Feng Shiyao decided to keep Shanwei away from this. The struggle between master and disciple had arrived at the climax, she could only face her master by herself.

She looked over to Shu Yidan majestic on his throne with a wink. "Show's stopping for an intermission, my Lord."

Her domain of Wind and Fire appeared, covering her and the overwhelming aura of beauty came forth, covering her and her master from all eyes. There were things she didn't want to expose to Shu Yidan, and her confrontation with her master was one of them.

Covered from all eyes, Feng Shiyao smiled at the yet-unconscious body of the Sect Master writhing, as if begging for her body to be molested further.

"For all your high talk, in the end you are my master after all… You are a slut deep down, aren't you? Just like me…" Feng Shiyao didn't receive an answer.

Feng Shiyao gazed deeply into those eyelids that were yet to open. The Sect Master was beautiful. That wasn't that special: most cultivators were possessors of beauty after all. What was spectacular about the Sect Master's beauty was the sense of inviolability, the purity that she emitted.

Purity in a young teen was only natural. Purity in a middle aged looking woman was a sign of a spinster. A useless woman who couldn't arouse a man's attention. But her master's purity…

It was a result of devotion. This woman had devoted her body to the Buddha, in hope that His grace would enrich her soul. The Sect Master's body was only a meatbag which her soul occupied temporarily; only Feng Shiyao's perfect body was the vessel that the Sect Master would accept for her soul.

Feng Shiyao was taught dual cultivation skills that were ridiculously torturous to cultivate, given elixirs that would transform her bodily beauty in exchange of pain… all to foster hatred for her master.

Impotent, worthless hatred… Her foundation in terms of spells and martial arts was worse than crippled – she couldn't even draw upon her Spirit Root to use spells of the Five Elements. All she could use was seduction and illusion techniques – worthless against her master's Buddhist aura.

As for why this hatred was needed? Well, Buddhist spells were meant to be used on the wicked, after all. For example, the bad karma of a wicked disciple who rebelled against her master could be excised if her devoted master used her body to do good deeds…

"Awaken, for the night is long over! Time to begin our fun!" Upon her index finger, the azure light that would awaken her Sect Master flashed before striking her forehead. Immediately, the unconscious woman's eyes flickered.

"H-how did I… end up here…" The confused voice was enthralling to Feng Shiyao's ears. The helplessness was delicious.

"I am the reason why. And that should answer everything, right? What is going to happen to you, what you are going to suffer through…" Feng Shiyao's cold voice had an undercurrent of murderous intent.

"Shiyao…-" SMACK!

A firm smack on the ass stopped the Sect Master's words. Feng Shiyao didn't even glance at the ripples on her luscious, firm ass.

"I am not someone you can call by name. Call me 'mistress' from now!" Saying this, Feng Shiyao spanked the Sect Master once more.

There was only silence. Feng Shiyao flicked her finger, and the silk threads that covered the Sect Master's body in bondage flashed. An electric lightning ran through the woman's body.

Feng Shiyao rhythmically smacked the Sect Master's firm butt as lightning danced upon her body. A few minutes later, a defeated voice rang out.


Feng Shiyao felt a certain thrill hearing her submission… that certainly wasn't sexual desire. She had no sexual desire for her master… all she had was hatred.

She couldn't help a judgmental glance at the water running down her master's pussy. "What a shameful posture for a woman who gave her body to Buddha. In any case…"

"Ahhh---!" A loud scream rang out as Feng Shiyao spoke.

"My beloved Sect Master's voice as a flying sword shoots up her ass is so melodious~." Licking her lips, Feng Shiyao looked at the sight of the Sect Master's ass which had taken the entirety of her Natal Artifact, Akashic Ether Wooden Sword like a champ.

"This useless sword that you gave me to destroy my offensive ability… Well, it is gonna get some good use now!" Feng Shiyao flicked her finger back and forth, and the wooden sword thrust back and forth, reaming the Sect Master's ass nicely.

"Aargh, Feng-" Lightning crackled. "Uuuhhh… Mistress, forgive me!" The desperate fearful voice only raised Feng Shiyao's anticipation.

