Killing God Island

Chapter 754: Brothers and sisters. Not playing cards according to routines

More than 500 people once again sang a very powerful: "Who can understand me in my loneliness!" This sentence is actually the reason why Zhuo Wenxin likes this song very much, because Zhuo Wenxin always likes his brother, but unfortunately two People are brothers and sisters, so they can only guard each other silently, so who can understand this my loneliness? It is also the sentence that she repeatedly asked herself and herself facing the mirror many times from the trail, although this has been Both are tangled in her heart, but she has personally changed the feeling of brother and sister who should continue forever. Due to her character and her inherently smart and naturally belligerent character, she has broken the shackles herself, although the price She was an experimental subject who entered prison and was exiled to the killing island to carry out the god-making plan, but she has broken the conventional restraint. When she comes to this island, she is completely derailed from the modern society, and she does not have to pay attention to the world and others. View, she can be with her favorite brother forever, so that’s why she doesn’t want to leave this island, but Zhuo Wenxin’s brother wants to leave this island and let her sister go back to her original life. The normal life that girls of this age should experience can be protected from the **** world of killing and killing here, for which Zhuo Yanxuan is working hard to find a way to leave this island, and Zhuo Wenxin wants to make his brother happy although he does not want to leave this The island is always following his brother's desire to achieve his brother's wish. In fact, these brothers and sisters are thinking about each other all the time.

With more than fifty people singing, "How invincible is, how lonely!" The hundreds of people in front are running out, and the brothers and sisters are slowly slowed down by the **** massacre. The rhythm began to feel the beauty of this song: "How invincible is, how empty, she is hiding in the sky, but can't hear me tell me, my loneliness, endless loneliness." (This song is also an eternal idol to me , Star salute!) With the end of the last sentence of this song, all the people in front were solved by the pair of brothers and sisters. At the same time, the blood on the ground and the dead bodies lying on the ground, also let more than fifty people behind the two brothers and sisters. They were even more in awe. They originally made them obey the orders of the brothers and sisters. The fifty people were still a little dissatisfied. They felt that they were young and did not look very strong, but they wanted us to listen to the orders of these people, but Now these people have paid their respects to these two people. Because some people who just killed and killed are too forgetful, so the clothes of the two brothers and sisters are all blood stained. It seems that they are baptized by blood. In fact, at the speed of this brother and sister After killing the person, he avoided the spurting blood, but Zhuo Wenxin liked the feeling of killing blood spraying on her body, which made her feel the real pleasure of killing. At the beginning, Zhuo Yanxuan also felt full of killing. How sick is all blood? Later, he was completely taken away by his sister. As Zhuo Yanxuan said, it is really not necessary to kill a person. The whole thing is blood, but if you kill a lot of people, you will experience this kind of blood. It feels really refreshing and exciting, this will stimulate the wilderness of mankind.

At this time, the two brothers and sisters solved all these people. The brothers and sisters who were all covered with blood danced crazy around the corpse. This crazy move also made him all the fifty men now come over. , While singing how lonely invincible is, everyone danced cheerfully on the corpses of the ground. At this moment, the ghost king also led the elite troops to come here, just saw a group of people around the corpses. A cheerful dance resembling a street dance started.

This also allowed the ghost king to wink at his wife and ghost wife, and then shouted to the men in the rear: "It seems that we have all been settled by us. If you mix with me, you must first learn how to eat, drink, and play. In front of Zhuo Yanxuan, they have already danced to celebrate first, then we will go together to join in the fun. The ghost king seems very serious and a ruthless character, but also comes with a funny b attribute. I did not expect him to jump like a cramp in the body. Dance, and his wife, called Shira, was also a zombie dance like her husband. Except that the people borrowed from his brother would not dance, the original ghost king’s men would all dance. The hip-hop poses like zombie are really professional, because the ghost king is a professional hip-hop before he enters the island, so he will make such a beautiful wife, and those who can’t dance look like the leader and most of them are dancing. He also learned the zombie walking posture and jumped to the side while walking.

But how lonely invincible is really not suitable for hip-hop dancing, but it doesn’t matter that all the people who came here to slaughter and destroy the Krum site actually danced very ecstatically. Brother and sister Zhuo Wenxin has jumped enough at this time, and the ghost king just wants to enhance the atmosphere of his men, so that they can ease their emotions in the killing just now, otherwise the murderous look looks very uncomfortable, but the ghost king sees this After the brother and sister did not jump, he and his wife also walked in the direction of them. "You did a good job. Since we have occupied here, leaving some people to stay here, and the rest of the staff and your brothers and sisters, follow me back to my brother's base to study, Next is our next plan." The voice of the ghost king just fell, and Zhuo Yanxuan directly answered: "I have already thought about the next step, and I am just going to tell you, and my plan will probably win another. One side."

