Kimama ni Tokyo Survive
44. Burn Life ②
Before 4: 00 p.m., in a residential neighborhood in Tokyo...
Several shadows can be seen on the roof wet with night dew.
It was a man with modern equipment who stood on the edge. He sneaks in with an automatic small weapon with a night vision scope and engraves a logo on the protector that can be seen as a police official.
The other person stood aside and pointed the gun at the alley as well.
This residential neighborhood is on a high ground and offers a view of the city's sparkle even in the middle of the night. However, only this corner has turned off the lights as if there had been a power outage.
The shop closed the shutter and there was not even a car parked on the shoulder of the street. Sin and the area are quiet, and a total of 16 armed men are looking in the same direction.
Fujisaki looked back as he watched. The lights in the city center are the usual sights, the same as before the monsters appeared.
Only this corner is crazy, others are having fun and sleeping again. Fujisaki thinks it's like he's been left behind.
To him, I thought I was drawn to poverty that shaped my life.
There are 30 seconds left to predict the appearance of monsters. Don't go all the way down the stairs. "
In response to the radio's voice, Fujisaki and Iwako tightened their expressions.
The weapon I had, the sword in night color, was made by my master. The materials stored in the research institute have been reborn as a weapon against monsters. Rather than researchers, they say they don't even know what kind of reasoning it is.
But I definitely felt it was a reliable weapon, and I grasped it very strongly.
The "decontamination procedure" I heard from you earlier is extremely simple.
Observe with Night Vision scope and investigate the type of monster first. If it is egia that may move, it will quickly become a beehive. Conversely, if it is a gizmo with the nature of "nesting", it will be Fujisaki and Spotted Pigeon.
For this reason, the upper echelons want to reduce the number of live ammunition used as much as possible. I don't want to stir up citizens' anxiety, and dealing with weapons in the country in the first place is very troublesome in terms of the law.
Even if we can defeat the monsters, we can dismantle the party.
So Goto, Rain Dragon, and the newcomers Fujisaki and Spotted Pigeon are expected. It is also possible that if the number of personnel increases in the future, they will be fully organized as a new countermeasure.
However, the difficulty is that the two named earlier, Goto and Rain Dragon, are "almost civilian". We are already in a situation where we cannot let go of it, and even if we are concerned, we cannot make it public. It seems to be treated as a "person who happens to have entered the scene" in trouble.
Fujisaki slightly loosened the armor around his throat, whispering that it was a terrible story. The breathlessness felt in the moving vehicle remains unchanged, and the circle and gaze return to the scene.
"Maybe I'll lead the police."
Fujisaki leaked a word without foundation.
Due to the attendance of the last few days, the level has risen to 5. The spotted dove standing next to him is intuitive, showing unexpected combat power, but the master wants intelligence that can calmly judge the situation.
It seems good to think that we are expecting a future deployment of two people, as well as engaging with the motorcade.
"Oh, that's because he's a visible beast."
Cover Guy and mouth, and leak.
"About Master? More than a raccoon... a monster?
"Haha, it must be. But don't tell him. If you say that, you won't even know my birthday."
The rags and pigeons sweat cold and then cover their heads with armor to deceive them.
Wrapped in dark rubble (barrett) series from head to toe, your body swells up with a tingling. By opening up the Swordsman, I feel a much more powerful moment than ordinary people.
"It's almost dawn. Let's get rid of the monster and rendezvous with our master."
Oh, yeah.
The pigeon replied with a smile.
I spent a few days with them, but I enjoyed working with them a lot more. Mobile opponents are friendly and good people, but just listening to Goto and the rain dragon makes me feel less nervous.
After that, the dinner party was lively, and I felt like going back to that circle. At least you'll be relieved of this bitterness.
It's time.
The razor and second hand indicate zero position and wait quietly for radio contact.
There is a distance of 50 meters to the alley where the street lights descend, and it seems that a monster will emerge there. Eventually, a dark wind blew around, making an unpleasant sound.
Uzza-...... Confirm Gizmo
Fujisaki and Spotted Pigeon take a step forward after receiving the noisy radio.
Defeat with two swords as expected to minimize damage to surrounding areas. If you're born, you're naturally level one, and you just have to cut each other twice to finish it.
"Fujisaki, Spotted Pigeon, I'm going."
Start clearing K area. Keep an eye on the situation. "
Opening up swordsmans, they ride at the top speed in just a few steps. The wind is pouring through my ears, and I feel that there are a number of eyes pointed at me from above and around me.
