Chapter 257:


King squeezed his big hand, and the black robe’s body suddenly tightened, splitting like a tomato that was squeezed.

Before he died, he didn’t even let out a wailing.

“So weak?”

He was a little astonished for a while when he saw that the opponent was so vulnerable. From this point of view, the black robe’s skills were just a little weird, I’m afraid they didn’t have much power!

“King killed the weirdo.”

“Huh, fortunately King is here, otherwise we would be in danger.”

“Sure enough, no weirdo can threaten King.”

After the trembling audience saw the black robe turned into piles of fragments, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and gave King applause and cheers without hesitation.

“Dingdong, congratulations to Host for getting a two-star monster card.”

King bent over and touched, and the system prompt sounded. When he heard it, he was immediately depressed. It turned out that it was just a two-star freak card, which was of little use, and the skill was a novelty.


Jace smiled and applauded. He was very fortunate to invite King to participate in the competition, otherwise their lives might be in danger of attending the guests.

The person in charge of the “Justice League” development company also relaxed, with a bit of excitement on his face. The champion is a weird man, and King defeated the champion in the game competition. All are hot topics to increase the topic, which can expand the reputation of the game. He Naturally very happy.

Jingle Bell!

While King was dealing with the enthusiastic audience, Jace’s phone rang suddenly. He glanced at the caller ID and it turned out to be the association headquarters.

“Hey, I’m Jace, oh, minister, yes, I’m with King, going to the headquarters for an emergency meeting? Well, I see, we will leave in a while.”

After he hung up the phone, he pulled King out of the enthusiastic people and told King Siqi’s instructions.

“Emergency meeting? What happened again?”

King asked suspiciously.

“I don’t know, but the minister’s tone is very solemn, and it seems that something extraordinary has happened.”

“Unbelievable event?”

King’s heart suddenly burst. Could it be that Xibabawa predicted that Poros was about to come?

He frowned and thought, he remembered that in the comics, after deep Poseidon, it was Poros who appeared on the stage. Seeing Cic’s fierce look, could it really be Pervert, Poros who is coming?

“King, don’t think too much about it. After arriving at the association, everything is clear.”

Jess pulled King and hurried back to the headquarters of the association. As for the competition, they don’t need to deal with it at all. The “Justice League” company will naturally get everything right.

On the way, King asked tentatively: “Jace, did Sic invite other S-rank heroes to the meeting?”

“Well, it seems that the zombie man and Flesh were also invited.”

“Zombie man!?”

King thoughtfully, this guy is a big pervert, a Xiaoqiang known as Immune to Death. It is rumored that the zombie man can still recover no matter how much damage he suffers. The combat power may not be as strong as other S-rank heroes, but Immune to Death. , Can live and grind weird people, the battle scenes are particularly bloody, not suitable for children.”In other words, if the zombie man is killed…Can I draw the card?”

He is still looking forward to immortality. However, this is a false proposition. If the zombie man is really Immune to Death, he will never have the chance to touch the card. If he can kill the zombie man, he is not really immortal. The skills are tasteless again, after all, he has a four-star monster card of the Son of the Earth, that guy…if he doesn’t touch the water, he is really immortal!

After more than an hour, King followed Jace to the Heroes Association headquarters.

In the war room, the zombie man wore his gray jacket and sat leaning on the chair blankly. Flesch held his beloved sword “Shun Shou Maru” and closed his eyes in the chair.

After seeing King, Xiqi immediately put a smile on his face, “king, welcome.”

Flesch opened his eyes and stared at King: “King, long time no see.” He looked at King carefully. Recently, King has become so popular, retreating the tsunami and surrendering the earthquake. The two things spread all over the world.

The zombie man also greeted king.


The king nodded, looked at the handsome zombie man and the overly handsome Flesh, then turned his head and asked: “What’s the matter? Need to dispatch three S-rank heroes?”

In his understanding, the only disaster that could allow the Association to dispatch three S-rank heroes was the Dragon-rank disaster.

