It’s finally time for the mock battle.

I am now brimming with energy to kill everyone around me.

Though, it’s not something that needs to be enthusiastic about…


「Everyone, I’m guessing your pent-up anger has accumulated now~」 (Guildmaster)


…perhaps they are quite like so, except for me.

Because I have been feeling the atmosphere around me is stiff and makes it hard for me to even eat meals recently.

Truly, Guildmaster’s support rate is now only in one digit.

Ah, it seems like the guildmaster is greeting. I don’t feel the need to listen to him, hence I covered my ears.


「Aa~ *cough* we will now do a mock battle as a part of the class-… LISTEN TO ME, ALL OF YOU!」 (Guildmaster)


I don’t know why the guildmaster is crying as I’m still covering my ears.

…Everyone is covering their ears except for Aemia who I will go and ask her later about it. I wonder what is this strange feeling of solidarity and accomplishment?


I will now hear the speech because the speaker has changed.

Ah, the guildmaster is crouching down while writing 『の』 on the ground.

……Hmm!? Why does the guildmaster know Japanese?


「I will randomly select everyone here regardless of their class. I won’t mind whether you win or lose as it’s already enough if you experienced the basic feeling of a battle. However, if you got hurt or fainted while in battle, I will stop the match from the sideline. Until the end, this is just a mock battle, so please don’t try to kill your opponent.」 (Teacher)


Some of the people have a dissatisfied face.

Scary lot, I see.


「The person who can use more or less restoration magic, please take care of the injured person. The serious wounded person will be dealt by the healing magicians and monks over here, so please report it to them.」 (Teacher)


Then everyone’s turn for the battle was pasted on a match chart.

Everyone immediately rushed to the front of the match chart.

My turn is…sixth? The opponent is……? Who……? I don’t know him.

Aemia is being crushed in the back and some of the men in that area are grinning for some reason.

Perhaps after a while….




…see? Aemia snapped.


「There won’t be any change for your opponent. Now then, the first students, please come forward. The rest will gather around at the edge.」 (Teacher)


The first round.

A well-built warrior and a somewhat frightened magician came forward.


「Don’t be too hard on me.」 (Warrior)


「P-please take care of myui.」 (Magician)


Take care of myui….

Will that magician be alright….?


「Begin!」 (Teacher)


The magician striked first.


「……《Flame ball》 Fireball!」 (Magician)


No way! Chantless!?


A fire came out from the magician’s hand….

Yes, a fire that is about the size of a match stick….




It was erased by the warrior’s spear in one swing.


「Hauu!」 (Magician)


Why are you looking so surprised as if your jaws were coming off vigorously…? That kind of fire can be erased with only a breath, you know?

Ah, the warrior walked and stood in front of her.




「Ukyu!」 (Magician)


Ah, she fell.


「Umm… that’s a match.」 (Teacher)




Which town’s guild that recommended this child…?

I have never seen a battle that was decided with one fist shot.


After that, the mock battle continued with quite impressive matches.


And finally, the sixth match,

That is, my debut match.


「Now then, next person! Saachi from Support Magic class.」 (Teacher)


I came forward.

And the surroundings responded greatly.


「Oy, it’s a bikini armor…」 (Adventurer A)


「Uwaah, is she an exhibitionist?」 (Adventurer B)


「Don’t do it halfway! Just take off everything!」 (Adventurer C)


……what a response, yes?


「What’s with her!? Just because her style is a bit nice…」 (Adventurer D)


Oh, I also heard some real intentions as well for some reason.


「Oy Saachi! What’s with that look!?」 (Guildmaster)


The guildmaster too, or rather, 「Don’t you dare go telling me something about common sense, you baldie」.


「Oy! You have some nerve to talk to me like that, huh!?」 (Guildmaster)


「I don’t care! Just continue this match! Even though you have zero trust from everyone!」 (Saachi)


Ah, I said it out loud.

Well, I don’t care though.

I will leave the guildmaster be, who is currently pouting again.


「Ee~ the opponent, Ime・Kent from the Warrior class!」 (Teacher)


The Ikemen (Handsome) came forward while beating his iron hammer.

Kuhh, so close! A little more than that, his name can be Ikemen. (lol)


「Oy, what are you laughing about? It’s rude to laugh after seeing me suddenly, don’t you think?」 (Kent)


Ah, sorry. It was because of your name’s impact that I unconsciously did it.


「That doesn’t matter, right? A match is a match, you know?」 (Saachi)


「Hmm… well, that’s right,…」 (Kent)


Alright, successfully deceived.


「…because I can’t afford to lose against a perverted flasher girl, right?」 (Kent)





「Now, begin!」 (Teacher)


I faced backward at the same time with the announcement.


「…Oy, what are you planning? Are you underestimating me!?」 (Kent)


「That’s right. I’m underestimating you. I’m giving you a handicap so you better start slashing now.」 (Saachi)


Was it Ime・Kent? His face has turned red.

……Getting provoked by something like this. He still has a long way to go, I see.


「Okay then, fine! I will kill you first!」 (Kent)


He held his hammer in an overhead position and plunged in.


「Saachi! Look forward! Watch out!」 (Aemia)


Aemia shouted in worry.

Fufu, I’m fine, Aemia.


Because I can see it properly.


「Too slow.」 (Saachi)


I slip to the right side.

And soon after that, my sword passed at high speed.


「Wha…!」 (Kent)


His whole body was blown away with a single strike which made him surprised. He’s full of openings, but I’ll overlook it for now.


「Do you want another handicap? Should I not use my hands then?」 (Saachi)


Provocation once again.


「Ghh, D-don’t underestimate meeee!!!」 (Kent)


This time it’s a horizontal swing.

Ah, he tripped up.

Your foot is open, you know?


「Uwaa!」 (Kent)


He will fall even if I’m being passive. It looks like he cannot stand up as it’s unfortunate for him to have that kind of heavy iron hammer.

Then, I created a needle from my back.


「Checkmate.」 (Saachi)


I stopped by his throat.

And that’s a match.



「……I lost.」 (Kent)


It’s Ime・Kent, right? He came and talked to me.


「By the way… when you were facing backward, why did you know the timing of my slash? Did you evade it because you can see it?」 (Kent)


「…Ah, you see…That was thanks to my bikini armor.」 (Saachi)


「Ha…? The bikini armor?……Are you still joking with me?」 (Kent)


Not a single bit.

It really was thanks to the bikini armor.

Because if it’s not a bikini armor,


You can’t feel the presence of enemy’s movement.

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