Killing God Island

Chapter 448: Siege on four sides of ambush

When sitting in the first seat of the Nanpai conference room, it was not the real leader who created the Nanpai, but Du Wei, who was the brain of the Nanpai. He was also the highest-level leader outside the Nanpai, the Nanpai management. Many are because there are many people themselves, but in addition to the general manager who can completely determine the overall power, there are four people who can make major adjustments to the entire Nanpai, also known as the four generals, and Du Weijiu is four. One of them, although the strength is not necessarily the strongest among the four generals, but his IQ is definitely the highest among the four generals and the entire Nanpai. He is serious and never smiles on his face, as if everything in the world Everyone owes him the same money.

But Du Wei is a talented person, and he is very talented and very rare. He is a perfect person with great wisdom and strength, so he is very proud of himself, even if he is facing the other three of the third generals at the same level. They all raised their heads with a cold attitude, and all these people were willing to be their commanders, but the commander also gave him the right. Although the other three were not afraid of him, they all listened. His, because the coach did not see the true face except these four people, he would not participate in any meetings, so many people did not know him, but the command of the coach is all the family's fight Agent Du Wei and the remaining three will govern.

So at this time the sitting position at the meeting, that is, the position that should be done by the coach, now Du Wei is sitting in this position, followed by four golden chairs with very prominent positions. , Because this person’s position should be Du Wei, but he is now the acting general manager, so his original position is empty every time, and the rest are behind layers of cadres. The higher the front, the most obvious strength is that the third row is equivalent to a vacant position in the position of the host, and the original owner of this position is the self-righteous Gu Siniang who was killed by the Chen Tian group.

And the main purpose of the high-level meeting of the whole staff is not just to provoke Chen Tian and his team, but also the current situation and changes in the entire t zone, and there are some ways to leave the t zone. Of course, Du Wei’s IQ has long been seen, but he can’t say that because there is no one who will be selfish, but this problem must be solved. If you can’t appease the emotions of all the members of the Southern School, although some people I won’t say it, but who doesn’t want to be motivated for a moment, who doesn’t want to be promoted to the s-zone to see what happens there, etc. So in the face of this turbulent situation, everyone must be brainwashed. Of course, the other three will definitely not express their opinions casually, because if their opinions are different, it will lead to division within the family.

However, although Du Wei, the fourth general, is in power, the rights of the other three are not small, and the relationship between the four seems to be generally very good. Of course, they also support the capable people. If they have a good mind, they should use the right place, so None of the four of them want more family rights, and the coach is a person who does not pursue rights, and Du Wei’s proud attitude is also an innate personality that cannot be changed. Of course these four people They all have different personalities and tempers, but in general the relationship between the four people is still very good, but it gives the rest of the middle-level cadres a feeling that they are incompatible with each other. The main reason is that these four people only express themselves Only in the heart and each other can we fully understand.

Or it is impossible to create the strongest organization in the T district in just a few years by these four people and the five coaches. Both the number and the overall strength of the members are well deserved, so Du Wei began to order soldiers because The practice of Chen Tian and his party and the non-compliance with the rules have fully proved that they are friends of the enemy and the enemy, because as long as they set foot on the southern territory, you will see a huge tombstone in front, and the rock is engraved in red in a paragraph The word, the meaning is very simple, it is a pleasure to have friends from afar, Nanpai recruits many friends but is not afraid of foreign enemies, it is friendship and enemy killing, so before you indicate the exact purpose of your coming, please Unload your weapons and enter the Nanpai. Otherwise, we will doubt your intention and deal with it accordingly. After indeed entering the Nanpai, Chen Tian and others have seen this warning sign, but no one has unloaded their weapons, especially those of caliper men, who are still on their bodies. I rushed the machine gun, it was also clear that I didn’t give the Nanpai face. No wonder Du Wei would start ordering to prepare to directly destroy Chen Tian’s group. Of course, Chen Tian’s group was still moving forward at this time. Ye Minyu in the team would never blindly make some useless This time, Ye Minyu took the initiative to come in and invited a group of caliper men to join him. Its purpose was to let it be used as a cannon fodder, and its purpose was not exactly to fight hard with thousands of elites from the Nanpai. Then this time Ye Minyu let What's the purpose of Chen Tian's group dispatching to Nanpai?

In fact, she wanted to be a cow-puller, and Chen Tian's group was a cow-puller, and the people who angered the Nanpai came to hunt them down are the so-called cows. People and cows will definitely lose money when they compare their strength, so the pharmaceuticals pull It’s ok, and then slowly drags the cow down with consumption, but this kind of guerrilla tactics is not to do this high-risk and thankless job by yourself. Ye Minyu’s real idea is to put the Southern School The introduction of elite troops, another powerful strength in the t zone, the location of the mountain tiger pass. This organization concluded after many investigations by Ye Minyu that their strength is very strong and their ambitions are very strong. Potential organization, this organization team started from two years ago, until now has enough strength to fight against the Southern School, but people who do big things will plan ahead, and for those with great ambitions, the early low-key development is the later Blockbuster capital.

