Killing God Island

Chapter 733: Kick two doors with one kick

"Since the five people have been solved, it seems that some of them will become very simple. We can enter their core base after crossing the mountain in front of me. Now I really want to know if we are the first of the four roads. The one who broke into their nest." Chen Tian said this to the three people on the side, and Xu Xun also followed up and said: "We are besieging Jeff Deere in four ways. I really want to know if we are It wasn’t the first one captured in the Four Ways, and if we could capture Jeff Deer, then we would be bright!" Xu Xun did not only feel confident but also wanted to show his strength in front of others since he had the strength. It can also be regarded as a publicity performance after confidence.

At this time, Jeff Deere was drinking red wine in the heart of his site, and he had used all the points he had saved to buy expensive red wine, because he felt that it might not be possible to enjoy it now. There is no chance. The points he had originally accumulated wanted to leave this island, but now his site is surrounded by four roads, and none of the news from the four roads is good news, and his base has no top strength. Master, but the original elite in the organization was assigned to four intersections to guard, and the news came that either the death or the escape, each road has been captured is equivalent to the ancient emperor, each road has been lost and only the last There is an imperial city, and in this so-called imperial city main base, there are not many strong men, and he and his own confidante are also the think tanks of Crocker, and the rest are ordinary ordinary little ones. Stopping the four-way siege of Chen Tian’s team, so at this time, Jeff Deere, who felt like he was at the bottom of the valley, chose to buy all his points and buy valuable red wine. He wanted to enjoy his life before he fought with them. Once again, enjoy the life that can be experienced only by the high society outside the island. Although there are many proposals for his loyal subordinates, we will choose to open the way for you to fight with them, but where to escape? Although he knew that the team of Chen Tian did have certain strength, he really did not expect this kind of ending after confronting it. At this time, not only was there a dilemma, but also not surrender, he would not die. Chen Tian and his team wanted to establish their own side. The force of the country will definitely use my head to deter the big brothers in the rest of the site, so Jeff Deere knows why it is better to have a drink before death and the brothers who will go with me to Huangquan. Experience life, these younger brothers who follow him can’t get the most high-end alcoholic drinks in the automatic pick-up box on the island because they don’t kill many people, so he used all the points to exchange for famous wines, please these brothers to revel and then everyone Fight with me and fall to the ground together.

Jeff Deer's approach completely inspired all his followers, including the confidante beside him plus a think tank, Crocker, he also exchanged all his murder points, and all he exchanged were explosives and high explosive danger Items, and all the important corners and intersections of the base have been placed with time bombs. Once they attack, everyone will burn the jade and no one will live. Of course, his practice has not been concealed like the rest of his staff. The boss of Fudir is very open-minded, so many brothers are sincere to follow, have the qualities of being the boss of the boss, and they are also very particular about the person, but the opponent he meets with is Chen Tian and his helplessness. He became the abandoned son of the rest of the gangsters, and the gangsters of the other sites did not send people to come to support him, so he was drinking and laughing at this time. It was not his failure but the selfish and visionary ideas of the gangsters. Of course, they can also guess that those people want to save their own strength and sit on the hill and watch the tiger fight. If we eliminate Chen Tian’s power and then solve Chen Tian and annex my territory together, they thought well. But they will regret it, of course, this is Jeff Deere's idea at this time.

The last of the four roads is the Ferrodik family team that is allied with Chen Tian. This team has no strength. Although there are a large number of people, a group of garbage men, the only captain with some strength and the left arm and right arm, the strength is only the team with Chen Tian. Yao Jun and Wu Yifan’s level of combat ability, if they rely on the team’s true level, not only can’t capture this road but also be destroyed by the regiment, so the team of Chen Tian took charge of the layout planning, Ye Minyu, sent the team of Chen Tian three battles Ling Zifeng, one of the powers, and Ye Ruiyu, the male slave who surrendered, have the same strength as Xu Shun, one of the three major strengths of the Chen Tian team. The strength is naturally outrageous, and his current master Ye Minyubi can definitely solve Ye Minyu easily, so Ye Minyu brought him a collar that he would never dare to defy, there is a remote control on it, but if he dares to violate her will, it will explode from his neck. Definitely mortal, and not only the restraint of this circle, he also took the poison of Ling Zifeng. Ling Zifeng was a terrible character with a stronger medical book. He wanted to make A Ruiqi who did not actively join Chen Tian’s group. To be honest, don’t make trouble and give him poison that would kill him without taking antidote for three days, and A Ruiqi was able to tie Xu Shun's strength in one's own hands, because he was seriously injured when fighting Xu Shun at that time. Ye Minyu was killed by Ye Minyu and made her a slave because of her hardship. Therefore, there are two powerful players, Ye Minyu, Ling Zifeng and A Ruiqi, who are really relieved of this path.

