Killing God Island

Chapter 784: Brothers and sisters. Four generals killed in battle 4

"Is this really okay?" Stanson looked at the front and asked, they now belong to the whole team. If you exclude these people from chasing you, they can completely eat us if there is a fight. "

Steve Ranji shook his head and replied: "It's okay! Look at the expressions of these people. One by one, they are now trembling and terrified. The people who are now chasing after are just pretending, they don't dare to go back and fight again. And, by the way, you tell them not to chase too close, and I can’t chase Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters there will be waiting for them there."

Stanson asked again: "The brothers and sisters are cloudy and cunning, and they are cunning and abnormal. I think we should be more careful when working with them. Do you think they can really trust this time?"

"Of course! And we must also trust them. If they want to leave this t-zone, they must rely on our forces. They will definitely do something for us in order to achieve their purpose. The benefits of mutual benefit are not only used for them and Me, the same applies to you and me, and aren't all of us in this relationship?"

"What you said might hurt my heart. I have been with you for several years, and the cadre-level members who followed you from birth to death are not very loyal to you and very convinced. You take us with these brothers and sisters The comparison is indeed chilling."

Steve Lanji said disapprovingly: "Have you chilled? Ha ha... don't think I don't know anything, I just don't say anything, whether it's you or all the cadre-level members here, If there is no selfishness, which one is the fuel-efficient lamp? If I don’t have the strength to make money, I’m afraid I have died under the sword of one of you today, but I can understand these things, after all, the person who enters the island itself They are all militants who have bad tempers and have been exiled from the outside world, so I can ignore the bad tempers and all kinds of personalities, but I don’t allow sand in my eyes, and I don’t have any reason because of who. Any action will punish it, do you know why I did it?"

After hearing what Steve Ranji said, Stanson didn’t refute at all. That’s because what Steve Ranji said was completely true, so he could only ask questions: “What are you saying? What do you mean?" Stanson asked in a nervous tone. After all, besides others, he also did a lot of things he wanted to bring down Steve Ranji.

"Don’t be nervous, I don’t mean to blame anyone. I also said that this position is reserved for someone who has the ability. If someone is more powerful than me, I will definitely give my position to him willingly, but some People who are not self-restrained will be exempted, but I like to be motivated, even if I am concerned about my position, it is also a kind of self-motivated. I told you earlier, I am not here, I created this organization just for In order to fight against other organizations so that I would not be in danger of pretensions, and I did not like to bow down to others, so I created this organization."

"Then do you mean that you are ready to catch the strength of the siblings and us and let you leave the t zone?"

"Yes! I do have this meaning. I can’t control it no matter how the situation changes here after I leave. I tell you this thing is to make you feel at ease. My position is for you. Do it well. Now I assign what you do, don’t leave here to make small actions that I don’t want to see. If I am really found to be a big event that affects me, our friendship for more than three years may also be broken, you understand my Does that mean?"

Stanson immediately bowed his waist and said: "The subordinates understand that Stanson would like to assist you to leave the T zone!"

"Okay! Then do what I just said."

"Okay!" Stanson immediately turned around to convey Steve Lanji's instructions, and at the time of his instructions, many powerful cadres have stopped attacking, but there are very few exceptions, just like Dajie The battle between the goddess and the sword demon goddess is somewhat inseparable. The weapon of the sword demon goddess is as powerful as a crescent sword of the same size as her own. The blades flew everywhere and reflected in her. In addition to the advantage in weapons, this is called one inch long and one inch strong.

As Darludi is a bodyguard of Starudi, his strength is exceptionally strong. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest master of the entire organization. He is even stronger than the leader Starudi. Save me his life, the organization he wants to turn to is actually Steve Ranji's organization. After all, the more people have the ability, the more they want to join the more capable party. But he is a person of great affection and unforgettable love, so he has been working as a bodyguard without any position within Starrudi, responsible for Starrudi’s personal safety day and night Although he is not a cadre in the organization, his strength has been recognized as strong within the organization, so basically no one does not give him a face, but he is not a person who likes rights. To be honest, he is actually a A person with a good temper and a very strong person, who is too direct and easily annoying, is also excluded from the island because of his independent style, and later because he lost his temper because of saving his life. Several people were sentenced to prison.

Later, because he refused to succumb in the prison, and he was killed and killed, he was listed as the most dangerous prisoner. It was also because he seemed to have a good temper, a good personality, and a very good person. He was exiled to this island as a god-making plan. An experimental subject, but the temper and character of a person are difficult to change.