However, Ye Minyu did not expect that he had been ambushed before he started to make combat strategies and various attention items, and these ambushes were also armed with guns. Nanpai was the largest organization in the T zone, although its strength was basically They don’t use machine guns for weapons, but these people are just some of the miscellaneous diseases of the initial water test. Their combat effectiveness is about six times that of ordinary people. However, the members who can join the Nanpai are even better than ordinary organizations. Too many, even these miscellaneous soldiers can be cadres in some small organizations in the area t, and even if the miscellaneous soldiers want to enter the southern faction, they need to be tested. Only after the basis of physical combat can enter the southern faction, so These people who suddenly stood up and shot at Chen Tian were also some melee soldiers with melee capabilities. The people who led these more than 30 melee soldiers were named Jim Claus, referred to as Claus. Although they are the chieftains in charge of these small miscellaneous soldiers, those who cannot reach even the middle level in the Nan faction are far more powerful than some high-level forces.

The reason is that he is very unlucky and does not want to highlight himself too much. He came here just to be at peace with the status quo. He is a man with great strength but not too ambitious, and this time he actually did not want to ambush Chen Tianyi. Mate, but his superior didn’t want to personally die, so he came to ambush. Although Klaus was a man who wanted to settle down, he was not a fool. Of course he knew that he might have been included in the ranks of cannon fodder, but he did not He didn’t have to go directly because he was in love with Jerma Tina, the only female among the four generals. He was still infatuated. If he left, he would never see her again, so he did not leave to choose for love and The silent guard fought this time.

Five minutes before the incident, Chen Tianzheng was walking with Angelina on the back of the crowd, and the people walking at the front were Ye Minyu and Yao Jun. Yao Jun used to stand when he was the captain of the special team In the front, he is the captain, so in many cases he is at the forefront, and on the left are Ye Minyu and Wu Yifan who are almost flush with him, followed by the caliper man and the big breasted sister, then Ling Zifeng and Xu In an instant, they Pang Jian was standing between the muscular girl and the makeup fairy girl. Among them, Lin Xue was an enemy to them. However, Lin Xue’s sniper strength is very strong, so the current relationship between the team of Chen Tian is all It's subtle. It's not accurate to say that each other is an enemy to each other. It is absolutely impossible to say that each other belongs to the same team as a friend. Then there are Chen Tian in the middle position and An Jilian who is on Chen Tian’s back, as well as Bocellé and Becketti in the future, and Weibi Hairak, who has broken an arm but is still alive. After the muscular woman kindly rescued him, he was now struggling forward with Becky on his back after some time. After all, Becky was an ordinary person with no strengthening at all. Although he had good physical strength, Chen Tian and others The pace is not slow, even if you don’t want to be left behind, it’s a bit difficult, not to mention the individual, so now Becky is sweating and thinking of walking.

Unconsciously, I have walked a long distance. During this period, everyone was calm, and everyone slowly eased from the tensions against the Tiger brothers. But while everyone was relaxed, suddenly Chen Tian's group and caliper men's group were shot directly from the periphery. Chen Tian's group was designed. Because there are many trees here, and in the leafy forest, only the approximate direction of the shooting can be heard, but the shooting is not visible at all. Where the people are, the exact location can't be judged at all, and they can only find a place to hide in the first place. Of course, it is the caliper men and Lin Xue who is alone. They are all ordinary people who may be killed by a shot. The body does not repair this function at all. It may be a person who needs a small wound to take more than a week to heal. Not to mention the bullets of this machine gun. Relying on the advantages of the terrain and the natural barriers, these people hide their bodies in this very dense forest.

In fact, the person who fired the first shot was the last one shot by Chen Tian and they fired in the state of fire. There was no natural place to escape from the original shooting point, but because of this person's relationship, they caused each other in advance. Fire, because the target has been exposed and it is no longer possible to fire. This should be considered good luck for the caliper men. Even if Chen Tian and others are introduced into this place, they may not be killed. In addition to their own defense and healing power, Chen These teammates that God agrees are really not afraid of bullets. They can almost avoid bullets. Even if they are hit, it will not be a big deal. Unless they directly headshot, they can see the bullet trajectory. If this is not possible Avoiding that death is also because you are incompetent and you can’t blame others. You can only blame your limited ability to fully develop your powerful genetic capabilities.

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