Before I knew it, I threw myself into the video production!

About two hours passed.

Yu Hui stood up from the chair and looked at the computer screen excitedly.

Rendered and edited video!

"Unfortunately, the computer configuration can't keep up, and it's not enough for me to play."

"Otherwise I should be able to do better!"

"The quality is still a little bit worse now..."

"Forget it, it's not too early, so let's do it first."

Thinking of this, Yu Hui was full of anxiety and registered a brand new account of a certain sound.

After seriously thinking of a title and copy for your short video.

With a look of anticipation, Yu Hui uploaded the video he just made to a certain sound.

However, after waiting for five minutes, he did not wait for any likes and comments.

A disappointed look appeared on his face.

"It seems that the quality is still a bit poor. Forget it, buy a better computer next time and make a video seriously."

"There are still three or four hours before the broadcast and the peak competition. Take a nap and refresh yourself."

After Hui shook his head, he decided not to think about it any more.

After setting the alarm for five o'clock, I quickly fell asleep in bed with my pillow in my arms.

However, what Yu Hui didn't expect was.

He is already a top video producer recognized by the system.

In his opinion, the video quality is not very satisfactory.

In the eyes of ordinary people, you can imagine how explosive it will be!

Not long after Sunset fell asleep.

This afternoon, the whole sound exploded...

Chapter 111

Right now, five o'clock in the afternoon.

Sunset's live broadcast room.

What everyone didn't expect was that.

Even the afterglow hasn't started broadcasting yet~.

However, the popularity value of his live broadcast room has exceeded [-] million.

It is much higher than the highest popularity value of the afterglow when it was on the air!

Even more terrifying.

The popularity of his live broadcast room is still rising!

It hasn't stopped yet!

But a moment's effort.

Another [-] people were added.

Come to [-] million!

And this [-] million popularity has surpassed all the live broadcast rooms except Zhang Daxian!

In a live broadcast room with no one, the popularity can be so hot.

Almost didn't let the eyes of the anchors in other divisions stare out!

"Good guy! It's five o'clock, and Mr. Yu hasn't come to the live broadcast yet? The donkeys in the production team don't dare to rest like this!"

"Born to be a donkey without knowing it!"

"Why hasn't Mr. Yu started broadcasting yet? I'm already hungry and thirsty!"

"Brother... not so much..."

"Damn it! Is this the live broadcast room? Brothers, I finally found the organization!"

"Upstairs, did you also watch the short video of a certain sound? Me too!"

"Damn, that short video is really amazing! Absolutely big production! I got goosebumps watching it!"

"The quality of the picture, the texture of the special effects, and the natural conversion of the speed and slow perspective! What the hell! When I first saw it, I thought the king had officially released a new CG!"

"That perspective switch is really invincible. When the video became the first perspective of Ma Chao running, my scalp was numb on the spot! This is too handsome!"

"This video can't really be made by President Yu, right? That modeling is outrageous. Damn, it's too handsome! Xishi's modeling was changed, and I fell in love on the spot! Especially Yao's raw sentence And fearless, fighting to the end, with the BGM that just came to a climax, I almost couldn't help crying!"

"It was done by Xishi's modeling. It's a pity that Mr. Yu didn't change his career to go to the domestic 3D area... Cough, brothers know everything. Who can help us mention it to Mr. Yu?"

"A collection video showing wonderful operations. It has the texture of a blockbuster, and the special effects even kill those [-] streets of domestic dramas! This is so cute, my mother directly asked me why I was watching the video on my knees!"

"Don't say it, don't say it, I can't help but want to watch it when you say it. Damn, I've already watched this broken video dozens of times, and the lyrics of the BGM are almost memorized!"

"It turns out that so many brothers came from watching the short video that was the most searched, and so did I!"

"Good guy, this video has only been posted for less than three hours, and it has already reached the top of a certain music hot search list?"

"The guy upstairs is still using the 2G network? After Mr. Yu's video was reposted on Tieba and Weibo, it immediately became the number one trending search!"

While the water friends were having a heated discussion in the live broadcast room.

The number of people in the afterglow live broadcast room also climbed unknowingly.

Four and a half million.

Four hundred and eighty thousand.

Until five million!


Miaoya Operations Department, the King's Glory section.

Liu Sheng, who was sitting in the office, looked at the phone in front of him.

The release time was less than three hours, but at the same time, it was already ranked first on the hot search list of a certain audio post bar and Weibo.

The video has received more than [-] million likes and hundreds of thousands of comments.

Laughed until his mouth could not close.

"This kid can always give me some unexpected surprises!"

"As far as his video production skills are concerned, he is absolutely amazing. I'm afraid not all of our post-production staff can be beaten!"

"It hasn't started broadcasting yet, and the popularity value of the live broadcast room has exceeded [-] million, so there is no one else's ability to drain traffic!"

"Listening to Sitian, others are pretty good-looking, even if they attend offline activities, there is no problem."

"Absolutely, really amazing, it's a perfect pillar prototype!"

"I just hope that he won't be as fat as Zhang Daxian in the future..."

Liu Sheng laughed, but couldn't help but clicked on the short video released by Yu Hui on a certain sound again.

Only to see the video is a black screen first.

Just when everyone felt inexplicable and wanted to swipe to the next video.

Ma Chao's lines were accompanied by the battle song that ignited and exploded, and it sounded abruptly at this time!

"The stars are galloping, and they are born!"

I saw the Lenghui gun flickering with electric light, passing by like a bright meteor.

Abruptly tore a corner of the dark!

Immediately afterwards, Guangxin's sacred and majestic voice sounded just right.

"I am the sun!"

In the boundless darkness, a golden ring like the sun suddenly appeared!

After that.

One after another golden lines lit up from Guangxin's body.

Like the light letter of the sun god coming into the world, countless brilliance blooms on his body.

In an instant, the entire darkness was torn apart!

Follow the screen.

At the same time, there is a fragment of the Shenwei generals Ma Chao and Guangxin who are on the high ground and play five alone!

Various perspective transitions.

It simply gives the illusion that you are enjoying a blockbuster!

The moment when the passionate broadcast of the five kills sounded.

0 ??? Asking for flowers??? ??

BGM also came to its climax!

But everything came to an abrupt end at this point.

The whole world fell silent.

Just when the audience thought this was over, and they were still immersed in shock and still didn't recover.

Suddenly there was thunder in the sky.

Hundreds of thunders ripped apart the endless darkness together!

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