Killing God Island

Chapter 43: Shadow Commando

At that moment, more than ten helicopters suddenly flew over the sky, and at the same time, the helicopter began to launch a large-scale sweeping downward...

Originally Angelina fell off the flagpole and was supposed to die. All the zombies below were waiting to tear her flesh, but suddenly this machine gun shot let her fall and escaped safely. The zombies just below her were All the shots fell to the ground.

This kind of firepower machine gun bullet has a very strong penetration force. After the bullet penetrates the body, it will expand the wound again during the process of penetrating the body, and some will even shock the zombie body as big as the mouth of the bowl.

Although Chen Tian had just exploded with powerful destructive power, he could only insist for a moment. Without this machine gun shot, he was likely to be swallowed by zombies after fainting due to physical overdraft. Chen Tian fell to the body pile due to exhaustion Here, Angelina also fell into the heap of dead bodies and pretended to be dead.

From these dozens of helicopters, a heavily armed squad jumped out of the helicopters. Each of them jumped directly from the helicopter. Everyone was carrying the ak47 machine gun to the central street of the X district. Unidentified armed units that landed on the plane, Han Li recognized their identity from their clothing signs.

This small unit is a special unit of the dark part of the Ruandi family. The code-named Shadow Commando was at its peak. This team has 30 people. Today, there are only 13 people left. But they have rich combat experience. Han Li is only curious about the four big families. Why did the Ruandi family send the Shadow Commando here?

In fact, this matter starts with the female secretary knocking on Ms. Zhao’s door. Dangdang... "Please come in!" The female secretary walked in very respectfully: "Sister Ying! The boss has something to do with you !"

Zhao Ying nodded and replied: "Got it!" She put down the glass and got up to follow the female secretary. The female secretary took Zhao Ying to the boss's door and stopped, and then she stood by the door and made an invitation. action.

Zhao Ying directly pushed the door and walked in. At this time, the four family heads of the room were all present. The four people were talking seriously, and the conversation between the four people was temporarily terminated when Zhao Ying pushed the door in.

Zhao Ying walked to a position about one meter away from the four people and stopped. At the same time, Covance, one of the four main owners, also said to Zhao Ying: "Miss Zhao, it is the right time for you to come, this time Chen Tian and others succeeded Escape in y area has cost us a lot of money, but it’s interesting that these rich people still want to count on him to make a fortune."

"Does Mr. Cowens mean that they should die in the x zone?" Cowens shook his head and replied: "No, no, Chen Tian body has the ht series.ym mixed variant gene, which can make this gene match successfully. There are not many human beings, and it is a pity that such a good experimental body made him die prematurely."

The other three masters also nodded in agreement, and Cowens also asked Zhao Ying: "How can we make money again, and can make the test body of Chen Tian survive, and let those people obediently pay the money? ?"

In addition to his powerful strength, Zhao Ying also has a super high IQ. Not only are the hearts of the four masters but their think tanks: "This matter is very simple, as long as you make everyone watch a more exciting battle, the four big families Each of the elite troops sent to enter the x zone to interact with the survivors of the x zone, will let more rich people choose to bet stronger teams, then you will choose a team with general strength to go to the x zone. By abandoning these four teams, you can make greater profits. At that time, there will be a small part of the people who buy Chen Tianneng's life. Even if they earn them, we will not lose the big money."

Cowens smiled after hearing: "Miss Zhao's idea is very good, not only has it improved the survival difficulty of the x zone, but also allows us to make a profit without losing and become the final winner."

The Shadow Commando just appeared in less than five minutes, and so many zombies have been solved here. They not only have heavy weapons and various skills, but these people are not true members of the elite troops of the Shadow Commando. Chen Tian is still in a coma. Angelina was carrying Chen Tian with her petite body, and Han Li and Ye Minyu had disappeared.

