Killing God Island

Chapter 831: Chen Tian Pian. Genius Shooter

Chen Tiancai was awarded the title of one of the 13 Taibao by the four big families on the island. Although this title sounds very good, it will also be challenged by many people who want to replace this title strengthener. After all, who owns This super-potential title will be more concerned within the four major families, which means that there is a greater chance to leave the island.

Therefore, in many cases, Chen Tian is very much concerned by the four major families. Of course, this battle is also being used by many internal staff of the four major families. Sometimes, Zhao will also personally observe how he is progressing on the island.

But at this time, Chen Tian was obviously shot by a shot. At this time, Chen Lanni thought that Chen Tian was dead. Anyway, as long as the sniper opened a shot, his identity was exposed, and even a single shot could not be hidden. However, there are more than one sniper hidden by Lan Lanni, including his ace assassin, Lin Xue, known as a genius sniper. Of course, Lin Xue has not fired a shot since he shot Xu Shun last time. .

The person who had just hit Chen Tian’s head was not shot by Lin Xue, but by the guns fired by the rest of the snipers, and Lan Lani also saw the surrounding situation. In this short time He has been out of these snipers, and all his men have been solved. Now that he has become a commander of the bare rod, no one wants to die at the juncture of life and death.

So when he faced Yao Jun, Wu Yifan, Angelina, Xu Shun, Han Li, and Qian Da, he directly ordered the dozen or so snipers around him to shoot at the same time with gestures. This can really delay the attack of these people on him so that he can escape.

However, Lan Lanni thought it was too good. After he gestured to attack the others, dozens of gunshots took the seven people from different directions and started shooting at the same time, while Wang Lanni was equipped to turn around and escape. Suddenly collided with Chen Tian's face-to-face almost standing on the ground. Of course, it was already scary enough to almost touch the face. The key is that Chen Tian's head was penetrated and suddenly stood up. This Even more so, Lan Lanni was terrified for a while.

Frightened, Lan Lanyi stepped back a few steps straight back: "Ah!!! Are you dead?"

Seeing the expression of Lan Lanni, Chen Tian laughed directly: "Oh! Who told you that I would die if I hit my head?"

Lanlani stared at the hole above Chen Tian’s head with unbelievable eyes, and was repairing at the speed visible in his right eye. Lanlani immediately turned around and escaped without thinking, and signaled the sniper to continue to fight. Chen Tian launched an attack, but Chen Tian was not shot. After several consecutive cynic gestures for firing, Lanlani turned to squint at that place and a bullet came straight from the front. An unbiased shot happened to hit Wang Lanni's eyebrow. His head was instantly penetrated by a bullet, and when he fell directly to the ground, he just put out a large font.

He didn't expect that he would be snipered. Although he was shot dead without pain, he fell to the ground with his eyes open, and this shot was what killed him as another. Killer Lin Xuexue.

Originally Angelina discovered that Chen Tian fell to the ground and prepared to pass. Unexpectedly, everyone was evaded by shooting in all directions and unknown locations. After all, this is an armor-piercing projectile. If it really hits the head or heart, even if it is strengthened People are also dying. Although these people can easily avoid these pistols themselves, they do not have too much contact with the power and speed of the sniper rifle. It is difficult to say whether they can really avoid them. The most important thing is that they are not known. Hiding place.

Originally, these people could instantly kill three people, Angelina, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, and even Xu Shun had more than 80% of his head shots without his knowledge, but these people shot the first target They even chose Qianda and Han Li without thinking. They may think that the two of them have performed particularly well. They first solved the most difficult problem and finally killed those injured and physically exhausted.

Qianda was not afraid of such bullets at all. She could easily block the three bullets with the knife in her hand. When she wanted to hit her, Qianda had already evaded behind a very safe rock. Qianda didn’t know how many snipers. She is not a good target, although her skill can avoid and block these armor-piercing shells, but no one wants to take the risk. Although Qian Da is capable of self-repair, she can’t get bullets like Chen Tian. Can live through.

So Qianda encountered this situation and chose to temporarily avoid it. Then she found that the target was resolved together. At least Qianda thought so, and Han Li was so violent that the bullet came over a mouth and used her tongue to roll the bullet directly. After getting up, the whole person jumped directly to the house. Her body is a fortified body formed by mixing the genes of gecko and lizard, so she can walk or run upright on the house.

