Killing God Island

Chapter 817: Chen Tian articles.

Just when he was thinking about how to escape, and when he wanted to know what Angelina was capable of, he saw that when he looked up, the light shining through the sunlight made him immediately understand, and all understood, That is not to cut people neatly for no reason, but to form a huge spider web above, and the transparent spider silk on this spider web is so small that it is difficult to notice at all, it will only be hidden under the sunlight Reflecting the silvery white light, and with the huge elastic force ejected by the broken spider silk one by one, hitting a person is like a very sharp machete cutting you hard. The human body was cut in half.

Angelina walked towards Galvesson and said: "Looking at your eyes and expression, you should have discovered my ability, but even if you find it, you can't stop me from telling you to kill them all." Angelina said After finishing this sentence with one hand, the whole tens of thousands of island vulgars instantly gathered together and formed a large web. A huge cobweb was set up directly by Galvison.

This means that one party does not completely wipe out the other party and no one wants to leave here, and Angelina, which is reticulated and like a birdcage in the sky, directly considers these self-considered headed by Galvison to be strong. The soldiers and soldiers are all surrounded in this circle. Angelina's name is very domineering, called the spider silk. However, this trick is very close to the name. It is indeed very expensive to use this trick, but it is also powerful. Although Angelina, who has just recovered her ability, should not use this trick, but this trick is very lethal. As long as you use this trick, it will cause the ruthless spider silk strangling in the covered area.

As long as Angelina’s spider silk can’t be forcibly opened from the inside with external force, there will be no doubt that the people inside will die, and people within five minutes will start crying and howling screaming, because it seems to be countless white thin lines All kinds of catapults are divided into corpses, and the dead inside is very similar to Qianda's chopping people with a knife.

Of course, Galvison was also trapped in the range of Angelina’s attack. He watched the horrible gambles of the bodies around his hands that were cut, and Galvesen was completely panicked at this time. I was basically thinking about how to get rid of this crisis and escape from here. Of course, Galvison was no exception, but the place that made him desperate couldn’t escape at all, and ultimately he could not escape being separated by Angelina. fate.

At this point, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan's physique has returned to the fifth floor, and they can normally use the ability to strengthen genes three times stronger than normal people, but this time the two people seem to be Ye Minyu sent to fight soy sauce, they Didn’t see anything at all, are they really such a waste? Will Ye Minyu really put useless people next to Chen Tian?

Ye Minyu never did anything useless. This time she let Yao Jun and Wu Yifan follow, definitely not to hinder Chen Tian and others. As a killer, Wu Yifan is not only impossible to master just about killing or fighting firearms. Knowledge, Yao Jun, who also came as a special force, is naturally no exception. Their compulsory courses not only refer to fighting, but also include many aspects of knowledge, such as computer technology and other different technologies in different countries, and even some stealing technologies. The ability of anti-reconnaissance ability is a compulsory course for a killer and special forces who deal specifically with counter-terrorism organizations.

So this time Ye Minyu let Wu Yifan and Yao Jun follow Chen Tian and others into the restricted area, just to make up for the lack of knowledge of Chen Tian and others. The disease is not to let them make outstanding contributions in combat Chen Tian and others entered the restricted area and obtained more secrets in the restricted area. After all, the area of ​​the entire t-area in this area is relatively the most popular place in terms of technology. Most of the rest of the locations are covered by jungles, so some gates require a password to be able to. The deciphered things basically do not exist at all, but here is completely different. The technical level here can be integrated with the outside of the island. Various advanced instruments and equipment should be available. This is why this area is clearly a group of ordinary people, but Yili It’s been a long time since that team has come to harass, as long as the reason is that the technology here is very good, some weakened strengthening organizations simply have no back and forth, and relatively strong strengtheners rarely voluntarily provoke these Ordinary people.

Generally strong organizations will not bully the so-called weak and weak, so it is only some small organizations with weaker strengthened people who have been in constant friction with these strengthened people. At this time, Chen Tian has completely occupied the restricted area like a bamboo shoot. Half of the chassis, although there are indeed many members in this restricted area, the good and evil in Chen Tian’s heart is when he is faced with a supervisor who understands things, and when he is faced with such a big idea that he can leave this island, these people’s Life and death are not so important in Chen Tian. Now it belongs to the war between the two parties. No matter which side's members are good or evil, there will be casualties, and Chen Tian will only choose what he thinks is in this sense of right and wrong On the right side, that is to leave the island, even if you want more people, it is worth it, of course, as long as you are on your side to minimize casualties. So Chen Tian, ​​who is gradually recovering all abilities, is also full of firepower, launching various deadly attacks on these ordinary people in front, just like Ye Minyu’s mission to Chen Tian. All are emptied, although Chen Tian said that the elderly and children are all dealt with, but this sentence is a nonsense in vain, because there will be no elderly children here, because most of this island has a very special identity background Some people, so even if there are children or elderly people, it is very rare.

