Killing God Island

Chapter 906: Chen Tianfen: This is the match between the strong

Qianda took out a long knife with dents directly from the back. This knife was the first time Qianda entered the island because she met with Kuangqi for the first time, and was interrupted by Kuangqi during the battle. An exquisite samurai sword, and at that time the blade of this knife was not as embarrassing as it is now. Now Qianda’s blades are all pits and grooves like jagged teeth. These are the weapons that Qianda fights with others. The loss caused by Qian Da, if she didn’t think that the knife was sent by Kuang Qi, she might have thrown it away and bought a new one. The reason why she didn’t throw it was because Qian Da took this knife as a Kuang Qi. Her first gift, so this knife is so precious, of course, Qian Da's knife is not a type b or a weapon at all, just a Japanese-style saber made of iron.

After Qian Da appeared, she said to Chen Tian and others while drawing a knife: "Since I'm here, you can leave, and I will deal with the next thing."

After Qian Da said this sentence, it was just like Silly Qiang chopping on the front. As a result, Silly Qiang faced Qian Da with such a violent and violent attack, he was very calm and directly sideways from the ground, not only successfully avoided Qian Da The attack was turned back by a stupid Qiang, and then punched Qianda again, and Qianda also used a knife to defend herself in a hurry. As a result, Qianda was shot more than three meters away.

Qianda was very surprised in her heart. After all, Qianda was born with divine power. In addition to the strength of the world's top ten, few opponents lost her last time because she lost to Chen Tian. After all, Chen Tian was also born with divine power, so she gave him thousands. Daji didn't complain much, but the silly brother in front of him turned out to be stronger than me?

Qian Da didn't expect to meet her opponent in the competition, which really made Qian Da not think that Qian Da's strength is rarely rival in the t zone.

If there is no such person as Silly Qiang, Qian Da came here to belong to her exclusive butchery battlefield, but now she has met an opponent like Silang Qiang. For the individual Qian Da, she is excited and wants to go directly to hack him, but Ordinary people do not dare to fight stupid, after all, even if they have confidence in their own strength, they will not make fun of their lives.

After all, whoever fought with this big man was committing suicide. This kid's strength is basically who he sees in the water. The one who can give Xu Shun a fall has not yet stood up, showing the horror of his strength.

Of course, Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng also knew that Qian Da was so outrageous, but no one expected that they would have a chance to see the two fight together.

This time, it was also the result that Ling Zifeng did not want to see, because these two people were really terrifying when they fought each other, and the two people were definitely affected when they fought.

So these two people just fought against each other, and the resulting momentum couldn't even be held up by Chen Tian, ​​so they evaded backwards, and only Han Li stood not far away, feeling that Han Li seemed to be in a fierce posture.

But in fact, Han Li and Chen Tian are actually similar in strength. The reason why she looks so indifferent stands still and feels very aura. In fact, it is related to her own ability. Her ability is to be absorbed in On some objects, Han Li's ability is the genetic ability of gecko and lizard, so she stood so reliable, but was quickly dissuaded by Qian Da's order.

"You retreat, you should know that you can't get involved in such a battle?" Qian Da said this to Han Li very directly, and indeed Qian Da was right, so Han Li was very conscious. If you didn't say anything, you just stepped back.

When Qianda saw that Han Li and Chen Tian had left a long distance, they launched a second attack on Silly Qiang again.

Of course, although Ling Zifeng and Aojia had just fought fiercely, they didn’t say much to each other for the first time, and they fled to the distance at the fastest speed, and Chen Tian also carried Xu Xian and fled to the distance. .

And Qian Da had just lost her strength, she was very dissatisfied with how strong her body was, after all, her strength would not be greater than herself. It was not unexpected to lose to Chen Tian Qian Da, but she was really dissatisfied with this stupid big guy, and it was that Kind of disobedience from head to toe.

So Qianda had to fight hard with him head-on this time, so Qianda put away the knife directly, and even wanted to try out the strength of this stupid big man with her fist. After all, Qianda was just shot out, not Use all your strength.

So Qian Da wanted to see how much this guy weighed a few pounds, the strength of this punch had to make the IQ stupid stupid suddenly suddenly serious, maybe this is the instinct between masters.

In fact, although Silly Qiang just took Qian Da's slash, in fact Silly Qiang also vaguely felt the pain in his arm. Originally, he didn't want to shoot too much for such a beautiful woman in front of him, but unfortunately Silly Qiang didn't take it. I thought this shot was too heavy, I'm afraid the woman's death.

But I did not expect that this woman was not dead, and this woman dare to fight me with bare hands? Just looking at this gap in body size, there is no woman who fights head-on and stupid.

No one dared to fight hard with his bare hands even with hard work. Of course, even Chen Tian, ​​who was watching the two men fighting in the distance, looked at the scene with his mouth open in surprise.