In fact, she chose to move to a high place in order to jump to a high place, and she can clearly find the position of all the enemies around her through her own eyes. Even if the other party blocks the position of the watch radar, she cannot escape Han Li’s eyes. The eyes belong to the same type as Xu Shun’s eyes after starting the primary catastrophe, because both of them are cold-blooded animal genes, and they have heat-sensing eyes. As long as you use this ability, you can completely find the surrounding hidden in the jungle through heat induction. The enemy, so Han Li jumped to the highest building and took the risk of being sniped and jumped to a high speed. And the other three relied on Xu Shun to have the toughened war bones and the bone-winged package defense, which caused the four people to fall sideways without being attacked, and the other side Han Li just got on the head and was about to look around and felt something was wrong, because just now everyone had been hidden, except for Chen Tian who was not afraid of being sniped and not hidden, basically all of them were hidden for the first time, but the sound of sniper guns is still not Stopped ringing.

Of course, Lan Lanni, who was not dead at the time, thought that these people were attacking the rest of the people. In fact, these gunshots were made by the same person. This person was the young woman Lin Xue who was known as a genius shooter. She just quietly left the original She should choose a location that she thinks is the best for her. She didn’t kill Chen Tian’s gang, but her own companion, because she had just been watching, plus before The plan she made is also the leader of these snipers, naturally knowing where these people are hiding.

Lin Xue betrayed Lan Lanni because she had seen the current situation clearly. Obviously, the restricted area could not be kept this time. Lan Lanni had already exhausted. Lin Xue had already started to find a way out for herself, so she attacked Killing all potential crises around, and believing that Chen Lanni was shot to kill Chen Tian several people to take their own lives.

So these guns are cold guns that Lin Xue secretly fired on his partner, and he will kill the deadly guns until Chen Lanni poses for Chen Tian to shoot and kill Chen Tian, ​​but the person he arranged has already let Lin Snow killed all of them, and while he turned to look at that side, he also saw Lin Xue aiming his head with a gun. Before he could react, Lin Xue had fired and shot directly through the thousand. Lan Ni's head.

At the same time, Han Li also looked from the top of the building, all the people around him lost their life signs, the only thing left was only one person, who had not yet waited for her shot, this person has taken the initiative to come out from a distance, put the weapon down and raised his hands And shouted loudly to Chen Tian and others: "I just helped you to smooth out the snipers who want to kill you. I am a person who knows the current affairs, so I don't want to be an enemy with you, so I hope you can let me go. A way of life."

After Lin Xue said this to Chen Tian, ​​Chen Tian looked at Lin Lanni who was shot dead by Lin Xue and asked, "Did he kill you too?"

Lin Xue nodded and replied: "Yes!"

Chen Tian looked at the position over there. It was really not easy to get a shot so far and the position was special. Even if Chen Tian had not been a soldier, it could be seen. This requires a fairly accurate shooting ability. It can be done, so Chen Tian looked up and down Lin Xue again and again, from the figure of her body, she was just a girl with long legs, and the facial features were pretty good. Although compared with Qian Da and Han Li, she really can’t compare with their beauty. Compared, but her appearance is not the same as that of Angelina's childish face, it is the kind of pure and pure facial features that look like the fresh and refined feeling of college or high school students.

So Chen Tian asked again: "How old are you this year?"

Lin Xue replied again: "It's exactly 16 this year!"

After hearing this, Chen Tian raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "If my sister is still alive, you are the same age as my sister."

Lin Xue did not know exactly what Chen Tian meant, but from Chen Tian’s kind expression at this time, she seemed to have no hostility to herself, so she asked tentatively again: "You have removed the restricted area from me Everyone outside was killed. Seeing that I just helped you, can you not kill me?"

Of course, Lin Xue knew that these people wanted to kill themselves very easily, so they chose to help them just now. Although Chen Tian is laughing now, the people on this island, especially the strengthened people, may have a change in their speech, so Lin Xue Now I really want to get out as soon as possible. After all, the strength of these people is too strong and the aura is too large. Although Lin Xue's performance is very calm, in fact, he is very timid.

Chen Tian followed and said: "You just solved some practical problems for us, so don't be afraid, we won't kill you."

Chen Tian was not afraid, as if he had seen through Lin Xue’s pretentious and calm heart, Lin Xue asked with a very alert expression, “Since you don’t plan to kill me, can I leave now?”

Lin Xue's words, Chen Tian took the sentence as soon as the voice fell: "Sorry! I didn't plan to let you leave!"

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