Xiqi looked solemnly: “It’s Master Xibabawa that has an accident.”

“Something happened to Xibabawa?”

King’s pupils shrank, and he thought of Poros subconsciously. However, according to the information he learned from the comics, when things came, Cic should summon all the S-rank heroes. How could there be only three of them? Could it be because of his arrival that something unexpected happened?

“Well, Lord Shibabawa predicted…”


King’s heart burst, his palms squeezed, he knows himself, and now he can’t beat Poros, he must be able to call his bald head to escort him.

Xi Qi let out a sigh of relief and said solemnly: “She predicted that her own time of death is approaching.”


King was startled, his death date? Isn’t it “the earth is over”? Uh, it seems that he himself misunderstood, and Xibabawa is not dead yet.

The zombie man frowned and said, “Does this have anything to do with us?” Xibabawa predicted that he would die, and it wasn’t a disaster. What’s the use of calling them? They are not gods and can help people prolong their lives.

Xiqi solemnly said: “When we learned about this, we hurriedly helped Master Shibabawa to do a full-body examination. The result of the examination was that Master Shibabawa was a sturdy cow and there were no fatal diseases all over his body, so…”

“So Master Xibabawa died of an accident in the prophecy?”

Flesch lifted the scattered blonde hair from his ears and said lightly.


King glanced at Flesh, who was even more beautiful than a girl. Sure enough, it must be a boy who is so beautiful and cute!

“Yes, Lord Shibabawa did not know how he died from the prophecy. However, we inferred from these clues that Lord Shibabawa might die in an accident.”

Siqi glanced at everyone and solemnly said: “Everyone knows that Lord Shibabawa is a great prophet. He has provided our association with many disaster predictions, so that we can take precautions and reduce the damage of many disasters. At the lowest level, she is very important to our association and to the world. With her presence, we can prepare for many disasters in advance. Therefore, Lord Shibabawa cannot easily die.”

“Are you asking us to protect her?” the zombie man asked.

“Yes, we need to protect Master Shibabawa in all aspects.”

“Siqi, protector…I have no opinion. However, did Lord Shibabawa predict his death date? If not, should we continue to protect it?”

Xiqi nodded and said, “Don’t worry, we have a discussion about this. Regarding the time limit for protecting Lord Shibabawa, we think it can be set at half a month. Judging from Lord Shibabawa’s predictions in the past, she predicted The disasters usually occur within half a month, so I hope everyone can do their best to protect her within half a month. Everyone, Lord Shibabawa is very important to our association, please.”

This lineup is actually after repeated consideration. The zombie man has an immortal body and can block guns. Fleish is extremely fast and rescues extremely fast. King is a powerful superpower who can cope with many complicated situations.

They took great pains to protect Xibabawa’s life.

“Half a month? I have no problem.” The zombie man nodded.

King also said, “I have no problem.” He has a lot of time.

“I will guard her for half a month, and after half a month, I will leave.”

Flesch held the sword and stood up, “When does it start?”

“I think… the best two days.”

“Well, tomorrow.”

When King and others were preparing to pack their things to live in the palace of Shibabawa, by the way, when they were bodyguards, on the rough sea, a big ship braved the wind and waves, crashing on the sea, and under the big ship, there was a looming huge figure following. , To clean up all obstacles on the way for the big ship.

“Captain, that guy Shen Poseidon is dead.”

“Oh, who killed it?”

Jeff, nicknamed the captain, stood on the bow and looked at the vast sea. After hearing the news of Poseidon’s death, he asked in surprise.

“It’s an unknown kid, but I saw in the newspaper that King was there at the time.”


Jeff laughed heartily, “Haha, you deserve to be the strongest man, but Deep Poseidon is just a small trash fish, no big deal.”

“That… the captain, the newspaper said… King had retreated from the tsunami that day.”

“Drink the tsunami?”

Jeff raised his brows and said in surprise: “It’s interesting. I heard that King is a superpower. It seems that his superpowers have reached the peak, and he can actually surrender the manic tsunami.”

“I want to fight him even more.”