Twenty kilometers away from Chen Tian, ​​Wu Yifan and Yao Jun are confronting a group of people. This group is also one of the few survivors. There are five people in total. After Wu Yifan and Yao Jun are fighting against them, they want to join hands with them. So the seven people started to talk, although there are no evolutionary zombies around, but the strength of the seven people is not weak, but it is obvious that the five people joined forces to fight two people for five minutes and did not subdue Wu Yifan and Yao Jun. Which one is more powerful? Qiang is already obvious, but these five people are relying on how many people want to destroy Wu Yifan.

But at the beginning, they didn't notice the difference in strength with the two, but they didn't expect the two to kill the five in a moment.

Wu Yifan twisted the neck of the last person and sighed: "These people really don't say it. Instead of dying in our hands, let them join us and let them die in the hands of evolutionary zombies!"

Yao Jun also drew a dagger from the opponent's body and replied: "More helpers are of course good, but unfortunately these people have the same ideas as us, and they also want us to be cannon fodder, so their lives can only stay here. Here are Five fresh corpses will soon attract more corpses, let's leave here as soon as possible!"

Wu Yifan suddenly looked alert and said, "I'm afraid it's not easy to leave here!"

Yao Jun also turned around and saw the two men coming in front of them. These two men were composed of two handsome men, and the behavior of these two men was very strange, and both of them walked towards him. Applause: "Not bad! You two have good skills, do you want to consider being our men?"

The man who spoke this sentence behaved like a woman. The sissy voice made Wu Yifan and Yao Jun immediately fight a cold war: "The two of you want us to be your hands? It depends on whether you two have the ability Now!"

"Yoyo! You two don't think that the five **** just solved, you think you are amazing?" The man smiled with his fingers covering his mouth, and the gesture was almost the same as the woman. Wu Yifan stepped forward and kicked him: "You are too disgusting to speak, kill you, man and demon first!" The man in front directly guarded with one hand Wu Yifan kicked sideways, and at the same time he stepped forward, and at the same time turned around and shouted: "Let you see the monkey stealing the peach!"

This man's move was extremely fast, and even Wu Yifan didn't respond, and before Wu Yifan had avoided it, his hand was already caught: "My God! What a big peach!"

Wu Yifan's face suddenly changed, and at the same time, he also furiously punched him in the face: "I want you to die!" The man loosened Wu Yifan's big peach, turned his back after kicking with both hands, his leg was more than Wu Yifan's The arm is long, so before Wu Yifan hit him, Wu Yifan was kicked out first.

Wu Yifan was backed up by two or three steps in a row before being kicked, but as soon as he stood firm, he saw that the man had ran in front of him. When he wanted to attack, he was punched in the face by the man. On the back of my ear, the sissy man's voice sounded again: "I have a left uppercut, a right uppercut, add some seasoning, and put some salt!"

He hit Wu Yifan with two hooks in a row. At the same time, he kicked again on the side. The heel stopped suddenly two centimeters from Wu Yifan. His foot wind made Wu Yifan's hair blow to all sides: "This little handsome guy, you don't have to fight anymore."

Of course, Wu Yifan refused to admit defeat. He grabbed the man and kicked the foot that stopped on his face with a trick. Then a sweeping leg tripped his other leg and the tilted body pressed his forearm against the girly. On the neck, Wu Yifan just pressed him on the ground with his forearm: "Who do you think is the winner now?"

The crushed girly girl suddenly smiled: "Ah! You are pressing on people like this, my boyfriend is angry!" His words just fell, Wu Yifan only felt a wind in front of him, just stood here The handsome man beside the man kicked Wu Yifan, and at the same time, Yao Jun, who had been standing next to Wu Yifan, suddenly appeared with his hands crossed to prevent the man's attack.

"You just didn't shoot when your friend was beaten. Are you ready to fight with me now?" The man came to Yao Jun after saying this, and Yao Jun also showed two daggers in his hands. Out of combat posture.

Originally, Wu Yifan thought that he had subdued the girly girl, but he didn't expect that the girlie's hands clapped her hands, and the huge force directly shocked Wu Yifan. Is there a gap in strength? Do you have to force us to stand up to you? Are you willing to stop?"

