Killing God Island

Chapter 740: That leaves all of us together (Part 1)

In fact, the identity of Ling Zifeng was originally the presence of Ms. Zhao arranging and protecting Chen Tian’s auxiliary combat force behind the scenes, and Ms. Chen Tian is Ms. Zhao’s precious and unique experiment. Only he overcomes the situation that the gene does not age and deteriorate. Then she You can enter Chen Tian and improve her own cells that still cannot delay aging, so it is impossible for Ms. Zhao to let Chen Tian die here. It will only make him gradually stronger and slowly become more consistent with his own physique. Let her use the experimental drug on Chen Tian, ​​because he is not sure whether the drug will work and the various conditions after it, so Ms. Zhao wants Chen Tian to grow faster, so that Chen Tian can be safer Or, Ms. Zhao sent Ling Zifeng, who was very strong, deliberately joined in other forms. Ms. Zhao knew that Chen Tian was a person who appreciated the strong, so she deliberately let Ling Zifeng know Chen Tian in this situation and actively let Chen Tian invited him to join. Although Ms. Zhao knew that Ling Zifeng's skill was very unusual, Ling Zifeng killed one of the five ancient gods of war, which is absolutely impossible to solve him with real strength. Certainly he must know the real level of Ling Zifeng.

But whether it is on this island or in the outside world, it has been knotted. As for the process, it has been ignored by many people, but Ms. Zhao will never ignore it, but from the perspective of Ms. Zhao, she still appreciates Ling Zifeng. In addition to his potential, he can overcome so many people with a weak victory, which proves his potential and strength. Of course, Ling Zifeng is also a person selected by Ms. Zhao, so his growth is strong. Ms. Zhao is also heartily happy .

The other three special attention to Ling Zifeng are the internal discussion of the four major families and the tenth king of the highest ruler of the killing area of ​​A, and they also discussed the death of Lapa, who was originally a master of the area. Died in the t zone, this is more to make them feel ashamed. As a strong man, some small characters have been solved, but it can be called the top lapa in the a zone. The King of Ten Powers had to be taken seriously, but Ling Zifeng’s combat effectiveness did indeed exist in the t-zone. He was talking about Ling Zifeng’s other private relatives who were better off in private. Discuss who is Ling Zifeng in the t zone?

At this time, Ling Zifeng's name was already greater than Chen Tian, ​​and they also confirmed that Chen Tian's group included Ling Zifeng, and the site of the siege of Jeff Deer on all sides was already in place in three ways. Ling Zifeng has not arrived yet, because after killing Rapa, Ling Zifeng found out that there were three gems in his hand. This made Ling Zifeng suddenly excited. To know that he wanted to leave this area, he had to use gems to open it. But it takes nine gems, but Chen Tian had two gems before, so with these three pieces, we now have five gems and four missing, so Ling Zifeng will be so excited from the pocket of his body Take the gems from here, and then carefully put away the gems and said to A Ruiqi: "I didn't expect our road, even a bumper harvest was really amazing." Ling Zifeng said this, and looked at the surrounding miscellaneous The soldiers were still fighting the garbage of the Ferrodik family, so they slapped Arrich again on the shoulders and said, "These people haven't finished fighting yet. Since we have harvested so much, we have reached the designated location earlier. These People ask you to let them hang up early." Ling Zifeng finished the sentence, took out a pill in his hand and said casually: "I have felt that you have suffered a certain degree of injury in your body, so take this Eat and take care of the surrounding battlefield!"

A Ruiqi took Ling Zifeng's pill, and then put it in his mouth with his hand and swallowed it directly. A hot current in Dan Tian followed him directly into A Ruiqi's whole body. This hot feeling made him not only Not so tired, and the injury just now healed, which made A Ruiqi not only feel that Ling Zifeng's medical skills are incomparable, but he also followed closely with one hand, and the palm surface suddenly formed a spiral shape from poker The poker of the game is small and the tornado is followed, followed by Arrich’s right hand, and the poker that rotates and expands to the surroundings is scattered directly around the tornado like a tornado. Wherever it goes, it is not cut like a flying knife. The larynx is inserted in the other party's vital points, and his own face is in a state of intimidation without any injury. The opponent who has just battled with him for 300 rounds suddenly died, and died. The law is still killed by poker, so these very ordinary people feel that these people’s death methods are particularly bizarre, and they also think that the poker thrown by Arich is likely to be a built-in institution or even a metal playing card, or hardness How can the power be so strong, many people think that Arrich specified that he put a piece of iron in the playing cards, but when they took a look, they found that it was a very ordinary playing card, and it was because it was just ordinary poker. The card makes these people even more admire the strength of A Ruiqi, of course, this is also distributed with his ability, ability is on the one hand, of course, strength is also on the one hand, due to the intervention of Ai Ruiqi, these people had to solve These miscellaneous soldiers will take some time, but the intervention of Ai Ruiqi makes this very simple.

