Killing God Island

Chapter 779: Brothers and sisters. Good fighting ability 1

These ordinary combatants who were frightened and dared to see that five or six cadres who trained them better than them were killed by this woman, so they dare not step forward, but only stay here for three years All of the above know that Stararudi’s personal guard has a person who is not a cadre but has a lot of strength to give him face. He belongs to a person who has a low profile and has a strong strength. This person is Daruo, and Daruo saw this woman jump. After attacking this side, he also made a corresponding counterattack immediately afterwards. There was no such person behind him. He wanted to avoid instinctively. Let's first see how powerful this woman's actual power is. Yes, but it’s a pity that once he hides these people, he suffers.

So D'Aur directly straightened directly with the iron chain in the middle of the nunchaku and went up one block, and this seemingly changeable and extremely fierce moon-cutting soul-hunting knife just landed on the spot and was cut directly above D'Aur The position, if you are fancy from the forehead, the body will be split instantly.

At first, ordinary people should not be able to see clearly and can't avoid a blow. D'Aur directly straightened his nunchaku, and the iron chain connecting the two nunchucks directly blocked the blow. His foot suddenly sank. The marble floor was shocked by the impact of these two people, and the ground cracked apart, and the woman was pushed back directly by Daren with two arms.

In this fierce battle, Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin have been looking down at the battle below. This battle really looks wonderful, and with the eyes of the two evil emperors, you can clearly see everything below, I saw Zhuo Wenxin said to his brother: "The following is really hilarious, I also want to kill a few people to play in the past." As soon as his voice fell, Zhuo Yanxuan gently stroked his sister's Overhead said: "Don't worry, it's our turn in a while, how much you want to kill then."

Zhuo Wenxin said excitedly: "The following is really fierce, it really makes me feel itchy, and I really want to go and join in."

"Okay! Well, it's time for us to prepare. The overall situation here is fixed, and then we will take over." Zhuo Yanxuan said to his sister that he turned around and left. Although Zhuo Wenxin wanted to see the end, she saw that her brother had turned around. She also turned and jumped behind her and ran to the left side of her brother. Then she carried the arms of her brother on both arms. The warmth is also very intimate.

At this time, the two groups of horses in the war were definitely not the kind of petty, the overall cadres of the two groups were extremely fierce. Among them, the super-competent members of the cadres are not only the two Daur and the goddess of swords. Personal matchups, in fact, in this chaotic battlefield, there are still many strengths that are not inferior to the battle of these two. Among them, the battle of these people is basically the same level of the game against the player of the same level, Steve. The 100-member generals under Lanji also played against the leaders of the four mobile troops of Starardi, and all the cadres above the middle level also entered the battle with their more than 100 masters. It was really **** violence, strength and strength. The match is absolutely far from the match you see. Their moves are simple and violent. Some of them will fly out the intestines and internal organs of the other party, and even the head and limbs are beaten everywhere. This very violent side, as long as you see it everywhere, mainly because these people's fighting methods are very simple and direct.

The difference in strength is basically within three strokes, and life and death are basically divided, and the strength is basically the same. After a few strokes, if you accidentally die, Huang Quan will be killed. The main thing is that this is not a single battle. It’s the battlefield of the group fight, so it’s not okay to be super powerful. There are many cadres who are singled out and are very bully. They are all killed by group fights and the surroundings are too chaotic due to the large number of people. I don’t know that there will be hidden weapons and enemies around that place, so there are many people who died inexplicably, and they have a very strong skill but they are abnormally aggrieved.

This kind of people is not a minority, so fighting on this battlefield can't beat the real strength level, even if the strength is very strong, it will be consumed by many people to death, even assassinated by a group of people or killed for various reasons, unless this The strength of the person crushes too many people around to be completely safe. Otherwise, the chaos around it is easy to die somehow, but in addition to these super fighting members who are much stronger than the surrounding people, the other two The second leader of the group also found each other very calmly in the battle of many people, because the second leaders of the two groups also knew each other. They felt that except for the other party is worth their own shot, these people around are not worthy of fighting with them. Except for those individual superpowers, the rest of them are not qualified to play with these two men. These two men are the second-in-command of Sidarudi's subordinates, Tida Li and Steve Ranji's second in command. Mori.

