Chapter 260

The Violent Chef is in a good mood today and successfully helped his Master Chuuxue win the God of Cooking trophy, and at the same time proved that his cooking skills have not declined because of being a hero.

When he returned to the gathering point of the Chuxue group, he found that the eyelashes and other people were watching worriedly.

“what happened?”

He went to join in the fun curiously, and found that Chuuxue looked at an empty plate and the God of Cooking trophy on the coffee table with his chest folded.

“Hey, chef, what did you say to Master Chuuxue just now? It was a bit abnormal when he came back, and he smirked while eating tofu by himself.”

Pulling his eyelashes over the chef, he asked anxiously: “Do you think there is a problem with the tofu flower?”

“Ha, I didn’t see it, I don’t know.”

The Violent Chef was at a loss, Master Chuuxue was so happy.

“The chef is back?”

Chuuxue seemed to have heard the voice of the violent chef, and recovered and said with joy: “Chef, can you make tofu carving?”


The Violent Chef is even more confused. He has already cooked this dish in the God of Cooking Contest just now. Didn’t Master Chuuxue find it?

“Make me one and put more sugar.”


Master Chuuxue had instructions, and of course the Violent Chef did not allow it to be executed. In the eyes of eyelashes and others, he finished the carving of the tofu in a while, and brought it up cautiously.

“Master Chuuxue, please taste.”

Chuuxue looked at the same carved tofu in front of him, and his eyes lit up. He took a bite with a spoon and put it in his mouth, tasting it carefully, and said in disappointment: “Not sweet enough.”

“I have put twice as much sugar as usual.”

When the violence chef saw that Chuuxue was dissatisfied, he immediately said, “I’ll do it for you again.”

He hurriedly redo another carved tofu, this time he simply put down the whole bag of sugar.

However, what he got was still Chuuxue’s disappointed answer “not sweet enough.”

“Master Chuuxue, you… just eat candy!”

The violent chef was very depressed, and it was better to eat sugar directly if he continued to add sugar.

“No, no matter how much sugar you eat, it won’t be sweet enough.”

Chuuxue stared at the God of Cooking trophy and the empty plate blankly. He didn’t know what he thought of, and smiled inexplicably.

“Sister, you are in big trouble.”

Eyelashes and others looked at the abnormal Chuuxue, they looked at each other, and read the meaning of “Master Chuuxue is stupid” from their eyes.

Chuuxue is tasting desserts, but King is bitter.

Because an uninvited guest came to the Xibabawa Palace.”Ah!”

With a scream, King and the others who were guarding Xibabawa immediately rushed out of the palace and saw that all the bodyguards arranged by the Heroes Association to protect Xibabawa fell in a pool of blood. They were shocked and hurriedly searched to the end. Who did it.


King and the others looked over, and saw a guy wearing a black robe and holding a bloody sickle standing on the side of the palace.


The zombie man shouted angrily and drew his pistol to hit the mysterious man a few times.

However, a strange scene appeared. The mysterious man seemed to know the trajectory of the bullet in advance. Before the zombie man was about to pull the trigger, he took a dangerous step in advance and avoided it, and at the same time looked back at King and others.

“Faceless man?”

King and the others suddenly exclaimed after seeing the mysterious person’s appearance. The mysterious person has no facial features, flat face, no eyes, nose, ears and mouth, which is very strange.

“Pretend to be a fool.”

The zombie man doesn’t care how you look like. Anyway, there are too many ugly weird people. He raises his hand and touches two shots. However, the strange scene reappears. The mysterious person seems to be able to predict the direction of the bullet in advance, always Being able to get out of the way in advance, it was as easy as a stroll in the courtyard, making their brows frowned.

“Damn it, you can dodge bullets, then I want to see if you can dodge my axe!”

The zombie male’s face sank, he threw away the special pistol, drew his axe, kicked it, pounced on it, raised the axe and smashed it down fiercely.

However, what caused King and Flesh’s pupils to shrink was that the mysterious man had moved a step to the left without knowing it. At this moment, he rushed over, as if directly hitting his neck against the sickle.


A very bloody scene appeared, the zombie male’s neck was directly cut by a sickle, and his head was rumbling on the ground.

