Killing God Island

Chapter 711: Open the blood river to release the big move

Chen Tian and Geji La once fought each other, once again turned the surroundings into a chaos. The powerful shock wave was so large that he turned away from the Star Mousse that Chen Tian and the two stood. , Let go of his hand directly, and the huge body directly pressed Xu Xu’s body, and Xu Xian also took this opportunity to directly stretch his two coccyx blades forward at the same time, and the back was suddenly dried by a powerful shock wave. In the inverted star mousse, while the body suddenly fell down, two important parts of the neck and head eyebrows were directly penetrated by the blade of Xu Shun’s coccyx. His death was a very bad luck. The huge At the same time that his body was pressed against Xu Xian, his body was still motionless, and two important parts were directly penetrated by Xu Xuan. Xu Xian was still afraid that the fat fat man would not die through. He not only stretched into his body with the blade of his tailbone. Stirring, he pierced the opponent's heart with the blade of his tailbone and cut off the entire head of Star Mousse with bone wings.

The sudden death of Star Mousse made the expression of the three people watching in front of him stunned for a moment. They really didn't expect that Star Mousse would die in Xu Shun's hands. It is not easy to kill him. Xu Shun killed Star’s mousse this time not by his own ability, but by luck. The source of his luck is Chen Tian, ​​which is two hundred meters away from him. , Because Chen Tian just used a big trick called Red Blood Strike. This trick was the one he realized when he practiced with Ling Zifeng. Although he didn’t really use this trick with Ling Zifeng, he did fight him. I realized this trick only when I was there. Later, after continuous improvement by Chen Tian, ​​this trick has already made its shape, and its power is not bad, that is, Chen Tian’s rise to the sky is not to fly with blood wings, but to use the surroundings. Blood output, let your body gather a lot of blood, and use the power of Chen Tian’s red child, the whole body is red into flames, burning blood to make blood for your own power, just like the car can burn oil to run faster In truth, through the blood to make the driving force of your own powerful force, and then temporarily transform yourself into a blood column to carry out the most direct frontal attack, with a strong self-impact force on the front similar to the brutal collision type liquid attack, and Geji Pull's attack is also relatively direct. He didn't take himself as the attacking body, but directly sat down on the head of Kirin with his hand. The crotch black ink Kirin instantly turned into a swing stick and was held in Gejila's hand, and followed After a large swing of his body, he directly held the swing stick with both hands and rotated himself at a high speed to turn himself into a 360-degree high-speed rotation like a gyro. Not only did a strong airflow like a tornado form around him, but also with him The body's swing, this tornado-like strong air current also swept away in the direction of Chen Tian. This move is called the wind and the clouds fall to the sky, the unicorn reproduces the nineth heaven, and Chen Tian's move is named after the **** shock, Chen Tian. The self-made blood column and the tornado in front are really magnificent. The original form of blood and blood is partly up and down, but I did not expect Gejila to let go during the rotation, and the black ink unicorn throwing stick in his hand directly Turned into a huge unicorn black ink unicorn, running towards Chen Tian in his rotating tornado, its huge impact force directly disperses Chen Tian’s **** impact, and Chen Tian himself has turned into countless blood drops scattered all over the place. , Gejila thought that Chen Tian was finished like this, Gejila then saw the scene that made him fear again. Because Chen Tian, ​​whose body was scattered into countless blood drops, actually started the blood pool, this was originally a big move that Chen Tian kept as a backhand. The dripping Chen Tian did not restore the human form, and the liquid blood that had just seemed to have various kinds of self-activities like a living body also seemed to die and turned into blood water. This kind of scene seemed as if Chen Tian was dried by Ge Ji La Even if she was dead, even the unsuspecting sister Siberia Leahzi thought that Chen Tian might be finished now, and her body had been beaten into a pool of blood, so Siberia Leahzi stepped forward. The posture about to fight, but just as she was about to get started, the blood spreading around the ground had undergone tremendous changes. This change was very obvious, and not only all the life blood controlled by Chen Tian was turned into blood water. And although the blood turns into blood water, it is not absorbed by the soil like the real person scattered underground after death, but the land is gradually expanded in a liquid form like a glass container, and the blood is also like a cell division In the rapid expansion and non-stop creeping, Xu Xun has solved his opponent's mousse of Star, and he has seen a familiar scene before he can relax. Xu Xuan has of course seen Chen Tiankai Blood River, so Xu Shun immediately ran in the direction of Siberia Liaz and Badama, and also ran a quick retreat gesture while running, but Badama did not pay attention to Xu Shun’s movement Here, instead, it was Xu Shun who gave him a victory gesture, but the gesture was completely wrong, but Badama didn’t think too much, but the sister Siberia Leahzi around him saw it. Xu Xian's something is wrong, and Sibi Liaz is at a level close to Chen Tian and Xu Xi. Even if Xu Xi does not make these movements on such a large scale, Sibi Liaz feels a little uneasy. Feeling, at the same time, the other three people who were not far from them also felt strange. Suddenly the ground floated and the blood river instantly transformed many people who Chen Tian had killed, and these people now recognize the Lord with blood. The name became Chen Tian’s current men, and at this time, Chen Tian’s opponent presented a blood river that did not seem to be very broad, and this blood river was the body composed of Chen Tian and his previous absorption of other people’s blood, and Chen Tian’s power will become stronger or weaker as the blood river mentions, and the people who were killed by Chen Tian, ​​whether strong or weak, are now transformed from Chen Tian’s blood Crawling out of the river, and because Chen Tian killed many people, the characters presented in this blood river are also endless.

