Killing God Island

Chapter 46: Warlords

After a burst of machine guns fired, more than a dozen people wearing black ninja costumes also landed on the ground. They threw away the machine guns that shot the bullets and pulled out the Japanese long swords behind them in the direction of Wu Yifan and others. go with.

At this time, Nuomi held the knife in the ground with her right hand, and covered the bleeding wound in her abdomen with her left hand, and shouted to Xiaowu: "These people dare to attack me, you cover me now! I used to chop them!" Covering the wound, he rushed directly towards the black ninjas in front.

"Sister! You hurt..." Xiaowu saw that she had rushed past, and she also got up and pressed the teddy bear's head with her right hand. More than ten machine guns suddenly appeared in the furry body in front of the teddy bear , The sound of the sound of the sound of the cute plush toy is emitted from the body of this cute plush toy. This teddy bear-like weapon ejects powerful firepower like heavy machine guns from all parts of the body.

The black ninjas in the forefront didn't even think that these people had such a firepower. The black ninjas who wanted to fight hard with glutinous rice were killed by Xiaowu's heavy fire immediately before they joined the battle with glutinous rice. The ninja in black in front of this bullet had a great penetrating power. The three ninjas in the front were instantly turned into horse honeycombs and fell to the ground.

At the same time, most of the other guarded ninjas immediately evaded. Some people directly used a knife to block the bullets shot in front of them. This knife was amazingly fast. Until the rice and the sword opposed, Xiaowu stopped the shooting just now. The teddy bear pulled out a steel giant hammer more than a meter long.

This weapon looks bulky and exaggerated, it is difficult to imagine a girl wearing a Gothic black dress would choose this weapon, and the hammer is so large that it is entirely metal. The weight is absolutely unusable by the average person. I saw that Xiao Wu raised the hammer with both hands and rushed towards the person in front.

Gu Xiaofei and Gao Kai also glanced at each other and rushed towards each of them. Only Wu Yifan and Yao Jun were still avoiding it, and did not mean to fight in the past.

Wu Yifan directly asked: "Brother Yao! Now we are going to help in this situation, or do we choose to take this opportunity to leave first?"

Yao Jun looked at the situation around him and replied: "We don't need to spread the muddy water, and the zombies around us are gradually attracted by their fighting. If we don't leave here, it will be very dangerous. We don't need to follow The two base friends are benevolent and righteous, and now is a good opportunity for us to leave first!"

After hearing this sentence, Wu Yifan suddenly smiled: "I knew Brother Yao would say that!" Yao Jun and Wu Yifan took the opportunity to leave without looking back.

The long sword in Nuomi's hand and the Japanese sword in the hands of this black ninja had just been matched for more than a dozen times, and her right arm was completely numb. This idea suddenly appeared in her heart. It seems that these people are masters. It seems that fighting hard with him will definitely be a disadvantage. Thinking that Nuomi had blocked his attack again with one hand, then she took another step and turned and ran back.

The ninja, of course, also noticed that the girl who had been injured in front of her, now seeing her turned and fled, chased in the direction of Nuomi's escape.

Glutinous rice saw him chasing over, so she ran to the front corner more quickly. When the ninja in black chased from the corner, she found out that Glutinous rice was waiting for him at the corner, and he just held a pistol in each hand. At the same time, Nuomi also pulled the trigger at the same time, bang bang bang... shot while walking towards him.

This ninja in black can use a Japanese sword to block the attack of the bullet, and bang bang bang... until Nuomi finished all the bullets of the two pistols, and the distance between the two was almost less than five meters.

Just in the heart of this ninja in black, I secretly believe that your bullets have run out, I see what tricks you have next, you are dead!

Of course, Nuomi also threw away the pistol at this time, and once again pulled out his light blue long sword to hold the sword in both hands, and ran forward four or five steps quickly after the two feet jumped hard with both hands, holding the sword and slashing down.

And the ninja in black also used the Japanese sword to block again, so that he did not expect that the Japanese sword in his hand was actually cut off by the sword in the hands of glutinous rice, and the black ninja even brought the knife together with the knife. Split, he stared at Nuomi before he died: "How it you..."

Glutinous rice slammed the blood on the sword, and the person's body was split in half from the middle left and right. With the internal organs and organs in the body scattered, Nuomi returned with a long sword head : "Do you think I fired so many shots at you in order to shoot you? You, a person of your skill, can't even hit you with bullets, I have known this for a long time."

Just now Nuomi shot at him, in fact, to let him use a knife to block the bullets, and more than thirty rounds of bullets hit the same point on the man's blade. The blade and the blade body have appeared gaps and cracks. The last fatal blow of Shang Nuo Rice was so hard that the man's sword was unable to withstand such a big impact and broke.

At the same time, Gu Xiaofei's sissy strength is really not weak. If he is really serious, he can play three at a time. His strength is far above Gao Kai. Gao Kai also has a lot of effort to deal with one person like Nuo Mi!

But what surprised Gu Xiaofei was that the little girl wearing a black gothic black dress actually held a sledgehammer and hit five, and the five people who were still chasing were hiding from Tibet! Because this girl is so fierce, the strength of this hammer makes these ninjas very afraid!

