Killing God Island

Chapter 725: Teach you how to become stronger

It seems that this kid should have some skill: "Are you Asian? Are you Japanese or Korean?"

"Neither, I am Chinese!"

"It turned out to be Chinese, I heard that the heirs of the Dragon will work hard. I have seen your Chinese history movie. You are all braided in front of your bald head. I don't really know what taste is, but this hairstyle can only be said to be very unique. , Do you like to have long hair? Is it also related to your ancient China?"

After listening to it, Chang Yanxiao shook his head and said, "It's totally irrelevant. I stayed in Chuangfa because I like this hairstyle, just because I like it. But I do understand some Chinese martial arts. Do you want to learn it?"

"It's just a matter of boxing and kung fu, is there any martial arts for Yin and Yang double rest to enhance long-lasting physique?" Sidiya's father whispered this, which also made Chang Yanxiao listen to the extremely embarrassment. It’s not that it’s just that it’s all about Xiemen Kungfu how Chang Yanxiao might learn, but he hasn’t waited for Chang Yanxiao to reply.

Sidiya said angrily to her father: "Dad! How do you talk about the next step, what are you talking about, and don’t talk about those questions that people can’t answer, just talk like this For a long time, you are just like the police interrogating prisoners, and you have been blindly asking questions, and have not let me introduce him to you!"

After speaking of this, Cidiya turned to Chang Yanxiao and pointed at the men and women next to her with a solemn introduction: "These two are my parents. My father's name is Ol. Girard, and he is a superior company. President, and next to him is my mother, Throtherm." After introducing her parents to Chang Yanxiao, she solemnly introduced the long-haired youth around her to his parents: "He is called Chang Yanxiao "Although we haven't known each other for a long time, he is very powerful. If not, your daughter would be bullied by a group of hooligans today."

After hearing this, her father thanked Chang Yanxiao again and strongly asked Chang Yanxiao to stay and ask him to have a home-cooked meal. The home-cooked meal at the home of Sitia was quite rich. I'm very happy, and it's more than 11 o'clock unconsciously, just when Chang Yanxiao is ready to leave, at this time, the family of Sitia is already familiar with him, so they don't want to let him go, especially Sitia His mother looked at Chang Yanxiao more handsomely, and actually thought of him indifferently. So she tried to let him stay, but Chang Yanxiao stayed helplessly. Villas, there are things in empty rooms.

It’s just that their family of three is usually low-key, and they don’t employ servants. Only when the weekly cleaning is performed regularly, several cleaning staff are invited to clean the entire villa regularly. In fact, it’s not that they didn’t hire before, but hired Her maid was pushed down by her husband, and over time, Citia’s mother was not allowed to be hired, so this small villa had only three people to live in, so there were many empty rooms for Chang Yanxiao to choose, but because of Citi’s The mother liked Chang Yanxiao this little handsome guy, so Chang Yanxiao was deliberately arranged in a room near the toilet. At first, he didn’t like this one, but seeing Citiar’s mother highly recommend it, and also said this The room has been cleaned.

Therefore, Chang Yanxiao had no choice but to live in this room, but Chang Yanxiao was also a very rigorous and meticulous person. As a world-class top expert, he has a super high level of entry into the micro realm. His entry into the micro realm is the best in the world. Strong men have the same level of abilities, of course, they can easily feel a person’s strength, physical strength, bones, viscera, blood flow and other comprehensive data, especially the ordinary people are clear. He is already in the living room with the Citia family. He has been using the micro-state to detect these three people since then, and concluded that Citiar’s father’s physical fitness is not very good, and there is a lot of latent medical history, but there is no serious illness that threatens his life, so Chang Yanxiao also I didn't say it, but her father's body was super weak, especially her kidneys, and she was overdrawn, so Chang Yanxiao was going to send him a bottle of tonic before leaving. This medicine is actually not a medicine for kidney, but it is right in the function. Kidney is particularly good.

Chang Yanxiao’s medicine is called bhc, and its real use is to replenish his physical strength in high-intensity battles. It is a medicine that is simply not available on the market, and Sitia’s mother’s physical fitness is better than her father’s. Many, but the blood sugar is too high. Another thing is that her waist disc has protruded, especially the buttocks and the lower exaggeration. It seems that she was too indulgent when she was young, but their daughter Citia did not inherit them at all. Parents’ shortcomings, but the bones were amazed that the body was not suitable for practicing martial arts, so Chang Yanxiao secretly came to Sidiya’s room after they had finished their meal.

This was also what Cidiya hadn't thought of. When she opened the door and found it was Chang Yan laughing, the girl's heart was bursts of ecstasy and expectation. She immediately let Chang Yan laugh in and was embarrassed to be in bed. The side of the foot smiled red and asked: "You... are you here to prepare to complete what you just did not do in the kitchen?"

After listening to it for a while, Chang Yanxiao shook his head and said, "Of course not. I came to ask if you are not interested in Chinese Kung Fu?"

