Killing God Island

Chapter 855: Chen Tian. Unexpectedly

Chen Tian has only one eye, and hitting this eye is equivalent to temporarily losing his vision. Just while Chen Tian covered his eyes, Chen Tian’s body had been directly pierced by Prius with a seven-section stick from the back. The body, although running through the body is definitely fatal to other fortified people, it is nothing to Chen Tian. Even if it is inserted into Chen Tian’s fatal heart or other important organs, Chen Tian may not necessarily Dead, not to mention that the place where Prus is inserted is not too important.

But what Chen Tian didn’t expect was that the windbreaker had already tailored a death tomb for Chen Tian. Chen Tian didn’t expect that he had exhausted his physical strength and couldn’t heal his body, and the air suffocated, there was another trick to kill The trick of dying yourself is not what the windbreaker thinks, but the chief of the region Newton. Cress thinks of the way to deal with Chen Tian.

He understood Chen Tian's ability from many aspects, so he thought about the way to deal with him before telling the windbreaker man. It can be seen that Newton Kreis still believes in the windbreaker man. This Newton Kreis is indeed a personal thing. There are very few chiefs who have a combination of resourcefulness and force, but Newton Kress is such a talent, so it is only on his site that he gathers such masters who have real skills. Of course, he also desires freedom like these people. He wants to leave this island, so he is a thirteen thug. Like Steve Ranji, he wants to leave the t zone.

At the same time, these two are also brave and ambitious two people who have real skills, so the thirteen sites in the central area of ​​the t district are the first. These two are veritable strength first, and Newton. Cress also definitely ranks in the top three, the more skillful the person is, the more arrogant and disdainful.

At this time, Chen Tianye also pierced his eyes again and looked straight ahead, because there was a strange instrument in front of him. The metal substance painted into a green rectangular parallelepiped with paint, all of which are all kinds of blades. At this time, the other end of this thing has been plugged in by Pruss. A blade similar to the three-layer cross group begins to rotate rapidly in the center. Got up.

Chen Tian has realized what is underneath. This is obviously an extra large meat grinder, but now Chen Tian doesn't know why this thing is coming out, is it necessary to use this play to deal with me? Chen Tian thought that there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, because Chen Tian's physique and repair ability, even if it was twisted into meat filling, would not necessarily die. Chen Tian's repair ability is that as long as I leave a part of my body, I can heal.

So even if Chen Tian sees this thing making a buzzing sound, Chen Tian does not have any fear at all. Perhaps this self-confidence comes from Chen Tian knowing this thing, so he can deal with others, and it is useless to deal with Uncle Ben. Therefore, Chen Tian didn't care too much, and still told the runner in a red state that he wanted to kill the windbreaker and Prussian with speed and strength.

Although Prouss is not weak, Chen Tian’s combat power and speed in this state, if there is no windbreaker to intervene to help Pros, she can’t fight with Chen Tian anymore, because the whole body is red Chen Tian under her condition completely crushed her both in terms of speed and strength.

Of course, Chen Tian also knows that as long as he can solve this windbreaker man, this little dwarf is not my opponent at all, so Chen Tian has increased the ability of the red child state. At this time, Chen Tian wants to respond with one person. The two, and Chen Tian also know that the strength of these two people is not weak, especially the strength of the windbreaker is absolutely not weak, so Chen Tian directly promoted the power of Chi Zi to the maximum.

Chen Tian’s two skills: the limit of the power of Akiko and blood, on the awakening and evolution. Although the potential of the Scarlet Limit is much greater than the power of Akiko, the power of Akiko is Chen Tian’s best awakening ability and the best melee. The means of ascension, and the non-stop use of this trick in Chen Tian also made the improvement of this trick more and more powerful, and at this time Chen Tian also rose to the deep red color of the whole body, Chen Tian’s red child power is actually only in the colorful ability One kind, because Chen Tian can't turn on the other colors, so Chen Tian's ability to play with red is getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, Chen Tian's speed was almost ten times faster than the bullet. Basically, there is something happening around Chen Tian, ​​Chen Tian can definitely sense it for the first time, but what Chen Tian did not expect is that although he found I was in front of the windbreaker man, but I was almost at this point. I did not expect that the result of my attack on him was exactly the same as the one that just happened.

This kind of made Chen Tian couldn’t believe his eyes. Whether it was a problem with his eyes or something went wrong. After all, Chen Tian’s speed is already the fastest speed that Chen Tian can improve, and he’s already fast. To a certain extent, but while staring at the windbreaker in front of the shot, he hasn’t waited for his silver dragon swing stick to hit the windbreaker in front. It is exactly the same as the scene just now. When they were all ready to hit the other party, the person in front suddenly disappeared before they even hit the other party. And how did you not see Chen Tian not even aware of it at all, it felt like this person disappeared directly out of thin air, very bizarre, and when he appeared again, they were all The very accurate location appeared, and the attack location was all very difficult for Chen Tian to defend.