“Little ones, after we go back this time, we will go ashore and invite King to break dancing, haha!”

“The captain will win!”

“The captain is mighty!”

The next day.


With the sound of the brakes, King got off the car, and under the guidance of the staff, they entered the big palace of Xibabawa.

“This is the residence of Xibabawa?”

King glanced at this palace curiously. The carved beams and painted buildings of the palace were magnificent and magnificent, just like the imperial palace in ancient China.

“Unexpectedly, this world can still see the ancient buildings of China.”

He went all the way and admired, but he didn’t make a fuss. In his previous life, he had been to the Forbidden City. Compared to the huge Forbidden City, the palace of Sapphire Wa was relatively less atmospheric. After all, she lived here alone.”Everyone, Lord Shibabawa is in there.”

The staff led King and others to the door of a hall. After pushing the hall door open, everyone walked slowly.

“Everyone, wait a minute, Lord Shibaba is making predictions, so I can’t disturb you.”

King and the others didn’t have any comments. They walked around the room. What made him laugh or cry was that the classical palaces were decorated with modern decorations, and all the lights and TVs were all displayed, which made him feel unspeakable.

Step on.

After a while, slight footsteps sounded.

King and the others turned their heads and looked around, only to see an old lady who was very senile and walked out with the help of others.

“Master Hibaba, they are the heroes that the Association has sought to protect your safety.” The staff briefly introduced King and others, “This is King, Zombie Man and Flesh.”

“Well, trouble everyone.”

Xibabawa smiled kindly, “I didn’t expect this old bone of mine to disturb you, it’s my honor.”

“Master Xibabawa, you are joking. You have predicted many disasters. Let us prepare in advance so that many people have avoided casualties. Compared to you, we are far behind.”

The zombie man said politely.

Xibabawa calmly said: “Sit down and speak, to be honest, our prophet is the most faithful in daily life, and the destiny is hard to violate. Since the heaven has given me instructions, it means that my deadline has come. God told me to watch. I die, how can I not survive the fifth watch, so, what kind of protection is useless to me, but it wastes your time.”

The zombie man frowned and said, “Master Xibabawa, don’t say that. Your prophecy has saved many people. It shows that the destiny is not inevitable and that man can conquer the sky.”

“Haha, man will conquer the sky?” Xibabawa did not argue, and almost stared at the king with white eyes. “A few heroes, since you are kind, I can’t refuse, but I don’t know what you want me to do. Cooperate with you?”

“Stop eating lozenges.”

King suddenly spoke. For Shibaba, the great prophet who died without showing up before Poros came, he clearly remembered that Shibabawa predicted that “the earth is about to end”, and he was excited. Eating a lozenges… choked to death, yes, a great prophet choked to death with a lozenges, it was hilarious.

“Lose lozenges?” Xiba Baba asked strangely: “king, do you mean I will die from lozenges?”


King nodded confidently.

“King, why are you so sure that Lord Xibabawa will die of lozenges? Could it be that lozenges are poisonous?”

“No, Lord Shibaba will be choked to death by lozenges.” King said affirmatively.

“Choke… choke to death?”

The zombie man and the others didn’t believe it.

“Yes, Lord Shibabawa will be choked to death by lozenges.” King explained: “I can see some things in the future. I have seen Lord Shibabawa’s death moment by accident.”

“King…you know how to predict?”

Xibabawa looked at King in shock.

“No way?”

The zombie man and Flesh stared at King incredulously.

“Although I don’t want to admit it, maybe I really understand the prophecy.”

King reluctantly admitted that Shibabawa does have a major role in preventing disasters. Even if the plot is revealed, he also hopes to save her. After all, he is a hero. Saving a Shibabawa is equivalent to saving thousands of people who lost their lives in the future. Thousands of lives.

In fact, he is also a bit selfish. His understanding of the plot of the comics is not thorough enough. He hopes that the ability to leave Shibabawa to predict the future, at least let him be prepared when encountering some disasters, don’t plunge into it stupidly.

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