Chapter 248

“God! God! God!”

“King! King! King!”

In the square, countless citizens shouted excitedly, looking up at King fanatically and adoringly.

The scene just now replayed in their minds.

The sky collapsed and the building collapsed. When they were facing the doomsday, the king pressed his hand on the earth and shouted as if pinching the heart of the earth: “Stop!”

At that moment, the world stood still, time stopped, the cracking ground suddenly stopped, and the collapsing building suddenly stopped. The whole world seemed to become a painting, and they were the outsiders who broke into the painting.

Everyone looked around in shock. All this was beyond their expectations. It turned out that someone could control the earthquake.

It seems that weakness has limited their imagination!

“I knew…I can.”

King stood in the crowd and looked at his hands happily. He really did it. He contained the earthquake with one hand, allowing City J to take refuge in the crisis of destruction. After reaching the full level, his superpower was comparable to divine power and he controlled nature.

“Unfortunately, the limit reached by the full-level card is actually only one hundred!”

After using the full-level card, he deliberately dropped the attribute board to check the effect after his full-level. He unexpectedly discovered that all his attribute points only reached one hundred. According to the system’s prompts, this is the limit that a normal person can reach.

Could it be said that Poros is also a person with a full level of 100? Is the attribute value of a god-level disaster weird one hundred?

No, Poros claims to be able to destroy the earth in a short time. However, based on his own power, there is no way to destroy the earth in a short time, or even to destroy the earth at all, at most without Saitama’s intervention. Destroy mankind.

In other words, Poros’s power is definitely more than one hundred if it is converted into a system ability value.

In this way, his previous inference was wrong. Even if he was upgraded to level fifty, he would not be able to reach the power of a god-level disaster like Poros, unless he could break through the limit and break through the full value of one hundred.

“Headache, the current system is level sixty, but the upper limit has not been increased, and the full level card can’t break the limit. What is the gameplay of the system?”

King’s brows frowned. The mysterious and mysterious way of the system made him speechless, so he had to fumble!

However, the only thing that is certain is that the system can be upgraded, which means that it can break the limit, but without the trigger conditions, even the full-level card cannot break the limit.

“Now you can accept their worship with peace of mind.”

After he straightened out his thoughts, Zhang Mu looked at the fanatical citizens and smiled. This time, it was not Saitama’s credit that everyone was grateful for.

the other side.

In the alley.

The members of the Fuxue group stared at the half-building suspended in mid-air, their eyes gradually shifted to Fuxue. Their eyes gradually changed from panic and consternation to enthusiasm.

“Master Chuuxue prevented the building from falling and saved us all!”

“Yes, if it weren’t for Master Chuuxue, I’m afraid we would be dead.”

“Long live Master Chuuxue!”

The members of the Fuxue group shouted excitedly, mistakenly thinking that Fuxue stopped the half of the building from falling.

The glasses also stared at Fuxue in shock, and the waves in her heart undulated, “Is this the super power of Fuxue in hell? It’s really scary. With one shot, even the surrounding earthquakes are smoothed. This is to control all the surrounding environment! ”


Chuuxue looked at the excited team members and said in a daze, “That…I didn’t do it.” She stared at the floating half of the building, her heart moved, and she scanned the surroundings. I am afraid that only my sister can do this kind of powerful thinking power. Is she coming?


The cheers of the members of the Chubuki group stopped abruptly and looked at each other.

“Master Chuuxue was joking, right?”

“Didn’t Chuuxue-sama? Who saved us?”

“Actually, I don’t think we are discussing who will save us at this time, but whether we should run away. If that thing falls from the sky, I’m afraid we are all going to die.”

The members of the Chuuxue Group made a brief discussion, and ran to the open space one after another, so that even if the earthquake recurs, they will not worry about being killed by the building.

In a high-level community in J City.

Two figures stood silently.

One of them is a charming beauty. The beauty is charming, with a dark rose pinned to her shiny and supple blonde hair. She wears a black tight-fitting leather pants and leather pants on her S-shaped figure, with a whip stuck in her waist, like a wild animal Full of wild horses.

However, the beauty who dresses up like a queen is now looking at the man beside her with admiration and admiration.

This man is very special. He is wearing a tuxedo and white gloves on his hands. He is exquisite and has half-length black hair. The most attractive thing is his eyes, which are as dark as a long night and as deep as the sea. Add a touch of mystery to the plain, as if a gentleman in modern England, every move is full of elegant charm.

“Master Battis!”

Beauty’s pretty face is full of enthusiastic admiration, her eyes are full of men, and the scene just now emerges in her mind. When the earthquake hit, Lord Battis simply stomped her foot. , The earthquake subsided, this kind of strength was beyond her imagination, and only God, and only Lord Battis, could control nature.

“Huh? Crossbow S, something?”

Battis seemed to be in a trance, understanding the beauty, oh, it was the excitement of Crossbow S that came back to his senses.

“Master Battis, even if you are a weird person… But you just helped to calm the earthquake that caused mankind regardless of previous suspicions. I admire your generosity.”

Crossbow S is simply a fan of Battis, adoring and admiring Battis enthusiastically.


Battis was taken aback, looked at the crossbow S with admiration, opened his mouth, and finally smiled helplessly, “What a coincidence!”

“I won’t talk about these things for the time being. Previously, J City rich man Kemir said that his super pet seems to have some problems. I hope I can come and take a look in person. I don’t know what’s going on now.”

“After the earthquake warning, a rich man like him should leave by private jet!”

“Well, what a coincidence!”

On a street in City J, Saitama looked around with Janos in his arms, and said strangely, “Hey, Janos, you think the earthquake seems to be over.”

“It’s over?” Jaenos leaned his head on Saitama’s chest, looking up with difficulty to observe the surroundings, frowning slightly, “Teacher, look at the floating buildings? It seems someone is controlling them.”

“It’s king!”

Saitama’s eyes lit up, “The king can control the tsunami and the earth!” He said naturally, his face was full of interest, but without a trace of shock, it seemed that controlling the earthquake was not a great thing for him.

“King? The strongest man!”

Jenos was taken aback for a moment, and slowly looked at his enthusiastic teacher, listening to Saitama’s heartbeat in his eardrums.

“Teacher… is also a very strong man!”

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