"You know, that Natal Artifact was entirely useless for battle. The damn thing's Buddhist aura made it impossible to use for masturbation as well! Well, I want to see if you can cum from that!" Feng Shiyao's declaration caused the Sect Master's screams to get louder…

The fearful expression and the trembling voice as the woman screamed out, the trembling of the rosebud-pink void between the twin cheeks as it took in her flying sword, the shimmering sweat that danced on her flawless skin, the erect nips that were like peaks on the mountains of her breasts… Feng Shiyao carefully took it in with her eyes.

What a beautiful sight! What a treat for eyes! What an unforgettable memory!

Finally, the woman climaxed. The brutal destruction of her asshole brought her to unwillingly ejaculate.

Seeing the humiliated woman lying flat on the bed, listless and incapable of moving, having continuous orgasms forced on her unwilling body and a wooden sword up her ass, Feng Shiyao felt victorious.

Forcing this woman under her felt so good. Gazing at her body lying helpless before her was an amazing feeling. This was her first time raping someone, and Feng Shiyao realized she understood the appeal behind it.

Feng Shiyao pityingly glanced at the fallen woman before flicking her finger and summoning one black-whip riding crop. With a single swing, the fallen woman's butt had a ringing slap inflicted on it.

With that, the Sect Master's rest time was up. Feng Shiyao forced her Sect Master into a dog posture on the bed, parted legs exposing her asshole and pussy in clear view. Standing outside the bed with her riding crop, she had the style of a dog trainer starting work.

"Suck your ass juices off this wooden sword like a lolly." Saying this, Feng Shiyao's useless Natal Artifact began thrusting in and out of her master's mouth.

But behind her, a sound reverberated. Smack, smack, smack! Feng Shiyao's riding crop left a trace of welts upon her master's clear plushy ass.

"You know, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find a single spell to learn apart from the sexual and illusory ones. I couldn't get one half decent martial art either…" Complaining, Feng Shiyao idly spanked her master's butt.

"On top of that, nothing in the way of auxiliary techniques worked right for me – forging, alchemy, talismans, arrays – nothing worked right. And you know, I researched a lot…" With a reminiscent look, Feng Shiyao's blow softened in strength.

"I squeezed out all I could out of my status as dear Yidan's Dao Companion. While committed to memory all the illusory and sensual techniques I chanced upon, I still hunted for something offensive or an auxiliary art. Studied all that was permitted to me within the Heavenly Wind Sect's scripture halls, seduced that cute librarian girl to extend the permissions, looked around in the diaries and records when the clear-cut techniques failed me… And the only thing I got out of that was… this whip." Saying this Feng Shiyao's whip idly flashed, striking the Sect Master's wettened cunt, sending her on the edge of climaxing.

"I found out the way of refining it in a throwaway book on the Heaven's End War. It is called Seven Emotions Six Desires Totem Whip! Rather than hailing from the Immortal Cultivation Era, it is a totem artifact from the barbaric shaman invaders of the previous era! Being struck by it feels good, right?!" Feng Shiyao swatted her master's back, leaving her cunt tingling in anticipation.

"Well, the damned thing is utterly useless apart from that! I wasted around 250 years of my lifespan refining that and IT IS A SEXUAL TECHNIQUE AFTER ALL! Fuck it! You bitch, you've ruined me!" Saying this, Feng Shiyao smacked the whip once in the air before angrily throwing it away.

"I am utterly useless for anything apart from sex! I can't fight for shit, and I am useless every other way! Actually, my beauty could get Yidan into conflicts, so I am a liability at that!" Breathing in, Feng Shiyao drew back her dainty fist as if to punch something before seeing a worthy target: her master's gaping wet hole.

One punch and her entire fist forced its way deep inside.


Her master's scream was muffled, interrupted as she gagged on her Natal Artifact wooden sword. Feng Shiyao retracted her sword, wanting to hear her scream.

"You bitch! You are gonna spill out everything about how you've fucked up my cultivation!" Feng Shiyao ruthlessly punched down her cunt once more, her form standard as she used the basic martial forms. Her master's screams were loud this time, just as she liked.

"You are no longer a Nascent Soul, you are a slut getting primed before getting sold off as a Human Cauldron! Memories will be worthless to your future as a cultivation resource, so obediently surrender everything to me…!" One more punch, one more scream. Feng Shiyao let out her frustration without holding back.

When she regained cognizance, she saw her Sect Master unconscious with a flood running down between her legs. She couldn't imagine how many time she had come.

But it wasn't enough… Feng Shiyao once again pinched the woman's cunt, raising her up for another round of depravity.

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