Ye Minyu warned Ling Zifeng before he set off: "If Ruo Ruiqi hides selfishness and betrayal when fighting alongside you, you can kill him directly, you don’t have to consider what she is under my hands." ?"

After listening, Ling Zifeng smiled slightly and replied: "Relaxed that he should not dare, even if he finds a way to loosen the restraint on his neck and not be afraid that his head will be exploded, then he will die if he does not take my antidote for three days. Is he afraid that he is not honest with double insurance?" Ling Zifeng is of course the leader of this way, but he is completely different from Chen Tian. Chen Tian prefers to lead first, although in the team of Chen Tian he is lifted by many people. Reliable, but in fact he is more like that kind of ancient pioneer, and Ling Zifeng is more like that kind of marshal general type character, who prefers to fight and fight with talents who are worth shooting with him, and Ye Minyu's servant A Ruiqi is that This kind of IQ is very high. If you don’t fight, you will not easily consume your physical strength, so these two people are like two uncles at the beginning. The two men fought in the front but they watched the battle. Nobody started, but the Ferrodik family is The largest team in the alliance family with Chen Tian, ​​not to mention that the strength of the big team is the weakest of the five teams, not only the weak members, but also the strength of the captain and the cadres. The reason why Ye Minyu agrees with this level The alliance with the team is mainly due to the large number of them, mainly to fill the problem of insufficient people and insufficient gas field. In addition, in many cases, it also requires manpower. If you recruit some strong experts, they will have The same common problem is that people with strength are more likely to play tricks, so in many cases this group is used as manpower, so the fighting strength of this group is really heartbreaking. The fighting power of these people is in Ling Zifeng and A Ruiqi It’s like a kid playing in the eyes, so these two people are too lazy to fight with these people, but they don’t think so. In their eyes, these enemies are very powerful in combat. Although this group has the upper hand, they are also beaten by the enemies. Some are miserable, and more than a dozen people have been killed lying on the ground and those who have not died yet are also in pain. The chanting, Ling Zifeng and A Ruiqi seeing this scene in front of them is really crying and laughing, A Ruiqi is covering The head asked: "Is the people in our team at this level?"

Ling Zifeng nodded helplessly and said, "Aren't you seeing it all? Are you still asking?" A Ruiqi sighed helplessly: "So what shall we do now? Will we help them? If at their speed, The rest of the road is over, we may still be standing still!"

"We don’t have to be so anxious, even if we are the first to get in, you don’t have to look at what team we are bringing, even if we rely on us to get in, with this kind of team you think we can rely on us to attack So we only need to limit this way, the one who really attacks the main base will definitely not be our way, so let's take a good rest first, and maybe some opponents worth our shot may appear after a while, so the two No matter how many people die in this team, Ling Zifeng is actually not as kind as he looks, and his doctor has no medical ethics at all. This first level is barely beaten by their own power, and they followed to another. There are walls on all sides, and the front door is only blocked. The captain of the Ferrodik family made a direct look at his men. The two men went to open the door, but as soon as they touched the iron door, they were hit by a strong current. It’s impossible to say the electricity, and the expression of the whole person is distorted. In just a moment, the two people were scorched by the entire body of the electricity. This scene also made the rest of the people dare not come close again, even their captain than gallon. There was no countermeasure this time, so I asked Ling Zifeng: "This door in front of me was powered by high voltage. Just now my two brothers were electrocuted as soon as they pushed the door. What should we do now? "

After listening, Ling Zifeng said directly: "You back away!" After just this sentence, he walked towards the front door and said to A Ruiqi beside him: "When I open the front door, they will definitely take the opportunity Sneak at me, but those people will trouble you to help me deal with it!"

"Okay, no problem!" A Ruiqi gave Ling Zifeng an ok gesture. At the same time, Ling Zifeng was directly sprinting like a 100-meter sprint. After running a few steps forward, he jumped up and kicked with a high voltage. On the door of the door, Ling Zifeng's foot is not only fast but also strong enough. Because of the fast speed, there is no electricity to him at all, and the power of this feeling directly kicks the door directly into the air as a whole, but it really is There was an ambush. Everyone here had a machine gun in their hands. At the moment when Ling Zifeng kicked the door open, these twenty machine guns were all directed at him and started shooting, and after Ling Zifeng kicked out There was no evasion, but a very dashed leg standing on the spot.

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