Wilderness: Baili Xuance (Kejie)

Development Road: Gongsun Li (Meng Lan)

Support: Liu Chan

"Xishi, Cao Cao, Yuange? Hiss... shouldn't they be...¨¨."

As if thinking of something terrifying.

Kejie's expression changed slightly, and he glanced at the barrage!

"I'm going! Brothers, this lineup on the opposite side is not easy!"

"I felt something was wrong when I saw the two heroes, Cao Cao and Xishi, so I went directly to Mr. Yu's live broadcast room to take a look. Good guy, it's really Ling'er and Mo Chen!"

"Not only that, Yuan Ge opposite is still a sidewalk monster, Ting'an!"

"Hey! President Yu's Hua Mulan, Linger's Xishi, listening to An's Yuange, Mo Chen's Cao Cao... good guy! I'll call you good guy!"

"The lineup opposite is also full of strength! It doesn't seem to be much worse than Kejie's side!"

"Speaking of which, what is the origin of Cai Wenji opposite? Does anyone know?"

"It's really not clear, maybe it's not the anchor... But if you can line up with these perverts, it's probably not too bad. I'm afraid it's not the legendary Guo Yi Cai Wenji?"

"Hi... Could this be the legendary macho stroller?"

"I laughed so hard! I think our Ke Xiaojie is already panicking!"

"Panic? How could our film brother panic! Let's just start with a yellow buff and kill them all right?!"

After learning the real identities of Cao Cao Xishi and Yuan Ge from the barrage in his live broadcast room.

Kejie's face changed slightly, and he quickly informed his teammates.

After hearing the news.

The two professional players Fei Niu and Meng Lan were naturally indifferent.

On the contrary, their mid laners and assistants immediately became nervous!

"It seems that this one can't be taken lightly, so treat it well!"

After a little analysis of the lineup of both sides of the enemy.

Liu Shan immediately had his own thoughts.

"Otherwise, we have no brains to target the road, right?"

"It happens that the hero Hua Mulan is weak in the early stage, and his opponent is General Flying Niu."

"As the saying goes, catch the thief first and catch the king. Although Linger Mochen and the others are strong, they are still far less terrifying than President Yu."

"His Bodhidharma and Meng Tian, ​​I just watched the short video edited by others, and my scalp felt numb!"

"It just so happens that the three of us, Nakano Fu, are extremely mobile and can quickly switch lanes to catch people. Mulan, a hero who was terribly weak before level [-], is definitely our first choice to target!"

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang was the first to agree!

"I think it's ok, I just watched Mr. Yu's live broadcast last night."

"I'm still fairly clear about his style of play."

"Basically, the two time nodes of level two and level four must be fought together, and the style of play is particularly aggressive!"

"It can almost be said that as long as we dare to arrest, he will dare to die! Of course, it is also possible that we will die... After all, this man is as easy as eating and drinking if he fights four or three!"

"Okay, then it's settled. Anyway, after the two of us are cleared, go to the sidewalk and squat if you have nothing to do, and you'll be done with no brains!"

Hear what your teammates have to say.

Flying Bull frowned.

Actually this one.

He wished he could be with Sunset's Mulan.

Let's have an undisturbed fair duel!

In his heart, he was actually reluctant to let his teammates come over to help him arrest people.

But as a professional player, he knows it well.

Kings have always been a team game!

And his teammates proposed brainless tactics against Sunset.

It is indeed the best solution for this game.

After all, the hero Hua Mulan collapsed after being caught in the early stage and did not develop.

It can be said to hurt no harm.

To be frank not to be frank.

The role in team battles is similar to that of a red super soldier.

Therefore, he did not choose to speak out against his teammates.

Instead, it was the default that they were going to play against the afterglow without thinking!


After all are loaded.

With a burst of changes in front of the screen.

Everyone has returned to the Canyon of Kings where they have been fighting for many years!

【Welcome to Glory of Kings】

[The enemy has five seconds to reach the battlefield]

【Army attack! 】

"Brothers, come on!"

"All cheer me up, do your best to fight!"

"Try to win this last peak match, let's have no regrets in this S22 season!"

"come on!"

After Mo Chen encouraged his teammates.

The air wall of the spring also disappeared.

After buying an iron sword for herself, Mulan, as her outfit, and learning a second-hand and second-hand skill [Flower of Spinning Dance].

Yu Hui directly controlled his Hua Mulan to walk towards the first tower on the side road.

The first time to squat into the grass on the sidewalk.

After Hui dragged his vision, he glanced at the jungle on both sides.

The wild area that started this game was very calm.

The junglers on both sides are steadily hitting their own buffs.

I didn't choose to be an anti-wild.

The mages of both sides are also clearing their respective lines in the middle.

It looked peaceful.

Yet Sunset knew.

This must be the calm before the storm!

When the four major anchors and two professional players were ranked at the same time.

It is already doomed that this peak match will not be ordinary!

In the middle and late stages, it will definitely be a situation of gods fighting!

at last.

The game time came to zero minutes and thirty seconds.

At the moment when the lines of arms of the two sides are about to meet.

Afterglow's Hua Mulan was about to walk out of the grass to clear the soldiers and grab the second.

But he saw Fei Niu holding two layers of passive Yao in his hand.

Actually ignored the line of troops that the two sides had already scuffled together.

He walked straight towards the grass where he was squatting!

See this situation.

Yu Hui frowned slightly.

To know.

The first-level Yao holds two layers of the power of stars in his hands.

Definitely one of the heroes with the most outrageous side damage.

If he touches his own Mulan.

Under the burst damage of his two-stage [Cracking Slash], which connects and strengthens the basic attack.

Hua Mulan, who is only first-level, will lose half of her health at least.

This is undoubtedly a blood loss thing.

Therefore, there is no way for Yu Hui.

You can only choose to step back and temporarily avoid its edge.

After all, the first-level Mulan is too weak, and there is no room for manipulation at all!

"Spread your wings into the wind!"

Just as Yao of Flying Niu gave up the pursuit, he danced his sword on the spot.

The moment when two consecutive [Cracking Slashes] connected the basic attack and started to clear the line and grab the second.

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