This restricted area really brings together a lot of people, and these people who have not been strengthened, because of their weak strength, they are extremely united, plus the special nature of this area and the superiority of various weapons, so that these people have survived to this day, but Now all the people around here who have escaped to the rear have fallen into extreme panic, because they have never seen such a strong reinforcement, and some are so strong that they cannot accept it, and the two leaders of these people, That is, the left and right hands of the coach in the penalty area, Kent Jimus and Galvesen have been killed by Angelina’s spider silk. At present, these people have issued an alarm to the coach, and the surrounding periphery is all monitored. Shuai already knew the situation here, so he put down the alarm, and the alarm was divided into many types, but the alarm that sounded at this time was the signal of the entire retreat.

So these people ran to the huge gate in front, the steel gate was quite thick, and all the spilled on the top were very slippery oily substances, so as long as this thing fell, no matter the external force or wanted to force it to step on, it was very It’s difficult, and knowing that there is no gap between the top and the top, even if Xu Shun and Chen Tian can use their abilities to fly themselves, they can’t enter directly, but there are really many retreating people at this time, there is no one Fighting again, and although they have weapons in their hands, they are facing the strength of Chen Tian and others. Even if they are the leaders of this area, they are the leaders of this region. How can there be a chance of winning, just Because the body is weakened by drugs specifically for strengthening people to the extent that they cannot use their own abilities, but now Chen Tian and others, whether they are injured or genetically restored in their bodies, have almost reached more than half of the recovery, so these are just still able to The ordinary people who fought for a few rounds immediately became small in front of them.

Because Chen Tian's physical abilities only recovered by half, he did not use the blood boundary of transfiguration blood. Relatively speaking, Chen Tian's red child power is his best ability to use. The red child's power will make Chen Tian's body red. The energy is doubled, both the speed and the strength will be substantially different from the previous ones. Of course, this is Zizi Chen Tian who is also quite skilled in development. This is just the initial stage of the power of the red child. The redness of the whole body has not turned into red and Completely blood-red, at present, Chen Tian only has a red skin surface. This is the elementary level of Chi Zi’s intelligence. Of course, this power will continue to strengthen as Chen Tian can continue to change in strength, but against these people in front of him, Even if Chen Tian does not open the power of Chi Zi, he can easily deal with it.

However, Chen Tian’s power to open Chi Zi is not actually to deal with these ordinary people. To deal with these ordinary people, these ordinary people can be easily solved without opening this state. Chen Tian’s power to open Chi Zi is mainly to run at the fastest speed. The steel gate that is about to be closed is held up in front, of course, this alarm is a signal to let everyone push sideways as soon as possible.

So it is impossible for this steel gate to wait for someone, so now it’s up to whoever can run in before this gate, otherwise all that remains is the fate slaughtered by Chen Tian’s group, so this The gate has also become the only way for these hundreds of people to survive, but this can only be a small part, because the speed of the gate falling is not slow.

So Chen Tiancai immediately unfolded the power of Chi Zi and ran forward at the fastest speed. At the same time, Qian Da was also very casual in holding the long knife, waving the long knife in his hand while walking towards Chen Tian. The chic vigor of killing people as soon as possible, I am afraid that so far only Miss Qianda can do it alone, the rest of them can't do such a chic and casual killing at all, as long as Qianda wants to kill, none of the people present is killed by her immortal.

Han Li, who was not far from Qian Da, also solved all the people around her. A big tail was still swaying behind her, and she stared at another place and looked directly at it, and the place was also right. It is a red light and it really looks very cool. This is the swallow that Chen Tian ran after turning on the power of the red child. The body will become hot because of telling the movement to emit a very cool high-heat energy substance.

At this time, these people have all turned into handsome bosses, but the victory or defeat is here in one fell swoop, thinking that here Chen Tian continues to accelerate towards the steel steel door falling forward, and the path Angelina By the way, she happened to kill Kent Jimus and Galvesen with her own similarly powerful spider silk. None of these people around were spared by Angelina's spider silk.

After Angelina had just beheaded these, she saw that Chen Tian had just opened the red power of the red body. She was running towards her at a speed. Angelina also saw that Chen Tian was going to stop the steel gate in front It fell, so Angelina shouted to Chen Tian: "I'll help you!" Angelina gathered three spider silks together and let Chen Tian jump up like a bowstring, of course Chen Tian also Seeing the strength of Angelina, Chen Tian sprinted quickly, and then both feet jumped up and stepped on Angelina's spider silk together, ejecting directly forward with a catapult-like ejection force.

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