Killing God Island

Chapter 50: Biochemical Giant (Part 1)

Ye Minyu returned his hand with a Nepalese knife, and crossed the throat of the person closest to him horizontally. The armor, known as the war era, is very hard, and the defense position also highlights the protection of the neck and other key points. At the same time, the blade edged the armor on the neck to produce a huge Mars, and at the same time the man also punched Ye Minyu with a punch.

Moreover, a very sharp metal substance was put on the fist of the man. Ye Minyu wanted to defend with the knife on the other hand, just at the moment when the blade and the metal on the fist were about to collide, the ground suddenly collapsed as if around the whole After a major earthquake, rows of buildings shook and collapsed.

This also caused Chen Tianzhong and several people in the special forces directly under the Wilson family to suffer a lot of impact at the same time. Ye Minyu originally wanted to use a knife to block the balcony upstairs suddenly collapsed, and the huge cement block fell while making Ye Minyu And those who wanted to attack him have avoided both sides.

At the same time, Chen Tian and Angelina, who ran in the direction of Ye Minyu, also felt the sway of the surrounding ground suddenly during the run, and the surrounding ground immediately changed dramatically, and the surrounding cement was clean. There are huge cracks on the ground built with marble, and as the amplitude of the vibration increases, the cracks on the ground also increase rapidly.

There were even cracks that were large enough to drop several people. Even tall buildings made of reinforced concrete were collapsed by cracks on the ground. In addition to the dangers everywhere, huge dust caused by the collapse of the building It also produces a natural smoke barrier.

However, at this time, the cement blocks and various dangerous objects falling over the sky will be smashed as long as they are immortal. As the cracks on the ground increase, everyone wants to get out of here as much as possible. There are already many variants around the zombie. After being smashed to death or to the depth of the rift, even someone in the Wilson Special Forces who was able to do so fell into the depth of the rift.

Chen Tian grabbed Angelina next to her and shouted: "Follow me, rest assured that we will be fine, trust me!"

Angelina looked up at Chen Tian again. Although he really didn't look good, Chen Tian at this time made Angelina feel a great sense of security in her heart. Angelina suddenly blushed underneath. He nodded, and then quickly ran away with Chen Tian's hand and Chen Tian running away.

Ye Minyu scolded Chen Tian aloud: "Asshole! Am I asking you to help? When you encounter danger, you only know that you are escaping with your beloved woman?" Ye Minyu waved his hand with his three-clawed blade to a height in front. After the object, the telescopic catapult directly following the three-clawed blade flew out of place, and the huge cement block that was above the sky before she left it also smashed.

The two people who battled Ye Minyu were not so lucky. These two people were directly smashed under the huge cement block. Even if they have war-time armor, they can only protect the surface from attack and enhance themselves. Combat strength, the impact of huge pressure and the huge impact force formed from tens of meters high, these two people were crushed under the huge stones on the spot.

In front of Ye Minyu, who blocked most of the Wilson Special Forces members, it was true that a girl with an axe, Ben Xi, and a Chinese girl, Han Li, who wore myopia. These two people had their own hands. Killing each other, just when the two of them hit the critical moment, the sudden appearance of the Wilson family special forces broke the life-and-death match between the two.

In the face of these unwelcome guests who shot and greeted each other, the two women chose to solve these obstacles first. It seems that both of them thought so, so they attacked them with strong fighting power. The 6 members of the Wilson family did not expect these two women to be so powerful.

Each of them was a special mercenary from a long battle battlefield, and was also strengthened by the family and given special warfare weapons. He did not expect to encounter these two terrible evil stars just after entering the island. Kieran thought it should be easy to kill two girls who were not over 20 years old.

But I didn't expect these two girls to be so terrible that one of them looks crazy and violent and bloody, and the other is a seemingly quiet girl who is professionally murderous and merciless.

At first, the two acted fast and could even escape the bullets of the machine gun, so although the six men shot accurately, they did not hit. The speed of the dodge of these two people was like a phantom. Between the alleys.

And the captain of these six people also made a gesture to the other five people, instructing the three of you to deal with the spectacles girl, and the two of you came with me to kill the girl holding the axe.

Everyone also made an ok sign and nodded. The three men overcame Han Li in the opposite direction. The captain Kiran personally led the captain to the corner just to shoot. Ben Xi, what made him unexpected was that this Xi Ye master was so bold that he had been waiting for them for a long time at the corner of the alley.

Professional mercenaries will never turn over directly. They will appear back to back from various angles and from the angle of being supported by teammates, so that even if someone sneaks there, they will be killed by teammates and themselves from various angles.

But they didn’t know that Ben Xi had been trained by the world’s top killer professional since she was a child. She couldn’t understand these conventional routines anymore. Ben Xi had already put a small lens on the opposite corner and reflected it through the reflection. Ben Xi already knew they were approaching.

Before they appeared, they suddenly appeared. This suddenly appeared very quickly and quite timely. This time period was the moment Captain Kieran was about to turn over, but Ben Xi turned to him at the same time a second in advance. .

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