"…That entity isn't a…-" "That bastard is a World Will in all the ways that matter. Whatever, the fact that he could freely sneak in is terrifying in many different ways. Priority one is to root out whatever measures he left behind at the absolute earliest. After that, the next priority is to put up restrictions so that bastards like him cannot come and go as they please. Can you do that?" Shu Yidan's tone was serious.

"Certainly. But about your predecessor…" The System, no, Ai asked him.

"…Do you know? In the past timeline, I wanted to know the truth about the predecessor as well. However, I could never unveil it." Shu Yidan spoke with a faraway gaze.

"But now that you have an opportunity to unveil it…-" Ai asked him with a questioning gaze.

"It isn't that I didn't have the opportunity to unveil the past. At that time, it didn't even matter at all. It was only an idle curiosity, a question that didn't need an answer.

In this timeline, Shu Yidan's past is tied to my present by the threads of karma. If it wasn't, I wouldn't care enough to bother…" Saying this, Shu Yidan sighed.

"The past is the past – it is unchangeable and fixed. So, one must stay focused on the present." Saying this, Shu Yidan's eyes seemed to shine. "Not finding about Shu Yidan's past would only leave an unanswered question and some ties of karma – that hardly matters in the big picture. However, leaving a vulnerability that allows foreign existences to infiltrate into our consciousness… well…"

Ai gave a brief shudder before fiercely nodding, causing her hair to shake. "Understood, onii-chan! I'll focus all my efforts in patching out those vulnerabilities! Meanwhile, would you like a Hidden Quest to deal with your predecessor's karma?"

Shu Yidan nodded. The Hidden Quest would be redundant if he used the System's ability, but since Ai had more important issues to resolve, it would be better to resolve the matter of his predecessor himself!

"Heh, like this we both are working on separate projects that lead to the same goal! Onii-chan, fighting!" Raising her fist up, Ai said with enthusiasm.

Shu Yidan halfheartedly raised his hand before saying goodbye to her. It was time to get out and get things done!


He found himself on the steps on the path leading to his cultivation manor. Some footwork later, he was inside his house. And the first sight greeting his eyes was his Dao Companion ruthlessly throttling her naked, tied up Master.

"Good day, Shiyao! I am done with my errand! How is your progress with your master?" Shu Yidan said with his genial tone.

Like that, it is impossible for you to use my Nine Yin Purple Cauldron Body! This bitch…-" Feng Shiyao couldn't help but instinctively reply. Only when she looked behind to see that Shu Yidan had arrived did she shut her mouth.

"That's a Nascent Soul, you think that some physical interrogation will help squeeze info out of her? Before I sell her, I'll have her memories extracted for you, don't worry.

As for that seal… it is a White Lotus Petal Guard, and it basically protects the hymen from breaking during sex. Half of female cultivation techniques require pure chastity and most of dual cultivation techniques require sexual intercourse. If you use this seal, you can naturally have the best of both worlds.

In any case, it isn't a big deal, so don't make a commotion." Shu Yidan's reply froze Feng Shiyao solid. Her Dao Companion was a man who hated dual cultivation with a passion, and now her turned out to know more than her?

"…Thanks. When are you planning on selling her?" Not knowing what to ask, Feng Shiyao spoke about the thing he was talking about.

"After I greet some guests home. Anyway, you should wear something presentable, the guests will be arriving soon." Shu Yidan frowned at the near-transparent silky white negligee that Feng Shiyao was dressed in. Thinking of that…

"Where's your side-bitch gone to?" Hearing Shu Yidan's odd way of referring to her new maid, Feng Shiyao was amused.

Pointing her finger on the floor behind her, Shu Yidan finally got to look at Duan Shanwei's sleeping face. "She got tired out after a few rounds, but I needed the bed so she had to sleep on the floor…"

Shu Yidan shook his head. "Poor Foundation Establishment girl, still needing to sleep… How inconvenient. Well, wake her up and get dressed. I'll stash your Sect Master away."


After half an hour, Shu Yidan opened his door to four guests. Mu Rengxue came leading two women and one man into his house.

"Yidan, it has been a while. Your Uncle-Master has returned back from vestige exploration…" The man looked like an ordinary middle-aged man, but he was one of the strongest powerhouses of the Sect!

Divine Transformation Mid Stage, one of the Sect's mightiest powerhouses! Kang Yexuan!

"Glad to see that Uncle-Master Kang is doing well. It had been three years…" Shu Yidan's expression was faintly worried.

"Shu Yidan… It has been a long time. It seems that you have yet to break through to Nascent Soul, you must redouble your efforts…" One of the two women who accompanied the Uncle-Master Kang chided him.

Long black hair, peerless beauty. Wearing the traditional Eight Trigrams Robes modified for female style, she looked like a phoenix yet to unfurl its wings – extraordinary despite her attempts to hide herself in the masses!

This woman was Luo Xiyi, his father's honorary disciple. While an honorary disciple's position was lower than the personal disciple Mu Rengxue, Luo Xiyi didn't lack talent – Kang Yexuan had taken her as a personal disciple, and her cultivation base was now Mid Stage Nascent Soul!

"Senior sister Xiyi, I just came out of an unsuccessful seclusion. It seems that forcing my cultivation will not help me, but perhaps I could get a fortuitous insight with my daily life…" Shu Yidan engaged in light banter with this uptight disciple of his belated father.

"…Speaking of breakthroughs, Ye Wenying, did you have a breakthrough?" The other girl following the Divine Transformation powerhouse lowered her head hearing this.

The most distinct thing about her appearance was the way how she utterly lacked beauty. Every cultivator had beauty and handsomeness, a natural effect of the purification and refinement of the body. Ye Wenying lacked the telltale sign of a cultivator. She looked entirely out of place in the gathering in Shu Yidan's residence.

On top of that, with her hair white and her face pale, it seemed like she had prematurely aged…

However, Shu Yidan gazed at her with fond feelings.

Ye Wenying was the personal attendant of his father. While she had low talent, Shu Yidan's father appreciated her firm Dao Heart and raised her with a commitment that she would serve his son after he grew up. In his past life, Ye Wenying honored that commitment with all her will!

After a pause, Uncle-Master Kang began explanations. "…Shu Yidan, while Ye Wenying finally managed to comprehend a Domain… but unfortunately, she was cursed by a Time Dao based longevity destroying curse in the vestige. She has only 33 days of life left. I have sealed that curse, allowing her 33 years of longevity, but the side effect is that her cultivation has been sealed as well…"

Hearing this, Shu Yidan sighed.

Before his death, his body's father taught three women.

The Peak Nascent Soul Mu Rengxue was his personal disciple. She had been Shu Yidan's greatest assistant in the past timeline.

The Mid Stage Nascent Soul Luo Xiyi was his honorary disciple. In the past timeline, she shyed away from helping Shu Yidan. Yet in the turbid situation the Heavenly Wind Sect fell into, she had no choice but to follow him in his battle against Yang Yi.

And Ye Wenying… In the past timeline, even after knowing that she had only 33 years to live, she devoted herself to assist Shu Yidan.

After his transmigration to this unknown world full of deathtraps and horrors waiting to happen, she was his greatest reliance.

What she didn't have in strength, she had in will. Without her support, Shu Yidan's path would have been thornier than anything.

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