson family private mercenary regiment as a child soldier at the age of twelve. Although the number of dead mercenaries is small, each of them is a top special soldier and is composed of elite special forces from all over the world.

At the age of 16, he became a captain. At the age of 19, he returned to the headquarters of the Wilson family to receive genetic enhancement. At the age of 20, he began to carry out assassination operations alone and entrusted with heavy tasks. She is the only one of the direct descendants of the family. The first person to fight hard, her status in the family is even higher than that of many of her brothers. Although her brothers are in a high position in the family, and their status is even better than Qianda, they are prestigious in the eyes of their people. Not as high as Ms. Qianda, she basically grew from an ordinary one step by step to an admirable side, and her accumulated prestige even shaken the next successor, but it is clear that Qian Da’s father Jeff Ford did not want to Let Qian Da inherit the family, his concept is still patriarchal, so Jefford knows that Qian Da is very powerful, and in the case of the private corps in the family and the prestige of various departments, in order to let Its prestige does not exceed her several older brothers, so Qianda was sent to Kill God Island by her reason that she must increase again.

Qianda actually understands her father’s intentions. As a woman, she can’t take over the position of the next successor of the family. If the prestige overtakes my brothers, the consequences are definitely more than just entering the island, so she accepts Father’s arrangement, in fact, she was not a slave to fight for the successor of the family with several older brothers. Qianda just wanted to make herself stronger, she wanted to make herself understand more postures, and she just wanted to To prove laterally that her current status in the family is absolutely deserved. In fact, Qianda’s status in the family is indeed deserved. Her substantial weight is well-known to the direct descendants of all family members, but it is also for the family. I have to go to the island and disappear for a period of time. Only in this way can the family power be balanced. In fact, many people want to make Qian Da as the next successor, but Qian Da does not have such great ambitions. She keeps strengthening because of one person. And this man is Umaru who grew up with her childhood and taught her how to use the sword. This Umaru is one of the top ten combat powers in the world, the only top powerhouse that symbolizes a kind of power, and the top ten combat powers are respectively Yes, sickness, immortality, evil fist, beautiful legs, sword god... ten in total represent ten kinds of top power, and sickness refers to the ten major combat powers Gu Shouchuan, immortal refers to the possession of the ten major combat powers Wingers IX of the British royal lineage, also known as the true undead king, one of the six ancestors of the vampire, and the only surviving ancestor-level strongman, is reputed as the top ten of the world’s top fighting forces. A strong man who once fought against the strongest man in the world for three days and three nights. Although he ended in failure, his strength was recognized by the world. The first-generation experiment created by his undead gene and top technology in all aspects The body occupies two of the world's top ten combat powers. These two are respectively Zhao Ying, who is called Ms. Zhao, and the other is the zero power known as the first generation of speed corpse. The strength is strong and the fist is very hard, so the evil fist is zero prestige, and the strongest person in the world to attack the leg is Ms. Zhao, who was once called the red moon is the leg she kicked out, which can ignite the air in the landslide space, so she The legs will show fire under full-strength attack, so in the top ten combat power, it is simply referred to as the beautiful leg. Of course, Chen Tian, ​​as a three-generation mixed gene product, has half the undead ability of the gene, and it is also one of the ten combat powers. , Is Umalu, who has a sweet relationship with Qianda.

Of course, Umariu’s combat power can definitely be in the top five of the top ten, so Qianda has always used Umariu as her goal in life, always thinking of surpassing his strength, so she will challenge herself again and again to make her own strength constantly change. Keep going until you find him and defeat him, because when they were young, the two men compared their combat strength, but Qian Da’s combat strength was far less than him at that time, but Qian Da once said that he lost to him because he was a girl and you It’s a boy. Boys are more powerful than girls, so even with the same move, even if they fight against bamboo swords, the side with the weaker two swords will definitely lose, but this sentence not only did not get Umari’s comfort, but was laughed at. Too: "Although there are many gaps between men and women, you will never resist because you know that you are weaker than the other party at the moment of your life and death, so the strength of a person lies in the adequacy of your slaves. Talent can only limit your In part, once said in the Buddhist scriptures, the path to another path is definitely not just one.

Therefore, Qianda would be such a slave in the family in the later period. Since Umariu left the family in pursuit of stronger, Qianda's inner loss can only make her feel that she is not enough, so she constantly hone herself in the battlefield. She did not consider herself as the eldest young lady in the family. She was different from the other five family sisters when she was a child. They basically lived the ordinary life of ordinary Miss Qian Jin, and they did not go to aristocratic school all day. It’s shopping or dating handsome guys in aristocratic schools, and at their age, the world of Qian Da is two different situations from them. This period of Qian Da is in contact with various machine guns and various battles. It goes through non-stop homicides and injuries. Sometimes it will be taken in the field for several months to fight the quilted team. If other girls may have been irritated before taking a bath for so long, but sometimes Qianda has to stop a certain The chief of the army knew that he would lie in the trees for more than 40 hours.

After returning to the headquarters in the later period, Qian Da was quickly promoted to the middle level, but many people disobeyed her, but the entire family army served her completely. Later, in various departments, many people saw her in awe. The status has reached a position higher than that of the senior. Although her position is not so high, but it gives people a kind of she is more suitable as a family candidate, so this also makes her brothers have to deal with Qian Da She started monitoring every move, so she didn't want to intervene in this mess again, so she entered the island with peace of mind. Originally, she used her fighting power to see who killed someone, but unexpectedly encountered a madman midway.

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