Killing God Island

Chapter 955: Fight chapter 24: woman's heart, seabed needle.

Embracing the ghost king behind his body and saying, "Your body is so good, and your length is so good. Our three sisters just saw you and saw it. It doesn't matter if you don't like us. What if you have a wife. It’s better to have a lot of fun in this place! And our three sisters are not so long. I wouldn’t object to being a man if I play with you?”

After listening to the ghost king, he was stunned for a moment, and then he responded with a smile on his face: "It seems to be very reasonable. It is really difficult for a man to refuse the invitation of three beautiful women like you, and not only It would be an honour not to refuse, but I am sorry, I refuse. First of all, the body and appearance you see is not my own. I have no right to decide his wishes, and his first time may not be Will give you three, after all, he already has a woman he loves in his heart like me, so first of all his body rejected you, and the soul that currently dominates his consciousness is me, and I love me very much. Wife, and the kind of love that goes deep into the bone marrow, so even if I agree that you are really beautiful, but I refuse!" The ghost king said very calmly when he said these words. These words came out, but he did say very sincerely, but the three girls laughed one by one after listening to them: "This little brother, you are so funny! Now our sister three People want to eat you, it doesn't matter if you refuse or not, and what you just said is so great, Ling Ran, I don't believe you will like your wife to have no reaction to us!" Say this The person who spoke was the Chinese beauty queen Tian Xin who hugged and bound the ghost king’s hands from behind, and the other two women did not sit idle with one arm around the ghost king’s waist, and the other began to untie the ghost king. His trouser belt suddenly jumped out of a giant as soon as he unzipped it, which directly frightened the American blonde beauty who unzipped it: "My God! He is stronger than black people!" A beautiful short-haired woman also smiled and said, "Also, what Ling Ran said to our sisters was rejected. I think it's really a word of heart. I will let you immediately surrender to our sisters."

The woman who said this would start to act with her mouth. If the ghost king might not treat the beauties with short hair so violently, but the ghost king has clearly dominated Zhuo Yanxuan’s body at this time, but he and the ghost wife Sheila dominate Zhuo. When Yan Xuan's sister Zhuo Wenxin's body, she used her moves to be unable to instantaneously kill the four of them directly, and the reason why they could instantly kill the third of them, Guangliuzi, It is because at this moment, although Sheila has completely controlled Zhuo Wenxin's body, in the next second, Zhuo Wenxin uses his potential consciousness to use his own moves. At this time, the ghost king is exactly the same as just Sheila's situation. Suddenly Zhuo Yanxuan's body responded in a matter of seconds, and lifted his knees directly on the face door of the short-haired woman, because the short-haired woman just got close and was about to use her mouth to approach the ghost king, but the ghost king suddenly bent his knees. It was placed on the face of the short-haired beauty. This force was very strong. Not only did the short-haired beauty cushion fall back, but her very delicate nose was completely collapsed by the cushion. She hurt her hands directly Covering his nose, he rolled around on the ground.

Another blonde beauty's facial expressions shouted loudly and solemnly with a serious expression: "What are you doing with your kid?" At the same time, the ghost king's temporary loss of control made Zhuo Yanxuan also want to take this opportunity to get rid of holding himself behind his back Wang Tianxin restrained his hands, so he wanted to hit Wang Tianxin's face with his head, but the short-haired beauty who had just been attacked had already attracted Wang Tianxin's attention, only to see that she directly tilted her neck and directly avoided his head impact , And Wang Tianxin also escaped Zhuo Yanxuan's back attack with his head, and found that Zhuo Yanxuan, who had not attacked, had only two seconds. When the ghost king found that he had not attacked, he wanted to take his head back. Standing still, he hadn’t waited for his head to be straight. Wang Tianxin, who just turned his head, directly kissed the ghost king with a probe, and in this scene, the ghost wife Sheila saw it directly. Sheila instantly broke out amazingly because of jealousy. Power, directly to their boss Da Vinci, he kicked the blood directly at the mouth of Da Vinci and didn’t stand up for a long time. This angry blow was extremely lethal. Their boss Da Vinci could not be hit. Now When he didn’t stand up, his body was seriously damaged besides his internal organs and his exoskeleton. At this time, Sheila exploded with amazing power, mainly in addition to Sheila’s anger, the body Zhuo Wenxin could also feel what Sheila saw, so the most terrifying It was Zhuo Wenxin’s super high eruption, and the other two wanted to use the dagger to instantly give the second when they were blocked by the angry Shira. The state of not being angry just couldn’t kill these people at all, and the other two people except Da Vinci I didn’t expect that Sheila in an angry state could instantaneously kill the two of them. The two people who attacked her directly wanted to directly subdue the woman in front, and then first killed her as a dead old man. Three revenge, but what they did not expect was that the frontal attack did not catch her movement, but let her pass the two men's instant and completely solved the two of them.

