Killing God Island

Chapter 728: Special gift for you

After all, Chang Yanxiao is recognized as the world’s top expert, and even national agents must give him face, so he can easily give an ordinary girl a terrible power, and his natural strength is unfathomable, and this is unbelievable. Test four words, but when talking with them, you can let the world's strongest people use these four words to evaluate. The strength of Chang Yanxiao can be said to be the strongest representative of Asians, basically standing in the world On the stage, Chang Yanxiao, a Chinese who stands at the top of his strength, has this kind of majesty. The high altitude is caused by the fact that there will be many backs that believe that they are very strong. They want to challenge to replace the regular. Yan Xiao's status, but he has remained in this position for so many years and no one can shake it.

However, he is relatively low-key and basically not very troublesome. Unless the family asks him to remove those organizations, he will make a big shot in the past, and the rest are basically on the ground that his strength is too weak to dare to do it, and never cause trouble with the outside world. , A person who controls all the underworlds in Britain, such a good-tempered and low-key person, only Chang Yanxiao alone.

"Okay, okay! Don’t cry, we’re not going to see you, if I have the opportunity, I will come to see you in Italy, if I am busy, if you want to see me, you can fly over to see me, anyway, your home is not lacking Money, it’s time to travel to the UK."

"But we haven't seen you for a long time. I have to go abroad at least after graduation. You may have forgotten me by then. I will leave a mark for you to bring your arm!" Chang Yanxiao handed her arm directly She didn't know what she was going to do, but Citia suddenly took a bite to Chang Yanxiao's arm and bleeded.

Chang Yanxiao's expression didn't seem too surprised. He didn't suffer any injuries. This bite was nothing in front of him, so he asked with a smile: "What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to leave my mark on your hand!" Cidiya is a love drama like Korean dramas. If it is an ordinary person, it may be possible, but Chang Yanxiao's hand has just bleed and she will all have it in the next second. After healed, there was no mark left. She bite a bit more and didn’t give up. The bite was heavier and the tooth mark was deeper, but the situation was just the same as before. Just bite out and the obese person pressed into a concave with the hand, just let go It will recover directly, and Sitia’s bite marks will never be able to leave marks on Chang Yanxiao’s arm.

"You will not bite me for a day. My healing ability basically protects me from a little harm, so if you want to keep some memorial, you can still give me the same thing as you.

Suddenly, Sidia came without any decent things, and now it was not enough to buy time, because it was about to arrive at the boarding time, and Sidia wanted to finally think of it, so she really did Yes, and Chang Yanxiao's stunned expression made Cidiya more like this Chinese man.

What kind of gift did Sitia give Chang Yanxiao? Don't look at her girl who is pure in appearance, but the style of acting is really bold enough. I saw that after pulling Chang Yanxiao to a corner with few people, she took off her pink fat from the group and used it. My makeup eyebrow pen writes my name and Chang Yanxiao’s name on the fat eater, and then draws a red heart, then said in Chang Yanxiao’s ear: “This is the one I wore last night Oh, I’m not allowed to wash you as a souvenir. Keep the words above. When I go to find you, you will give it back to me. This is our agreement!"

Chang Yanxiao was holding Cidiya’s pink fat food in his hands. He looked reddish to see if anyone saw it, and found that no one found it before putting it in his backpack: "You child is so bold, You gave me this, what if the wind blows up your skirt?"

Cidiya said as if joking in Chang Yanxiao's ear: "If anyone sees, I will electrocut him!" Chang Yanxiao laughed after hearing: "You are really fun, then I am teaching you one Recruitment, you can practice non-stop when there is no one in your thunderbolt. Now you can’t control and retract it freely. When you use it more times, you can control the size of the current, you can use a slight human The imperceptible electrical frequency electrolyzes all surrounding organisms such as microbes and even mosquitoes and insects. With the increase of energy, you can also use electricity to reverse electricity and expand your abilities. When you understand this trick, it is estimated that you have become A person with extraordinary strength." Chang Yanxiao patted Sidiya's shoulder after saying this, and the announcement to board the plane also sounded.

