"I'm going! Who the hell is this? How can it be as mysterious as the man in black in Conan!"

"What's even more outrageous is that he even stole the C position that should belong to our Zhang Daxian!"

Netizens are not stupid.

When you see this mystery in front of you.

Even Zhang Daxian, the first brother of the king, can only act as the man in black on his background board.

They appeared at the same time in their minds.

The name of the man who made the show tonight!


Thinking of this.

They were so excited that they sat up directly from the bed!

"Have the right to wrestle with Zhang Daxian's popularity, is there any need to ask? That is of course our only protagonist tonight, the man at the end of the confrontation road, Mr. Yu! In the king's district, who else can be popular except him? Taller than our Zhang Daxian?"

"Damn it! It's justifiable and convincing! If this man in black wasn't President Yu, I would live stream upside down and wash my hair!"

"I'm shocked! Is Mr. Yu going to show his face offline? Will Yu Bao's appearance be very rough, but he is a face control~"

"Rough? Not so much! Didn't you see Mr. Yu's live show tonight? How can a boy with such a good-looking hand look so bad?"

"Cough cough! You don't understand what's upstairs! Generally speaking, the voice on the Internet is nice, and the hands are white and tender and beautiful. The selfie is always a faceless boy, and most of them don't look good..."

"Good guy! The defense is broken! I suspect that you are connoting me!"

"I don't care about me, no matter what Mr. Yu looks like, he is my forever husband!"

"Sisters, don't talk anymore! This may be the only chance to get close to President Yu offline. Can you become the next sister-in-law Yu? Success or failure is here, you know what I mean?"

"Chongchong! In order to see the Yu Bao that I miss in my heart, I have to go to this year's Miaoya annual ceremony!"

"Hey! I have so many rivals in love!"

"I vomited in 03! It's almost four o'clock in the middle of the night, and you can squeeze the ticket-snatching website to the point of collapse? Are you still human!"

"No one wants to sleep tonight!"

at this time.

What Sunset, who was sleeping soundly, didn't know was.

Tonight, the entire king circle is completely boiling because of him alone!

And his name was completely swiped on the Internet.

There are even faint signs of going out of the circle!


The next day, nine in the morning.

Tianfu City.

AG Super Play Club E-Sports Club!

Yinuo was sitting in a chair in the conference room, like several other teammates.

At the moment, he is looking at his own coach Moonlight with a dazed expression.

"Coach, don't we have a scrimmage with QG to play later? Why do you choose this time for the meeting?"

Yinuo's voice did not fall.

But I saw the door of the conference room being pushed open again.

And this time in.

It is a member of the second team of the AG Super Play Club!

After seeing that all the team members had arrived, Coach Moonlight coughed lightly and moistened his throat.

"Very well, everyone is here, right?"

"Then I'm not talking nonsense. The reason why I called both of your teams to the conference room today is because the training match with QG originally scheduled for [-] o'clock has been cancelled."

Hearing this, Yinuo and his teammates flashed a hint of surprise in their eyes.

I saw Coach Moonlight skillfully open the notebook.

Projected its screen onto a huge screen in the conference room.

And appear in the curtain.

It is Coach Lin of QGhappy!

And behind him is the same as Yinuo and them.

It is also the QG professional players who are looking at the big screen with a confused look!

See this scenario.

Yinuo immediately understood.

This is the coach of their two professional teams.

It's time to start a remote meeting!

While they were still wondering what the real purpose of the meeting was.

Just look at the other side of the screen.

Coach Lin of QG said aloud after looking at Fei Niu.

"fly, tell me how you really felt last night when you were on the line with the sideline anchor Yu."


In addition to shock, Yinuo's eyes were shocked!

The coaches of the two teams fought so much that they even had an unprecedented online meeting.

Is it just to discuss the anchor of Yu Hui?

If this was before.

It is absolutely unimaginable and incomprehensible!

"it is good."

Hearing Coach Lin's words, Fei Niu nodded.

There was a thoughtful look in his eyes.

After a brief silence, he finally spoke.


these two words.

It is the man who holds the top 5 FMVPs, his evaluation of Yu Hui!

He glanced at his teammate who looked surprised.

Fei New paused and continued.

"Originally, I just heard that there was another strong anchor on the sidewalk. I couldn't help being curious, so I deliberately bumped into it."

"I didn't expect to be very lucky, I just crashed with him in the first one, and I was on the same team as GK's Meng Lan, so I thought at first that with the two of us around, this one would definitely not be lost. !"

"In the beginning, I was a little disappointed when I saw that his Hua Mulan was picked up in a row and sent two heads, because in him, except for his recklessness and aggressive play, I couldn't see other bright spots. where the eyes are."

"However, in the third-level wave, he deliberately lured the enemy to go deeper, and then the details cleared the line to the fourth, and after the operation was full to kill three people, my opinion of him has completely changed!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that his reflexes and hand speed are definitely the fastest players I have seen so far! No matter how chaotic team battles are, he can quickly lock on to himself while avoiding damage in an orderly manner. The most threatening target will be killed in one hit!"

"How fast is his hand? Let me tell you that, he is silent in a flash, so fast that Meng Lan can't even react. As long as his Hua Mulan flashes, Meng Lan's Gongsun Li will die. Undoubtedly, there is no room for manipulation at all!"

"Really...it's so unreasonable!"

"What's even more outrageous is that it's not difficult to do things like double-pushing with Mulan or reducing damage, but in actual combat, operations that have few opportunities are always in his hands. Use it!"

"Especially the simple operation of double-card damage reduction, but he has practiced it to the point of perfection. Every time, he can be immune to a lot of burst damage at the most extreme moment!"

"After his Hua Mulan reached the fourth level, I even had the illusion that he was suppressed everywhere and couldn't use his fists!"

"Although I am still a little unconvinced in my heart, I have to admit that his strength may have surpassed me at the peak!"

When I heard the last sentence of Fei Niu.

Even the coaches of the two teams showed shocked expressions for the first time!

You must know that Fei Niu not only holds the honor of 5FMVP.

The only man in the entire KPL with a double FMVP skin.

It is also called the belief of the road against the road by countless players!

Although his current state has declined seriously.

Probably not as good as the top wing in the professional arena today.

But people can still recall.

The fear that he once ruled the entire KPL by his Flying Bull General!

But a man who is so powerful.

He even admitted it himself.

Even in his prime.

They may not be as good as the side anchor of Yu Hui!

At this moment, everyone present was shocked.

Absolutely unparalleled.

Especially the moonlight coach of the AG team.

After hearing Fei Niu's evaluation of Yu Hui.

I noticed that all the team members, including Yinuo, looked at themselves.

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