Killing God Island

Chapter 709: Silver Dragon vs. Mo Qilin

Although Siberian Leahzi blocked the shock wave, she had a deep wound in the palm of her hands, and if she did not hide her hands, she would definitely expose the stuffing behind the body, so she used her hands to back. In the posture of Xiaotian, he smiled slightly when he looked at the long-haired man in front of him.

Both of them acted very calmly in order to hide their palm injuries. It seemed that something was not easy for them to catch, but in fact everyone felt that the other side was more powerful at this time. , So this also makes the reason why both the long-haired man and Siberia Liaz don’t want to contradict each other, because neither of them currently knows the strength level of the other, but what is certain is that The strength of the two people is very bullish. Of course, this is felt from the perspective of the two people beside the Badama and the long-haired man. If Chen Tian and Gejira, who issued such a powerful impact, say that these two people do not have It is impossible to be affected, they have such power to fight the energy rebound, not to mention their own, both of them are shocked by each other’s weapons and their own strength by more than one meter, but both of them are pure tough guys. Man, clearly both of them suffered internal injuries but both seemed to be okay. They stood at a distance of less than three meters and posed in their respective positions. For a while, neither of them shot at the other again, and although Chen Tian stood watching It didn’t hurt at all, but many of the blood touches behind him in the United States in two minutes were scattered into blood water, which shows that this consumes more than half of Chen Tian’s physical strength, causing Chen Tian to be unable to control so much stored blood again. In the distance, Gejira, who appeared in a very cool posture, also knelt on one knee and gasped, and as he opened his mouth, blood also fell from the corners of his mouth and teeth, although It wasn't vomiting blood, but it can be seen that he suffered a lot of internal injuries.

The injured Gejira not only did not get angry and exploded, but instead gave a thumbs up to Chen Tian in front, and praised: "Your kid is quite a bit, really hi makes me look at you a bit, but your swing stick It’s not enough for me to play, let me teach you how to play with the stick!” As soon as his words fell, he stepped on his feet. The whole person directly shot at Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tian also threw the stick directly. Facing up one gear, the two of them actually put up their arm strength secretly after a burst of impact. Chen Tian gritted his teeth and looked like he was using both hands to hold his two sticks in tandem. The silver dragon throws the stick, while Gejila firmly presses his black ink unicorn throwing stick with both hands in the countryside. The two of them struggled and the ground around them fell instantly. One meter of ground around the two people While splitting and sinking, the two of them flicked each other with their arms, and at the same time, Chen Tian used his own blood to form a blood net around him. The purpose was to temporarily siege Gejila, and this Blood Net trapped the two of them in the same way as Ring Week. At the same time, Chen Tian also quickly rebounded and stood firm. After adjusting his best state, he directly flicked the stick again to Gejila, and Gejila's swing stick was also struck with the same power at the same time. While the two men once again crossed arms, they joined together step by step with the pace of the two, and sinked the surrounding ground while playing, The surrounding area also seemed to quake with a slight vibration. Of course, Chen Tian’s attack was not only the silver dragon sling stick in his hand, but also the surrounding **** tentacles and the strange blood thorns inside Chen Tian’s body from time to time. Now Chen Tian can control the blood in his body as he pleases, and can transform his own body into blood water, and restore his body shape after the blood evolves into bone viscera. So now Chen Tian has not only possessed super regeneration ability, but also really possessed short-lived undead ability, which was cut off or dented by the original head Undead, the whole body is smashed and can be turned into blood and water to rebuild the body. Chen Tian’s genetic evolution rate is several times that of ordinary and strengthened people. In addition to Chen Tian’s unlimited potential, he also has a divine physique. Related, but Chen Tian is only a short two months from entering the island to now. It is really not easy to make himself so powerful in two months. Although Chen Tian’s combat strength is Before entering the island, he was stronger than Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, but his strength was only stronger than the two. The real combat skills may not be the opponents of the two, but now Chen Tian’s combat skills and combat power are comparable to these two. There is no way to compare people to heaven and earth, and Chen Tianyuqiang’s ability to make him leaps forward, and now Gujella’s stick throwing and Chen Tian’s stick throwing are fundamentally powerful. It's almost the same, so the competition is the strength and speed of the two people and the strength of the combat technology. Although Chen Tian's offensive is very fierce in terms of combat technology, it is indeed a distance away from Gejila, and the most important thing is Chen Tian's silver. When the dragon flick stick was fighting against the nemesis tiger tooth knife at that time, there was a damage to the dragon horn, and the front section of the black ink unicorn throw stick of Gejila actually had a horn, but there were two dragon horns. There is only one horn, but it is longer, thicker and more aggressive than the corner of the silver dragon throwing stick. Of course, the design of the founder who created these two weapons is very different. Chen Tian’s silver dragon throwing stick The two horns are two hook-like dragon horns. The purpose is to catch the blade of the other side and this segment. The second tip is used to cut things like a knife, but it is not mainly used for attack. Although Gejila's black ink unicorn stick only has one horn, the use of this horn is pure attack type, so it can be stabbed and can be cut and has high power and cutting purposes, which can make up for the lack of silver dragon stick attack Of course, Gejila and Chen Tian are fighting each other’s weapons not because they have one more corner of the weapon. They are mainly because of their attack skills and fighting methods. The most important thing is that his memory is very understandable. Make a move and then break it.

