"Stop, stop, brothers, don't quarrel, just a peak match, what about it?"

"It's just a small Houyi, just leave it to me. If my old captain in the team can let the opposite Houyi's feet touch the ground, I will lose, okay?"

"Besides, don't we still have a general Mo Xie who can clear the line and defend the tower, forcibly dragging the development?"

"Fight well, who said there is no chance of a comeback?"

"So what if the pig flow is strong? If I hit the other five with a triangle jump, wouldn't it be a turnaround?"

  "Trust me in the leaves one more time, okay?"

Hearing Ye Ye's words, the teammates fell silent for a while.

Lanling King and Gongsun Li were still angry, but they didn't let it out.

However, he still chose to give Ye Ye a face, holding back his anger and shutting the wheat directly.

He began to cooperate with his own general, Mo Xie Qingbing, to guard the tower.

Just after another two minutes of game time.

With a scream from the tyrant.

After synthesizing the last divine outfit, Hou Yi said with joy as he looked at the double anti-buff on his body.

"Brothers, I'm pretending, and I'm promising!"

"I'm dying of laughter, I'm all six gods, and Gongsun Li has just finished the third piece of equipment."

"They still hit a hammer?"

"Good brothers, it's a wave!"

Looking at Hou Yi, who was in high spirits.

Yu Hui also nodded in relief.

Good guy, in order for him to develop smoothly.

His own Sikong Zhen also brought the matter of killing to the extreme.

All kinds of dances on the opposite minefield, frantically pulling hatred.

Therefore, he played off and was accidentally caught by the opposite side twice.

But fortunately.

Finally let this Hou Yi develop comfortably.

"Hou Yi, wait for your ultimate move to force a group, and you can stun anyone."

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Ming, directly rush to the opposite high ground to interfere, our economy is ahead too much, even if we kill by leaping the tower, the opposite is not our opponent at all."

"And Yu, remember to keep an eye on Sun Ce on the opposite side. His ultimate move is the only variable in the team battle now."

"You just need to be more careful, and you can make a big move at any time and prepare to release the control for your teammates."

"Just leave the rest to me, and I will directly let the double C on the opposite side evaporate."

After the explanation, Yu Hui was also relieved.

In the face of a team economic difference of nearly [-].

This game can basically be unilaterally declared over.

As long as teammates don't suddenly have a brain hemorrhage and play around, it's impossible to lose this team battle.

"Understood, I'm carrying Hou Yi with a frenzy. As long as the fish gives me a big move to avoid control, I'll just stand there and kill, okay?"

"One move even if I lose!"

When I thought about myself, I was already dressed in six gods.

Hou Yi immediately patted his chest and said confidently to his teammates.

"Brothers, did I say it? Trust my Hou Yi, it's always right!"

"Look, this won't be easy to win..."

When the line of troops came to the enemy's highland tower, everyone was waiting for Hou Yi's big move to start a group.

But he found that he was halfway through speaking, and suddenly there was no voice.



Explain, now that there are two or three chapters a day, or three or four chapters, it's not that I'm lazy.

But the number of words in a single chapter has increased! .

Chapter 104

"Hou Yi, why are you standing still? Are we still waiting for your big bird to start a group?"

Looking at Hou Yi standing in a daze in front of the enemy highland tower.

Xiao Ming, who was holding him with a skill, asked in confusion.

Zhuang Zhou, who was following behind him, was also full of doubts.


However, Hou Yi still did not respond, and there was no movement for a long time!

"Hou Yi? Big brother? Archer? Pig?"

Xiao Ming asked in doubt.

But I saw a banner suddenly pulled across the top of the screen.

[Our Hou Yi quit the game! 】

Suddenly, the four people present were instantly petrified!

After a few seconds of eerie silence.

Ming Shiyin stammered and asked in disbelief.

"Drop...we...our Houyi dropped the line?"

"What the fuck? It's really fake! This is my [-] qualifying round, shooter, don't mess with me!"

"I've never been so speechless in my life... After raising pigs for nearly ten minutes, the pigs ran away..."

"Eat the whole team's economy, and then hang up? Is this something that people in the sun can do..."

"My mentality is blown up, really, is this still hitting your mother? I was his nanny for the whole game, and it was hard to close the door and let the dog bite people, but why did he hang up for me?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Wait, Hou Yi should be able to come back, right?"

Just when Yu Hui's teammates were messed up because of Hou Yi's sudden disconnection.

The people on the opposite side were also keenly aware of Hou Yi's strangeness!

"Why is Hou Yi not moving? Fishing and law enforcement?"

Leaf scratched his head and asked with some doubts.

"It won't be stuck, or dropped the line?"

The go-getter Mo Xie said, pressing the second and third skills in a row to shoot towards Hou Yi's position.

When he saw Hou Yi was instantly stabbed into blood by his four male and female swords, he remained motionless.

Immediately happy!

"I'll go, Hou Yi on the other side has really dropped the line!"

"Damn it, isn't this too funny? Hou Yi ate the whole team's economy, and finally got a six-soul outfit, but he ran away?"

"I'm laughing to death, I'm afraid his teammates are all green now!"

Hearing the teammates laughing together, Gongsun Li hurriedly opened the microphone and said.

"Stop giggling like that, the other side is given a chance, why don't you take the opportunity to lift all their ashes?"

"Otherwise, Hou Yi is back, how happy you are laughing now, how ugly you will cry later!"

Hearing this, the go-getter Mo Xie was taken aback.

said quickly.

"I'll talk about Houyi for a second, so that he won't come back in the middle of the fight!"

Saying that, he immediately pressed his ultimate move [Sword Comes].

The body was instantly entangled by countless flying swords!

"Thousands of trials and hardships!"

The cadre Mo Xie activates the ultimate move and presses two or three skills in a row.

Countless flying swords came out, instantly turning Hou Yi, who had stayed in place, into a hornet's nest.

Just let him evaporate in place!

[Enemy cadre Mo Xie kills our Hou Yi! 】

Seeing his own shooter die so suddenly.

Ming Shiyin's face suddenly became even more ugly.

Looking at the teammates who were in disarray because Hou Yi dropped the line.

Yu Hui also frowned and said quickly.

"Don't panic! When Hou Yi falls, he falls. With me here, it's not a big problem!"

"Next, please use our company's air shock as the core!"

"Xiao Ming!"

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