Da Vinci, who was seriously injured in front and wanted to stand up, did not stand up. Da Vinci now finally sees the form clearly. He immediately changes his expression and pleads for Sheila not to kill him. After all, he has stood now. He couldn’t stand up. Although he killed a lot of people and harmed many girls, but when it was his turn to die, Da Vinci’s heart was full of fear, and he didn’t want to die like this. Not big, although it is the oldest of the four, but it is only 25 years old, so he doesn’t want to die here and he has escaped many deaths. Of course, the four of them had vowed to die together and die together, but really When he saw that the other three were dead, he didn’t want anyone to die here. Although he was seriously injured, he could be completely repaired as long as he was given enough time, so now It’s okay not to kill him, so he begged Sheila not to kill him, but how could Sheila not kill him, Sheila is very angry now, how can she easily calm her anger, her current strength is quite powerful Originally, Zhuo Wenxin's anger would increase her original combat power. Of course, Sheila's anger would also increase some strength, but it was much worse than Zhuo Wenxuan. The woman's power to inspire jealousy was extremely terrible. Now she is very hot. Yes, I saw that she stepped directly on Da Vinci’s head with a straight foot, the heel was thrust directly from his forehead, but this foot did not directly kill him, but Da Vinci couldn’t stand Sheila again After stepping on more than ten feet in a row and stepping on Da Vinci's head, he only turned to the ghost king this time, and this time period was actually not too long, because Sheila's just moved very much Almost immediately after killing the two people in two seconds, he appeared in front of Da Vinci who could not stand up in less than five seconds. He stepped on Da Vinci’s head for ten consecutive feet and turned his head again. When looking at the ghost king Nai An, the anger in her heart once again burned instantly as the fire broke out. Because when Sheila looked at the past, the ghost king was still kissing her Chinese beauty queen Tian Xin who was hugging her behind, and had been kissing for at least ten seconds, so Sheila instantly angered directly from Xiang By the side of the two, Sheila is a woman who moves very fast, plus this body is Zhuo Wenxin, and Zhuo Wenxin's speed is faster than her, and her body has adapted to high speed in her battle and evolution Kinds of mobile battles, etc., so don’t look at Zhuo Wenxin’s good figure, but in fact his body is very strong muscles, if you take off your coat, you can see the vague abdominal muscles, so now Zhuo Wenxin is running towards this side at super speed I ran over, but the running speed was less than 100 meters at this distance. It was almost an instant, and I arrived at the kissing scene of Wang Tianxin and Ghost King in two seconds. Sheila said nothing. Wang Tianxin also had some strength when she went up. Although she is enjoying the kissing process with the handsome guy, she has already felt the approach of Sheila in the back. I saw that she directly released the ghost king and then jumped up. Because Sheila was very angry at this time, the kick kick was also very strong. She directly kicked the ghost king on the waist, and this kick directly kicked the ghost king out.

"Her husband are you okay?" Sheila shouted after kicking the ghost king out of her hands. Although this foot is full of strength, the ghost king's body is Zhuo Yanxuan's body. The body of the fight, this kick has to be kicked on the waist of others. The entire waist bone will be smashed by the kick, but it is obvious that Zhuo Yanxuan can still withstand this level of attack, although this level looks very violent But the brothers and sisters often shot each other during ordinary combat training, so the ghost king was not seriously injured but he did kick the ghost king and shouted: "What are you doing, my waist almost makes you kick off By the way, do you know the key to being a tough guy? First of all, you must have a good waist and kidneys, and secondly, you must have strong muscles and strong muscles. If you really kick my waist, you will personally ruin your happiness."

"Yes, my husband, I was wrong, but it seems that you can stand up, and you have to admire the toughness of your body." Sheila explained the sentence embarrassedly while scratching her hair, and The ghost king also said directly: "That's to say, you see that the muscles of my body should also know that this is the tough guy." At this time, Sheila's expression was stunned again, because she saw the ghost king's zipper appear. The giant, immediately shouted loudly: "Dead husband, what did you do with them when I was just fighting with those people, how are you in this state, do you want to betray me in an important part of you? ?"

After listening to the ghost king, he immediately explained: "Don't misunderstand your wife, this is just a normal phenomenon of a normal man. Just now you also looked at me all the way? How can I be unfaithful to you?" The sentence was a stable stop for Sheila. Sheila nodded and said, "Her husband, the body you chose this time is indeed very capital. Looking at this length and appearance is so handsome, it seems that we will be happier in the future, but before that, I want to Kill all those **** who want to seduce you first!"

Just then, Wang Tianxin, blonde beauty, and **** short-haired beauty with nose collapsed in front of the ghost king and ghost wife Shira all stood in front of the ghost king and ghost wife Sheila. I saw Tian Xin, the Chinese beauty queen, first said to ghost wife Shira: "You're a woman, you just don't know how to do it. Just now there are four handsome guys who are not bad in appearance who want to serve you, but you killed them all, and you came here deliberately to break the good thing of our three sisters, I Say this young lady, you have been monopolizing such a handsome man for so long, don’t you let me three sisters try something fresh?"

A woman's heart is at the bottom of the needle. At this time, the ghost king does not know what the four women around him really think about, but he can feel the powerful murderous spreading around him. The ghost king's embarrassed expression asked: "Is this Is the legendary Shura Field?"

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