King was surprised secretly, what exactly is this thing? Weird? What happened in that scene just now? How did the zombie man jump directly on the sickle?

Fries also frowned and narrowed his charming eyes, observing the mysterious man more closely.

The two of them don’t worry about the comfort of the zombie man at all. They are undead weirdos who claim to be able to recover even after being crushed and broken, and cutting their heads is nothing at all.

Sure enough, in an instant, the body and head of the zombie man were combined. After he recovered, he stayed away from the mysterious person and confronted the mysterious person vigilantly. Just now, he clearly culled the mysterious person, but in the end he was inexplicably hacked. Lowering his head, this matter was so strange that he couldn’t help paying attention to the mysterious man.

“Hey, King, Flesh, do you see where this guy came from?”

“Not sure.”

King and Flesh didn’t even understand what was going on.

“Damn it, I will try again, you guys take a closer look.”

The zombie man held an axe and slashed at the mysterious man again. However, the mysterious man once again showed his weirdness. He seemed to be able to predict the trajectory of the zombie male axe. The zombie man chopped in half.

King and Fleish glanced at each other, and they saw incomprehension and solemnity in their eyes.

“Have you seen it clearly this time?”

The best meat shield zombie man quickly asked after he recovered.

King shook his head and smiled bitterly, “No.”

Fresh said lightly: “I don’t know.”

“Damn it, is this guy so weird?”

The zombie man looked at the mysterious man who didn’t seem to be in a hurry to attack, his brows frowned, he was not worried about death, after all, he could be perfectly resurrected if the mysterious man cut him many knives.

“It turns out that there are urging agents in the world.”

At this time, Xibabawa’s old voice came.


King and Flesh looked back at Shibabawa who came out at an unknown time, their eyes lit up, and asked, “Master Shibabawa, do you know the origin of this guy?”

Xibabawa’s eyes were all white, staring at the urging agent in a daze, and sighed: “Well, if I guess wrong, he is the urging agent who came to take my life.”

“Hushman? Who is this? The killer code name?”

King and Flesh had never heard of this person.

Da da!

However, when Xibabawa was preparing to tell the secret history that he knew, the mysterious person who had been in a hurry before now rushed to kill them.

King was startled and said loudly, “Stop him.”

The zombie man immediately rushed over with an axe in his hand, and Fleish was also unwilling to fall behind, and ordered, “king, protect Lord Shibabawa.” As he said, he shook his body and appeared behind the mysterious man in an instant. The instant kill pill was pulled out, and the light was bright. Flash, quickly chopped down.


The mysterious man, as always, seemed to see through everyone’s moves, and was always able to make a defensive posture in advance. Even if Fries surpassed the speed of sound, he could not sneak attack him at all, because he seemed to be able to see through the moves of Fries. One-step action.

“Ah, what an understanding command.”

King firmly guarded Xibabawa and watched the battle intently. This mysterious man was too weird, with weird foresight ability, coupled with his extraordinary strength, even if the two major S-rank heroes were besieging him, he did not lose the slightest. .

If he meets, he is totally unsure of retreating. After all, his strength is a little weak, he doesn’t have the lightning-fast speed of Fleish, and there is no immortal body like the zombie man who can squander at will.

Of course, if he goes all out, he can use the son of the earth and enjoy the immortality ability that is no worse than the zombie man.

However, if it is not a last resort, it is better not to waste it.

Clang Clang!

Outside the palace, there was a burst of metal crashing from weapons.

“Master Xibabawa, what is the origin of this urging agent? How can the ability be so weird?”

King took the opportunity to ask Shibaba for some useful information.

“The urging agent…” Xibabawa sighed: “That is a creature that exists in legends, born without a face, and their actions rely on foreknowledge.”

“Sure enough, is it foresight?” King was a little surprised.

“Yes, although they have no eyes, nose, ears and mouth, they cannot see, hear, eat, and smell. However, they have foresight and their bodies live in reality, but their consciousness lives in their own prophetic world. In the world, they can predict anything that is about to happen around them in the world of prediction.”

“So powerful?” King was shocked. “That is to say, if someone wants to chop him, he has already seen the scene of chopping him in the future before others chop him, so he can avoid it in advance? This…this is the legend. Seeking good fortune and avoiding evil?”