I thought to myself, I didn't expect anyone to dare to fight bare-handedly with a man of such a strong figure. Just by looking at the ratio of the fists of these two men, I would definitely think that Qianda's fist would be injured.

But the result was completely different from what everyone thought. Chen Tianzhen didn't expect that Silly Qiang was even punched backwards by Qian Da, and he stepped back. This punch Qian Da was regarded as moving the face he just lost. But the facts are not as simple as Qian Da thought, because the stupid and stupid being beaten back and forth did not use all his strength.

But even if this stupid big guy keeps going backwards, but she knows that this guy is really not weak, at least in terms of strength, it is definitely not weak, after all, this is a punch punched by Qian Da with all his strength, which is what The other party is stupid and strong. If the other party is someone else, it is estimated that the fist of Qian Da's hard face may have already become a corpse.

And even if he can't kill him, he will definitely be injured internally by Qian Dazhen.

But depending on the situation, this stupid Qiang did not seem to have suffered an internal injury, only exchanged a word of appreciation.

"I didn't expect you to be a powerful woman, ha ha ha" After stupidly standing firm, he said this to Qian Da with a very simple voice.

Qian Da's expression was dumbfounded, because after the silly big man had finished saying this, it became obvious that his muscles had become abnormally developed.

This stupid and strong muscle was already very developed. After his anger, the whole body swelled again, and it became several times larger than before.

However, this did not scare Qian Da, after all, Qian Da has seen the world, so Qian Da's expression is calm and does not have any fear at all.

The next second after Silan Qiang's muscles swelled again, appeared in front of Qian Da.

"The speed is so fast!" Qian Da was also attacked by this sudden, and sent out an intuitive idea of ​​Fang Qiang, because the speed even made Qian Da not respond.

It seems that this stupid Qiang does not mean to pity Xiang and Xiyu. Although he likes Qianda so beautiful and perfect woman in his mind, when he really fights, he does not know how to show mercy under his hands, he will only attack Qianda according to his instinct. And it's the kind of dead hand, how hard to make how hard to hide the strength, the whole arm that was just beaten because Silly Qiang didn't use his full strength, it hurts, so Silly Qiang really used full strength Punched.

Moreover, this punch was sturdily hit on Qian Da's chest, playing Qian Da like a baseball hit the ball, instantly hit Qian Da's body out of a distance of more than ten meters.

Only a row of trees collapsed in front of me. Of course, Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng, who had been watching, and Aojia, who were standing at another place, and Han Li now focused their attention on the front.

So the stupid strong punch on Qianda not only broke all the trees in front of more than ten meters, but the strength seemed to be really powerful. Although it seemed that the power was indeed amazing, Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng, Including the enemy Aojia, it was thought that Qian Da was not so easy to be knocked out by him, and the fact is true.

Everyone, including Silian Qiang, didn't see how Qian Da appeared in front of Silian Qiang. I saw Qian Da's punch directly and firmly on the face of Silan Qiang, followed by this time He was beaten by Qianda more than ten meters away, and the number of rows in the row was also knocked down by the general grid of Silly Qiang, but Qianda could not fly out like Silent Qiang and wait for the opponent to stand up. Under attack.

Qianda followed the process of flying out and followed closely, so that Silly Qiang had just landed and hadn’t waited to stand up. Qian Da had already hit her on the chest with a slap, which really beat Silly Qiang Suddenly vomiting blood and donating his limbs also tightened in four directions at the same time.

Qian Da’s leg skills are many times stronger than her fists and knives. After all, Qian Da is the only apprentice trained by Ms. Zhao. Although her leg skills are far inferior to her master Ms. Zhao’s, It is also absolutely superb.

Qian Da’s kick was not light, causing a considerable external force attack on Du Qiang, but also the sudden impact of Du Qiang’s sudden sudden conditioned reflex. She got up and punched Qian Da directly in the face, and Qian Da also used it. At the same time, I hit a punch with all my strength, but the two of them attacked with real strength.

Sure enough, with all the power used, Qianda's power is indeed not as good as a stupid fist, and the beaten overall flew far away.

This time, Qianda had to admit that she was indeed the most proud of the strength, and was not as powerful as this stupid big man in front of her, so Qianda, who was angry, used her housekeeping skills, that is, Ms. Zhao's leg skills.

Ms. Zhao’s legs are very similar to that of Qianda, but she has never been able to play the destructive power of Ms. Zhao’s earth-shattering ghosts and ghosts. Although she only learned Ms. Zhao’s moves, she can already be said to be capable and stupid. This strong man fights against each other.

Qianda had no need to attack with her legs, no matter whether she used a fist or a knife, she couldn't fight it hard. This stupid and strong like the same mad beast, the stronger and stronger, the strength seems to be as scary as there is no upper limit.

At the beginning, Qian Da attacked with his legs. Silly Qiang took a lot of losses, but with his exaggerated physique and this incomprehensible defense, he gradually became stronger and stronger.

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