Chapter 017: Two Followers (2)

Kailar and his men walked into the inner parts of the city.

At this time, it was no longer the same as before.

It could be said that this part of the dukedom was an independent city—like a capital.

In addition to the walls poured with molten iron, there were rows of nets used to block the catapults from moving. But of course, none really knew the reason what the layers of net on the roof is used for.

The houses were reinforced with concrete stone.

It was sturdy and well protected. No bows and arrows could be penetrated through without knowing how the layouts of the houses were made.

The main road of the capital city leads straight through the castle.

Towering gates were erected to prevent unwanted people from entering.

If ever there were something wrong and a sense of impending doom came to their dukedom, Red Leaf castle had the means to use its fort as highly efficient defense which could safeguard many families ranging from the knights, aristocrats, scholars, and the likes.

Although they prepared to live outside, they knew fairly well the construction of the castle was well guarded and had impenetrable defenses. If need be, they’d have to abandon their houses as a last resort and head over to the castle.

Though it seemed like a retreat to the opposing enemy, it was more or less a tactic in the game of war.

While the castle fort would provide them shelter, the residential area they’d abandoned would become their turf, fighting and retreating according to Kailar’s plan.

And just recently Kailar declared to Andrea Ettorek his plans of building an infantry and improving the front lines and cavalry to which his father wasn’t too enthusiastic about.

Camelot has always been a flat plain; the mountains and wetlands have always been a relatively small size. Regarding the use of the plains, the knights have always dominated in this aspect, using it to their advantage. They managed to win because of this.

In his father’s eyes, it’s useless.

Only that Kailar knew that there was once a country who relied on the tactics of their infantry and cavalry to spread their dominance and culture for centuries.

Although the situation wasn’t right, Kailar felt that his father and the people were too… close-minded. Weapons, horses, and armor were always meant to evolve. War was always meant to evolve. Future warfare was too different.

Regarding history, those who remained on top were always those who knew how to use their military to their advantage by using advanced tactics far from its times.

But Kailar’s not worried. This kind of thing will slowly change.

He’ll change their mindset. This is definite.

Kailar shook his head and drank a juice from the bottle.

Alcohol and smoke damages the brain cells. He didn’t like those kinds of things. Even though there’s a lot of red wine in the cellar of his manor, it is only meant to honor his parents. It isn’t used to for himself.

Kailar, of course, didn’t know that this red wine he made would be auctioned off for millions in the future only because it made them numb.

It was during Kailar’s self-reflection that Andrea Ettorek shook his head and chuckled inwardly as he brought in two children with bright golden hair. One of them was his cousin, Gawain.

Kailar raised his brows.

What was his father up to?

Andrea Ettorek smiled. “It’s time for new generations of knights to protect our kingdom. These two children are amongst the brightest talent and your uncle has requested that you take care of them.”

Kailar nodded. He knew these things.

Knight apprentice have been chosen the moment they turned seven. Children who aimed to be a knight needed to become an attendant of a full-fledged knight in order to learn the ways of the knight.

But the thing is… he’s not a knight!

Knight apprentices serve the knights where they’d learn skills by the knights themselves.

A knight is more or less equivalent to a teacher passing down all their knowledge to their apprentice.

This is why the knights are able to remain an undefeatable force.

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