Killing God Island

Chapter 99: All the seven war mad

Yote looked back and despised with a smile: "Old guy, your era is coming to an end. I will let you kill all your three-room ladies in three days. You can have someone protect them, but I will put the words today Come out, I will send the heads of the three of them to you in three days!"

After Jorte left, he was so angry that he ordered that my three ladies would not be allowed to walk out of the villa for three days, and many cameras and sirens were placed in the three villas. There are many professions, basically every villa has hundreds of people patrolling day and night.

After two days, nothing happened, which made Cowens even more anxious. On the third day, he dispatched more than one hundred people under each villa to double the alert. Because the seven madmen are currently in his two. By his side, he did not dare to send them to protect them. In case they were sent to protect Jorte to transfer the target to me, the situation would be dangerous.

Although there is still a madman who can let him protect him personally, but Coventus, the man of madman, has been unable to control him, and he dare not guarantee that without the presence of Jaina, will the madman listen to his own arrangements, in case What should I do if something goes wrong? So he will not take his life to do some uncertain things.

This night Covents couldn't sleep at night, he didn't go to sleep until dawn, but he was woken up by the ringtone before 9 o'clock, he just answered the phone and his expression changed suddenly because all the wives of his three villas were killed , And the head was cut off.

The phone in Cowans's hand slowly slipped, and at the same time there was a knock at the door. Cowens calmed his emotions. When he walked out of the living room, he found that there were three more carton boxes on the table. He had already imagined what was in the box, but he still had to make sure to accept this fact, so he sent himself to open it.

As a result, the young man in a suit didn’t know. He was scared as soon as he opened the box, and the box was thrown away, causing a head with long hair and blood to fall out of the box, which also caused Kewen Si was furious. He took out his pistol and aimed at the frightened man who threw away the box. He shot directly and shot him on the ground. He slowly knelt on the ground and picked up the head on the ground.

"Your kid is too bully!" Cowans clenched his fists, yelled and called the housekeeper, and shouted to the housekeeper: "Give me back all the other seven madmen who are on missions. No matter where they are now, what they are doing, anyway, let me put down all the things at hand and return me to the headquarters!"

The butler immediately nodded and took out his mobile phone, followed by Cowens to add another sentence, and also released the mad guilt detained in the underground prison, we are going to fight with them!

"Yes! If you understand me, go ahead and prepare!"

Three days later, in the largest conference room of the headquarters, seven people were sitting at this time. These seven people were Nooch Prints. Although he was an Englishman, he had a half son of orthodox Prints blood. The mother was a direct member of the Orthodox Prins family. Because of his superior qualifications since his childhood, he was selected into the Human Completion Plan. Later, the family established the strongest combat department. The Seventh War Madness is commonly known as the Seven Madman, and he is also regarded as the Seven Madman. In the first place, because of the authentic Plinters family lineage, the family power is much higher than the other six madmen.

So Noch Printers sat in the first position of the Seven Madmen. He has long blond hair and a burly face. The outline is ordinary, but he has a natural temperament. Sitting in the position of deputy is Jaina, she is a blonde and mature woman, especially the two domineering double waves, it makes some people shine, and the person sitting next to Jaina is Camille Hughes, he is a man who looks very serious. He has always been a man of silence like gold. His appearance is quite general. There are no characteristics all over the body, but he can leave a deep impression on people. The impression is obviously not prominent in any place, but it can make people remember the affinity at a glance. Usually wearing a black sportswear wearing a one-piece hat, covering the hat with half of the face, the character is lonely and loves the dark, fearing the glare is a weird person who is silent and poor in communicating with people.

And next to Noch Plinters was Cage Thomson, who is also the kind of person who is unwilling to speak and only listens to the orders of the head of the family, and does his job seriously. He looks better than the previous ones. All of them are a little bit different, but he is the kind of person with serious quirks. In addition to only killing people, he spends most of his time sculpting things alone and quietly with a carving knife. Sitting next to him was a Chinese man with a more refined appearance, a joke and a hippie smiley face. He told Chang Yanxiao that he had very personalized long hair and a ponytail hairstyle tied with a leather case in the back. His character, which looks a little like a hooligan, is even true in front of Cowens. At this time, he is sitting in an inelegant manner with Erlang's legs, with a toothpick on his mouth and chatting with the dark-skinned beauty not far from him.

And the two in the last seat, one of them is a very hot girl with dark skin tone, she is Joni. Yi Lilin character is very open, before the madness did not join the seven madmen, it was very suitable for Chang Yanxiao, but since After the appearance of Kuangqi, she fell in love with Kuangqi, but the relationship with Chang Yanxiao was also very good. After all, she and Chang Yanxiao were those people who were very enthusiastic in appearance and had similar personalities.

