The cadre Mo Xie is still clearing the line in the middle.

Gongsun Li was still there and fell in love with Hou Yi and killed each other.

Then there is only one possibility.

That is, after the king of Lanling on the opposite side killed Hou Yi in the river, he didn't even have time to brush.

Come to the development road to catch yourself!

Moreover, it is very likely that there is a Guiguzi behind him!

Just as Sunset expected.

After seeing the figure of Sikong Zhen not far away, Guiguzi thought for a moment.

"The three of us have not reached the third level, so I have some ability to keep people."

"When the time comes, I will hold Sikong Zhen with two flashes, Shubao, your Sun Ce will keep up with the skill, plus the dizziness of King Lanling, the damage should be enough to cause Sikong Zhen to die suddenly."


Guiguzi pressed his first skill [Prophet? Shenyin] and ordered Xuanweizi to wrap himself.

Let yourself and the surrounding environment become one after entering a state of disguise.

Quickly approach the location of Yuhui Sikongquake!

Feel your own almost instinctive, increasingly strong intuition of danger.

Yu Hui subconsciously looked towards the mouth of the river.

After a little identification, it is easy to see through Guiguzi's disguise.

When he saw Guiguzi stepping out of the river, he decisively activated his second skill [Animism].

Yu Hui immediately saw through his thoughts and knew that he definitely wanted Ershan to hold him back.

Even so, there was no panic in his eyes.

Instead, there was a playful smile on his face.

When the flashing light effect lights up.

Guiguzi, who was using his second skill, directly slapped himself in the face.

King Lanling, who was hidden in the shadows, also projected his second skill Shadow Dagger at the same time.

Yu Hui gently pressed the basic attack button.

Sikong Zhen immediately punched out.

At the moment of clearing the blood of the residual blood soldiers next to him.

He only saw a golden light flash on his body, Sikongzhen, and he became the first hero in the audience to reach the fourth level!

Immediately afterward, Yu Hui pressed the ultimate move [Thunderbolt] with extremely fast hand speed!

Just at the moment when Guiguzi's second skill, Animism, came into effect.

After Hui's Sikong Zhen's body flashed wildly.

While entering the state of the hegemony body, slowly float into the air.

Condescending like a god!

"You have nowhere to run!"

Hearing Sikong Zhen's voice like Tianwei, mixed with endless thunder sounded.

The three people, including Ye Ye Sun Ce, all groaned inwardly.

There was a strong unease...and a trace of fear in my heart!

Looking at himself facing the big hegemony body, the three of them were at a loss.

The corners of Yu Hui's mouth twitched, with a playful look on his face.

It is the classic saying of the leaves.

"Welcome to Confrontation Road!"


PS: Today's ten thousand more reached.

Chapter 103

"Burn, those who oppose me!"


As soon as the fourth level arrives, you will become a father in a second!

Under the slightly fearful eyes of Guiguzi King Lanling and Sun Ce.

Yu Hui was one step ahead of everyone, and Sikong Zhen, who was upgraded to level four ahead of schedule.

After releasing the ultimate move, enter the state of dominance.

While immune to countless control effects, it slowly ascended into the sky amid the thunder and lightning!

I saw Sikong Zhen hanging high in the air.

All the clothes on his upper body had burst open at an unknown time and vanished into ashes.

It revealed a body that glowed blue, with arcs constantly flashing!

Under him, there are countless electric snakes dancing wildly.

while causing damage.

He is still absorbing the shield and the power of thunder for himself to refresh his skills!

At the moment when it is about to land.

Sunset quickly presses the summoner skill [Rage]!

I saw that Sikong Zhen's hands were instantly covered in blood-red light.

follow closely.

He suddenly fell from the sky and smashed to the ground!

The [-]% damage increase of Berserk directly fills his damage.

Just the damage of Sikong Zhen's ultimate move smashed a lot of HP on the opposite side!

"Fuck! Sikong Zhen is already level [-], Shubao, you just reached level [-]?"

"You didn't get killed alone! You didn't get crushed so badly, did you?"

Seeing Sikong Zhen who forced Gramman after opening the university, Guiguzi immediately panicked!

"Sikong Zhen is this season's sideline bully, it's not like you don't know!"

"He sees that you are all busy educating Houyi, and you are arrogant to block my army. What can I do?"

Leaf also said helplessly.

"How can this be played? The big Sikong Zhen is like a ghost, and he is more terrifying than the big Kai!"

I felt a huge sense of oppression coming from Yu Hui Sikong Zhen.

King Lanling, like Guiguzi, was cowardly on the spot!

If he and Sun Ce were both level [-], they would naturally not be afraid of Sikong Zhen.

But the problem is.

Now he and Sun Ce have only just reached the third level.

It's still a long way from the fourth level of experience.

And his assistant Guiguzi is only two levels. 03

Even more exaggerated.

The only useful second skill of Guiguzi is still empty!

That is to say, he is useless at all.

under these circumstances.

A Sikong Zhen who is using his ultimate move and a fury at the same time, isn't hitting them the same as hitting a baby?

Just as Lanling King thought.

I saw Yu Hui's Sikong Zhen in the first time after landing.

Just press the next skill to move behind the three of them.

While strengthening the general attack, three massive thunders fell.

Two consecutive sets of [-]nd skill [Crazy Lightning Strike] strengthen the burst of basic attack.

In an instant, the three of them were pressed against the wall and rubbed frantically!

It didn't take long for that terrible output to evaporate more than half of their blood!

What is even more terrifying is that Sikong Zhen, who has entered the state of Thunder and Lightning Dharma King.

Each ranged basic attack turns into Chain Lightning, bouncing back and forth between multiple units.

Under the superposition of various small damages, the output is simply ridiculous!

"Seek light from broken miracles!"

Sun Ce of Ye Ye saw that he could not walk away, so naturally he would not stand and wait to die.

The first time to break free from dizziness.

Use one skill [Splitting Wind and Chopping Waves] to quickly rush to Sikong Zhen of Sunset.

I saw the anchor in his hand slammed down heavily, leaving a spring at the foot of Sikong Zhen.

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