"Isn't this nonsense? Compare me to this monster? You guys overestimate me too!"

"What the hell?! This is really Zhuzi himself!! Brother Zhuzi gave up the ranking at the end of the season, and watch President Yu's live broadcast with us here!"

"Cough! Low-key! I'm here to learn how to play and operate first-hand Bodhidharma."

"A long time ago, I felt that I had reached the upper limit of the hero of Bodhidharma, and it was the ceiling of the hero of Bodhidharma."

"As a result, after watching President Yu's live broadcast today, I realized... I really overestimated myself!"

"The clown is actually me! It turns out that I am the frog in the well!"

"Nothing to say, I learned a lot tonight, and it made me feel like my Dharma has taken a step up."

"As a thank you, I'll give President Yu five rockets directly, okay?"

Dharma Patriarch Zhuzi sighed with emotion.

While brushing Yu Hui with five hairs of Meow Tooth No. [-]!

Gift information: Thanks to the "Pillar of Master Bodhidharma" for the No. 5 Miaoya × [-]!

Gift information: Thank you for the treasure map presented by "King Meowya Tai" × 2!

Gift giver message: Mr. Yu!As long as you play Dharma!We will always be good brothers!

Gift information: Thank you for the blood bottle × 1 presented by "RW Xia. Crossing Tribulation"!

When you see the name Transcending Tribulation in the gift list.

The water friends in the live broadcast room fry the pot on the spot!

"Fuck! Master of Tribulation! I didn't expect professional players to be watching President Yu's live broadcast!"

"I'm stupid! Mr. Yu's hand Bodhidharma blasted the pillars and other Bodhidharma anchors, and even Master Du Jie was blasted out by him!"

"Cow batch! This wave of Yu Zong's noodles is directly full!"

RW man. Cross the robbery!

One when Dharma was a sewer hero.

A man who was abruptly in the KPL professional arena and used Dharma to deter him!

It is precisely because his Dharma is too strong.

In the World Cup final, the team fell behind by a large margin.

He just took out the weak hero of this version of Dharma.

Conferred God's foot, defying the sky and changing your life!

He directly kicked the cat god Shangguan Wan'er and led the team to victory!

It can be said that it is because of his big move.

He directly kicked off the FMVP skin of Shangguan Wan'er, the cat god!

It is precisely because his Dharma is too terrifying.

Since then, he has been dubbed the Master of Tribulation by countless netizens!

And it is such a professional player who can be called the spokesperson of Dharma.

Suddenly appeared in Yu Hui's live broadcast room.

It can be seen how shocked the water friends present are!

After Zhuzi, the ancestor of Bodhidharma, brought a wave of good results, and it exploded after the professional player.

The other anchors who were doing the rounds couldn't sit still.

Start to give Sunset Crazy a gift!

Gift information: Thank you "Lai Shen" for the No. 1 Meow Ya × [-]!

Gift information: Thank you "Lu Dehua" for the blood bottle × 1!

0 ??? Asking for flowers??? ??

Gift information: Thank you "Linger" for the No. 2 Miaoya × [-]!

Gift information: Thanks to Zhang Daxian for the treasure map × 5!

Gift Information...

With one after another big anchor broadcast in Sunset's live broadcast room.

And under the full publicity of the publicity department of the Meowya platform.

A large number of netizens and melon eaters who want to witness the miracle tonight poured into his live broadcast room.

Let his popularity in the live broadcast room once again be the same as riding a rocket.

Crazy up!

It didn't take long for it to easily break through the [-] million popularity mark!

But it didn't stop!

Popularity is still on the rise!

Eleven million!

Eleven or two million!

It didn't take long.

The popularity of the afterglow live broadcast room soared to [-] million!

When you see this horrible popularity.

Even Zhang Daxian took a deep breath.


Because tonight.

The popularity of Sunset Live.

It surpassed him, the first brother of the king's live broadcast world!

With the rising popularity.

The afterglow live broadcast room is also visible to the naked eye, becoming more and more stuck!

Even to the point of seriously affecting viewing!

Apparently so popular.

It's almost reaching the limit that the Meowya server can bear!

I saw that the popularity of the afterglow live broadcast room far exceeded my estimate.

Leaning on the office chair, I watched Liu Sheng who was broadcast live by Sunset all night.

There was already a smile on his face!

When I saw Sunset's live broadcast room, many water friends began to complain about the lag.

He quickly picked up the phone on the desk.

Open the address book, make a phone call to Liu Sitian and go out.

"Si Tian, ​​please go on and ask the people from the technical department to add a few more servers to Yu Hui's live broadcast room. His live broadcast room is now stuck."

"Also, the people from the Publicity Department, the copywriting team, and the art team will continue to work overtime tonight. They will use other platforms as a gimmick to witness the miracle. I want to see the upper limit of this kid, Yu Hui. Where!"

Hearing Liu Sheng call his name unexpectedly.

Liu Sitian was also slightly surprised.

Then he nodded and said.

"Don't worry, I don't need you to tell me that I will arrange it. Is there anything else? Then I will hang up first?"

Liu Sitian was about to hang up the phone, but was stopped by Liu Sheng.

Only Liu Sheng coughed lightly.

There was a hint of tension and unnaturalness in his tone!

"Cough cough! Si Tian, ​​I think you are not too young... Before, your mother and I did not urge you to bring a boyfriend back... Just that Yu..."

Liu Sitian: ? ? ?Knife.

Chapter 137

Magic City.

RW Man E-sports Club training room!

Usually the day's training should have ended early.

Professional players who went back to rest.

At this moment, they are together.

Each with curiosity and surprise in their eyes.

Look carefully at the projection on the huge screen in the training room.

Screenshots of Sunset Live!

Even if they are in the professional arena all year round.

I have seen countless professional players who have experienced great winds and waves.

After seeing the terrifying Bodhidharma of Yu Hui.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath!

"Good guy! Has the technology of the anchors turned to this level now?"

"I finally know why the coach must let us stay and watch the live broadcast. This anchor does have something."

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