Cidiya looked at Chang Yanxiao’s background with wet eyes. She just got the first relationship in her life yesterday. She didn’t expect to lose it the next day. When you meet him again, I don’t know what year and month, of course, this time is one step behind. It was only a day, and the rich second-generation Chubby Smith, who had always had ideas and revenge for Sitia, spent money yesterday to find a bunch of little bastards. He wanted to borrow this method to take Sidia and take it forcibly. She, even herself, had the mask ready, and waited for someone to send her to think it was a rogue blackmail and **** incident, but the gangsters he hired at a high price turned out to be a group of waste, so he did not wait for a night Seeing people, I didn’t expect that he had planned so hard, but he didn’t realize himself, but he realized Chang Yanxiao. Of course, Chubismiff didn’t know what happened yesterday, so he decided not to believe these wastes, but to directly find someone to spend more money. I hired a group of professional mercenaries and some veterans to apply for bodyguards. I found a total of six people. After all, they are not expensive. It is better to hire professionals than to hire unreliable people. direct.

Four out of these six are mercenaries. As long as you give more money, don’t say you help captives, even if you kill them, and the other two are veterans who hate this kind of thing. They opposed it at first, but In the end, under the continuous improvement of money, he finally nodded. Because Chubby Smith listened to the little **** and said that the reason for the failure was the sudden appearance of a man, it was his bad thing, so Chubby Smith regarded this man as Citiar. If it were not for the personal bodyguards, how could it be possible for a bodyguard to have more than a dozen players, so in order to deal with this person, Chubby Smith paid a lot of money this time to a black. A friend on the road found these six people. I started again in the evening, but I didn’t expect that Cidiya would take leave without going to school. She never asked for leave, and the teacher was very good to her because she studied well, so she learned that she was sick and asked for leave.

So these six people were doomed this time to fail again, and Chubby Smith had to wait a hard day, which also made this ugly man desperate. He even wanted to get her by any means, so he did not hesitate to take Her friend kidnapped and asked her friend to call Sitia to come to her. It was also because of this that Sitia’s energy was violent and the entire building’s top floor exploded, so at least 100 people were killed. As many as that, Sitia’s friends also committed suicide in front of her because of guilt, and finally convicted her because of various evidence such as surveillance. Because she was identified as a capable person above, she wrote her name in the plan of creation. In this way, Sitia entered the killing island, and returned to the time zone T again. At this time, Sitia was fighting with Siberian Leahzi. The two women had strong fighting power, and Siberian Leahzi had great leg power. Quite good, but found that the other party’s leg skills are not inferior to themselves, and the speed is quite fast. The defense is always so few tricks, but Siberian Liazie can’t use any tricks, and Citia uses Although these tricks are always tossing and repeating, but no matter how you repeat the other party, there is no way to take her, and the tricks used by Citia are the three tricks and five methods taught by Chang Yanxiao. Now, she is not only very skilled The skills taught by Yan Xiao are purely green, and she is also very good at developing her abilities. The only difference between her and Siby Liaz is that her combat body technique is mixed with a strong current. Of course, she just started I didn't plan to fight with Sibi Lia.

Unfortunately, the woman's strength was not weak, and she couldn't get rid of her by close combat, so Citiar used her ability against Siberia Liaz, so when the two paired their legs together again, due to the current As a result, Siberia Leahzi's entire body was instantly numb by electricity. Although it did not cause much internal or external injuries, it was enough to startle her. The halo will also be immobilized by the electric body, but although the strength of Sister Libyzie can still master a slight numbness in the body, but she can parry not to be affected by her current, but to say it does not affect it at all That is not possible, after all, the current drawn by Citiar can far exceed the voltage that a normal strengthened person can withstand, but Sybil Liaz wants to prove that I am not afraid of your current, even if it will discharge I still live, so Sibi Liaz still turned around and used her slender and swift right leg to match again with Sitia’s leg. This time the current was even greater than just because Sitia 1 But using this ability, the release of power will be greater and greater, this is where her strength is terrifying, so after the unsuspecting Sibi Liaz kicked with him again, the whole current let her At the same time, his body was tight again, and he also increased his strength again. Because she could increase the force twice, Sitia was kicked back by Sibi Liaz for a few steps before stopping, and directly Praise: "Yes! I didn't expect that you woman has two lives, then I will come up with some real skills. After all, I don't want to spend my life here with you."

Although Siberian Liaz kicked Citiar out, it was also superficial. After all, the electric shock of the foot just kicked the whole body of Siberian Liez. It was still not enough. The degree of injury to Siberia Liaz, but just when she had just stood firm, suddenly in front of her, with a blue light like blue current, punched from the air downward, this flashed blue and white The punch of the current directly hit Sister Liby Zizi.

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