Killing God Island

Chapter 875: Chen Tian. Scarlet Moon

Although Yangliu is quite strong in melee, after all, he wants to kill the elite of the strongest among the people, and the best way to kill him is to assassinate with weapons, so Yangliu draws a dagger. Quietly approaching the camp ahead, before you walk in, a man with a very strong figure comes out from inside. He stretches his waist and walks in the direction of a big tree. This walking posture is very loose. It seems to be sleeping. Entered the state, he did not notice that Yangliu was approaching behind him.

And this man also took off his pants without notice and a water column also flowed out. After the expression on the man’s face was so refreshing, suddenly the chest was thrust into the chest with a willow. The expression of the man just stopped instantly. A word from Yangliu made the man squint backwards, and Yangliu inserted the man's heart from behind with a sentence: "I don't know if you have tried it, but was inserted." Feeling?" Yang Liu finished the sentence and directly pulled the knife out of the man's body, and grabbed the man's twisted head with both hands again. With a hard twist, the man was not only stabbed The head was also twisted. Although it was a fortified person, it was absolutely dead. Yangliu solved the man and walked into the tent where the man walked out. Then there was a fight and a fight in the long fat. Was screamed, of course, this scream was not only heard in Yangliu at the same time, because of the split action of the four people, there were different levels of fighting and screaming in each of the four different directions. These people It’s not a miscellaneous soldier. Although it’s just a few movements in a small range, compared with the cold wind blowing through the night and the sounds of various trees being blown, the sound they made when they killed these people was not very obvious, but These people are very alert, and the four headed by Yang Liu have been discovered before waiting for a few attacks.

And after the discovery, this number is dozens of times that of the four willows, but fortunately, the Beiji family who followed immediately came to respond from the front. The strength of this team in the Chen Tian Alliance is relatively good, although it is now presented. It was driven by the overall siege, but it was not so easy for them to be more bullied and less. No matter whether they were members of the Beggie family or the women in this women’s team, their strength should not be underestimated. Especially Yangliu mounted a big dog to him. After running, Yangliu directly held a machete on the back of a giant giant dog that was taller than the horses. When he saw someone, he cut it all the way. This dog also bites when he sees it. The sharp teeth and its bite ability also attack. Super strong, basically everyone who wants to block the willow in front is more or less bitten by the dog or cut by the willow, this woman is very crazy when fighting, although the body is very perfect, the hairstyle is very elegant, but unfortunately his face is all pockmarked With acne, although the face is not ugly, it is obviously different from the real beauty by several levels, but the figure is absolutely awesome. If you look at her figure in the battle, it is still quite awesome, and it is the same as Yangliu. The women’s team’s Buckison Elie, the women’s team’s second-hand leader, naturally has no need to say more. Although these people are elite, she is now playing more than a dozen people and is still in the upper hand. The main reasons are Her body is abnormally plump and fat, and her big fat man's body is super capable of resisting attack. This is the main reason why these people will be helpless to the woman in front of her for a moment. Come to knock her down, and this huge power punch to help the woman, none of the dozen or so enemies around him can block it, so I can only avoid being hit by tons of tons Injury, so although these ten people seem to surround this big fat girl, in fact, Buckyson. Alice fights these ten people just like playing a gopher with one person on his own, hitting it with one punch There are more than a dozen people, and these more than a dozen people keep evading. No one dares to make a hard connection. After all, this big and furious fist looks big, and she seems to be more fighting and bigger, like a balloon. The more wrong, of course, the rest of the women's team is also very strange, although they are a team of women, but their real strength is really a terrible combination.

In addition, the battle of the Skeleton Girl is similar to that of Ye Minyu. The Skeleton Girl’s weapons also use two Nepali sabers like Ye Minyu. The action speed is super fast and this posture of madly cutting forward can really be called a fierce woman. Her speed Super fast basically throws weapons or attacks on her, she can easily escape or take defense that can be attacked and defended, that is, the figure is too thin, but this can not affect her handsomeness of killing, although Feeling thin looks like a skull, even the face is thin, you can see the bones, but it is indeed fighting, the woman is very handsome, the action is quick and light, and the scene of cutting people is also handsome and no friends, but these people in front of her It’s really not a miscellaneous soldier. Although they were cut several times by the Skeleton Girl, but they were able to stand up and fight with it. It is also considered to be an opponent. If the general reinforcements were cut so many by her, even if they bleed, they will die. Although the man who was fighting against it was cut with so many knives, although there was some bleeding, but only a little blood bleed out when he cut his skin, and healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. The healing speed can even be comparable to that of Zhuo's brothers and sisters and Chen Tian. This man's name is Jelly Sturgeon. Although he was hit by more than ten knives known as skeleton females, some even cut his bones, but nothing happened. The same mouth with a cigarette **** praised: "I have to say that you are a very powerful woman, but why do you always cut me alone?" Jell sturgeon finally flashed angrily and suddenly flew away. Skeleton Girl's blow, Skeleton Girl didn't expect that this man could escape his own attack, and then the man hit the Skeleton Girl's face with a right fist and talked to her directly. It took two meters to fly. In fact, the Skeleton Girl was not a stalker attack on the sturgeon. It was just that Skeleton Girl had basically hacked more than ten people in the way, but he did not hack him, so he had OCD. The Skeleton female will cut the Gyrin sturgeon. Originally, the Jelly sturgeon wanted to deal with the man. He didn’t want to fight with the woman. The Skeleton Girl flew out.

