Killing God Island

Chapter 667: Ghost King Battle Zhuo Yanxuan

"Do you want to take the opportunity to disturb my emotions? If I guess correctly, even if I don't fight for gems with you, I am afraid you will not let us go!"

"Oh? How do you say that?" Zhuo Yanxuan asked for some reason, but asked the ghost king, but the ghost king said with a smile: "I'm afraid you need more than gems? I'm afraid you want to go directly through this corpse bone city." Is it trouble in the Central District?" He smiled with sharp eyes and stared at Zhuo Yanxuan's eyes without blinking.

Zhuo Yanxuan also raised a smile on his lips: "Since you have already guessed, why do you want to **** the gems and stop us from doing so?" Zhuo Yanxuan directly asked this question, and the ghost king did not shy away from this topic. And he said to Zhuo Yanxuan very directly: "From here, the place you reached was the site of Starudi, one of the thirteen thugs, and Starudi is my dear brother, So for so many years I have been willing to guard the gate and protect him, so if I want to go to trouble with my brother, of course I have to pass me?"

"Oh! It turns out that this is the reason why I can't refute it. Since you are so loyal to your brother, there is nothing more to say, come up with real skills! After playing like this, are you ready to hit the dawn?"

"The same is true, then let's come up with real skills!" After the ghost king said this, he shouted the ghost king roar, and with his roar, everyone who immediately shook the sound wave covered his ears. Even the three of Benxi’s men couldn’t stand up, but Benxi, Ram Chad, Sheila and Zhuo Wenxin, as well as Zhuo Wenxin’s brother Zhuo Yanxuan, were completely okay. Lived in both ears, and depending on the situation, the fluctuation of the volume volatility is still increasing, and even the things he cooks have formed a sound wave that looks like a soul and constantly moves around. The sound wave of this walk does not mean In the state of Youzhou, the ability to absorb more people during the movement, and then when they return to his body, the energy absorbed by these things and some skills of the dead man Ghost King can also be used at this time.

So when he used the ghost king roar, his body changed significantly...

This also made Zhuo Yanxuan feel that he was a little bit wrong for a while, but the specifics of it are still unclear. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan and Ghost King haven't dealt with each other yet, but Zhuo Yanxuan can vaguely feel strange. Because Zhuo Yanxuan’s strength level can sense the changes in different energy fields around him, Zhuo Yanxuan has noticed something strange, but he has not launched any further precautions, causing Zhuo Yanxuan to feel only the ghost king in front of him. Suddenly, it suddenly disappeared from the position where I was standing, which also made Zhuo Yanxuan suddenly alert. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan's eyes were always locked in the front during this period. , So in this case Zhuo Yanxuan immediately became very serious, but it was indeed in front of the place where the ghost king was standing. At this time, there was no one, and what followed was suddenly in Zhuo Yanxuan. The ghost king who appeared in front of him. And it was so sudden that Zhuo Yanxuan didn’t react and was kicked by a heavy side kick. The ghost king’s knee hit the door of Zhuo Yanxuan directly. It was very strong and very strong. Zhuo Yanxuan kicked the whole person down, and the attack of the ghost king was not just a matter of this foot. The next step was like a continuous move. After seeing Zhuo Yanxuan fell to the ground, he directly fell very coherently. Zhuo Yanxuan attacked the ground again. After a kick, Zhuo Yanxuan followed and pressed down with his knee as the main one. This move was very harmonious and perfect in connection with the previous move, making Zhuo Yanxuan completely After being unable to avoid falling to the ground, the ghost king once again put Zhuo Yanxuan's chest on the knee with a very strong knee, and fixed the body of Zhuo Yanxuan with the knee as the pressure point, and then began to run away from Zhuo Yanxuan with his fists. When Zhuo Yanxuan was hit, he was completely passive.

Ghost King basically used this stance to attack crit, launched a fierce offensive on Zhuo Yanxuan's face and upper body pressed by his knee, and every punch was punched into the bone fast. Each of these punches from time to time, if you generally strengthen the person, this punch is enough to kill it or lethal, but the ghost king swooped on Zhuo Yanxuan’s face and upper body, resulting in Zhuo Yanxuan. His handsome face was distorted, and the bones and hair that had flesh and blood flew across his upper body were broken, and the blood spray from the corners of his mouth and the nostrils continued to look as if he had been beaten.