Of course, this time it is the same. His disappearance will soon appear again near Chen Tian, ​​and he launches a very deadly attack on Chen Tian at a very close distance. Prevent, so this is also the reason why Chen Tian is very headache. If he had not started the fastest speed and strength by himself, he had been successfully attacked by this windbreaker man now. Chen Tian now belongs to the kind who can’t attack the windbreaker man. , But because of its very fast movement speed, its ability to perceive its surroundings is several times higher than before.

Therefore, when the windbreaker appeared, Chen Tian’s first reaction also allowed him to successfully escape the windbreaker’s sudden sneak attack many times. The windbreaker’s attack seemed to appear suddenly out of thin air, making Chen Tian unable to grasp his Traces, and his attack will suddenly disappear after a hit, and then suddenly appeared, Chen Chen couldn't help him until he didn't know the true ability of this guy.

Therefore, Chen Tianxin wanted to take Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng to leave here first, because Chen Tian felt that there was no point in fighting this guy here, because the ability of this guy made Chen Tian open the most powerful state of Chi Zi and could not kill him. , And the consequences of their reinforcements have been unbearable since then, and after Xu Xun and Ling Zifeng were defeated, they will soon be surrounded by four people, let alone run away, maybe even they will be trapped by them soon. Here.

So Chen Tian thought of turning his head here and was ready to retreat, but it was a pity that the six sticks in the hands of Prus in the back directly threw a stick with both hands to Chen Tian, ​​and this time difference was also a coincidence, just when Chen Tian turned around It was discovered, so there was no effort at all to avoid using the Silver Dragon to throw the stick hard, causing Chen Tian to block the Prussian attack while he was beaten and lifted his legs back from the ground.

Prussian six sticks are much longer than Chen Tian’s throwing sticks. One inch long and one inch strong use the same force. The sticks are definitely more powerful than the short ones, so it is normal for Chen Tian to be beaten out, although Chen Tian’s current state of arrogance has increased his strength and speed a lot, but Prussian also used milking power just now, and wanted to kill Chen Tian’s weapon, but Chen Tian’s wrist strength is helpless now. It’s quite big, it’s hard to shoot down the weapon in his hand, but Pruss’s heavy blow really made Chen Tian fly more than two meters away, and Chen Tian did not expect that Pruss would have such strength, obviously himself. It has increased its strength and speed more than ten times, but I did not expect to be beaten by Pruss and flew back two meters.

So Chen Tian also felt very incredible, but what Chen Tian didn’t expect was that the windbreaker suddenly appeared from behind, and also directly pierced Chen Tian’s body directly with Chen Tian behind his back. Chen Tian felt behind The moment the windbreaker appeared, Chen Tian was about to unfold the blood wings behind him, but before the blood wings of Chen Tian fully unfolded, he was directly inserted into a thick needle behind Chen Tian by his hand .

The object contained in the needle is the suppression drug against the fortified people of ordinary people in the restricted area, and it is also a high-concentration type of drug that suppresses the genes of the fortified people. Of course, the trench coat man knows that even if I attack you behind you It didn't work at all.

After all, Chen Tian’s super repair ability is also just seen with his own eyes. He has to say that he really wants to kill a fortified person like Chen Tian. It is not so easy, so if he wants to kill him, he must be able to repair it by himself. , So the windbreaker man only used this trick, at this time Chen Tian began to feel the pain behind him.

And with the injection of this needle, from the place where Chen Tian was just pierced, the red skin is shrinking at a rate visible to the naked eye, and Chen Tian suddenly felt that his body was starting to feel bad, and Chen Tian's expression twitched loudly. Tao: "What have you done to my body?"

"What did you do? I just made you go beyond human strength to ordinary people. Didn't you meet this drug in the restricted area? This drug can completely suppress your body's super regenerative cells, so that you will 30 minutes into an ordinary person, I'm going to see if you become an ordinary person, how can you fight with us."

Chen Tian felt that the strength of his whole body was really shrinking. This feeling was as uncomfortable as this suppressive drug in the first time. This kind of thing was not only to make Chen Tian lose his strength, but also let him lose. The original ability made my body weaker. The medicine of the windbreaker is more powerful than the first medicine. Although Chen Tian also got this medicine in the restricted area, he can still persist for a long time before he can’t hold it. Yes, I didn’t expect this liquid medicine to be more effective than the bomb smoke medicine. Chen Tiangang was pierced into his back, and he began to disturb his red child. The red color of the whole body began to fade slowly and became ordinary. The color of the skin.

Of course, the strength not only completely returned to the previous state, but even worse than the previous state. The weakness of the body and the pain in the whole body made Chen Tian’s expression look more serious. Of course, Chen Tian’s heart began to panic a little bit. Looking at the situation, the three of us are dead. The reason why we last last time is because there is a super-powerful Miss Qianda who is supporting the field.

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