The original weight of the hammer was astonishing, plus Gu Xiaofei was terrified after being lifted by her. A ninja in black couldn't avoid the hammer from the small dance wheel. After the sound of the metal impact, the man in black followed him as if he was hit by a baseball and flew out. The man in black instantly flew a dozen meters away and fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, he didn't stand up for a long time. The other four people didn't dare to approach easily after seeing it. They could only take out their pistols and shoot at Xiaowu. The long iron chain behind Xiaowu's warhammer was Connected with her huge teddy bear, I saw that she twisted under the warhammer, and the huge iron chain pulled the teddy bear in the distance directly.

Boom Boom...Boom Boom...Boom Boom! At the same time as the bullet was ejected, the huge teddy bear was like a huge shield, again blocking the little dance body. At the same time, the four people who shot at the same time also heard the ruthless voice of Nuomi: "I will send you on the road!" Just when these four people attacked Xiaowu, they were all killed by Nuomi with a sword from behind!

Although Gao Kai's strength is not weak, but compared with Gu Xiaofei, his strength is obviously very different. Gao Kai is now very embarrassed. In desperation, Gao Kai can only use the last trick, Gao Kai even took off his coat and issued A cry like constipation, at this moment his expression seemed to be suffering immensely.

At the same time, the muscles of his upper body also began to rise and fall violently. This ninja in black seemed to feel something: "Do you guys...have war soldiers?"

Gao Kai's body instantly penetrated and shot countless metals. These metals from his body quickly formed a metal armor like the Saint Warrior, just like the Iron Man in the movie transformed instantly, but different from Iron Man. It is because he is only partially armored. This technology is an armed biochemical weapon created by the Wilson family, the most powerful technology among the four big families five years ago.

There are many types of war soldiers called war soldiers. In fact, this kind of thing is very small, and only genetically enhanced humans can use it. This kind of weapon is very small and it is an egg-sized volume. It is placed in the human body to pass. The main consciousness is turned on, and from the body, if there is no fortified person with a strong physical recovery ability, ordinary people will die due to damage to the internal organs of the body.

The strengthened humans have certain self-healing capabilities, so even if they pierce the internal organs of the body, as long as they are not too serious, there will be no life-threatening. This armored weapon called the war soldiers can instantly improve its combat power. However, when opening, you must endure the tremendous pain of piercing the internal organs and the body. After lifting, it will also cause your body to be seriously injured.

This armed type of weapon has been divided into one of three major combat capabilities. The technical armor category of the wartime warrior belongs to it, and there is the self-evolution class that strengthens the mutation by its own strength. The last one is the knife class and the cold weapon. And the three major combat systems such as special weapons and so on, the technology armor can maximize your own strength, but it will make you a human being, no ghost, no ghost.

In addition, the body of the device installed in the wartime will also be upgraded according to its own degree of evolution, and it may eventually become a half-human and half-machine physique. This type of technical armor is generally a person whose strength cannot be improved again. The auxiliary tools are loved by many people, and there are also many strong people who choose to use, or those who want to break even stronger boundaries.

The ninja in black is a member of the special forces of the four major families. Of course, he knows that the man used the war soldiers. The man in black jumped out a few meters in a row at a very fast speed. It seems that he wanted to pull away and high as soon as possible. Kai's distance from each other.

Seeing that it was more than ten meters away from Gao Kai at this time, he inserted the knife into the ground and used exactly the same movements as Gao Kai. He could also use the war soldiers, but the weakness of the war soldiers was to open It takes at least thirty seconds or so, and at this stage the opener has to endure great pain.

Gao Kai started the war earlier than him. At this time, Gao Kai knew that this person also had to start the war. If I let him open successfully, it would be unfavorable to me. Gao Kai instantly ran to his position with a very rapid speed. It's almost as if the two were clearly about 30 meters away from each other, and they came to him in an instant!

Before he started the war, he was directly pierced by the steel thorn suddenly pierced from Gao Kai’s arm. At this time, the steel blade stretched out was the high-tech weapon that broke from Gao Kai’s skin. And this special steel is called the war soldiers.

Gu Xiaofei saw that Gao Kai had transformed into an armored man, so he waved at him and said, "Hey! Since you started the game, hurry up and help me! It's hard to fight three by one!"

His voice just fell and saw that Gao Kai ran directly to Gu Xiaofei and the others at a very fast speed. Because he was in a high place, he found the problem immediately, and Gu Xiaofei and the three men in black were basically I don't know what the big event is about to happen, but the horror scene that followed immediately made the sisters look forward, and Gu Xiaofei was also slightly distorted when he looked up.

And the terrible scene that appeared in front of these people was that while the smoke was rising ahead, a row of densely mutated zombies were running towards here.

This number made Gu Xiaofei and the rest of the people directly uncomfortable. The first reaction of all people was to turn their heads to the inside of the center of the X zone. The sound of these people just shooting and fighting continuously has attracted too Many variants of zombies.

At this time, there were seven people present, namely three ninjas in black, Gu Xiaofei, Gao Kai, and the sisters of Nuomi and Xiaowu: "What shall we do?"

At this time, Nuo Mi's clothes have been stained with his own blood: "Is there any way? Everyone is working together now, let's kill a way to escape from here!"

In the face of their own life and death, even the enemies with blood and deep enemies can join hands and even the three ninjas stand consciously in the human camp at this time: "Damn! How can you escape so much? Fight with them!"

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