Citiar suddenly turned red, so clearly said so, and I agreed to acquiesce, you even asked me these irrelevant questions, how low is your fellow EQ? However, although Cidiya thought so, she still responded: "Of course I like Chinese Kung Fu, and I have heard of Bruce Lee, and I want to have Kung Fu, and no one can bully me in the future, so I I still like your Chinese kung fu."

"Just like it, I also think we are very fortunate, and I think those people will never catch you by accident, so I want to teach you a few tricks, and it will definitely work and be very learned to deal with such small people in the future." Chang Yanxiao finished. She directly pulled her from the bed. At this moment, Citiar felt that her heart was really fast, but soon Chang Yanxiao released her hand and gave Citiar a posture, and said to him: "I This is called the geometry of many kung fu and martial arts. It is simple to learn but it is vicious and changeable. It can often make the enemy instantly kill and subdue the opponent in a short time. Of course, if he wants to solve him, he will not hurt him. The strength is controlled by you, and although the moves are simple, as long as you use them flexibly and apply the appropriate benefits, this trick can almost allow you to fight against people who have actually practiced professional martial arts." Chang Yanxiao learned martial arts since childhood. After the body is transformed, it is possible to use the advantages of the body to develop a variety of martial arts that are hard to imagine. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a martial arts wizard. Fighting technique.

And now he’s going to teach Citiar’s moves, three strokes and five strokes, only a kind of fighting technique similar to grappling. The attack moves are almost only one move, mostly defense and backhand, which is a set of defensive counterattacks. The style of play is a super simple and easy-to-understand move that perfectly combines attack and defense. However, it is not easy to practice well, but it is easy to be remembered, so Chang Yanxiao put these three in front of Citia. The whole posture of the five moves gave her a very standard pose, and then did not make her eager to let her do the same moves, but then explained to her how to use these moves, and what purposes, each of these How to parry and fight back, what is the most important essence, after explaining these in detail, let Caisidia put these poses in front of him first, and he will continue to take the form of the enemy after he sees that he is not in position. Attacking her allowed her to use these tricks to defend. Citiar was indeed a tyrant. After studying it twice, she would have a plenary session. When Chang Yanxiao used different attack angles, she could use her own ideas to use her tricks. Simple defense, of course, these are slow motion, and may not be too practical for the time being.

But Chang Yanxiao is a person who is very good at training elites. Although he is not in charge of the family fighting department, he has 100 strong men under his control. Each one is a carefully selected master, and he is trained by him. Yes, and pull out one casually, it will definitely not be worse than the members of the combat department trained by Joni Eileen, which shows that Chang Yanxiao is still very professional for those who have the potential to train, and Cidiya is very good in front of him. Potential, so he used the micro-level to detect the potential of Sitia, and he couldn’t help but want to let her develop, so he would actively teach him the way of fighting. Although Chang Yanxiao is kind, but it is also an indirect harm. She, if not she could not kill, nor could she be arranged in the god-making plan and enter the killing island, but Chang Yanxiao is not a person who teaches others to give up halfway, and teaches people who think they will do, he is The person who teaches himself is very strict and is a person who likes to develop the front of the human potential, and the training is aimed at actual strength, so the Sitia Association is not the ultimate goal of Chang Yanxiao.

His ultimate goal is to turn an ordinary weak girl into a professional fighting level in a few hours. As a rare top talent in the world, Chang Yanxiao does not say that he can do this, but in his absolute An ordinary person can be transformed into an ordinary skill within a short time.

So Chang Yan smiled at the three tricks and five methods that Sitia had given him complete control, and said to Sidia again: "Now you have control of what I just taught you, now take this medicine, rest assured that It’s not a poison. It’s a medicine that allows you to completely separate yourself from ordinary people within a few hours.” In fact, this medicine is a gene-enhanced drug developed by gene-enhanced mutations. Degree, but it can make this person’s physical speed and all organs of the body fully strengthened to at least twice as strong as ordinary people, if complete strengthening is at least three times more than ordinary people, but the risk is likely to be greater than half Withstand this brutal intensive surgery, the risk of death is very high, but the risk of this drug is very small and basically not fatal, but it will bring some temporary physical effects, such as poor blood circulation and poor breathing, etc., so After seeing Cidia taking the medicine, Chang Yanxiao pointed to the bed again and said, "You are lying on the bed now, I need to help you get through several acupuncture points on your body." Chang Yanxiao used this method successfully. Has turned several men into top masters, mainly because this method can make people directly become reinforcements, but he needs his assistance. If this is known to the heads of the four major families, he may have been helped Owned, unfortunately Chang Yanxiao has been very low-key.

Although Cidiya didn’t know what Chang Yanxiao had eaten for herself, she would even take the poison. After all, the girl’s vigorous heart can give everything for the person she likes, and she also thinks it is impossible to be a poison, at most. That medicine

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