Xibabawa slowly nodded, affirming King’s statement, “The legend is like this.”

“This ability is simply pervert.”

The corner of King’s mouth twitched. He thought his Ashura Sixth Sense was already powerful enough to be able to perceive danger keenly. He didn’t expect that there would be more perverted ones. He directly saw everything that happened around him in the future.

“Then why does he want to kill you?”

He secretly guessed in his heart that the reminder had the ability to predict the future. Could it be that he foresaw that Xibabawa would do something unfavorable to him, so he deliberately solved it in advance?

Xibabawa said indifferently: “I don’t know, but, according to the legend, the urging envoy likes to hunt the prophet. As for the reason, the legend does not say clearly.”The king frowned and thought, and he couldn’t go on like this. If the urging agent really has the ability to predict, then he must have predicted that he could kill Shibabawa before he came, and he would have predicted that he and Fries and others would not be a threat to him. .

He can predict the future, coupled with his decent strength, as long as he doesn’t run into Saitama, he can simply go wild.

He thought for a while and proposed: “Xibaba, while they are entangled in the urging agent, I will escort you away!” He definitely did not escape, but was forced to make a strategic shift to protect Xibaba.


Xibabawa nodded very simply and agreed.

“Huh? Lord Shibaabawa, don’t you believe in fate? Why do you think about rebelling against the fate?” King didn’t react for a while.

“Child, you don’t understand, resisting fate is also an instruction given to me by heaven.”

Xibabawa had said so much, she was a little dry, so she took out a bottle of throat moisturizing oral liquid and took it.

“Master Xibabawa, you don’t eat lozenges anymore?”

“Child, you are too long-winded, we don’t have much time, let’s leave now!”


King was about to fly away directly with Shibaba.

At this time, the urging agent let out a low roar, and the sickle in his hand split the zombie man into two again in a strange path, and at the same time, he drew towards Fleis. However, Fleis was extremely fast, and after reacting, it was dangerous and dangerous. Avoiding dangerously, only a few strands of blonde hair were drawn by the sickle.

“Oops, this guy rushed over.”

King furrowed his brows, and said nothing, and took Shibabawa into the sky. However, the urging agent flew up after him, biting them hard.

“The reminder… can also fly? Is there any mistake.”

King turned his head and glanced at the urging agent who was getting closer. He was very anxious. He never expected that he would meet a weird who could fly, and the enclave was faster than him.

Sure enough, people who can predict the future, thinking about taking Xibabawa to fly away, may have been foreseen by others. That is to say, all their methods are in the air as early as they expected, and there must be a way to crack them. When he came to the door, this conclusion made him very frustrated, as if he had taken off his clothes and made people look at him.

“Can’t fly anymore.”

He gritted his teeth, and in the sky, he could not fight with Shibaba, so it was better to return to the ground and fight the urging officer again.

He thought about it, his body sank, and he fell straight down.


Unexpectedly, as soon as he landed, there was the sound of a weapon crashing behind him. He turned his head back and saw that Fries was confronting the urging agent. However, the urging agent’s moves focused on the next second, so he took the lead. Flesch could only react quickly with his extraordinary speed, barely able to stop the urging agent.

“King, take Master Xibabawa.”

Fresh’s pretty face was very dignified, staring at the extremely dangerous guy in front of him, and he breathed a sigh of relief, “Although I don’t want to admit it, the truth is that I can’t beat him.”


After King hesitated for a while, his gaze condensed, and he said lightly: “Fresh, I will stay in the way. You take Master Shibabawa away. You are so fast, I believe he can’t catch up.”

“Okay, don’t worry about my old lady anymore. Alas, destiny is destined. My old lady doesn’t bother to resist.” Xibabawa sighed: “It’s you… you are innocent, but you are implicated by me. You leave. If you do, the urging agent will not be difficult for you.”

“No, our hero’s duty is to protect the citizens, how could it be possible to watch the weirdo kill you!”

The zombie man finally arrived. He stared at the reminder, his face solemnly said: “I don’t believe that guy can really predict the future.”

“Yes, I don’t believe it either.”

Flesch said coldly: “From the series of unprepared behaviors he just saw, he doesn’t seem to be able to see the future at all. He is just a weird man with weird ability. Beheaded.”

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