I saw A Ruiqi just raised his hand and lifted up, even instantaneously kill the surrounding fortified reinforced people instantaneously. Now there are many people with large-scale lethality in the Chen Tian team, such as Chen Tian’s blood river, Xu Shan’s The blade of the tailbone, the poison of Ling Zifeng, the spider silk of Angelina, the crushing robot arm of Wu Yifan's mechanical splitting function, the increasing strength of the Chen Tian team made the four roads all over the periphery of Jeff Deer almost at the same time. After they all reached Ye Minyu's designated location, they simultaneously sent a signal and flashed a light on their positions on the watch. Everyone closed their eyes to feel the surrounding three-dimensional map, and the orientation on the three-dimensional plan was blinking. Their unique signal, and Ye Minyu also sent a signal of attack at the same time, Chen Tian was the first of the four roads to sit in place, and had been waiting here for more than three hours, although Chen Tian and Xu Shunji were fighting Everyone suffered a certain degree of injury, but the recovery ability of the two was fully recovered as early as half an hour and even the physical strength was restored to the best state, especially Chen Tian’s recovery was within ten minutes. Nothing has happened. Although it seemed that the injury was not light before, Chen Tian’s recovery ability is based on physical strength. In addition to recovering from the intake of food, physical strength is to rest and rest, and then rested for three hours Chen Tian has been impatient for a while, and Chen Tian's group has been trapped in the t zone for three months, so this makes Chen Tiantian very irritable, of course everyone's mood is not high, although many plans have been developed, but In Chen Tian's eyes, he still prefers a more direct attack. After all, Chen Tian's temper was exploding outside the island, and now he is not dead and has developed many powerful tricks by himself. At this time, Chen Tian's strength is positive. But Chen Tian now pays more attention to the spirit of teamwork than before, so Chen Tian suppresses this anger in his heart. After all, Chen Tian’s desire is to be able to leave this island and reunite with his family, so he step by step from Zone Z to Zone T, He only came here with a strong impulse, so he didn’t want to waste all his pure experience in this kind of place, and since there are twenty-six areas in this area, it’s absolutely impossible to leave here without this. Of the export.

So after Chen Tian learned how to leave the area t, he always yearned to leave here as soon as possible. After all, he has stayed in this area for three months, but although Chen Tian has a temper, but Chen Tian is not the kind of stunned headless. , So when he saw that besides himself and Xu Shun, there were two sisters, Siberia Liaz and captain Badama, the total number of people on their way was only four, of which Badama's combat power can be combined It’s not too high, so there are only three people who can really come in handy, so Chen Tiancai did not take the lead in decisively, but waited for the signal quietly, so he waited for three hours before seeing the other three consecutive signals. , And finally the attack signal jointly launched by Ye Minyu. As soon as this signal came out, Chen Tian and Xu Xian also stood up directly from the ground, and then the two of them walked forward, and Badama naturally knew that this was a signal of attack, so He was very excited at this moment and Sister Libyzie beside him also crooked his neck very calmly and asked, "The front wall looks very high. Do we enter from the main entrance or over the wall? Enter?"

Chen Tian said directly: "Then we still have to ask? We are here to kill them, not to steal chickens and dogs, how can we not walk through the main entrance?" Chen Tianshu said a spur of blood directly from behind him. Then with the increase of blood, what is formed is not the previous blood touch, but a huge human fist, and the door in front is kicked away with just one punch, although many people are staring with physical strength behind At the gate, but unfortunately, how much power and combat power will these ordinary strengthened people have?

So which of these people can withstand Chen Tian? Therefore, the door hit by Chen Tianyi was kicked into the air directly with the door bang, and many of the hands that just touched the door were probably shocked. At the same time, the battle was launched but there was nothing at all. In the case of early warning, the other three roads also used various means to kick out several steel gates in the front, back, right, left, south, and northeast at the same time. Anyway, the momentum is quite enough. At the same time, Jeff Deer at the main base, At this time, while drinking, a man rushed in very hurriedly: "Bad boss, they... they... they attacked us all the way at the same time, and Our scope is shrinking sharply, and they have all entered our base through their own means."

"It seems that they are really here!" She said this, and directly said to her confidant and think tank talented Crocker: "It seems that they have come in, and those high explosives that are enough to flatten here are all Is it ready?"

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