Killing God Island

Chapter 677: I can't stop anyone if I want to go

Gu Shouchuan is not strong from the outside. To be precise, not only is he not strong, but he looks weaker. Although his appearance is beautiful, he gives a sick and ill health at first glance. On the surface, Gu Shouchuan, who couldn’t seem to beat the aunt, even saw Kuang Qi pulling the iron railings out of this way, and instead of fearing a strong current, he walked towards him face-to-face. People feel uneasy and feel insecure.

Gu Shouchuan actually blocked Chen Tian's blow completely out of consciousness, but this was Chen Tianshi's solid attack power. Gu Shou raised his hand very solemnly, and directly confronted with the crazy fist in front, around The walls are centered on these two people, and they all have a strong airflow that is completely impacted, and even the huge canopy that fell down directly falls, and the two have shot, all using their own abilities to make the things that fall above are all in Before falling, they were all shattered by the power of the two.

Immediately afterwards was a fist with a fist that cut his head and covered his face. His fist was very casual, but the power was amazing. At first, Gu Shouchuan used his arms and joints to block it, but Gu Shouchuan also found himself. If he fights hard with him, he will definitely lose. After all, his own body is not good. Once a long battle and a protracted battle, Gu Shouchuan will soon be unable to withstand. Although his physical strength cannot be compared with the madness, he is absolutely strong. Have the qualifications to compare with Kuang Qi.

So when Gu Shouchuan and Kuang Qi met for the first time, a very spectacular battle was launched, and this battle also established Gu Shouchuan as one of the top ten in the world, but Gu Shouchuan is a typical kind of People who advertise, so many people in the world's top ten can basically say seven to eight, but few people will say the names of the other two people, and one of the other two people is always low-key. Shouchuan.

It is precisely because he is low-key that few people know his true strength, and the seniors within the four major families and the leaders of the four major families know that he is a powerful character, and the rest of course also know that he has a good skill, but his How good the skill is, I am afraid that no one will relate his skill to the world's top ten, but in fact he is one of the top ten, and he is still in the top five of the top ten. When fighting with Kuangqi, people have already seen his level. The strong man who generally claims to be a master can’t catch his move when Kuangqi really starts, but Gu Shouchuan uses a The hand caught the furious punch of Kuang Qi, but the subsequent sitting force also let Gu Shouchuan gritt his teeth, but it was indeed caught. Kuang Qi was of course a bright one. If it is a sober conscious Kang Qi may think Slightly test the true strength of Gu Shouchuan, but at this time the madness is completely unconscious. Basically, at this time, the madness is all instinctive attacks. Although Gu Shouchuan can take it, but it is absolutely impossible to pinch his fist to restrict his right arm, so it is easy to withdraw his hand and pay directly to Gu Shouchuan again. .

At this time, Gu Shouchuan also jumped back more than three meters directly to avoid the power of this punch of madness. Although this punch was short, he directly hit the hard steel plate in the laboratory, and the steel plate was directly hit. Recessed, basically the whole arm hit the ground. At the same time, a huge amount of energy on the ground seemed to cause a rocking shock to the surroundings. The impact force also made Gu Shouchuan have to use both hands to defend, because The impact is too great. Gu Shouchuan was directly ejected and hit heavily on the thick iron gate that intercepted the madness. Although Gu Shouchuan was not in good health, his strength was strong, and his hardness and heel were not weak. On the hard iron wall, but did not cause Gu Shouchuan to be injured, but the next scene caused Gu Shouchuan to be seriously injured. He pulled his arm out and pulled the ground as a whole. This huge force is simply Only the ancient Hercules can do it. To be precise, I am afraid that even if I have great strength, I can’t do it. It’s no wonder that he was called a monster. Even if the powerful Gushouchuan began to gradually Realized, but Gu Shouchuan was not easy to solve. Although he was fighting with him, but he wanted to kill Gu Shouchuan directly, he could not kill him, but he gave Gu Shouchuan a serious injury. And, it’s not yet Kuang Qi’s personal fist punch. If he is hit by Kuang Qi, he will basically not be able to stop even the top ten physical qualities.