These two are the last shots of all people, because these two have been watching the situation around them. Obviously, what level of people are recruiting and what level of people are over here. Once they are wrong, it is definitely either a spike or death. The terrible ending. Of course, the two leaders are naturally opposed to each other. There is no democratic consciousness on this island. Therefore, the strength of being a boss in the t-zone is naturally recognized as a strong man. There is no such saying that clerical work can calm down the world by relying solely on men. The rule here is entirely based on their own strength. Once the boss is not strong, it is easy to be taken by second-hand or more powerful people. for. So if you can be the boss of thirteen sites in the middle of this t zone, it means that whether it is Steve Lanji or Starudi’s strength, it is definitely obvious to all. Existence, especially Steve Ranji is still recognized as the top and strongest among the 13 district bosses, and Starudi’s strength is also implied by the existence of at least the top five of the 13 bosses. Although the two haven't fought in the true sense, many people reflect their strength from their previous record and the strength of their fighting opponents. Of course, the two will also be met by the people they have fought. Guess the opponent's strength level.

In short, although the two have been bosses on their respective sites in the t zone for many years, they have never really competed. The main reason is because many aspects restrict the head-on conflict between the two, but this time is different, although the two have also analyzed each other. In short, the two of them still gave the other people a high rating. After all, these two are the hegemons who started from scratch with their own hard power.

It is precisely because of this that both sides have their own arrogant side, and because their own strengths are not weak, they will naturally not take others too seriously, even if they know that the other party has strong strength, it will not be like the rest. People like to say some superficial polite words. Their strength and status for so many years have made them have a higher arrogance than the king.

The two of them really came together when they met people of the same type and the same personality, so these two people also rushed towards each other with few words, precisely because of the moment when the two fists each other, The fight has completely started the war between the two sides, so the two are the first to start the battle as a whole. They should have been the most central position in the melee, but now the two are not at the center, but the two Both sides will deliberately make a way wherever they hit, so there are many battlefields and venues for these two numbers to fight anywhere.

Of course, these two people have such preferential treatment, second only to the two leaders of the two groups, and the battle between the two heads of Stanson and Tidari is not as preferential as the two leaders. In their battles, there are always some outsiders who come to help the trouble. Although the two are very disgusted, they also belong to their subordinates to help themselves, but most of them have helped, not only did not play any role The role was also spiked or even seriously injured by his opponent.

These two men are not actually the second combat power of the two teams. In fact, they are only the second in the team but they are not the second combat power of the entire organization. Although they are not the strongest combat powers except for the boss, they The strength is also very good. These two people are very good in close combat. Wanting to be called a master melee combat is the only standard for evaluating whether a master is a master. This is the most basic line.

Basically, as long as some melee skills are necessary, so they can be the second leader of such a large organization, the two's melee ability is naturally very hard, but who is stronger as long as you pass dozens of moves naturally become clear .

The melee ability of the two people is more sensitive than the one who moves faster. The difference between the strength and the weaker is the fist who is harder and the ability to fight is stronger. People didn't make ten moves with each other. Tida Li's more than twenty punches were blocked by Stanson. On the contrary, he returned. It was also very swift. Only three punches and two feet pushed Ti Da Li back in a row. It took two or three steps to stand firm. Just standing, Stanson ran to him quickly and jumped with his rotation. His body leaped from the air and kicked straight from top to bottom after 360 degrees.

Seeing this powerful foot, Tida Li did not make a hard connection, but instead grabbed the falling Stanson back collar from the side and pulled directly after a step, directly pulling the body of Stanson directly dropped from above. Falling, but before his body fell completely, he supported his body with his hands first, and turned his legs with both hands upwards. He turned 360 degrees and kicked his legs parallel to the side. Tidari's lower jaw knocked his whole body straight sideways.

After using this trick, Stanson jumped back with his hands supporting his body, and the whole person stood again, but Tida Li was kicked and fell to the ground before standing up, Tida Li wiped The blood was kicked from the corner of the mouth, and the whole person raised his eyebrows and rushed towards Stanson again.

The most fierce battle not far from the two is the battle between the two leaders, Staru Rudi and Steve Ranji. These two people are not fighting like Tidari and Stanson. Sometimes There will also be someone from the other party coming to join in, and neither of the two of them will come to join in the battle. The whole game is a close combat between the two, but the two are not fighting in close combat, but their weapons are used to see each other. The seemingly normal speed is fighting one by one, it looks very elegant and does not look as **** and violent as the fighting of these people around.

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