Chapter 290 Tornado Crazy



The scene instantly became audible.

Everyone watched in horror as the two-petal king fell to the ground, stirring up a few wisps of dust.

In the combat room, Xiqi and others, who used the external monitor at the headquarters to monitor the battlefield, were even more stunned, with their eyes almost split.

Jace’s eyes were dull, and he murmured: “Hey, I’m not dazzled, right? King is dead?”

Xiqi was lost and wiped his eyes, “I should have read it wrong!”

Coulson’s gaze narrowed, and he said in a deep voice: “Did you see it clearly? Is the figure a king?”

Maria lost her voice and screamed: “That’s right, that person is the king. In the association, only the king and the tornado can fly. The figure just now will never be the tornado!”

“Huh!? King is dead?”

The staff present swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and their faces were full of horror.

“Invincible… the invincible king kills with one move?”

They can’t believe it, they don’t want to believe it, and they can’t believe it. If even the invincible king hangs up, then who will protect the planet? Who will protect them? Can they take on such an important task?

“Unexpectedly, the king of Hero I would die here.”

Venerable Vest wrinkled his brows, his hands suddenly grasped the falling wall of the building on the ground, his arms stubbornly lifted a large part of the wall, his eyes fixed on the spaceship.

“The king is dead, we must also eliminate this thing! If you continuously attack the spaceship with boulders, it should have an effect!”

He squatted slightly, with his arms accumulating strength, ready to throw the boulder out when he reached his best condition.


On the roof of the building, Tornado looked at King’s corpse blankly, the anger on his small face gradually condensed, his eyes were fierce, almost spitting out sparks, his body was bright green, and all the building debris near the headquarters floated up.

“The one who can defeat king… can only be me!! Anyone who dares to intervene will have to die!!”

She suddenly crossed her hands on her chest and shouted angrily:

“Trembling… tornado!!”


The floating gravel remnants spin at extreme speed, and after a while, a terrifying tornado is formed. The flying sand and gravel, the wind and clouds change color, the super-large tornado swept the earth, and all the building debris was sucked into the tornado and became a part of it. .

“Huh? Wait a minute!!”

The boulder lifted by the Vest of the vest was strongly sucked by the suction force of the tornado, and his body could not help but slid towards the tornado. In desperation, he grabbed the ground hard to prevent himself from falling into the tornado.

“Damn it, I lost to super powers in an instant, so unwilling!!”

He was utterly distraught.

“Hey, Tornado, calm down your anger, and if you continue, you will kill the silver fangs!”

The superalloy black light hurriedly persuaded the tornado. If this super-large tornado moved to Meluzagrudo, the silver fangs and others nearby would certainly not be spared.

“Unrelated people… Get out!”

Tornado’s eyes were stern, and his small hand pointed at Meluzagrudo.


The super-large tornado carries the extremely fast-moving gravel remnant like a wild horse, sweeping towards the silver fangs and others.

“The tornado is crazy, retreat!”

Silver Fang and others were shocked, awake from the horror of remembering King, and fell into the shock of tornado madness. After they cursed secretly, they quickly retreated.

“Sword Slash!”

The Atomic Warrior was smarter, and before evacuating, he dismantled Meluzagrudo and stayed in place to prevent it from escaping.

“Angel Sprint!”

The sexy prisoner took the lead and sprinted vigorously.

“Hello, man pervert, you are not accelerating at all!”

The metal bat dragged the metal bat and screamed, and found that the sexy prisoner chanted slogans, which actually had no effect.

“Angel Sprint!”

The Atomic Samurai quickly evacuated carrying Iaian and the silver fangs.


“This intensity seems to be the same as that of Geluganxup!”

“This thing can’t kill me.”

“I feel good.”

“Don’t be careless.”

After Meluzagrudo reunited, there was no time to escape. The tornado was right in front of him. It only stayed in place dumbfounded. The tornado ran over it directly, and the strong wind ripped off its muscles piece by piece. , The heavy gravel smashed its body into mud.


The tornado whizzed past, leaving behind a pool of fleshy mud.

“This guy is threatening.”

“I want to kill you.”

“I feel good.”

“Quick battle, if you drag it on, Master Poros will be upset.”

After a while, Meluzagrudo gathered and formed again. It seemed intact, but it was actually an illusion. Its eyes had changed from five pairs to four pairs. It had miscalculated the power of the tornado.

“This bastard is not dead yet!”

The sexy prisoner took a deep breath, his muscles tense all over, he gritted his teeth and said: “I want to avenge King Sang!”

Bangu carried his hands and said calmly, “I advise you to look at the sky before you impulse.”


The sexy prisoner looked up, oops, a brilliant spark was drawn in the sky.

“Outer meteorite!!”

In the war room, Xiqi and the others exclaimed that Tornado had lost his mind to avenge his lover.


Meluzagrudo looked at the sky in surprise, “The sun…fallen?”


The meteorite didn’t beep with it, but bombed it backhand, and suddenly a large crater appeared on the ground with blood and blood inside.

“She must be killed as soon as possible!”

Meluzagrudo’s voice sounded again, but, surprisingly, it was no longer chatting with each other like a split personality. It was formed into a sullen and angry face, and only a pair of red eyes remained on its weird face.

“Meluza Grudo, don’t waste time below, go back to the spaceship and give priority to solving the intruder!”

Someone in the spacecraft talked to it through brain waves again.

Meluzagrudo was shocked: “What? The intruder is not dead?” It clearly watched the intruder cut into two pieces. It turned around and found that there were no dead bodies on the ground except for some pieces of clothes.

“That guy…resurrected?”

Its pupils shrank, and as it possessed the ability to regenerate, it immediately thought that the other party might also have a similar ability to regenerate.

The creatures on this planet are a bit pervert!

“Stop talking nonsense, come back soon.”

“I want to go back, too, but I met a difficult opponent.” Meluzagrudo said: “By the way, Gryuganxup, concentrate the spacecraft’s artillery fire on them, let me take the opportunity to get out of trouble!”

“There are still creatures on this planet that can trap you? I see. I will prepare for the artillery fire immediately. It may take a while. Are you okay?”

It turned out that this person was Gryuganxup. Like Tornado, he was a powerful superpower. He even used the power of thought from the spacecraft to directly communicate with the spirit of Meluzagrudo. The power of thought is so powerful that it is absolutely rare.


Meluzagrudo did not report his embarrassment. The two big moves of the tornado caused it to hurt its muscles and bones. In fact, its five heads represent its five lives. Not losing a head is equivalent to loss. A life, now, it has lost four heads, only the last head is left, if there is an accident, it will die.

At this time, it did not dare to push it any more, paying attention to the tornado’s behavior.

“This thing is not dead yet? Is it immortal? Alien cockroaches!”

In the war room, the staff members saw that Meluzagrudo was still alive as tenacious as Xiaoqiang after being baptized with two powerful moves by Tornado, and immediately yelled at him.

Jingle Bell!

The telephone in the war room rang suddenly.

“Huh? Strange, the destruction of City A caused all communication lines to be interrupted, and the contact with the outside world was completely cut off. Why are there still calls coming in?”

They looked at the phone curiously.

“It’s an internal phone call!”

Maria picked it up quickly to answer.

“Hello, hello, this is the war room… ah? What? King is back? Washing?”

“Huh? King?”

Xiqi and the others looked at Maria, with horror in their eyes. Has King come back from the dead?

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