He swung the hook and sickle vigorously, ready to throw himself behind him for a split second.

Yu Hui's eyes narrowed.

After pressing the second skill of the epee, "Blossom of Swiftness".

Bring your Mulan back to a state of dominance.

It directly made Kejie's Baili Xuance feel lonely!

"With my long sword, I will smash all the nine wilds!"

At the moment when Zhuge Liang broke free from the silence.

He was trying to use his second skill to travel through time and space to get himself out of danger.

I saw the violent to the extreme sword qi blasting out violently!

I saw Sunset's Hua Mulan holding a long sword and slashing and slashing.

The use of injury-free greatly reduces the damage of Yao and Baili Xuance at the same time.

He also took his Zhuge Liang with Liu Chan.

One knife after another epee blasted out.

Keep crashing it into the tower!

Since neither of them has a tough shoe.

Therefore, they were directly controlled by the afterglow's Hua Mulan and couldn't take care of themselves.

He couldn't get out of the control range of his second skill at all!

Can only watch the attack of the defensive tower in despair.

One after another fell on his body!

Worse yet.

When Zhuge Liang was silenced, he gave Yu Hui's Hua Mulan a cheap shot.

He directly grabbed the hatred of the defense tower from Liu Shan.

Make him the first target of the tower's attack!

Zhuge Liang, who was already crippled by Mulan's light sword silently.

It couldn't stand the double destruction of the defensive tower's aggravating sword.

However, the blood was emptied in a short time.

Our Hua Mulan killed the enemy Zhuge Liang!

I saw my mid laner fall first.

Even the assistant Liu Shan looked like he was going to die.

A look of anxiety flashed in Kejie's eyes.

Just at the moment when Hua Mulan's epee two skills, hegemony, ended.

His Baili Xuance pulled back fiercely.

He is using one of his skills [Godly Hook Scythe].

The moment when Mulan of Sunset was dragged to the edge of the defense tower.

Kejie quickly turned on the wheat and shouted.

"General Flying Bull!"


Fei Niu immediately understood what Kejie meant.

Because he could see at a glance where Hua Mulan was at this moment.

It was exactly where his Yao had stayed two seconds ago!

That is to say.

As long as he has enough energy now.

You can instantly fill Hua Mulan's body with the explosion damage of two big moves!

Glancing at Hua Mulan's less than half of her blood.

Flying Bull knows.

With their current economic and rank advantages.

Afterglow's Hua Mulan has definitely reached his killing line!

Just as Baili Xuance turned into a shadow.

The moment he was about to pass through Hua Mulan.

Fei Niu also has two big moves in a row [Return to the Dust]!

It was as if time went back in time.

Launch directly on the spot.

Back to where I was two seconds ago!

Whether it is Yao's ultimate move, return to the dust.

It's still Baili Xuance's big move, the instant sickle flash.

They are all skills that can take out very quickly and can deal damage in an instant.

Normal people unless they are hitting straight.

Otherwise, it will definitely not respond.

But unfortunately.

In front of the afterglow with the top reaction speed.

No matter if it was Baili Xuance, who turned into a white tiger and charged towards him.

Still kicking off.

He saw Yao who was about to come to him.

All actions.

It's like it's slowing down.

Through accurate calculation of own HP resistance and enemy damage.

Yu Hui is also clearer than anyone else.

He has reached the beheading line on the opposite side!

But fortunately.

He still has two epee power storage skills that he has not used!

"But make Longcheng Fei be here!"

Only the domineering voice of Hua Mulan was heard.

Yu Hui exploded his hand speed to the limit.

Just the moment when Baili Xuance killed him.

Two consecutive lines of domineering and violent sword energy.

It bombarded Baili Xuance and Yao in an instant!

"How is that possible? Why doesn't this Hua Mulan shed blood?!"

When she saw the afterglow's Hua Mulan eating three big moves in a row, not only did she not fall down.

Not even the blood bar is driven.

Kejie's expression changed suddenly!

"It's the card double injury reduction!"

"When Hua Mulan uses the epee skill continuously, she can save [-]% of the damage for a moment!"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes."

"I still can't believe that besides me, there is actually such a strong Hua Mulan!"

"Whether it is the speed of reaction, the technique of operation, or even the grasp of details, he has reached the pinnacle."

"This is just a trick!"

"No wonder it took only two days to decide on the national ranking."

After thoroughly seeing the Hua Mulan that Yu Hui's operation was full of.

At this moment, Fei Niu's eyes were nothing but shock.

Still shocking!

At this moment, he even had some doubts.

Mulan at sunset.

Will he be stronger than himself at his peak!

"Don't force me to open my eyes and fight you!"

At the moment when Yu Hui exploded his hand speed to the limit.

Hua Mulan's arrogant and conceited lines also followed immediately!

After pressing the ultimate move [Blade Blossom].

Hua Mulan retracted the incomparably thick giant sword.

Pull it out and pin it around your waist.

The light sword that has been prepared for a long time!

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