"It seems right to cooperate with you. That's when we hurried back to discuss together." Ghost King patted Zhuo Yanxuan's shoulder with confidence, and Zhuo Yanxuan shook his head directly and said, "I mean It is to continue to fight while the iron is hot, and then meet with your brother after winning the two forces. Now Chen Tian and his team have captured the two forces. If we are not happy, Ma Jiabian will win the same force as him. In the end, if your brother wants to truly unify t The biggest crisis in the district is probably Chen Tian and his gang. If his territory and power distribution are even greater than ours, the whole situation may change."

"Although you are right, we have just solved Krum’s site, and the closest force to him is Steve Lanji’s site. This guy’s strength is notoriously good. It's completely different from Krum's rubbish. His power is not something that we can all provoke, and the physical and mental necessity of a battle with them is not suitable for fighting again." The ghost king directly refuted Zhuo. Yan Xuan’s proposal, and Zhuo Yanxuan himself is playing with his mind. When he wanted to enter the central zone of the t-zone, he had already made clear which of the 13 forces in the t-zone were strong and weak, and Krum was weak. Everyone knows that it’s just that he always lifted himself up deliberately, but everyone else’s heart has his own figure, and the next sphere of influence is the site of the big man Steve Lanji, whether it’s His own strength and the strength of his men are completely different from Krum's level. Even if the ghost king and his brother Stardarud can't fight it hard, so the ghost king will say so, but Zhuo Yan Xuan Xie replied with a smile: "I'm not referring to Steve Lanji's site, but a force behind his demarcation line. The boss of this site should be called Bo Qiu. The strength and the strength of the men are generally not too strong. Although it is slightly stronger than Krum’s overall strength, it is not very strong. With our current strength, we can fully deal with it, and they will definitely use Steve Ranji as The front thinks that even if we attack, we will hit him first, so at this time, even if we are prepared, we will guard the front and not the rear, and we should use the information function of the universal watch to send a message to your brother, leaving him to keep half of the headquarter. , And then personally transferred the soldiers and occupied Krum’s site completely, and after we evacuated all the people who guarded here, we went with your brothers and sisters and these fifty people to climb the road. One day, we can bypass Bo Qiu's doubtful rear boundary, and then we will definitely take a break when we take a break. We will directly advance and kill in the rear, and they will be able to conquer the manpower and turn them into our manpower as far as possible. In this way, we can not only get his site, but also get a lot of their manpower, and we will also pose a huge threat to Steve Ranji after doing so, because this is equivalent to sandwiching his site in the middle, they Even if the strength is very strong, it will not rush to attack any of these two routes. We will only defend ourselves. Of course, Steve Lanji’s men and his strength are not the first goal we are currently asking for. There will be a lot of manpower after taking over their territory, plus let your brother detour to send his manpower like us, so that we can cross this strong opponent and directly attack the surrounding forces one by one without being affected by this The forces of the forces intervene."

After listening to the ghost king, he nodded again and again: "Your proposal is very good. It is indeed possible to attack the rest of the forces without being affected by this strength. Wait for us to win more manpower and sites before facing Steve Lan. Ji is going to attack together, your move is absolutely impossible!" The ghost king raised his thumb excitedly to praise Zhuo Yanxuan, and Zhuo Yanxuan also said directly: "Since you also think this move is feasible, then hurry up and do so ,Not to be missed."

At this time, the ghost king is indeed a bit dilemma. If this thing is successful, if he fails, then all responsibility will be borne by him. Even if the two are brothers, he is still a little afraid of his brother’s brutal temper, although his He is much more powerful than his brother, but he as a younger brother does not want to be enemies with his brother and still belongs to the kind of obedient good brother, but after listening to Zhuo Yanxuan’s proposal, he really thinks this move is feasible Very high, and don’t do it. If Chen Tianyi really spreads his power too fast, I’m afraid he won’t be able to escape the fate of them. So the ghost king finally made up his mind: "Okay! Then we will do what you say!"

After listening, Zhuo Yanxuan very sincerely patted the ghost king on the shoulder and said: "People who do big things are never indecisive. Since you choose to believe me, then I will not let you down!" Zhuo Yanxuan's thoughts may be present. No one except his sister knows what Zhuo Yanxuan did.

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