Wind of Desire, Flame of Stimulation! This was a Dao Domain that would only be formed by dual cultivation focused cultivators! It was a fairly mighty Dao Domain, with possibility of being evolving the elements of Water and Earth.

It was multi-effective and could be used offensively with elements, create illusions, support in dual cultivation…

Shu Yidan could easily ignore the stimulating effect of the Dao Domain, yet he could not ignore Xiaoyi. It was only natural, what's with her being the protagonist of the world.

Looking at the Xiaoyi tied up on the chair, she had fallen asleep. The illusory effect of the domain seemed to have knocked her out. So much for her desire to gain insights watching the Domain…

With Feng Shiyao's breakthrough, the notification of the SYSTEM had arrived.

[Hidden Quest Completed (Part – 1): Karma remains after soul's flight - Desire of the Past Lord]

Watching the virtual screen load, Shu Yidan aloofly ignored it. Instead, he asked… "SYSTEM, why weren't you capable of protecting me from Xiaoyi's influence?"

[Villainous Plot Halo Splitting System's assigned quest is yet to be completed. Kindly complete quest to activate the System]

Shu Yidan realized that he had yet to meet the Sect Master. He could only sigh before asking, "System, how should I handle Xiaoyi then?"

[While Villainous Plot Halo Splitting System is yet to activate, your encounter with a protagonist has already occurred.

Hence, you have two options:

1) Receive a free gift from System for self-protection purpose before System activation


2) Receive bonuses upon System activation]

"Select Option 2." Shu Yidan immediately chose. If it were any other person, Shu Yidan would have chosen the self-protection gift. But Xiaoyi and he weren't enemies and since her influence upon him was to draw him to her side, it meant that she didn't currently hold bad intentions toward him either.

That's why he was willing to risk it.

Checking the notifications again, Shu Yidan was surprised.

[Hidden Quest: Karma remains after soul's flight - Desire of the Past Lord]

[Quest Part: – Defeat Xiaoyi in battle]

[Quest completed]

There wasn't a quotation of the former lord, maybe because he had already accomplished the deed. A little more time later, the third quest in the chain updated.

[Quest Part – 3: "For seven years, he left the sect. In these seven years, he never taught me a single day. After defeating his disciple, I should naturally match blows with the master… to teach him the height his abandoned disciple has attained!"]

[Quest Reward: ??? (Quest Reward granted after Part-3 is completed!)]

"Past Lord, do you want to fucking kill me?" Shu Yidan screamed in his mind. Shu Yidan wouldn't be usually capable of matching a single blow with Xiaoyi, forget about the Sect Master!

And what was with the message in the reward column? Did the System realize that not giving him a single reward while continuously escalating the goalposts was demotivating?!

…Anyway, he needed to complete the mission, the blocked memories of the former Shu Yidan were of absolute importance to him.

After the system screens disappeared, Shu Yidan was granted a few more memories. Shu Yidan learning about Xiaoyi being the Sect Master's new disciple, Shu Yidan training by himself and injuring himself without proper guidance…

Basically, these memories painted both Xiaoyi and the Sect Master in bad light.

He ignored the former lord's impression of these two people. In his past life, their deaths left only him to inherit the mantle of Sect Master. He owed them many things, yet they too owed him many things…

"Brother Shu, you seem to be in deep thought…" A voice filled with affection broke Shu Yidan out of his thoughts.

Looking up to see the nude Feng Shiyao in extreme closeness, he could see the miffed expression on her face.

…That's right, with her body that she took great pride like this in the buff yet her Dao Companion studiously in his thoughts, she would definitely feel abandoned.

"And brother Shu, why have you tied up this little girl here? If you wish to take more than one girl, I don't have any objections. But I only wish that you do not abandon me…" Saying this, Feng Shiyao's voice started cracking.

"Don't underestimate this little girl. She attacked the cultivation residence after you fell unconscious and immediately broke the guard formation. I couldn't risk her attacking you during your unconsciousness so I had to sacrifice 25 years of lifetime to catch her. And she is the Sect Master's disciple and my fellow apprentice, so we can't harm her! If she breaks out, there will be a world of trouble!" Shu Yidan immediately warned her.

"…I don't mind other girls, but… Wait, what? This girl isn't your lover?!" Feng Shiyao seemed completely nonplussed.

"In terms of years spent cultivating under the Sect Master's guidance, this girl is my senior apprentice sister! Even though she looks like a Qi Refining cultivator, underestimating her will end badly!" Shu Yidan emphasized his warning.

Feng Shiyao looked at the little girl, but she was already asleep with her eyes closed. Upon knowing that she wasn't competition, her heart felt lighter. "Well, if you say so. By the way, you didn't have to lose 25 years of lifespan battling her for my sake…"

"You are my woman. If I can't even protect you, then there truly isn't any meaning in cultivating." Shu Yidan's reply warmed Feng Shiyao's heart.

"This girl… Can she be a existence that is unmatched under Nascent Soul?" Ignoring her fluttering heart, Feng Shiyao asked.

"Yeah, definitely. Anyone without a Domain will definitely be defeated facing her." Shu Yidan said with a sigh. But Feng Shiyao was one who had attained a Domain…

"Well then, Brother Shu! If this little girl tries to bully you again, I'll give her a spanking!" Hearing Feng Shiyao's protective tone, Shu Yidan smiled. Having someone say this meant a lot to him.

Just then, there was a sudden moment. The sleeping little girl tied to the chair vanished. Immediately after, there was the sharp sound of a sword being drawn.

"Old lady, what did you say about wanting to spank me?" A mocking voice provocatively asked.

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