At this time, Gejila standing in front of Chen Tian is thankful that he is blind, otherwise he will definitely be scared to death when he sees this scene, because at this time the dense blood reds are just like zombies. The eyes are dumb, but the ability to move is extremely fast. The most important thing is that these people's fighting methods are based on their various combat powers and moves before death, and they are free and independent with their opponents according to his own strength and weakness. Conscious battles, that is to say, they are not like wood. They must be attacked by Chen Tianrang. They have a variety of attacks and various special abilities. That is to say, these blood emerges from the blood river. The red is the same as the dead, they just listen to Chen Tian’s command, and their different killing methods are launched. Basically, they will show how strong they are before their death, so when Gejila feels like there is something wrong in front of him At that time, he was completely surrounded by Chen Tianqi. Although Gejila was blind, he had superb perception ability, or he could not fight Chen Tian for so long, especially the black ink unicorn in his hand. The stick is even more powerful. Although Chen Tian released so many people in the blood river that he killed, these people are completely different from the normal fortified people. They have no real flesh and blood, but are formed by Chen Tian’s blood. Naturally and originally, their real side is much weaker. Although so, there are many people with strength in these people. Although these are just the imitations that Chen Tian killed and copied with blood, their power is also inevitable. Xiao Shi, the most important thing is that these people who were killed by Chen Tian in the blood river seem to have gotten out of the blood river for the second time. Although Gejila's ability to perceive, he still can't withstand Chen Tianxue in the end The huge number of individuals bred by the river. These red blood form a human-like person. The dumb look looks as if he does not have self-awareness, but he has the general fighting ability of his life. Weakness, so the blood people formed in the blood river are also strong and weak, of course, Chen Tian’s move is a very terrifying ability formed by the blood river breeding and evolution. This move is called the thousand nest blood corpse, and it is not Chen Tian’s blood river. These blood corpses can be licensed without restriction. To be precise, these blood corpses are not unlimited. Only those killed by Chen Tian himself can emerge from the blood river, and have his general combat power. Breeding the same individual, but since Chen Tian began various slaughter since he entered the island, there are countless people who died in Chen Tian’s hands, and there are thousands if not tens of thousands, so this blood river will be endless There are all kinds of blood corpses that have been killed by Chen Tian. Of course, there will be some strong ones in these blood corpses. Even Chen Tian’s killing of them is a kind of strenuous person, but in general Chen At this time, the body has already discarded the human form, and this way of liquefying and making blood corpses temporarily made these people unable to take precautions, especially his nearest enemy, Gejira.

Because of his blindness, all his attacks rely on his super-sensing ability, but unfortunately now all around him are the blood corpses summoned by Chen Tian, ​​which completely interferes with Ge Ji-la's ability to perceive and make things around him aware There was a deviation, resulting in a blood corpse with very ordinary combat strength. He stabbed three or four knives in the front and back of the chest, before he was directly beaten by his throwing stick, but the positions of these knives were right. Although there is no direct fatal place, these are not important organs that are so easy to recover. Because there are too many people around him, especially he can’t see with his eyes, the more people will affect Gejira Sensory ability, so in desperation, he can only use this trick.

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