It is to defend and record Chen Tian’s fighting moves first, and then when Chen Tian is ready to use this move again, he will break the move in his own form. Of course, before this, Chen Tian did not know his moves. It has been seen through, so when Chen Tianyong just figured out the trick, he was directly evaded by Gejila and slammed his stick at a different angle directly under Chen Tian’s rib. This unicorn of Mo Qilin’s The sharpness directly penetrated the entire horn into Chen Tian’s ribs. Of course, the internal organs in the ribs were also injured at the same time, but Chen Tian just frowned and followed as if there was no scruples. Hitting his back, looking at the posture to make jade and jade burnt. No one should think about it, but Gejila directly fell down and took the stick that pierced Chen Tianrib and pulled it back and blocked Chen Tian’s throw. Stick and then a leg sweep. When Chen Tian's legs were swept down, he stepped directly on Chen Tian's face door. This set of consecutive moves made Chen Tian not able to resist. Not only was he stabbed under the right rib but his face was also stabbed Ge Ji La stepped into the ground, he just wanted to continue to attack, only to feel like the clouds above the sun, wait until he looked up and found that the huge blood touch that was originally controlled by Chen Tian has completely surrounded him, and before and after The form without dead ends directly attacked Gejira at the same time. This attack could not be avoided at all, so instantly Gejira was surrounded by a mass of blood and this power can definitely strengthen the human body into a horse honeycomb, although it seems Surrounded by Chen Tian’s blood masses, but the next second, the blood red liquid surrounded by her instantly split into four minutes and five into blood water, and Ge Ji La appeared a huge black shadow all over her body, this black shadow turned out to be a black unicorn This is what Gerjira said in the mouth of Chen Tian’s inadequate capital for playing stick throwing, not referring to Chen Tian’s failure in actual battle with stick throwing, but referring to that he has not yet fully realized and developed his own weapon The entire power of this weapon, and this weapon can be turned into a unicorn, and the weapon turned into a unicorn can be switched into weapons and holy beast forms at will, and at this time Chen Tian also stood up directly from the ground, if it is normal The fortified person may have been seriously injured and can only lie on the ground and wait to die, because that has penetrated many important organs in Chen Tian’s body at once, but Chen Tian’s self-healing speed and regenerative ability definitely make countless strengthening There is no match for existence.

As long as Chen Tian's physical strength is still there, as long as Chen Tian is given a chance, he can completely repair the wound on his body as if he was not injured, so that you can't find the slightest trace of the injury just now, so don't look at Chen Tian just using the previous Blood Touch temporarily forced to retreat to Ge Ji La, but now Chen Tian had no injuries and stood in front of Ge Ji La again, and also casually appreciated: "Great, great! I didn't expect that the stick can be used like this. You really opened my eyes, but now I want to know whether the black unicorn you ride underneath can stop my attack." Chen Tian finished his sentence, throwing the silver dragon with his hands While the sticks folded their hands and waved upwards slowly, the blood stains scattered on the ground gathered together as if they had life.

And quickly formed a huge structure drop by drop, and Chen Tian also spread his wings and flew into the air, this picture looks as eye-catching as an American science fiction blockbuster, and Ge Ji La also rides on a black very windy lonely The horned unicorn looked at the scene in front and was still very calm still sitting on the back of the unicorn unicorn, and at the same time, the two were less than two hundred meters. Xu Shun and Starudi were fighting to the point where you survived, since Xu After being injured in the air by Chen Fei, he was secondarily injured by the shock waves sent by Chen Tian and Ge Ji La, so he spit out several bloods in succession after he landed. If he didn’t own the toughened bone guard, his body and The internal organs may have been scrapped for a long time, but just now Xu Xuan did not see how he was flew out. Xu Xuan, who was flying up, wanted to see what was going on. As a result, the dust around the ground caused more dust It's hazy and I can't see exactly what's going on below, so at this second Xu Xian is out of a short circuit of the brain. After a few seconds, Xu Xuan began to think in the air and fell towards himself In that corner, he was struck again by the huge shock wave generated by the distant Chen Tian and the two people, so Xu Xun flew out again without any initiative.

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