There was a "nest" sticking tightly to the pole in the front, and several insects were seen to start flying.
"It's tall. Will it arrive?"
"Keep up the momentum and kick."
Nodded back to a reliable reply, Fujisaki accelerated again... and noticed an unusual noise at the beginning.
Cancer, goh, goh, it echoed overhead, and it was the roof of a private house. When I run and see where the sound comes from, something comes down late.
Something black and metallic - a gun.
I wondered why the gun came down from there, and when I looked up again, people came down. It wears a mobile uniform and opens her eyes to a tightly dyed red and black chest.
"What...! Something's happening up there!
She screams in a hurry as she relaxes her legs.
The surroundings are dark due to the exciting nature of gizmo with lights such as lighting. Flying radio voices seem to convey confusion that is difficult to grasp.
The armed men have been defeated. The level of Gizmo increases.
The voice of the night conductor (guidance) surprises me again.
The crew that came down earlier trembled in front of me, and I wanted to have a gizmo on my head.
The thrill is blunt - instead, the pigeon pops out like a bullet.
"Oh, oh, oh...!
The flying spotted pigeon kicks the pole and turns upwards with its temper on its sword. The mobile crew decided they couldn't save him, and they were aiming for the "nest" as their mentor told them.
This is his strong spot, Fujisaki thinks, running again. Intuitively sniffs where and when to attack. It is his original personality, and even his master's ability to praise it as "interesting."
The black blade approached the increasing volume of the "nest".
Shortly before, however, the pigeon kicked the pole and flew straight to the side.
Papa, Papa!
Fujisaki finally learned of his intention to leave after dancing where the dust and sparks had originated. I can't believe it, and I don't want to think about it, but I also scream when I see the crew falling off the roof.
"Someone's shooting at me! Fight back!"
Suzuki! Behind you!
Ugh, whoa, whoa!!
Gunshots and continuous flashes stain the roof.
Fujisaki remembered the words of his teacher earlier and noticed a suspicious group.
"Spotted dove, lurk in the shade! Use Bullets! Master, the appearance of Gizmo coincided with the appearance of a talented person!
"... okay, I'm on my way. If possible, sink Gizmo and retreat. If not, retreat immediately."
Copy that! and shout to each other.
Then he stepped out at the same time and pointed the tip of the black sword towards the night sky.
Shh, shh, shh!
Bullets (barrets) ejected along the back of the sword embody Gizmo's organism as it is. Spilling sparks, spreading the lizard in the moment it is thrown into space, showing its fierce rotation and flying power.
The "nest" shot into the cross trembled and the defensive instinct created countless soldiers. It has exactly the same performance as a bullet (barrett) and descends toward two perceived people.
"Wow, wow!
"Spotted dove, use your shield! They're straight, so they're easy to deal with!
The parts were instantly combined with Shukakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakaka, and they shouted with a fierce burst sound from Gizmo and others.
Looking at the late shielding partner, she relieved herself. Looking up over his head, the motorcades were fighting someone, and the screaming radio sounded.
"Gu, uhh, it's heavy...!
But I can't afford to worry about you. Gizmo and the others, who were wounded by the nest, descended madly.
If we continue to reduce the number, it will be easier to crush. But there's a way to beat it faster. When the sword is placed on the asphalt, Fujisaki spits on the radio.
"Change of plans, shoot Gizmo's nest now! This is jammed....."
As soon as I gave instructions, Bashan and the street lamp on the pole were shot.
I glanced at the slightest fragment of the descent and wondered if it had happened.
No, the two people who fell earlier were Night Vision Scope equipment. In other words, this is the goal from the beginning. I still don't know what the enemy's intentions are, but I gathered the motorcades in the monster's "nest" and my eyes were smashed at this moment.
The armed men have been defeated. The level of Gizmo increases.
The sweat floats.
This is what I felt before I fought. The enemy has figured out how to deal with us and is now fighting on the battlefield. No, they're fighting.
Yes, as he feared, the situation deteriorated. Hiding on the roof and repeating the movement, the opponent shows unusual accuracy in the darkness.
Nothing else has driven the confusion, monster. Flying gently in the dark, Gizmo and his brave and courageous squadrons punch holes in their armor to the heart of the night.
"You're telling me the Proven is helping monsters!? What are you thinking, they are!!
Confusion and fierce anger shook my throat.
I chew my back teeth tightly and wonder if I should retreat immediately. However, if we do that, it is possible that the "nest" will grow into adulthood, as in the Shibuya accident. I'm in the mood to watch the time bomb count down.