And Kuangqi is not only the strongest of the seven, but also the most handsome and handsome in addition to Chang Yanxiao. While the seven are still bored and waiting on their seats, suddenly the door is taken by Cowens. Pushed away, and the seven people sitting in the two rows immediately stood up from the seats. This time, along with Cowens, there was a very beautiful girl who was wearing a secretary's professional attire. Wearing borderless glasses. Cowans signaled everyone to sit down first, but after everyone waited for Cowans to sit down, seven of their talents sat down one after another, and Cowens also signaled the wearing secretary The girls in professional attire sat down, which also made the other seven people feel very puzzled. After all, this kind of important meeting, the little secretary is simply not qualified to attend.

It may be everyone's expression, which made Cowens aware of it, so Cowens pointed to this girl of a similar age as Kuang Qi and said: "This is Miss Zhao, you should treat her as my secretary, That’s too much to underestimate her strength, then you can introduce yourself to everyone!"

As she stood up, she also pushed her glasses and said, "My name is Zhao Ying. It is Mr. Cowans, a woman who was invited by you to assist you in combat. I hope you will have a good time working with everyone!" After she introduced herself , And also looked at the seven people present. The seven people felt different.

Followed by Ms. Zhao and asked again: "Mr. Cowans, are you going to fight against the Bengit family this time, would you like to ask the other three families to help?"

Cowens replied confidently: "It's not necessary!" Ms. Zhao asked with a smile behind her: "How many hands are you going to bring?"

"It's enough to bring only eight people. I counted a total of nine people!" Ms. Zhao was stunned after hearing this, and immediately asked: "These nine people don't mean... just a few of us. ?"

Cowens nodded directly: "You guessed right! It's enough to take a few of you. This time I want to let them know what it means to fight me!" At this time, Cowens revealed powerful Intention to kill: "I want him to know that he is too tender to fight me, let him know how to write dead words today!"

"Let's prepare, let's go in thirty minutes!"

"Follow your orders!" Seven people left the room at the same time, and Cowens smiled again at Ms. Zhao ten years ago. "Aren't you going to the warehouse to get a handy weapon? There are all kinds of weapons in that place!"

Ms. Zhao shook her head and replied: "No need to be so troublesome, I don't need a weapon at all, this is my weapon!" She motioned to Covance to look down. Covance looked down and found nothing on her body. Weapons, I saw Ms. Zhao exposed a pair of crimson red high-heeled shoes, and then stomped the hard marble blocks on the ground suddenly appeared huge cracks.

After watching Cowens, he smiled slightly and said: "It really is the person I chose. I have been a family leader for more than ten years. I have countless people. I think you will definitely be the kind in the future, not a thing in the pool. Character, but now you are my most effective assistant!" He said this and extended his hand to Ms. Zhao, who also bowed slightly and extended her slender fingers with Coventus' hand Together: "Mr. Cowans can really boast, but I will do my best to protect you!"

The other seven came to the weapon warehouse. The seven looked around. Nooch and Camille each picked up a small punch and put it in their backpacks. The rest of them chose a few daggers. Yan Xiao even didn’t even enter the weapon room. Instead, they chewed outside. These two people are the kind of people who don’t have a tense atmosphere. They both love to laugh, and both of them are the kind of deep Hidden and ruthless characters, Chang Yanxiao is the kind of live-skinned character who looks gritty and joke-like, and Kuangqi is the kind of lazy and seemingly gentle character, but he launches ruthless but like a violent wind Rainstorms are generally terrifying.

After thirty minutes, seven people were sitting in the same car, and the other car was driven by Ms. Zhao Covance, sitting in the co-pilot. There were very few cases where the seven war madmen were doing tasks together. Cowens was irritated, and this time Covents wanted to completely remove Jott.

The two cars stopped after about five hours of driving, about a hundred meters away from the Bangit family. After the seven people got out of the car, they walked side by side, and Covance behind the seven people was in a wheelchair. Here, the person pushing the wheelchair is Ms. Zhao, who is responsible for protecting Covins personally this time.

This Bangit family is also a world-class big family, and there are many heavy weapons near the main base, especially not only the tanks but also heavy machine guns in front of the gate. When the seven of them swayed forward, they also alarmed the guards in front of the gate. 'S guards, people standing on the observation deck immediately looked forward with glasses, and also shot to warn not to come next.

But these seven people did not retreat and walked forward casually. Just as they walked at a distance of about tens of meters, the machine gun in front of the door fired directly at the seven of them... Da... Da Da Da... A burst of machine guns sounded like a warning to everyone that the battle was about to start at the main entrance of the Bangit family.

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