Gu Shouchuan played with the violent Chen Tian for five minutes, and the senior leaders of the four major families sent experts to come to support, and there were many experts who supported Gu Shouchuan. There was Chang Yanxiao, one of the seven war mads, and 12 One of the show's sword **** Miller and Akai Emperor three people, the strength of these three people are all standing in the world's top master level, this time the four people together will suppress the madness, but only suppress the want It would be impossible to subdue Kuangqi with four people alone. Finally, because of Yan Yanxiao’s super virus serum, he could see most of Kangqi’s temporary power, and then he would subdue Kuangqi with the joint efforts of these four top experts. Still imprisoned in a dark and damp iron cage, but Gu Shouchuan opened the lock that locked the madness. This was his private action. The seniors of the four major families did not let Gu Shouchuan do this, and all this It’s Gu Shouchuan’s own mind. At this time, the consciousness of madness has gradually sobered, but although the super virus can’t poison the madness, it can reduce his combat power as if he was hit with a stabilizer.

The madman who just recovered some consciousness asked Gu Shouchuan: "Why did you open this lock?"

Gu Shouchuan directly replied: "Because it is not my strength to imprison you here, I decided to let go of you. I heard that you are the God of War and singled out the invincible hand of the world, so I really want to try it myself. I will know the second battle with you. You deserve the title of God of War. I am not a member of the four big families, so it doesn’t matter if I let you go, it’s just a matter of enemies."

After listening to Gu Shouchuan’s words, he saw that the open door did not go out: “You don’t have to control me. I’m not being held here because of you, so you don’t have to blame yourself, and I also I won’t leave here. I have a person who is very important to me. She let me stay here and won’t let me leave, so I won’t leave here, and even if I leave the four big families here, I will do it again. Finding me will cause you a lot of trouble."

"I'm not afraid of trouble, and there are few people in the world who can kill me worthy of my enemy." Gu Shouchuan said bluntly, but continued: "If you stay for a person, then I don't force it, after all I don’t recognize many men, and you are the only one who I recognize is stronger than me, so I hope you can live, which will inspire me to become stronger in the future."

"Become stronger? Ha ha...I am saying this as a joke?" Kuang Qi said, looking directly at Gu Shouchuan, and Gu Shouchuan also said: "Is it impossible for me to compare Are you strong?" has always spoken and doesn’t like to turn around and directly said: "I am afraid that you are already at the peak now. You are born with insufficient qualifications and physical defects. You will only get weaker and weaker. After playing with you, you have already felt the inconsistency of your physique and energy. In addition to my observation of you now, your disease should be an incurable disease. You can only live to be in your thirties at most. "

Gu Shouchuan laughed after hearing: "It's really powerful, you can all know, maybe you are right, but are you really not going to leave?" Kuang Qi shook his head and said: "You go, I don't I will leave. I can’t die here. If I really want to leave, do you think these people can stop me?",

Gu Shouchuan directly asked: "Could you have three personalities?" Kuang Qi laughed after listening: "Since you know you still ask, you have already cultivated into the micro realm to the highest realm, since I can know that your body is incurable Symptom, then can you know that I have three personalities and what is so strange?"

"Then I'm asking your last question. Did you deliberately make Chang Yanxiao hit the super virus in your body? You should deliberately let us subdue? You should have regained consciousness in the later stage. Since it is impossible to avoid after recovery, you should have been deliberately subdued by us because you do not want to leave here?"

"I have just said that if I really want to leave here, no one can keep me here."

"What caused you to appear violent?"

"It is the side effect caused by the strengthening of gene collapse!"

"You mean that the genetic enhancement program used in the God-making program has also been experimented on you?"

"Yes, it's just that the gene is not of any use to me. It can't improve my genes at all, nor can it strengthen my genetic cells. No matter how much they increase, they will eventually be engulfed by my own genetic cells, but in this kind of phagocytosis During the process, I will enter a violent and irritable state, just like the super virus will be swallowed by my cells in my body."

This turned out to be the case. Gu Shouchuan knew what he wanted to know, and just turned around to leave and was stopped by the madman: "Hey! Wait a minute!"

Gu Shouchuan stopped and looked back at Kuang Qi, and Kuang Qi also directly said: "I think your kid is good and serious, and I would like to advise you not to eat too many mg drugs. The medicine organization is for those living creatures that have failed to strengthen and become monsters. Although they can temporarily relieve your pain and seem to slow down your condition, in fact not only cure the symptoms but also accelerate your condition, anyway, your disease There is no medicine, and you may live a few more years without relying on this medicine. This is just my advice to you. There is nothing to do with a master of similar strength. Your self-repair ability may cause your sudden death,"

After listening, Gu Shouchuan waved to Kuang Qi and said, "Thank you for your reminder. I know my body. Since God is destined to make my life short, it is better to fight with one person than to die with me. ! The person I am talking about is you. If I really want to die that day, I hope to die in your hands."

Kuang Qi directly replied: "If there is really one day, I will be happy to fulfill your last wish."

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