"What should I do, Fujisaki? You're retreating like Master said!?
"Wait, wait! At that time, the Master didn't tell you how long it took to arrive... which means you were far away in time?
He's such a loser. I must have said, "Hold on."
If that's the case, it sucks. As verified in the video, the adult Gizmo moves in search of life. It is now sealed off by a radius of 100 meters, but it is highly probable that it will go out of its range.
I was worried when I saw a motorcade calling for backup to the HQ being shot through the helmet. There was a calmly watching myself blow blood out of my head and jaw, sounding dry.
--I could die here tonight.
Gizmo has already reached the same level as us. If you think calmly, you are quite likely to die. Not only myself, but even a childhood friend who swore to a lifetime rival.
Still, Fujisaki grasps the sword with all his heart. Don't mind if the blood drips from the gap between your fingers.
"Nh...! Nh...! Pigeon, if you were a master, would you think you'd get away from here?
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
and smiled at each other as they lay down.
As he said, the situation is worse. I wasn't expecting to be shot, so I was turned around, and now I still have rattles and countless casings coming down from the roof.
However, there was still something that burned from the inside of the body.
Asked what it is, I'm sure I can't answer anything. But there are times like that. A man is a man's determination to fight an unbeatable battle.
Two men stood up with their hair twitched in the wind.
"Let's do it, Spotted Pigeon. With the priority of monsters and abilities. There is no escape for what we do."
"Let's kill Fujisaki. The swordsmanship we have cultivated so far was for this day."
Unconsciously, he sacrifices his sword like a knight swearing allegiance. What comes to mind is the exact same person as each other, making your eyes shine like gills and steel.
The sharp black swords smiled incredibly hard, pointing their swords at each other as if they were still going to duel.
Their intentions, their intentions, and their silence go hand in hand. For some reason, I felt so exalted that even words were unnecessary from here on out.
Got the title, tonal (twins). This is given to both Fujisaki and Spotted Pigeon names.
Someone smiled. Even though she looks and personalities are completely different, she has been told that she is like a twin for a long time. The title seemed to condense the number of years I had lived.
There was a man with long hair who looked down on them cold.
A person who wakes up as a capable person and also calls Japan the New World. They once confronted Goto and each other determined that they were dangerous people.
Speak with a quiet voice with a faint smile. I noticed that the surrounding shooting had already stopped, telling me that one battle was over.
"It's you, not the soldier she's working with. It is troublesome to be stared at like that. We need to deal with this before we have more dogs."
At the same time, the sound of the shoes is heard from behind each other. A strong man wrapped in thick armor, and a great sword on his shoulders.
They are listening to the talented. The other new face is probably the one who drove the car during the escape.
However, when the wipes and faces are diverted, Fujisaki and the pigeons start walking each other. Fujisaki went to the lower level, and the spotted pigeon held a dark sword to the upper level, and looked at the mirror even though the shape and body were completely different.
"What are these guys? Can't you hear me...?
"Hehe, you're as smart as that bitch. It is troublesome to recover in vain. I'll cut off your legs with your sword."
Nodded silently back to the big man's words, he ran out with his big sword on his cat's back. Her hair is long enough to allow her to peek into the triple white eye from the facial covering.
With a movement that can be seen to have supple muscles, I ran away with a carnivorous movement.
However, Fujisaki and the others did not give a glance and continued to run like released arrows.
Eventually, at the moment of the crossing, the night atmosphere whirled with its sword, and it looked like an animal, emitting the voice of a wild man.
"Uhh, ooh, ooh...!
"Ah, ah, ahhhhh...!
As I felt that temper, Goto's armor swelled up sharply. When the swords of dark rubble (barrette sword) flash against each other, they break the structure on the spot, the telegraph pole that was the foundation of Gizmo, directly next to each other... Shortly afterwards, the two legs are struck from the left and right.
After seeing countless flying debris, the man on the roof finally realizes that this was their aim.
In other words, it crushes the "height" that creates the difficulty of destruction and falls towards us...!
"What, you're after me!?
Buildings that tear wires and tilt diagonally. I couldn't help but scream as I saw him running around.
It's the other side of the Level 5 "nest" on the road, like we intercepted it with guns taken from the motorcade.
Their abilities are also recognized as enemies and they want to minimize their anger from monsters as much as possible. The conflict was a factor that could not trigger.
From here. This is where the battle begins.
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