However, in addition to being serious, he also has a bad problem of being persistent, belonging to the type of death and unyielding, so that he is now surrounded and unable to leave, but his mentality is very good, and people who are not afraid of death are very mental. Okay, the most important thing is the Daoer’s opponent, the sword demon goddess, this woman just let these people surround him, don’t let him run, and then he singled out with him, so it attracted many onlookers, although the Shaoer surrounded him but didn't shoot him. They shouted in unison like cheerleaders.

Of course, in addition to Da'er, there are two other core warriors who were surrounded by Tuan Tuo and could not escape because of the complete siege. They are an uncle and Eileen, who are known as Uncles. A middle-aged man who is over 40 years old. Although his physical strength is very good, he is really besieged by a group of middle-level cadres.

Steve Ranji’s organizational cadre structure is divided into ordinary members, ordinary cadres, middle-level cadres, and high-level cadres. Among them, Steve Ranji’s men followed him in a very powerful battle with Starudi. A hundred people are all high-level cadres, because they have a lot of staff, and not so many cadres can’t be controlled at all, so natural power cadres and cadres compete for power from time to time, so they can keep such a huge organization The impact of civil strife shows how strong Steve Ranji is and how he manages.

Therefore, it was not the middle level that Steve Ranji ordered to prevent high-level cadres from moving their fingers, and before all the cadres were finally stopped, these people had already wounded Uncle Ying seriously. After the speech, Uncle Ying had a hidden weapon that he accidentally thrown out, and directly resolved all the dozens of cadres who suddenly stopped.

Stanson, who also conveyed the command, used a look directly at the rest of the cadre level, and shouted: "Kill the old kid first and wait for a while, even if he has avenged the dozen brothers just now."

As soon as these words came out, these hungry people all shot at the same time. In fact, it’s not the uncle’s strength to crush these people for so long. If they can single out, they can really crush them, but he can crush so many middle-level cadres with his own strength. Unable to do it, the reason why it is still alive now is because these people did not want to kill him, but just wanted to torture to death slowly, either to catch him to recharge, or to take him alive as a sandbag until he was killed.

But the form is completely different now. The second-in-command of the organization personally, whether you want to show something in front of him or really don’t want to be killed by this guy because of his loss, anyway, this attack is basically based on him The core assaulted him as a whole, and it was a fatal blow in all directions. This also made the uncle's five evasive moments. The body was pierced, and the neck was also twisted. The throat was also suffered. Kind of injury.

In less than a second, the body was stabbed by these people, and with the impact of these people's different positions of drawing and throwing and various strengths, the body of this middle-aged man, known as Uncle, instantly Torn apart.

The leader of this uncle is one of the four elite teams of Stardarudi. The strength of the leader is definitely much higher than that of these middle-level cadres, but the death is extremely miserable, making Ellens who saw this scene directly want to rush to kill The few murderers, on the strength of Elin and Uncle, are the leaders of the four elite teams. Their strength is definitely not worse than that of Uncle, but because she is a woman, she is definitely much different from men in physical strength, and she is mainly herself. The actual combat strength is very strong, and the degree of genetic evolution is actually not very high, which means that his genetic endurance is not as strong as the strengthened people of his level.

Although she is the same as Uncle Ying, she is indeed similar in fighting, but if the fighting method is a protracted battle or the use of strength to determine the moves, the strength and weakness will immediately arise, so she is good at fighting each other instantly with various combats in close combat Spike, she hasn't died for so long, it's not because of her fighting skills.

It’s because she is a woman, and she grows very well. If it weren’t for her, she wouldn’t be able to live to this day. After all, beautiful women are very sought-after both on and outside the island, and the situation in her mind It’s absolutely impossible to run away after being surrounded, so they want to consume the woman’s physical strength and then capture it alive.

That's why Ellens lived unharmed, and she was not very far away from Uncle, and then she saw the scene of Uncle’s tragic death, which immediately made her very angry, because she was always taken care of by Uncle. For her as a father-daughter, if I had an uncle at first, I am afraid that there would not be Ellens today. The people who stayed willingly this time stayed this time. In fact, Elins did not want to stay and did not want to stay. Uncle stayed and wanted to save him in the past, but he was surrounded and unable to leave, so he could only resist tenaciously, but although there is still a possibility of surrender, he thought that Uncle would not die with him. Is likely to be captured, but members of this organization are generally very strong.

And the number of the uncle died so miserably that she could not accept it for a moment. She jumped out of the encircling circle here and wanted to kill the few people who had just started, but Steve. Ranji jumped on the way. The second-hand Stanson shot suddenly and kicked the woman out of the air with one foot. Her body fell directly on the knife of the next person due to the rapid drop in strength.

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