Wu Yifan also smiled after hearing: "Just how can you be a girly girl?" Wu Yifan jumped up again, twirled in the air and swept straight away from the top, only to see the girly man's left arm side blocked , The right arm suddenly raised a punch and hit Wu Yifan's crotch part again, this time the strength was not small Wu Yifan made a very tragic sound in the air, he immediately knelt on the ground, his head on the ground, his hands covered him, and he couldn't stand up .

The man smiled in a delicate pose of a little woman: "Can't you stand up with pain this time?" At the same time, another handsome man also grabbed one of Yao Jun's wrists. After the dagger broke off, a side-by-side single arm caught Yao Jun's attacking arm, and then took the right arm finger to pinch on Yao Jun's neck and asked: "You have lost, as long as I try hard now, your neck will break Off, but I won’t kill you. We have the same purpose now, we all have to pass through the x zone so we need help!

After the man said this sentence, he released Yao Jun, and at this time Wu Yifan barely stood up: "You **** girly, I will never forgive you!" The girly smiled back slightly: "Little Don’t be angry, handsome guy. I just want you to have a deeper impression on me. My name is Gu Xiaofei, and my boyfriend next to me is Gao Kai!"

After the girlie introduced his two names, Yao Jun also stepped forward to the man just now: "My name is Yao Jun and his name is Wu Yifan!" The man named Gao Kai also reached out and shook hands with Yao Jun Hand, this also indicates that the small friction just now has been resolved. The next four have temporarily become an alliance.

At the same time, the brother and sister duo separated from Chen Tian earlier, they have already passed the siege of the corpse, this pair of brothers and sisters are not only amazing men and women, but also very smart, once a university top student Generally, but the mind is not stupid, so after knowing that there are many living corpses here, the two find the location of the remaining survivors in the x area.

Relying on the position of the watch, first find Chen Tian’s position by means of exclusion, and then after finding the nearest survivors to kill them and dispersing their bodies as bait to disperse the group of corpses, the siblings are driving their cars to the center of Zone X Driving in the area, what the sibling did not expect was that he could have trouble on the highway.

At this time, my brother was driving straight ahead, and the beautiful sister sitting in the co-pilot position was also leaning on the shoulder of his brother, humming the song. At this time, the two brothers and sisters were leisurely as if they were on vacation. A military jeep suddenly appeared in the rear. The number of people in the vehicle was unclear but the vehicle was equipped with heavy machine guns.

Although they were far away from the brother and sister, they had launched an attack on the brother and sister. At that time, the brother and sister had not noticed that there was a car in the rear. Suddenly the bullet penetrated the car. The glass brother and sister were aware of the enemy behind them. For a time, he pressed his sister's head with his hands, and while protecting his sister, he immediately turned the head of the car to the enemy behind him and drove past.

Ordinary people will definitely choose to drive directly forward. After all, the brother and sister chose that the sports car should be able to throw away the enemies behind, but Zhuo Yanxuan directly turned the tail to turn the enemy towards the rear, and at the same time, he also aimed at himself. The younger sister said, "You will jump after I count 10, understand?"

The sister nodded cleverly on her brother's lap, and at the same time she naughtily teased her brother!

"Hey! What are you doing Wenxin? When are you still making trouble? I'm going to start counting now, 10...9...8...7..."

At this time, there were six men with fierce looks in the vehicles that attacked the siblings. One of the six men, Huang Huangmao, shot forward and laughed more than once: "Wahaha...Wahaha...Wahaha Haha... This island is so cool, not only have weapons but you can also kill people at will, this is a paradise for people like us, I kill and kill! Too cool, haha!"

The black man in the same car shouted loudly: "What are you aiming at? You can't solve the people in front by shooting so many guns? What are you doing?"

The white man sitting not far from the black man also got up from the car, and also raised his gun to shoot forward and shouted: "The people in the car in front are also crazy! They chose to fight hard with us. !"

At that moment, the other three people who sat down later also lost their cigarette butts and raised their guns to shoot forward: "Made waste! Let's work together, and they hit us without killing!"

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