At the same time, Xi Lumei, who has a cherry ball in her hair, is a very fat little girl from a physical point of view, but her strength is super. Her skills may be in addition to Shirley and Captain Willow. Ranked third in the team's combat power, she seems to have a lot of lethality with one punch, but everyone who has battled with her knows that her casual fight is actually quite powerful, which may be seen by others. This punch is very casual, but as long as you fight with her personally, you will find that this woman's attack is not an ordinary punch, but a very consistent and accurate punch. It's impossible to think about avoiding or defending when you fall down. If you avoid, her next move will definitely hit you solidly, but defending her attack will also be injured to a certain extent, because she seems very ordinary One punch or one foot is very powerful, so this woman called Cherry Maruko is also very difficult to provoke. Although these four people are quite strong, they can’t stand up to many people. If the Beiji family and Shirley and Muscle also rushed over. The four of them are likely to be surrounded by a group of people. By then, even if the four women are strong, they will be doomed or killed in a melee.

But Ye Minyu’s plan was not to sacrifice these four people, but to let them enter first. The original four did not expect that assassination and few people would be easily discovered. The wind around them was quite loud, basically Ye Minyu The layout of this tent is to enhance the wind circulation at night, so at night, the wind will greatly affect the sound flow between each other, but I did not expect that even if the master is still a master, even the slightest wind will make it alert, so almost After the four of them killed a few people, basically everyone around them also knew that there was movement, so the four people like Yang Liu wanted to assassinate almost impossible, and the number of powerful crushing let alone their own side and local strength How much is the gap? The gap between the number and the momentum can basically scare the timid legs, but the four women in the women's team have passed countless lives and deaths. There is still a hard fight against the number of people who are impossible to overcome. After all, as a woman who can occupy a place here and not become a strong plaything, women are very strong themselves, not to mention the strength. From the four of them, they dare to be in front of two hundred. Fighting with many people, you can see that these four women are quite bold, but these four women are either fat or too thin, or they are short and fat, but the willow is perfectly sexy, but the face is long and unworthy. The upper body, so their four women didn't let these men feel pity and love for jade, so they attacked the four women without talking to them nonsense.

However, the strength of these four women is really strong. Even if they are attacked by so many powerful people, they can still stand for more than three minutes. If the Beggi family and the real super-strong Shirley in the women's team appear, Yang Liu and other four Although women have strong hard power, they can’t stand in front of so many masters for more than ten minutes, so after they appeared, the whole situation slowly became able to meet each other’s opponents and start a real war with each other. In fact, the manpower is not enough, but the basic There will not be a one-sided trend. At this time, Yi Jiaqi, one of the six major forces of the enemy’s leader, also looked at the battle ahead. Although they have to admire the strength of these people, they are also the enemy. Talented people, if these people are not enemies and really want them to join, after all, there are really no weak people in these people on the scene. In such a chaotic battle, there is only one person with a special fighting method, that is Shirley, because This little girl is sitting in a wheelchair, and the woman pushing the wheelchair behind her is a muscular woman who looks like she has a bodybuilding coach's body lattice, and this muscular woman is only responsible for pushing the wheelchair. What means, as long as the two who are close to them both will somehow fall down, the moonlight will be reflected on the corpses and blood stains on the ground against the moonlight, as if the moon is red, Yi Gazi Upon seeing this, he sighed: "It's beautiful!" Because he saw the crimson moon, this moonlight symbolizing death matched the fighting fight around this time, and at the same time ignited Yigaqi's desire to fight, only Seeing that he directly threw out his dark green spear, although he was the leader, he did not have the leader's frame, and even participated in the battle himself. After all, he was originally promoted to his current status because of his strong strength, and he was able to The elite group is convinced, of course, whether it is in terms of manpower, it must first be convinced of the strength, so his six powers in the organization are not wasted names, you can see from the opponents he chooses. The people he chose after watching the battle around were very discerning.

The person attacked by Yi Gazi is the Beaties who are called the heads-up king. This guy is also an absolute strongman. In fact, he has always wondered whether Pitti shot or the girl in a wheelchair. He shot, and still chose Wang Biti, after all, he didn’t want to attack a child, so it didn’t look good, but he also made the right decision. After all, he didn’t know how the girl in the wheelchair looked. Solve all the people who want to attack him around, the most important thing is that he really attacks Shirley's ending will be the same as these people, after all, Shirley's strength is comparable to Miss Qianda's strength.

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