After the attack of the Ghost King's hundreds of fists, Zhuo Yanxuan now seems to be beaten as if he is motionless, and the Ghost King seems to think that he is dead or that this person has been saved, so he stops the attack and stands up. And turned to look at the two places where he was fighting with Zhuo Wenxin Benxi, as well as his own group of men and Ben Xi’s fighting direction. At this moment, the ghost king suddenly felt a click and a very obvious bone connection or The repaired sound, in less than a minute, he turned around after he felt it, but the ghost king turned around and saw what Zhuo Yanxuan punched directly at the moment. This punch was also powerful. Compared with the foot he just kicked, the ghost king did not expect Zhuo Yanxuan to be so strong in recovery. He was beaten to the point that he looked completely unsaved, even though he turned around and left for less than a minute. It has basically recovered eight layers, only the face has slight signs of scars, and Zhuo Yanxuan's own ability to fight against Chen Tian. The repair ability is not as weak as Chen Tian, ​​but it is not much weaker than Chen Tian. The repair ability of Chen Tian is absolutely terrible to almost immortal level, and Zhuo Yanxuan is only slightly inferior to Chen Tian's repair ability.

One can imagine how powerful Zhuo Yanxuan’s ability to repair wounds and internal organs and internal injuries is, and he also has a memory repair gene like Chen Tian, ​​which means that whether he repairs broken internal organs or bones will not Long deformation, so Zhuo Yanxuan has repaired some of the weakest bones, which are only bones, in less than a minute, because he and Chen Tian are super beating themselves, and the ghost king sees only However, it was bleeding and internal organs that caused him to think that Zhuo Yanxuan was not saved, so Zhuo Yanxuan was relatively easy to repair, but his handsome appearance was not completely restored for the time being, but this did not happen. Affect Zhuo Yanxuan's combat effectiveness.

So after Zhuo Yanxuan felt that the ghost king had come up with real strength, Zhuo Yanxuan also launched an attack on him directly without hesitation, and this attack was as sudden and rapid as the ghost king last time. It was as if the two had swapped positions. The moment the ghost king turned around, he didn’t see Zhuo Yanxuan at all. The first thing he felt was a strong blow of wind, and he followed him to see his fist. , But when I saw it, it was a moment when the fist had hit him in the face, and this force was also strong enough to blow him out, and as his whole feet were off the ground sideways When flying ahead with inertia and strong force, Zhuo Yanxuan also chased at a very fast speed, and the flying ghost king was also flying like a sandbag during the period from his body to the fall. A quick and unclear variety of punches and kicks were launched against the ghost king.

The picture is changed again to the battle between Benxi and Ramchad. The two are not very violent and **** in close combat like Chen Tian and the ghost king, nor are they as fast as Zhuo Wenxin and ghost wife Sheila, but the battle between the two is also absolutely Super interesting, because the battle between the two is a strong match between weapons and weapons. During the battle between the two, there was a constant sound of clanging metal. This sound has strong and weak. Everywhere you come and go and fight, people will basically produce a very dazzling fight against the sparks and the surrounding buildings. Although there are not many buildings around, but if you go everywhere The rest of them are likely to be affected by the two, so Ben Xi, taking into account his own comfort, tried not to lead this guy to them, but Ram Chad’s attack power is not covered, and its combat power itself is Very strong and has such an unusual long knife, the most important thing is that this long knife is very powerful, and the fight against Ben Xi fully reflects the one inch long and one inch strong.

If Benxi had a single axe, he might have already lost to him, because a single axe is not a single attack, a defense, or an attack is not the opponent of this long knife in his hand. Thanks to this, the double axe can force the double axe to directly parry him. Strike the sword with full force, and at the same time, Benxi can also throw out an axe to cause a certain amount of mental impact, because the flying axe will attack him from different angles, and other Benxi attacks are also impossible. Certainly, this will cause Ramchad to be unable to concentrate completely, unable to fully concentrate on attacking the target, he must always be distracted to find another axe, and the two axes have something in common. The attraction of each other does not require anything to connect, so you can pass one of the axes in your hand like a magnet, and **** the other axe out of the air or somewhere out of the air, so these two axes It’s called a male and female double axe, but this axe is not as thick and huge as a battle axe, so if you want to really block the full blow from Chad, you must use a double axe. A single axe will not be able to be blocked or even chopped to death due to lack of power, even if it is shocked and heavy, so this can also test the true ability of Ben Xi. But she was known as a world-class before she entered the island. The killer has been trained since childhood, so it is absolutely very strong in combat. Otherwise, it is impossible for a girl to kill all the way from the z zone to the t zone, and it is impossible to choose to use a melee hand axe.

So every time there is only one axe in her hand, she will try to avoid contact with the front face of the ramchard's long knife. If you can avoid it, you can avoid it and then flash it. If you can't avoid it, you will choose another axe. Recall and move forward with both axes.

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